Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 91: ‘Advanced’ battle

A week later, Ye Qi was in the classroom of the female grand official.

\"You commanded the refining potion!\"

The female tycoon took out the ‘homework’ of the last Ye Qi’s arrangement, and the medicinal blue with a hint of white light was placed in a 20-ml test tube.

Just by virtue of the radiance of the potion and the slightest taste after unplugging the cork, Ye Qi can conclude that the potion has reached the level it should have.

\"Very good! It seems that you have mastered the flaws...\"

Ye Qi nodded and praised the talent of the female grandfather. However, looking at the cold face of the other party, the heart was unable to bear a bitter smile.

In fact, since the last week, because of the 'study' of the wizard's emperor's log, Ye Qi has not seen anyone for a while, and the female grandfather is no exception, and there should be two remaining lessons in the last week. And this seems to be regarded as an 'evasion' by the female grandfather.

Therefore, from the beginning of the class, the female Dagong’s face carries a kind of refusal of indifference.

Even if the words are still very respectable, but what appears in the tone is more of a stranger when facing strangers.

Obviously, the last time, Ye Qi’s refusal caused the female prince’s only ‘girl’s heart’ to be greatly hit, so that the female squad and Ye Qi themselves had resisted.

\"This is also a good result!\"

Ye Qi, who knows this well, did not regret it. On the contrary, he was relieved.

For his passers-by at this time, if there is anything happening with the female tycoon, it is the greatest harm to the other party, a female grandfather, unmarried and a child. That is absolutely a bad thing; especially in the era of free speech This. This will definitely make the situation of the snow night even more unbearable.

After all, the impression of giving the outsiders a snowy night has always been a good grandfather, but the bad luck is not good.

Once the only good impression is gone,...

The consequences are naturally self-evident.

Even with his pharmacy to change everything in the snow night, his approach is still a gradual process, unable to achieve the purpose of instant cure.

And the other more important point: he is only a consultant for the Snowy Night Grand Duke, not a Snowy Grand Duke.

This is a very important point!

The consultants of other Dukes of the Principality must be different from the Dagong family. He is a consultant sent by the high-level of the wizarding dynasty. Although it is a 'Snow Night Man', it has no connection with the Dagong family, even Dagong. Similar family. There is no connection.

Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, he and snow night basically have nothing to do with.

This view, although a little fucking, but from the perspective of some superiors, is the most real.

Blood, this is the most sturdy link, and the lack of such a link, everything seems to be the fortress on the sand dunes, seemingly strong. In fact, it is weak, a gust of wind can blow down.

Of course. Ye Qi is sure that with the character of the female grandfather, there will never be such superficial thoughts.

However, what he is more certain is that the female grandfather does not feel the ‘love’ to him, more... a gratitude.

In the face of such gratitude, the only thing Ye Qi can do is to maintain the status quo or ... retreat.

If you can, Ye Qi absolutely does not want to choose the latter, so the former has become the best choice. From the current situation, although he has the best choice, the prospect is not optimistic.

Looking at the indifference of the female grandfather, Ye Qi subconsciously licked the tip of his nose. Then he quickly threw the cockroach aside and started today's course. For Ye Qi at the moment, he knew himself and the woman very well. Dagong’s jealousy is inevitable, so it’s better to let this be invisible.

And the best way to eliminate it is undoubtedly to let other things flood.

Fortunately, there are quite a few such things in the alchemy class that teaches the female grandfather, and Ye Qi has done enough!

Therefore, in the next hour, the relationship between the two sides was slightly eased.

However, it is only in this one hour, the end of a drop of the church, the frost on the face of the female Dagong, anyone can see clearly.

Standing under the wizarding tower, Ye Qimu sent the female grandfather to leave, until the other person’s figure disappeared before turning back to the wizard tower.

\"Lily is actually very good!\"

The master of the Ladi, sitting in the living room at the bottom of the living room, looked at the incoming Ye Qi slowly.

A week of getting along, coupled with the selfless teaching of Master Ladi for the Snowy Nights, the relationship between the two sides is undoubtedly rapidly approaching.

Therefore, as the elder of the master of the Laidi, in the chat, will be called the name of the female Dagong, and the female Dagong does not mind.

\"I know, just... Sometimes, it's not good, it's ok!\"

Facing the very direct reminder of Master Ladi, Ye Qi could not help but shrug his shoulders and sat on the sofa in front of each other for a moment. Then he continued: "You know, the environment I am in now. !\"

Last time, after accepting the log of the Emperor of the Wizard, in order to facilitate the operation, Ye Qi revealed some of his own guesses to Master Ladi, and the next step of course, of course, the information revealed is the Master Ladi can accept Any idea beyond the scope, Ye Qi still maintains a state of silence.

\"Joe, in fact, you don't have to worry like this!\"

Think of leaves. [,! ] and the things that he said, Master Ladi frowned, and then, with a little helpless persuasion.

\"Slack, it will only make me lose the heart of the strong!"

Ye Qi said with a smile.

And this kind of joke, like a serious discourse, makes the master of Leddy more helpless. He looks at the young man who has been optimistic in front of him. He can't help but sigh and he wants to find an evil word to convince the other party. But in the face of a progressive young man, such a discourse is obviously pale and powerless.

Even the masters of Leddy themselves are somewhat unconvinced. What's more, others?

Of course. More importantly, Master Ladi can see that the young people in front of him have a close relationship with the female Dagong, but also have a slight resistance.

Obviously, it’s not that the female grandfather has no charm at all, nor is it that ‘Joe’ does not accept it.

But there are more complicated things involved.

It may be the difficulty that Ye Qi told him, or it may be something else that he didn't know...

In short, love itself is a very complicated thing, and now it is mixed with other things. Undoubtedly become more and more complicated, Master Ladi can only sigh.

After all, he knows how helpless he is when he encounters these things.

Therefore, Master Ledi reluctantly shook his head at Ye Qi and stood up.

\"I need to give those apprentices to my class!\"

Master Leddy said, and walked outside the wizarding tower.

Although Ye Qi didn't mind, even invited Master Ladi to teach his wizard tower, but after learning the situation of Ye Qi from Ye Qizui, Master Ledi refused such kindness. Please ask the female Grand Duke in the snowy night. In the inner castle, I found a partial hall. It served as a temporary classroom.

He hopes that Ye Qi has a quieter, undisturbed environment to study the log of the wizard emperor.

After Master Ledi also left, there was a Ye Qi in the entire wizarding tower. He habitually went to the core room of the three-story wizard tower.

Compared to the production of pharmaceuticals in the second-tier laboratory, if you practice some skills, the core room is undoubtedly more suitable.

Not only in terms of size, but also in the inner layer of the core, the spell protection is more secure. According to the actual area, the laboratory is obviously bigger than the core room, but after more than a dozen experimental tables, Undoubtedly, the core room looks more spacious.


Before going to the core room to manipulate the crystal, Ye Qi extended his index finger a little bit, and suddenly, the protection, alert and magic eyes of the entire wizard tower were all opened.

Although Ye Qi can be sure, 'far beyond' his opponents beyond his strength, the wizarding emperors will stop him. He only needs to face the extraordinary situation, or the opponent between the extraordinary and immortal, but this There is no way to confirm the number of opponents.

Quantitative changes cause qualitative changes.

For this reason, Ye Qi is well aware.

Although he will not be afraid of these opponents, Ye Qi absolutely does not want to lead to some of the strengths he wants to hide because of these opponents.

After all, at the moment of life and death, Ye Qi will never die in order to hide his strength.

In fact, no one normal person will do this.

However, his own plan has made Ye Qi not want to happen like this. Therefore, he can only strengthen the strength that has already been demonstrated and strengthen it again.

Fortunately, the log of the wizarding emperor gave this possibility.

Although it disappeared because of the integration of the system, the above content, but with the mystery, alchemy knowledge, is directly imprinted in Ye Qi's mind, making his ‘flip through’ without a slight obstacle.

Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders who do not understand the situation, Ye Qi is sitting there in a daze.

However, only Ye Qi himself understands how a state he is at this time is far faster than normal flipping.

After all, this knowledge is imprinted on his mind. It only needs to be viewed a little bit, and it can be integrated. It is similar to the memory of [Dragon's Heritage], but it does not need to pass trials, and, after accepting huge memories, That kind of mental decline.

Simply put, it is much simpler than [the inheritance of the dragon].

This time, 'Flip through' is the sixth time that Ye Qi 'turned over' the Thunder Emperor's log. For Ye Qi, who has no wizarding foundation, this book starts from the lowest apprentice, and goes to the peak of the extraordinary peak. It is really a rare treasure.

Not only did he understand the form of the wizard more thoroughly, but, more importantly, let Ye Qi understand what a real genius is.

The Thunder Emperor, one of the wizard emperors, its own talent, naturally is self-evident.

No one will deny the essence of his genius.

And Ye Qi flipped through the other's log, and understood the extent to which the other party's genius had started from the wizard apprenticeship. The whimsy on the other's log made Ye Qi express his surprise. The other party gave up. The process of realizing these whimsy, and let Ye Qi express his admiration.

A true genius. And there is an effort that others do not have.

If such a person is unsuccessful, Ye Qi does not think that other people have the possibility of success.

As for the record of this blog about the legend?

Extraordinary is a realm that is different from the previous days, and immortality is more with everything before. [,! ] The difference between heaven and earth.

It is obviously impossible to use the strength shown by Ye Qi and the merits of the work. It is obviously impossible for any wizard to be able to obtain the log after the extraordinary. It is invaluable for any wizard.

However, the current log is enough for Ye Qi.

After all, he has already set foot on immortality.

Although it is in the way of walking on the 'Warrior's Road', it does not mean that Ye Qi does not understand the 'Witches' Way.'

On the contrary, because of the existence of the "solar field", Ye Qi also has a certain understanding of the immortality of the "Witch Path".

For Ye Qi, it is not an impossible thing to learn from, and to calculate.

Just this process


Lei Guang flashed at Ye Qi's fingertips, flickering and faint; when it was bright, it was like a hundred-watt incandescent lamp. It was unusually dazzling, but when it was faint, it was like a bonfire that was going to be extinguished at the same time.

It was this thundering light that suddenly and faintly, but with the will of Ye Qi, it began to gradually change, and the scent of destruction became more and more intense.

Just as this rich devastating atmosphere reached one, when the qualitative change was about to happen, the thunder suddenly collapsed.

\" Still not... Sure enough, on the 'Witches' Road, I have the 'Sun', I want to let other forces enter it, I must have the law of the body, or add it to me, only Will cause the power of the existing formation to collapse, or... the power of the original existence will collapse!\"

Looking at the collapse of the thunder, Ye Qi’s heart raised a bit of enlightenment.

In fact, in the previous trials, Ye Qi already had such speculation, and this experiment only makes such speculation more certain.

No one can choose one of the 'Warrior's Road' and the 'Witch's Road'. The power to follow can only be one of them.

Once you get out, it will cause unpredictable danger.

Just as Ye Qi's "Warrior's Road" chose the destruction of "a fatal strike", and the "Witch Path" relied on the glory and glory of the "sun" and inspired [the divinity].

In fact, if there is no "divineness" of the "sun", then the previous experiment will not be as simple as Ye Qi, and his body will suffer irreparable trauma.

Of course, it is not a solution.

The body of the law!

As long as the law is built, everything will be solved. Whether it is the addition of new power or the plundering of the priesthood, it will become easier.

Or the essence of ‘power’ and ‘religion’ may be the same.

With such speculation, Ye Qi is not aimless.

It is of course some of his own understanding, of course, because [the power of faith] is full of such reasons, so that this essence looks unusually vague.

However, if he is given the appropriate time, Ye Qi believes that he will understand the relationship.

However, building the 'law of the law' is also the top priority that he needs to do now. He only needs to enter the land where the gods fight!


It sounds like a bell ringing sound, so it appears in Ye Qier, who is thinking.

That is the sound of the alert magic being touched.

After returning to God's Ye Qi, he suddenly felt that a strange wave began to appear in his "perception" range, while the magic eye made the other person's figure appear clearly in front of him.

This is an alien in a cloak.

Although the other side used the cloak to hide the characteristics of his own aliens, but the strange body shape, and the strange fluctuations, still can not get through the Ye Qi.

And this alien did not advance again, but stood on the edge of the position, and made a gesture full of ‘provocation’ against the magical eye.

Ye Qi frowned, looking at the **** of the other side, a low sneer.

He waited for the other party to wait for quite a long time.

Already can't wait!

Therefore, Ye Qi took the wizard tower in the next moment and went to the other side.

And seeing the emergence of Ye Qi, the alien, immediately, wants to turn around and does not want to run; or ... is to bring Ye Qi into a more suitable place for combat.

Naturally, there must be an ambush there.

In this regard, Ye Qi is well-informed, but he still followed up, even the wizard tower remained in place because Ye Qi is very clear that once he manipulates the wizard tower to follow, the aliens will inevitably change the original Plan, let him wait for another time; after all, Ye Qi can not believe that he last time 'winning' the thing that is between the extraordinary and immortal seas, these aliens will not know.

Therefore, it is conceivable that his wizarding tower must be one of the most guarded targets of the other side.

Only when he appears alone, the other party will not change the plan and let the original plan be implemented smoothly.

As for the risk?

Ye Qi can be sure that he is not in danger, and the risk he has to bear is more from his own plans.

However, when the alien appeared, the risk of the latter was also reduced indefinitely.

After all, the two foreign-level aliens, and an extraordinary alien, can still deal with his current strength.

Ps is a waste food festival here~ So, this chapter is scheduled in time~

嘎嘎~ The slashed knife is already hungry. [,! ] Hard to bear~

Thanks for the small starting point of the reward, the prodigal son floating around the sea, turtle0920, the starting point of the reward, the loss of the heart of the 100 starting point of the reward ~~~ decadent again thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters ~~~

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