Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 89: Battle on choice

Ye Qi invited a special visitor's "visitor" to sit down - before, Master Ladi had briefly introduced the two sides, and then, directly with the female Dagong, went to the second floor of the Wushu Tower laboratory, the entire bottom layer I gave Ye Qi and the Pas Archon.

After all, whether it is Master Laidi or the female grandfather, it is very clear that Ye Qi has killed a different ethnic group far beyond his own strength. This is a very important thing for the high-level wizards who value the 'genius'. News, and correspondingly, some rewards are naturally inevitable.

To go far beyond the level of the magic crystal core.

And in fact, the same is true -

\"This is the log under the Thunder?\"

Ye Qi glanced at the twenty magic crystal nucleus on the table and a book full of slap-and-slap, two-foot-long. At first, Ye Qi confirmed that this was a book, but with the introduction of the former governor, he But it was some real surprise.

Because that is the log of a wizard emperor.

To put it simply, the log of a wizard is his own experience. The sum of the knowledge is like the secret of some martial arts. Its preciousness is self-evident; not to mention a log of the wizard emperor. - The value of the city is definitely the most appropriate evaluation, and it is still floating city.

\"Well, this is the reward given to you after the 14th delegation. You can be at the master level, face the extraordinary, but also kill each other, your talent is unquestionable!\" Pass's consul With a hint of a smile, slowly speaking; compared to the surprised Ye Qi in front of him, when he learned of it all, it was even more surprising to the point of unparalleled; and it is such a reward, He is very sure. The young man in front of him will definitely join the sect of the wizarding emperor.

After all, such rewards, and direct reception for the disciples are almost the same.

And well-known. Every disciple of the wizarding emperor will be a staff member or assistant in the staff of the teacher.

As for the delivery, did he dare to read it?

Paske still doesn't want to die. Without permission, if he flips through a log of a wizarding emperor, his notes, once discovered, are absolutely dead.

Of course, it may not be discovered,

However, as a consul of his own family, he can't gamble.

Therefore, he not only did not look at it, but even slid a shell outside the log.


With the opening of 'Magic Imprisonment', the layer of 'covering' suddenly faded. It reveals the log that really belongs to the wizarding emperor. Compared to the previous shape, this real log is much smaller, but it is still more common. The books are a lot of books. If you want to have a comfortable view, you must have a shelf that supports reading.

In fact, such books are less common in ancient books.

Perhaps people think that this is a kind of respect for books. From the time of the wizard to the late sacred times, most books need such a way to be able to read in a real sense.

Of course, there is no other way of reading.

If you don't pay attention to it, it is no problem to find a dining table and spread it out.

However, it is very easy to destroy books - therefore, most people will not do this; know that books have always been luxury jewelry before the real printing industry is formed.

Ye Qi looked at the log of the wizarding emperor in front of him - in fact, this was not the first time he saw the log of the wizarding emperor. In the free age, he also got a log of the wizarding emperor; In the case of the free age, this one is undoubtedly more compatible with the identity of the wizarding emperor.

Strong, inextricable spell fluctuations, uploaded from this thick book.

Any extraordinary, extraordinary existence, seeing such a heavy book, will feel a majestic atmosphere, pressure, even if it is immortal, will be vigilant.

\"It is a log of the wizarding emperor!\"

Ye Qi thought of the bottom of her mind, but in the next moment, his heart was secretly frowning - because he thought of the log of the wizarding emperor he had obtained in the Free Age.

If you don't see the log of the wizarding emperor, Ye Qi will never think much, but after seeing the log of the wizarding emperor, the doubts of Ye Qi's heart are born – two identical wizard emperors, No reason, the log will be so different.

What's more, after he really came to the era of wizards, he heard some rumors that the Abigail’s majesty was the real 'powerful' – just like the moon-tower of the six-tower land, temporarily Leading the rest of the wizarding emperor, can achieve such a degree, fame, strength is undoubtedly indispensable.

Ye Qi will never believe that Abigail’s log will be so bad.

\" Is it because of an accident?\"

Ye Qi inexplicably thought of the history of the disappearance of the Wizarding Legion and the Seven Heroes led by Abigail. If there was an accident, then only the most likely here.

However, such speculation is undoubtedly a guess.

Ye Qi will not be recognized before there is any evidence in the true sense -

\"Thank you for coming!\"

Ye Qi, who convinced his inner thoughts, politely directed at the Pas Archon.

\"This is what I should do, and...\"

The Paz consul immediately responded with a wave of hands, and then, from the [Dimensional Bag]. [,! ], took out a secret letter with a magical brand.

From the magical imprint of the secret letter, Ye Qi relied on the master's [mysterious knowledge] to confirm that it should be from a wizarding emperor with a strange energy beam, which originated from the earth, but But it contains more peculiar rules, so Ye Qi determined that this should be from the gem emperor, but the corresponding above seems to be a sharp sense of sharpness, let Ye Qi affirm, this secret The letter should not be the one that the emperor of the star directly gave to Pas, but was handed over by another wizard emperor.

Which one?

According to the history that Ye Qi knows, among the friends of the gem emperor, only the thorny emperor can reach this level.

\"this is?\"

Although the bottom of my heart has been guessed, but Ye Qi still asked with a trace of doubt.

\"This is the letter that the gemstone gave you. It was handed over by the thorns. At the same time, the thorns said, I hope you can reply on the spot!\"

The voice of the Pas Archon was more and more serious at this time.

Being valued by a wizarding emperor, it can be said that the future is infinite. While being valued by the two wizarding emperors, the future is directly limitless.

And no doubt, in the eyes of the Pas Archon, the young man sitting in front of him is like this!

Therefore, the necessary respect is necessary, and even some humility is needed - a young man who is destined to limit the future, definitely not a consul can be offended.

Pass can even think of his colleague: Feng De, the eunuch, this time can not be seen all the time.

It is precisely because of this kind of experience in the past, Pas is very clear how to deal with the young people in front of him - not only can not show their pride, but also have a trace of modesty.

Perhaps this seems a bit shameful, but it is better to be a shame than a dead person?

After receiving the letter, Ye Qi did not directly look at the letter with the magic mark. Instead, he picked up the sorcerer's diary of the Thunder Emperor; as a sorcerer, such a behavior is impolite, but it is understandable - After all, even some scholar wizards are obsessed with spells, which is well known.


An electric current flashed through the air, and the breath on the Thunder Emperor's wizard's log began to change. In Ye Qi's perception, the strong sense of danger quickly weakened.

Obviously, as a wizarding emperor, it is impossible to give his own wizard log to other people without any protection.

In the same way, the face of Pers is also a white one - although there was some speculation before, but when I saw the flash of the current, he really understood it. If he really had any bad feelings, he already had Become a corpse.

The current seems small, but the power is amazing enough.

However, in the final analysis, it is only a means of identifying the atmosphere. Once received by the real recipient, there is no problem at all.

And when Ye Qi looked through the cover of the wizard's log -

[Discover magical artifacts, absorb...]

[Yes / No absorption?]

The prompt given by the system made Ye Qi stunned, and then his eyes subconsciously smashed.

If the previous situation is not sure about the log of the wizarding emperor, then this time seems to be conclusive.

\"Absolutely there is no record in history, or... lost things!\"

Ye Qi thinks like this.

Then, quietly put down the log of the wizard emperor, very solemnly put aside - the moment before, Ye Qi's solemn performance of some performances, but this time when the system prompts appear, Ye Qi has to be solemn Because, he is very clear, things that can be 'seen' by the system are absolutely extraordinary.

For example: the power of faith!

Obviously, the log of the wizarding emperor is not the power of faith, but it is still recognized.

And, you can increase your strength!

After such recognition, Ye Qi naturally knows what to do.

After setting the log of the wizarding emperor aside, Ye Qi picked up the letter of the emperor of the gemstone -


Just like the soft sound of soap bubbles, the magic mark on the letter of the emperor's emperor confirms that the believer is Ye Qi, very automatically lifted the magic trap above.

Whether it is on the previous wizard's log, or on this letter, it is a way of distinguishing the breath.

As for how to identify the atmosphere of Ye Qi?

When Ye Qi became a master of wizards, there was already a fairly detailed record in the collection. In fact, the existence of this collection and the record of information played a considerable role.

In the same way, this also indicates the cautiousness of the wizarding emperors.

Of course, such caution is more likely to occur in the face of ‘enemy’, especially when the means of ‘enemy’ is ever-changing and has the title of ‘god’.

As for the subordinate's wizard?

Whether it is reverence or fear, the wizards will know what to do.

The content of the whole letter is not very long, and it is less than one hundred words - roughly speaking, the gem emperor needs an assistant. And Yitch is in line with this requirement.

\"Lack of helper? Am I suitable?\"

Ye Qi silently thought about the contents of the letter.

Although Ye Qi thinks it is at the moment. [,! He, in the snowy night, is famous, but it is not a big deal on the whole of Lorante.

After all, whether it is the respect of the snow night people or the fermentation of the pharmacy effects, it takes a time to brew, only when those who buy the merchants go to the whole of Lorante. His reputation will truly reach a level; And if at that time, a wizard emperor sent an invitation, Ye Qi is absolutely not strange.

but now?

Just by his performance in the hall of the wizarding dynasty?

Ye Qi will never think that such performance is enough. Even if he does not do enough in the snowy night; after all, if it is such a degree, then there are many more people than him, and the name is big. There are many more, and there are many more powerful ones.

Don't need him at all!

\"What is it for?"

Unusual things make Ye Qi think subconsciously. There are many ideas in his heart, but most of them are difficult to establish. Therefore, they are denied when they appear. The rest are Although it seems to be true, it is never possible.

After all, Ye Qi from the Free Age is ‘well known’ to history.

In history, no sorcerer emperor would do anything bad for the wizarding dynasty—perhaps they have different personalities and abilities, but there is absolutely no such thing as a slogan for the dynasty they have established. In the perspective of the 'prophet', Ye Qi puts the matter that seems to be true, but it is absolutely impossible, and it is very quickly denied.

After negating these things, the problem at hand is once again back to the original point.


Ye Qi, who was struggling, looked at the table in front of him again. The top 20 magic crystal nucleus stood in turn, exuding his own unique brilliance, printing everything on the table like that. In the glory, the log of the wizarding emperor is naturally among them.

The nature that attracts Ye Qi’s attention is the log of the wizarding emperor here.

Subconsciously, Ye Qi looked at the letters in his hand again, and a rough picture quickly became clear -

\"It turned out to be like this...\"

Ye Qi thought with a blank heart.

The log of the wizarding emperor, of course, he is clear; however, all these meanings are, in the final analysis, still strength!

The lightning that he showed was naturally in line with the path of the Thunder Emperor.

Therefore, this sorcerer's log of the Thunder Emperor appeared here.

However, compared to the merits of his work, this log is undoubtedly too expensive, even if it is to train a talent, it does not need to be.

Unless... he needs to use this wizard log recently!

To put it simply, he needs more powerful force to cope with the troubles that may arise in the near future - and the source of his troubles? Ye Qi is only very clear after a little thought.

After all, in this era, his enemies are not many.

And what deserves the attention of the wizarding emperors is only the so-called ‘the gods’.

Of course, his ‘small shrimp’ does not need the ‘the gods’ to go out, but the aliens are very suitable!

In particular, he recently killed a seaman who was considered a strong man.

Everything... has become logical.

\" Is it both a reward and a test?\"

Ye Qi’s heart silently thought – obviously, this is a test given by the wizarding emperors. If it is an ordinary wizard, it is naturally difficult, even if it is a life of nine deaths.

It is for this reason that the gem emperor will send such a letter.

Obviously, this is a kindness to protect his subordinates. He does not want to see people who belong to his own side, so he goes on adventure, even innocent sacrifice.

However, Ye Qi had to reject the good intentions of this majesty.

After all, his current stage is to enter the land where the gods fight, and to enter the land where the gods fight, he must prove his ability, strength, and ... resistance in the face of temptation; It is obviously impossible to have such a certificate behind a wizarding emperor.

Thinking of this, Ye Qi handed the letter to Pas in front of him.

After the consul saw the contents of the letter, his body trembled - although he expected the young man in front of him to reach that position, but he did not expect it to be so fast.

\"Congratulations, Joe Daren!\"

The Pas Archer stood up and brought a hint of humility to his tone. Then he whispered: "When are you ready to leave?"

\"The ruling official, I have not said to leave!" "Ye Qi smiled and looked at the consul in front of him, pointing to the letter in the other hand, whispered: "I refuse!"


Pas almost jumped up and looked at Ye Qi incredulously.

\"I have unfinished things, so I can't leave here!\"

Ye Qi answered like this.

However, it is clear that Pass could not accept this reason for no reason. He looked at Ye Qi as if he was watching a fool.

\"Qiao Daren, are you really thinking about it?\"

Pass once confirmed again.

\"No, please ask the governor to tell the jewels..."

Ye Qi refused with the same smile as before [,! ]

The Persian consul standing there looked at the letter that was incomprehensible to others in his hand, and then looked at the smiling young man in front of him. He didn’t know what to say.

When the ps afternoon code word, friends came to visit decadent, to discuss the problem of decadence and fat, summed up a bit, then, as follows -

\"I am going, are you fat again? Break through two hundred?"

\"Come, I promise not to kill you!\"


Nima, when the fat man is sad, the weight can be turned into strength - look at my Taishan top! !


Thanks to the glass ash 10000 starting point of the reward, the nameless Tiandao Happy 1888 starting point of the reward, the starting point of the money, the sea of ​​wandering prodigal son, turtle0920, lost heart 100 starting point of the reward ~~~ decadent again thank you Support decadent brothers and sisters~~~

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