Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 19 Chapter 80: return

Hey, hehe...

The sound of this kind of sound was clear and translucent and passed to the ears of all the dragons present. In the place where these dragons could not touch, the red dragon king’s palm was embedded in the scales, and the tiny one was like a glass ball. On the object, the cracks in the road are like the collision of the chick when it is broken. It begins to appear.

"No, impossible!!"

The red dragon king’s voice appeared, with a panic that had never been seen before.

Then, the sorrowful blue knives of [阎魔. Extreme 斩] hit the black again.



In the huge roar, with the broken sound enough to be covered up, all the dragons did not hear it, only Ye Qi, who was the opponent of the Red Dragon King, noticed it.

In fact, when this black appeared, Ye Qi’s attention was already concentrated as never before.

Alchemy instruments that can be associated with the special existence of the astral world, in Ye Qi’s impression, there is only the 'astigmatism', and the one found before the other’s throne should be part of the 'asticon'. Naturally, the Red Dragon King’s hand should also be another part of the 'Astrology'.

However, this part was used by the Red Dragon King in other aspects.

Although it is impossible to make an accurate evaluation, Ye Qi still recognizes the use of the other side - at least, several effective defenses against his attack are worthy of recognition.

Of course, recognition is recognition, and Ye Qi’s original plan will not change.

The black wings once again appeared on Ye Qi's back, and the lightning-fast speed once again made all the dragons marvel.

With an unresponsive agility. Ye Qi is like a rush of light. When the knives of [阎魔.极斩] are about to overwhelm the Red Dragon King. He flashed past the other's huge body - when Ye Qi returned to his position again, he had an extra scale in his hand, and on the inside of the scale, it was a broken glass ball. .

The atmosphere belonging to the astral world is still swaying on the glass ball of the size of the pigeon egg. However, looking at the broken shape, Ye Qi’s brow is a subconscious wrinkle. Then, sighing helplessly - although he has done his best, it still can't recover the damage of this part of the 'Astrology'.

After all, in the face of the Red Dragon King, it is already too much energy to determine where a certain part of the ‘Astrologer’ is.

Therefore, being able to do this, although not perfect, is acceptable.

I hope I can fix it...

Ye Qi thought of the old wizard who was about to reach the bridge on the other side, and put a certain part of the ‘Astrology’ and even the scales of the Red Dragon King into the [Advanced Dimensional Bag]. Then, I looked at it not far away: the Red Dragon King, who was swept by a huge knife.

Have to say the special nature of the dragon blood. Strength, speed, and vitality are beyond the reach of ordinary humans. The giant dragon has not passed away. The Red Dragon King did not die. At the expense of his arms and the body, the Red Dragon King survived. .

Although it was hindered by the atmosphere of the stars, such a result still made Ye Qi express amazement.

Coupled with the fact that before the bronze dragons desperately hit, the other side is safe and sound, Ye Qi can be sure that the other side tends to defend the field, the power in the blood is also inclined to defend, even if the other side shows the madness, it should be more Tend to attack.

Of course, there are some other factors in it -

"I, I have not lost! How can I lose! I am the dragon, the dragon king Rezadi..."

The will of the Red Dragon King has been blurred, and the rest is the belief that has always been upheld, or... obsessive.

However, such an obsession can not replace the real life. His words are not finished. It is like a kite that has broken the line, falling from the sky; it has not fallen into the sea, and a figure is facing The body that lost its life rushed away - Heechul, the blue dragon dragon, with lightning, and ... resentment, drowned the body.

After that, more dragons joined.

Ye Qi’s brow wrinkled, but did not say anything, but fell on the raft belonging to the left island—a person, or a dragon, or any other existence, everything that was done before his death, has already decided to die. What kind of report will be made afterwards, even if it is not the trial of the land of the dead, but it is enough to be heart-rending.

Garland, eulogy.

Whip the body, revil.

Not all that?

Ye Qi will make himself not to do things that make him uncomfortable, but he will never stop other people and dragons from doing it; after all, compared to these dragons who have been hurt by the Red Dragon King, He is just a passer-by, and he is still a passenger with a purpose.

The pain of the skin and the passing of the passengers, the identity of the latter, made Ye Qi choose to remain silent.

[s-level mission: dragon and dragon; Red Dragon King has long been eager to find an opponent that makes him happy to leave Long Island, or with all the opponents of Long Island; Rezadid: 1/1.

[s level task: dragon and dragon (complete); gain experience: 5000000.]

The system's prompt tone arrived as soon as possible, and the experience of five million made Ye Qi sigh for a long time - because even with such a huge experience, and with the remaining one million years of experience, now the whole The experience is just over a quarter of the time.

The remaining experience of nearly 14 million makes Ye Qi express weakness. Nearly three [s]-level tasks are definitely not so good.

As for the Red Dragon King, it seems simple?

That's because Ye Qi grasped the opportunity, step by step to lure the other party into the passive defense; if the other party grasps the rhythm, then imagine some part of the 'asticon', from defense to attack. Consequences; even if there is no real fatal danger, but the insecure star travels, Ye Qi will never go.

What's more, some of the reactions brought about by this are definitely not what Ye Qi is willing to see.

and so. The task facing the [s] prefix. Ye Qi will naturally be vigilant. Let yourself be careful and be careful, even [a] is the same; and if necessary, [b] prefix task, Ye Qi will be cautious.

It is about your own life, and everything needs to be careful.

However, in the face of Ye Qi’s sudden sigh, the bronze dragon was obviously misunderstood. She explained: “They did this because of the resentment in their hearts!”

"Angry is what it should be. As a bystander, I don't have any blame!" Ye Qi said calmly, then, straightforwardly staggered the topic: "If you can, I think we must leave the Dragon Island in advance. It!"

"of course!"

The bronze dragons nodded. No matter whether Ye Qi is a guest or a disgust, the bronze dragons are also reluctant to entangle on such problems. After all, once such problems are entangled, it is endless; even if there is no sage The wisdom of the person. But the bronze dragons do not lack a correct cognition.

What's more, leaving here is something that she needs to focus on more.

Bronze dragons nodded slightly. I left the raft and ordered the surrounding dragons to start cleaning up the battlefield, and Ye Qi went to the red-breasted dragon girl. Compared to the former ally, the latter is similar to a friend’s relationship. More close to some.

"Thank you, thank you!"

Looking at the Ye Qi who walked in, the red-breasted dragon girl muttered.

"Well... Does Long Island still have something to deal with? If there is, it will be faster, we will leave soon!" Ye Qi nodded and did not stare at each other, but put his eyes on it. On the thick black cloud above his head, he slowly said: "Sometimes it is precious to know how to lose it, but it is precious because it is precious. If there is something worth remembering, bring it, otherwise, but Will regret it!"

"Repent? Yeah, have you regretted it?"

The red-breasted dragon girl looked up at Ye Qi and suddenly asked.

"Oh... of course!" Ye Qi shrugged and sighed. "Who didn't regret it? I don't have that iron heart!"

As he said, Ye Qi extended his right hand.

The shallow raindrops fell on the palm of the hand, letting the palms moist, and feeling the coolness of the flashing, Ye Qi smiled a bit.

The past is necessarily the past.

Even if he is a time dragon, he can't change. After all, even if that point is not caught, how can he talk about the so-called change?

What's more, once the change is really good?

After he changed, is he still him?

Everything in his hometown made him feel sad, but can everything of Lorante be left behind?

Have memories... just fine!

Ye Qi took a deep breath and looked up, welcoming the heavy rain from a thin, little point, and letting it fall on his face.


"The guy who is the wrong person!"

Tiger looked at his friend and shook his head again and again, his face concealed, and couldn't help but squint - almost every day, eating, practicing, bathing, plus the room is a room, Tiger and Gefa Young people with different births and different growth environments have already formed a profound friendship.

Simply put, it is not too much for the brothers.

Therefore, Tiger is very aware of the mentality of the song at the moment.

They are located in a small town on the edge of Xia Lin District. It has a population of less than one thousand. It is a very happy town. There are no townspeople who fight, relying on farming for a living, mainly some fruit trees. The area covers nearly 20 kilometers around the town.

Therefore, the townspeople in the town are very busy.

However, it does not include December. In fact, at the end of October, these townspeople began to rest, even on the border of Xia Lin District, the cold wind will still appear; until the following year In February, the town will once again enter the busy schedule.

However, in this nearly four months, the residents of the town obviously will not be doing nothing.

Pickled vegetables, wine, and even some traditional leather.

These will continue until the midwinter, until the first heavy snow occurs - this tradition is in Lorante, except for a few places except the Chunde and the brown areas of the Chunlin and Xialin districts. The former is due to the spring of the year, there is no heavy snow, and the latter is busy. And rarely cold.

therefore. At the port of Saskatchewan, the time was stopped. There is still a lot of people there.

This small town is a small town that Tiger and Gefa pass by. Their original destination should be the Dude of Xialin. In the face of the prosperity of the big city, young people are inevitably attracted; almost After leaving the city of Langburg, the two immediately decided to go to Dude.

As for Shaker, the headquarters of this demon hunter?

Naturally, it ranks second, but now it is clearly ranked third.

Because, the gaze's gaze is placed on the girl's body from the beginning to the end - the opposite of the street. A girl wearing a pair of trousers and lined with long sleeves of brown linen is holding a grass fork. From the first floor of the barn, she prepares hay for the cattle and horses of the barn. The pale blond hair is tied with a straw rope. After the brain, it is tied into a neat ponytail, which swings sideways with the grass fork.

"I said my dear friend, you can go up and help the girl, then ask her name... instead of lying here, with a thoughtful tracker. Peek at each other! Know... "Tiger's words are involuntarily aggravated. "We must know that we have been here for three days! And according to the original plan - we should have embarked on a journey to Dud in the morning of three days!"

"She is called Cui Muer, living with her mother and aunt. My father disappeared ten years ago..."

The singer heard the voice of Tiger and his head was not twisted, so he said subconsciously.

"Are you really a follower? Police uncle, there are bad people here, it is him!"

Tiger heard the answer from his friend, and he shouted loudly.

"No, I took out a Kimpton in the town's tavern. Those good people told me very thoroughly!"

The grammar shook his head and said.

"Are you telling about your wealth? The Master of the Law, the money we came out with this time is limited - do you expect to have the closest contact with the park bench?"

Tiger doesn't have a good look. The experience of the demon hunter is not a so-called tour. Apart from his own equipment, there is only a small amount of money. No matter how rich the price is, this fund is only in a controllable range. Inside, five Kimpton is the maximum limit for a person.

The words of two people are ten.

To put it simply, the singer spent a tenth of the money in order to find out the news of the girl in front of him.

"If... I would rather go to the park bench!"

After the whispered lyrics, the vagueness of some of the words that can be guessed even if guessed, and the side of the Tiger’s shoulders, screamed: “You guys make flowers. Are you crazy? Are you not a young master of the Northder family? Isn’t there a lady or a lady with a lot of flowers around you? Even if they make you feel annoyed, my sisters are also very fond of you. Are you a blind man? You have seen such a one, such a... rustic hoe!"

Tiger worked hard for a long time before he found a more appropriate word.

However, just as Tiger’s voice just came down, a gust of wind appeared behind his mind – even at this time, Tiger’s long-trained instinct was not slow, and there was almost no movement on himself. Forced, it jumped into the air, and then, a beautiful roundabout kick.


Some of them squeezed, but in the crisp sound, Tiger just prepared to scream at the sneak attacker, and it turned into a bitter face - a clean, clean boot, and a The muddy scum dung ball jumps on it, and more importantly, several scum dung **** are flying towards him.

Even if he had faced the strength of the Japanese-level drow, he could not change his face. At this time, his face changed greatly. He pulled up his friend's collar and turned and ran.

"Bastard, who is a rustic girl, let me hear, I interrupt your leg!"

Cui Muer, a farm-born girl, shouted at the distant Taige and the singer, and even waved the grass fork.


Ye Qi returned to the bridge on the other side with more than three hundred dragons.

Suddenly there are so many dragons, especially among them, there are many Japanese glory, legends, and even an immortal strength, so that the people on the other side of the bridge are watching.

Some people who are still 'not dying' are lamenting that Ye Qi’s strength has once again increased, and once again concealed some of his thoughts in his heart. Ye Qi is a dragon, and this is beyond doubt. And the many dragons who are now appearing in their sights are all respectful to Ye Qi.

This naturally illustrates some problems.

What's more, the leader of the Blood Alliance Tower, which has always maintained certain positions, this time also appeared in the team that welcomed Ye Qi back to the bridge on the other side. This is undoubtedly the result of these 'unwilling' people who have been hit again. - They are very much expected to have a gap between Ye Qi and the Blood Alliance Tower, and maliciously pray that both Ye Qi and the leader of the Blood Alliance Tower will suffer.

However, unfortunately, this is only an expectation.

[Blind Sense] The chaos in the chaos, one by one is induced by Ye However, he did not pay attention to those who are like mice.

There is no fish in the water until clear.

Ye Qi is very clear about this truth. Only drowning can make more fish come out, so that he can have more gains.

Now, it is time to wait and see.

Therefore, Ye Qi face with a smile, gestured to the dragons behind him, and walked toward the floating platform of Quanshuicheng.

The leader of the blood alliance tower followed up straight.

In this regard, Ye Qi did not care.

The Blood Alliance Tower is kind to all kinds of mixed blood.

"Lord Lendl, I am waiting for you!"

The swordsman went to report in front of Ye Qi.

Ps first more ~ ​​timed to say ~ (to be continued..)

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