Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 19 Chapter 79: The so-called 'bottom card'


The huge claws with the wind of tearing air are caught by Ye Qi, not only powerful, but also not fast, even stronger than the red dragon king in the ordinary state, and unfolding the field of the sun. Ye Qi escaped this catch at a faster pace and circled behind each other.

The hand fell off the knife and the blood was full.

The red scales of the palm-sized sniper, under the sniper of the slashing knives, flew straight out, with blood, but the white flame instantly made the blood vaporized, and turned into a light red smoke, which quickly disappeared. In the air; the white flame is burning all over the body of the Red Dragon King, making it painful.


The irritated Red Dragon King immediately gave a roar and turned back to be a claw. However, Ye Qi came to the other side of the other side at the moment when the other person turned back.

Just like the previous one, it is the same way, the same part of the knife.

Without the blockage of the scales, the sorcerer slashed a long trace on the back of the other side, and with the cross-cut of the knives, flesh and blood flew.

The white flame turns into a golden flame, just like the golden color of the field of the sun, but it is more active and agile.


Compared with the previous pain, this flame coverage will undoubtedly make the Red Dragon King feel the crisis. The flame field has once again appeared, and Sun Jinyan has once again fought, and Ye Qi, of course, will not let go. Such a good opportunity, the long-awaited [Sun Jinyu], thousands of golden arrows flooded the Red Dragon King like rain.

And the golden flame triggered by the multiple arrows burned again. The flame field has become helpless.


Almost at the next moment. The Red Dragon King took a roar. Falling from the air, straight into the sea - it is clear that he wants to use the characteristics of water and fire to relieve himself of the predicament.

But don't say it's the sun's golden flame. It's just the fire of the sun. It's not that water can be extinguished.


Huge body shape, with high waves. Looking at the Red Dragon King who entered the sea, the surrounding dragons were slightly bun.

Obviously, they did not think that the Red Dragon King, which had been dragonized, was even worse than the ordinary one.

"How can this be?"

The dragons on the Central Island side stared at the sea in disbelief and muttered to themselves.

“What is impossible? It’s big, not necessarily really powerful!”

The Huangyu Dragons looked at the enemy dragons opposite, and could not help but sneer.

As she said, the size of the body is not necessarily truly powerful – the enormous size of the body will inevitably bring strength. And power can produce speed.

However, one thing is to be abandoned: dexterity.

No matter how powerful or speedy. But the dexterity is going straight down, just like an elephant facing an ant that climbed onto his back, even if it is so powerful, it can't directly hurt the ant; at this moment, the red dragon king It is like the elephant, Ye Qi is an ant.

Of course, Ye Qi is much stronger than real ants.

And the Red Dragon King is not a real elephant.

Therefore, although the battle between the two sides can be compared to this, if you change to other people, the Dragon King is the Red Dragon King, it is definitely another result.

Because, they simply don't have the [Agile] and the attacking sanctification of Ye Qi at the moment!

Without such an agile, smashing knives, but to face the Red Dragon King's nearly 50 points of power, and its equivalent physical fitness, then that scene is almost the same if it is not one side.

The Red Dragon King can be attacked several times by you without any care, and he only needs to have a valid attack, and he can fix it.


There are a pile of white bubbles on the surface of the sea, and under this bubble is a golden flame, a burning flame in the sea, a gold that seems to automatically lock the target without reacting with other targets. The flames undoubtedly attracted the attention of the dragons.

Of course, for Red Dragon King, it is not good news.

Especially when he felt the golden flame began to weaken, but the golden arrow once again fell like a raindrop, it was even more angry and snorted.

In the case where the other side is hidden, melee and distant war, if Ye Qi chooses, Ye Qi will of course choose the latter, especially when the other party has contacted his [the field of the sun] and reached the sun. After the pre-conditions of Jin Yu, Ye Qi is more than happy.

Therefore, Ye Qi looked at the Red Dragon King into the water, but did not pursue.

As for the lost target?

The perception of immortality is enough to make Ye Qi see the gold in the deep sea, not to mention that [blind bucket perception] has already locked the opponent firmly.


A pair of golden arrows shot again, and the target hit the target, causing the slightly weakened golden flame to burn again.

Feel the pain in the body and the ‘no fit’ of the sea.

The potential underwater red dragon king, the magma in the eyes, flashing a trace of hesitation, and finally, when he saw the top of the head is a golden arrow, this hesitation, instantly became firm - then powerful The card is also built on the premise of being alive and can be used.

If there is no life, then what is the use of a strong card?

Now, the Red Dragon King is very sure, if he continues this way, he is absolutely dead!

Therefore, the Red Dragon King hesitated, made the decision in the next moment -


The incomparably deep black, in the next moment, swallowed the surrounding golden color, and the golden arrow that fell again. Moreover, not only these, the surrounding dragons were keenly aware that the sea they were on seemed to have dropped. Very weak. It is almost an illusion.

but. The bronzed dragon's dignified face. Obviously not as simple as an illusion.

"Is finally got your cards out?"

Ye Qi was suspended in midair, and looked down at the red dragon king who once again pulled out from the sea. The flash of black could not win the Ye Qi who had been vigilant against each other.

In fact, Ye Qi waited for the opponent's card to wait long enough.

At the moment before, Ye Qi finally understood what the opponent's card was, which made him involuntarily relieved -


Ye Qi can be sure that the other side has used the kind of phagocytic effect similar to the entrance of the astral.

To put it simply, the Sun Golden Flame and the Sun Golden Feather did not disappear, but entered the astral world. Of course, it also includes the previous seawater.

Although I don't know how the other party is doing it, such an unknown is nothing compared to the previous unknown. It is really nothing.

Even, the little witch sees the big witch.

After all, according to Ye Qi, the astrology and some of its related things are definitely not so docile and free to use; otherwise, the wizards of that year will not travel in the stars. Invented a number of alchemy items such as astrology.

Then contact the astrological items under the other's throne.

Obviously, the other party has similar items in their hands. And if it is such an item...

Ye Qi's mouth was slightly upturned, watching the Red Dragon King floating across from himself. When the knives were slightly shocked, they returned to the scabbard. Then he put up a posture of pulling the knife and locked the other side tightly.

However, the first thing that appears is not [阎魔. Extreme], but the thousands of [Sun Jinyu].

The golden arrow once again drowned the Red Dragon King.

Hey, hey!

In the golden torrent, this is full of angry snoring, continuous; however, when fighting is not more angry than anyone who is strong.

If it is really more than anger, the ordinary people at the bottom of the pyramid are the most powerful.

Black appeared again, the golden arrows and the flames were once again swallowed up.

And when the black disappeared, the Red Dragon King standing in midair, looking at Ye Qi -

It happens that the power of twelve seconds is here!


The huge half-moon knives rushed to the Red Dragon King; this time, the Red Dragon King almost saw the moment of this huge knife, and the black was called.

Oh, oh, oh...

The sour crashing sound came out between the blue half moon and the deep black.

Compared with the huge half-moon knives, the black color is undoubtedly small. The black that can block the whole body of the Red Dragon King is only 20 feet in size, while the knives of the [阎魔. Extreme 斩] are up to eighty-four. The feet are four times longer, making the entire knives of the scorpion scorpion only the middle part and the black one.

It’s awkward...

The blue-violet lightning flashed out from the contact between the knife and the black, and the powerful force on the knife and the mantle made the black retreat continuously, leaving a layer of ripples in the surrounding space. In the same way, the lightning generated in the collision is annihilated in this battle.

Even the traces of electric sparks and blooms have not been left behind.

Hey, hey!

The Red Dragon King repeatedly uttered another scream, and he could not accept that he was repeatedly attacked by a positive attack; and the surrounding airflow, as well as the power from the front through the black, told him all the time, he It is constantly retreating, and Red Dragon King feels annoyed.

Because of this kind of annoyance, he involuntarily increased the output of the alchemy instrument in his hand.

Hey, hey!

In a slight tremor, the black in front of him suddenly became bigger, enough to swallow the entire knives; and like the previous two devours, [阎魔.极斩] brought out The huge blue knives disappeared in the black devour.

"Do you think you can make me fail? I am Dragon King! Dragon King - Resadide!"

The disappearance of the huge knives, the red dragon king with a sudden drop in pressure, looked at Ye Qi, who was standing in front of him again, and couldn’t help but screaming—the snoring seemed to return everything he had received before. .

However, in the face of such a snoring, Ye Qi did not even have a real expression, he just pulled the knife again.


The huge blue knives that had just been swallowed up by black, appeared again.


Looking at the huge blue knives that appeared again. The dragons around watching the battle couldn’t help but take a breath. They can't believe such a powerful attack. It can be said that it can be re-issued so quickly - no doubt, these habitually dependent on the blood, the body of the dragon can not really understand the special existence of the saint.

In fact, there is no real saint on Long Island.

There are quite a few magic items.

Therefore, the dragons naturally used the sacristy as a powerful magic item.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with this understanding, because the low-level sacred device is a slightly powerful magic item; however, once the sacred device reaches a certain level. Especially the sacred devices that were born because of self, when they grow up, are definitely not just as simple as magic items.

After all, the first characteristic of the holy device itself is immortal!

Feeling the sound of the wind from the huge blue knife in the top of the head, the eyes of the red-breasted dragon girl flashed a glimpse of it - compared to the dragons who did not know the details of Ye Qi, the other side of Zhu Ya In other words, the power of Ye Qi is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people; especially the huge knives that are brought out by the other side of the sacred sacs are sharp and unmatched.

So, instinctive. Zhu Ya did not think that Ye Qi might lose.

Especially after she learned a little about the characteristics of [阎魔. Extreme].

Triple attack power. In the hands of Ye Qi, it is enough to kill any of the same level, and even the leapfrog challenge is not impossible.

Of course, the red-breasted dragon girl does not know that Ye Qi’s attacking power is six times that of her own.

If she knew this, she had only a little worry before, and she would disappear.

砰, 砰, 砰...

After the only worry in the bottom of my heart disappeared, the fist of the red-breasted dragon girl became more and more powerful. Even if it fell into the downwind, she showed her strongest side in perseverance. On the other hand, the blue dragon dragon was in the red dragon king. When you use that black, the state becomes wrong.

It seems...somewhat distracted.

And such a distraction, of course, can not occur in the battle, because that represents the outcome and outcome -


With the sound of broken teeth, the blue dragon dragon who walked in the gods, seized an excellent opportunity by the red-breasted dragon girl, and was hit by a blow.

Then, it fell into the sea.

This scene caused the dragons around the left island to glimpse, and then there was a burst of cheers again - a powerful companion who could bring victory, they were always welcome, and did not swear by their own cheers.

However, the red-breasted dragon girl who flew the opponent was frowning; as an opponent of the blue dragon dragon, she could clearly feel that the other party did not resist at all - with the fighting consciousness and strength shown by the other party before. In comparison, such non-resistance is completely facing her in the attitude of ordinary people.

And looking at the blue dragons who had struggled in the water for a long time and climbed their own rafts, the brows of the red-breasted dragon girls were even tighter.

"what happened?"

The red-breasted dragon girl looked at the bronze dragon who had come to the side.

"Do your duty and revenge!"

Bronze dragons said this, and in the face of such a statement, once born in Long Island, and heard that the Red Dragon King’s biggest rival, the Blue Dragon Dragon’s leader, lost the process of the bronze dragon girl, and soon realized it, suddenly , became lack of interest, and even the brow wrinkles became more and more tight.

“Is there still such a rule? It’s really boring!”

The red-breasted dragon girl said in a relaxed tone.

Long Island, which has been fighting for countless years of war, will naturally have a series of war-related existences such as defeats, prisoners of war, etc., and among them, the prisoners of war are removed from the battlefield, and there are also those who are forcibly brought into the battlefield and participate in ten battles. If there is no death, the owner of the prisoner of war must unconditionally release the prisoners of war.

Of course, most of the time, prisoners of war who are unwilling to return are killed in the first place.

Just like the parents of the red dragon girl.

And the one who executed her parents was the Red Dragon King who was struggling in the air at the moment!

Undoubtedly, the situation in front of him made the red-breasted dragon girl think of bad memories again. She looked up at the red dragon king who was struggling to support under the huge and busy, and clenched her teeth tightly.

"Are you worried about Lord Ye Qi? Don't worry, victory will be ours!"

The bronze dragons obviously have some misunderstandings.

"No, I just blame my laziness. I can't take revenge in person at this time. I can only hand it to Ye Qi!"

The red-breasted dragon girl shook her head and rushed to the other direction of the battlefield again.

Looking at the back of the bronze dragon girl, the bronze dragon standing there could not help but shake her head, but the next moment her eyes also looked at the sky - aside from the high-level battle, because of the number, ordinary The battle of the dragons is unlikely to be an abnormal war, and more often it is only a icing on the cake.

And when one of them has a legend that is not weak, and immortal with injury, especially when the leader of the other party falls into the real sense of the downwind the situation on the battlefield is not because of the other side The extra five or sixty dragons change; if these five or sixty dragons are all Japanese, they are naturally different; but, obviously, that is impossible.

Therefore, the entire battlefield quickly subsided!

Then all the dragons looked up at the sky -

There, the huge secluded blue knives, once again with the loud and squeaky sound, flashed again.

Ps second more ~~~

May 1~~~ The new month has begun~~~ I am looking for protection from everyone~~~

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Thanks to the unnamed Heavenly Road, the 1888 starting point of the reward, the book friend 140501081356424588 starting point of the coin, the wave of the prodigal wandering 200 starting point of the coin,, Jianxin i Tongming, machine card activities, their lost heart 100 starting currency The rewards ~~~ decadence again, thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters~~~(To be continued.)

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