Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 88: Under the sound

"I am sorry, Dagong!"

Ye Qi looked apologetically to the female grandfather and said with sincerity.

For him to act as a consultant, it is inevitable to give his grand prince a class, but as a teacher, he is distracted at a critical moment, which is obviously out of place.

However, for such a distraction, Ye Qi is also quite helpless.

First of all, the problems he faced in this era are too many, and there are too many things to think about.

Secondly, the female grandfather and the female cavalry chief have the same face and volatility, so that he always relaxes his vigilance without knowing it.

Even Ye Qi, when facing his wife, will show his true side.

If the female Grand Duke is a female cavalry chief, there is naturally no problem. On the contrary, the female cavalry chief will be very tolerant of her husband.

However, now it is a female grandfather, not a female cavalry chief.

Therefore, it is very natural to have some situations that make Ye Qi helpless.

"She is Lily Pendragon, not Els!"

Once again, I reminded myself of Ye Qi in the bottom of my heart, and looked at the female Dagong. Then, I explained some knowledge about alchemy again.

That's right, it's alchemy!

The spells from the system are undoubtedly impossible to teach as a way of learning - this way that you don't understand, Ye Qi can't teach others.

As for the people?

Not to mention the same looks and fluctuations as the female cavalry commander, so that he could not produce deception.

Even if it is cheating...

An apprentice who already has a good wizarding foundation is obviously not so fooled, let alone the cleverness of the female grandfather. It is enough to let Ye Qi understand what kind of sad ending would be if he chooses to cheat.

So he chose alchemy.

Different from the obtained spells that can be used directly, as an skill [alchemy], [mystery knowledge]. Ye Qi is learning what to use.

Moreover, in view of the role played by the pharmacy he created, the female tycoon does not exclude learning alchemy, especially when Ye Qi tells a special view of alchemy in one or two free years, the learning direction of the female tycoon is completely fixed. It’s down.

"Time is almost up!"

Although studying, but the hourglass next to him. The female grandfather is still paying attention.

This is an hour of nailing an hourglass – just like the advice of other advisers to Dagong and Dagongzi, Ye Qi will take about three to four hours a week to give lectures to the female grandfather.

And this hourglass is the time limit for class.

"The next time I go to class, I need a secondary treatment that you have prepared!"

In his tone as a mentor, Ye Qi arranged the ‘results’ needed for the next class – every class needs to be studied, and no one can leave practice.

Or, practice is the real learning.

Any empty talk. For yourself, it's just a bubble-like dance - it will eventually break, and the remaining water stains will quickly fade in the sun.

And undoubtedly, as a big man in the snowy night, Lily is quite clear about this truth. Therefore, the female Dagong responded with extraordinarily seriousness——

"Yes, Master Joe!"

The female grandmother nodded. Very solemnly said.

"So, we will see you two days later!"

Ye Qi said with a smile.

"I look forward to see you next time!"

The female grandfather with the same smile.

After that, the two were as if they had been in the last class after class - there was not much chilling or politeness, neither Ye Qi nor Dagong were the people who needed to do that.

Of course, no matter which of the two, it is quite lacking in time.

Especially for the female grandfather, for those who need to calculate time for sleep, afternoon tea and free chat are all luxury items. It has always been out of life options.

Hey, hey, hey!

After Ye Qi was left in the wizard tower again, Ye Qi once again sat in his own chair, his fingers hitting the arm of the chair.

"The seniors of the wizards should have begun to fight back, then it should..."

Ye Qi thought quietly.

As for why the sorcerers’ counterattacks were determined?

On the other side of the bridge across the emptiness of the sky, the fluctuations of shuttles back and forth. Enough is enough for Ye Qi to have a clear guess.

Of course, even without such fluctuations, Ye Qi can be sure.

After all, compared to the wizards who were castrated in the free age, the wizards at this time can be called true wizards.

‘We are fearless, even if we die, let alone some blood! ’

This sentence is only respected and remembered in the Freedom, but in the Wizarding Age.

Of course, the wizards of the Wizarding Age will not swallow their voices. Similarly, they will not be embarrassed when faced with the rewards they need.

In fact, the female Grand Duke’s rapid departure, according to Ye Qi’s knowledge, is also for this award. For Snowy Night, this reward from the Wizarding Emperor is not to be missed.

Even if he now has the 'materials' he has earned in pharmacy, if there are more supplies, the people of the Principality of the Snowy Night will never object. After all, whether it is Snowy Night or Ye Qi, it is very clear. The way they now earn 'materials' can only solve the urgency.

Once the market is saturated, it will naturally fall into a difficult place.

Although Ye Qi has a way to lengthen this time indefinitely, this lengthening time will inevitably reduce the amount of 'pharmacy' he provides to a controllable range. However, think about the war four years later. Controllable, obviously also necessary.

Even for the sake of Kimpton, ‘the enemy’, Ye Qi will not do it.

And almost as Ye Qi continued to think about these things, his magical eyes began to show a reaction.

The next moment, the fluctuations in the perception, let Ye Qi slightly glimpse, and then stood up with a smile.


"A good prosperity!"

Master Ledi looked at the shuttle caravan. Can't help but sigh - for a wizard who has been to the snowy night, the impression of the snowy night is not profound.

Ice and snow, the people who insist on their teeth.

The former is the cold of the bones, while the latter is thick and tough, like a flame. Let the people who see it move.

Therefore, even the memories of twenty years ago, the master of Latti at this moment still remembers clearly.

However, this time it is different.

A smile, a smile from the heart - even in the snow, it will make people feel warm.

And some conversations around. Then let Master Ladi’s mouth tilt slightly up –

"Thank you Master Joe!"

"The same kindness and wisdom as our Grand Duke!"

"And, still a genius!"


Such words have been filled in his ears, and the feeling of pride rises from the bottom of my heart, allowing Master Ladi to stand up involuntarily.

The young man he valued undoubtedly did not let him down. Even beyond his expectations.

“Sure enough, it’s Joe, who is known as the ‘genius’!”

The middle-aged man standing next to Master Ledi also did not swear by his own praise - the black robes that were slightly different from the wizard's robe were branded with heavy layers of texture.

Any formal wizard will recognize such a costume.

The governor's robes!

"Pass Archon, welcome you!"

The female grandfather stood at the gate of the snow-covered night fortress and greeted the high-level wizards from the wizarding dynasty.

"I have seen the snowy night, your beauty, just like the snow lotus on the ice sheet, it is heart-rending!"

Compared with the Flemish consul, the Persian consul has not only a stereotype. On the contrary, with a smile, he has the kindness that ordinary people can't imagine - if it is not the robes of the governor, anyone will think that this is a neighbor's elder.

Of course, the governor's robes and the strength of the power that has reached an extraordinary situation are enough to show that he is the governor.

"You have a good reputation, Pas Archmaster... Are you Master Ledi?"

After a modest sentence, the eyes of the Snowy Night looked at Master Ladi. Compared with the Pas Archon, the Master Ledi is undoubtedly more like a kind and kind-hearted elder.

"I have seen Snowy Grand Duke!"

Master Ladi smiled and nodded.

"Joe and I mentioned you countless times!"

The female Dagong expressed more respectful etiquette as to the meaning in the discourse. Nature is self-evident—the relationship between Joe and Master Ladi, the entire wizarding dynasty is obvious to all, and now Joe has become a consultant to the Snowy Principality, so Master Ladi is also inextricably linked to the Snowy Nights. Relationship.

Simply put, this is your own person.

And treat yourself. Snow night people will never be treated badly.

Therefore, in the following period of time, the gentle and inferior Paz consul can not help but jokingly -

"There is a genius of the younger generation, it is really good!"

Touching the tip of his nose, the Persian consul sits in the lobby of the castle in the snowy night and smiles.

Although some people speculated that ‘Joe’ was a disciple of Master Ladi, but Master Ledi had announced it in public more than once, ‘Joe’ was not his disciple.

Therefore, all the knowledge of "ren" regards the relationship between the two sides as between the elders and the younger generation.

In this regard, Master Ledi did not explain again.

As Ye Qi, nature is also the default.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with the words of the Paz consul at the moment.

"The genius boy of the Pas family is also a lot!"

Master Ladi said with a smile.

This is not a joke, but a fact – in fact, there is no shortage of so-called 'genius' in the family of any consul; after all, even under the accumulation and catalysis of a large number of resources, even ordinary people are qualified. You will also get the name of 'genius'.

However, there is much value in such a genius, but only in my heart.

Of course, this is what everyone knows privately, but it is not stated.

"Compared with that Joe, it is too much!"

The Persian consul smirked and waved his hand and said bluntly.

Obviously, this gentle Pas Archon is not a dead person; or... He can't be the majesty of the Archon at the front of Master Ledi.

After all, what is his mission this time, Pas is clear.

I thought of the explanations of the two majestys, and the embarrassment of another majesty. The heart of Perth is like a river, and as one of the governors of the wizarding dynasty, Perth never imagined that a master of wizards would attract so many squints.

However, he didn't think about it beforehand, but once it happened, Pass's heart was plain and clear.

The ‘Joe’ future is boundless!

therefore. For such a promising young man, not only himself, but everyone with whom he has a relationship, Pas will put it on an equal footing with himself.

Others may not know, but as a consul, he knows well - perhaps. The governor on Lorant is a big man.

However, it is really nothing to do with the wizards who came back from the land where the gods fought.

Or, to be more precise, the wizard who came back from there is completely another concept. It is simply that these governors cannot intervene.

After all, externally, that is the aides of the wizarding emperors themselves.

From the perspective of Perth, the ‘Joe’ is definitely already in the team of the wizards of the wizarding emperors.

In the face of such people, Perth naturally knows what to do -

"Dagong, this is the reward given by Abigail!"

Fast, the Persian consul took out a condensed magic crystal core from the [Dimensional Bag] that he carried with him.

Magic crystal core. There are ordinary magic crystals concise.

A normal standard magic crystal is about the size of an adult's little finger, but the condensed magic crystal core is enough to condense nearly a thousand standard magic crystals into a nail-sized magic crystal core - this is based on alchemy The refining technique has a very wide range of uses in the upper levels of the wizarding dynasty.

Not only the refinement of ordinary magic crystals, but also the refinement of the magic crystal mine.

These are reflected in this little magic crystal core.

Of course, its value is also greatly improved;

After all, a condensed magic crystal core is enough to support the normal energy supply demand for a year-old castle like the Snow Night Fort.

Magic lighting, temperature maintenance, even smashing, defensive magic cannons, etc. are enough.

However, remove the first two. There is basically no other facility in Snow Night Fort.

Ordinary defenses need to be supported by the teacher, but it is obviously impossible for Snow Night Fort, which lacks wizarding talent.

As for the magic cannon?

That is even more fun.

The cost of a magic cannon requires hundreds of thousands of magic crystals. For the snow night castle with a fiscal deficit, it is completely unthinkable.

not to mention. The cannonball of the magic cannon is magic crystal!

Even a small-caliber magic cannon requires hundreds of magic crystals in one shot!

Even if it is a rich tycoon, in the face of such a fighting style, it is necessary to consider it at a different level before making a decision.

However, even without these, looking at the magic crystal nucleus in front of him, the face of the snowy night Dagong also appeared a thick joy - far beyond their estimated reward!

In their previous conference discussions, about fifteen to twenty-five magic crystal cores were a limit.

This is because of the participation of aliens.

If it's just some bandits and bandits, the five are very good, even if there is a wizard's participation.

Therefore, when he saw that fifty magical crystal nucleus appeared on the table, the face of the snowy night, and the captain of the guard and the captain of the militia could not help but breathe.

"This...somewhat too much?"

The woman Dagong will never forget her own principles because of greed, so she asked when the Pas Archon stopped the action.

"This is yours with the Snowy Principality, and the rest is Abigail's reward for Master Joe - knowing to kill another alien in Lorante, that is quite a great feat!"

The Persian consul split the magic crystal nucleus on the table into thirty in front of the snowy night, and the remaining twenty remained in the original position. Obviously, the latter belonged to Ye Qi. of.

"Grateful for the generosity of Abigail's Majesty!"

The female Dagong got up and saluted, and my heart raised more gratitude for her consultant.

Although only three-fifths of them, this figure is far beyond her estimated reward; and, obviously, this kind of reward beyond imagination is undoubtedly because of the consultant's sake - the female grandfather is very clear, if Without his own consultants to kill the aliens, it is difficult to obtain such a rich reward.

"Maybe you should give Joe a title..."

The very subconscious female grandmother has such a very natural idea.

For the subordinates who have made great contributions, the reward of the title is the consciousness that a superior should have - although this will divide his territory, but this is a must.

Otherwise, it will only make people feel chilling.

However, the soon-to-be-female Dagong thought of the character of her consultant. Suddenly, she shook her head. The other party is obviously not a suitable person to take care of the territory. Every day, every night’s experiments and researching spells will undoubtedly give the other party a territory. The words will only make the other person feel distressed, and this is also a disaster for the people.

In the snowy night, an irresponsible lord will only let more people die.

"But what else do I have to remove the title?"

Denying the original idea, the female grandfather could not help but get upset.

"Dagong, I want to see Master Joe..."

At the same time, Perth said with a smile - in fact, such a proposal is his main purpose.

Ps seems to have no electricity in the middle of the night yesterday. When I woke up early, I found that the ice cream in the refrigerator was gone, the buns were broken, and the watermelon was also delicious...

Various war preparations for storage! ! ! Decadence burst into tears! ! !

Thanks to the prodigal son of the four seas drifting, the turtle0920, the 355, the starting point of the lam2006200, the lost heart, the reward of the starting point of the 100-year-old coin.~~~ Decadence again Thank you to all the brothers and sisters who support decadence~~~

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