Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 92: Under the battle of ‘advance’

The speed of the alien is not very fast, and even at some point it is completely static - because it needs to determine if Ye Qi is up.

And until it was truly determined in all aspects, Ye Qi had followed up, and this began a rapid move.

Of course, it will still leave a clear back to Ye Qi.

As a follower, Ye Qi never had any ‘easy and comfortable’.

Not only, there is no need to worry about losing the other side, the tracked person is also very well-adjusted with his speed to adjust his own speed - Ye Qi's speed at this time is based on the general wizard master: more than ordinary people, However, it is impossible to reach the level of a day-level ability (whether it is awakening talent or finishing skills).

After all, the power of the wizard master is still the wizard's own spell.

While Ye Qi is following the other side with ease, the bottom of his heart also shows the behavior of the other party, sneering -

"Strong strength, but not too much wisdom, this way for other people have already found something wrong; or ... deliberately expressed their clumsiness, then, let me relax my vigilance, at the crucial moment, give I am a fatal blow to this tracker!"

Ye Qi slightly associates with the description of the aliens, and then the idea of ​​the bottom of the heart infinitely tends to the latter.

Perhaps there is a very reckless existence in the aliens, and there is no lack of similar existence in humans.

However, the aliens who can appear on Lorante must be cautious and embarrassed – and this is already doomed to be as clumsy as the other.

otherwise. It has already been exposed!

As for the reckless existence?

The battlefields of frontal battles and offenses are more suitable for them or they are going to charge, rather than the need to sneak into the rear with considerable mentality and skill.


After the alien entered a snowy jungle. The disappearance disappeared quickly, but the sound of the trees that were immediately slammed, once again pointed out a clear road for Ye Qi.

In this regard, Ye Qi shrugged and walked slowly - not far from hiding two waves, so that Ye Qi is clear, here should be the ambush of the other side.

Jungle. Plus a distance far enough away from the Snow Night Fort.

Undoubtedly, this is a very good place to fight - whether it is for the other party, or for him, it is so appropriate.


"He is too big!"

Somewhere in the void, the Emperor of the Sea, who was watching a battle that was about to erupt, couldn’t help but frown and said slowly.

“A little impatient!”

The Emperor of Flames also endorsed the statement of the Emperor of the Sea.

but. Obviously, the fierce emperor, known for his temper, has said an impetuous word, which is enough for others to endure - although most wizards will not, do not dare to do so, but definitely do not include him. The three standing on the side; whether it is the emperor of the sea that expressed his opinion before, or the gem emperor who smiled at the side. Or the Emperor Thunder who is very concerned about the following, all looked at the Emperor of the Flame with a very ugly look.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong? I am just talking about things!"

Faced with the eyes of friends and friends, the Flame Emperor loudly defended his argument.

And this undoubtedly made the smiles of the other wizard emperors more intense, but the same. Whether it is the emperor of the sea, which is opposite to its habitual tit-for, the temper is also accompanied by a burst of thunder emperor. I know how to grasp it - jokes are jokes, and once this limit is exceeded, it will naturally cause real unhappiness.

Especially the tolerant gem emperor, even in the next moment, he said: "I agree with Dalchino's opinion, Joe...somewhat impatient!"

"It's not just impatient, there are even some reckless things that can't wait! He doesn't quite match the usual situation!"

The Emperor of the Sea looked at the situation below, and after reaching out and touching the chin, the brow was slightly wrinkled.

"Who knows if his real situation is like this?"

The Flame Emperor apparently remembered his own embarrassment, and his words were still a little dissatisfied.

"No, it can help Snowy Dagong to make such a series of plans. It will definitely not be a reckless person... It should be something that we don't know!"

The gem emperor is still generous for Ye Qi.

Then, the three wizard emperors once again published a few words of their own views, and finally, they set their sights on the Thunder Emperor.

"Gerdisi, what are you thinking about? Wouldn't it be disappointing?"

The Emperor of the Flame looked at the Thunder Emperor and asked curiously - he remembered his former friend clearly and said that he would train the other as his assistant.

Now, the recklessness that the young man showed must have disappointed his good friend.

In fact, even those who are impatient, like this, will not be so reckless in the face of such an unknown situation - whether it is provocation from the aliens or the obvious inducement of the other party.

As for the means of playing with each other?

The Emperor of Fire did not think that it was so seamless. Just look at it and see what is wrong.

Therefore, he decided that his friend should be disappointed.

In the face of disappointed friends, he needs to be comforted.

However, just as the Flame Emperor was just about to say something, the Thunder Emperor issued a series of chuckles -

"I really didn't let me down... I did it well!"

The words of the Thunder Emperor made the remaining three wizard emperors look awkward.

"What is good?"

The Emperor of the Flame inquired subconsciously, and the Emperor of the Sea and the Emperor of the Gem were once again looking at the situation below; after a while, the emperor with special ability saw a clue.

"Amazing talent!"

The gem emperor said this.

"What do you mean? Is he promoted to be extraordinary?"

The Flame Emperor asked inexplicably, and just when his voice had just fallen. He saw the partner gem emperor nodded and suddenly. The wizarding emperor was a glimpse, and then, in an incredible tone, asked, "Is he really promoted to be extraordinary?"

"Well! I am so familiar with the smell of thunder and destruction!"

Nodded, the Thunder Emperor said with a smile.

"No wonder it will become unreasonable and reckless. It turns out to have confidence in its own strength. Moreover, it is impossible to wait for it! No. There is ambush, there is an extraordinary..."

The Emperor of Flames said something, but what the wizarding emperor thought of the next moment.

"More honing, it will only be good for Joe!"

The gem emperor said in an uncharacteristic manner that in the face of the sorrow of the flame emperor, the tolerant wizarding emperor continued: "Some hawks who are unable to fly and fly are destined to hide under our wings. And those eagle who can spread their wings, Then you must go through thousands of difficulties!"

"Allen, are you very optimistic about this Joe?"

The Flame Emperor asked.

"Well, I can break through the extraordinary in such a short period of time. Although I have the help of Gaildisi, it is enough to explain his talent and previous accumulation - this is a young man worthy of our training!"

The gem emperor nodded. The emperor of the sea and the emperor of Thunder also agreed.

"So, are we waiting for the original plan now?"

The Emperor of the Flame looked at the unanimous companion, and asked indifferently - it was clear that the previous dissatisfaction had vanished.

"Of course, Tiida is going to block the enemies that Joe can't handle. We naturally need to keep Joe safe!"

The Emperor of the Sea, as the person in charge of this mission, said in a word.

And natural. Such a statement would not cause dissatisfaction from any of the wizarding emperors, and they all began to wait quietly for the final result.


The volatility changes in the void are clearly perceived by Ye Qi – the perceptual level of “perception”, coupled with the aid of [blind bucket perception], even if it is hidden in the void, it cannot be concealed. Odd exploration.

Such volatility changes let Ye Qi clearly grasp the every move that looks at his existence and react accordingly.

From the current changes, Ye Qi did a good job.

At least from the fluctuations of the four wizard emperors, the other party once again abandoned those negative emotions and looked at him with a more formal look.

And this is what Ye Qi needs.

Ability and strength are two essential points for him to enter the land of the gods.

The former, on the land of snow night, he showed with actual actions.

And the latter?

Nature is going to behave in this next battle -

Nourish, nourish...

The arc of the road began to appear slightly from his fingertips. Although Ye Qi had already exerted great control, the characteristics of lightning and thunder themselves still made Ye Qi’s attack impossible to be silent.

Hearing such a voice, the aliens in front of him immediately evaded the possible attacks, even though the alien did not understand why Ye Qi suddenly attacked, but this did not hinder the instinct that he did not want to hurt himself.


A lightning bolt with the thickness of the index finger rubs its body like this, and then, when it has not continued to react, it is one, then the next.

One after another, inexhaustible, it is like a machine gun.

Under such an attack, the alien who used the bait did not have the slightest hand to regain his hand—after all, in the mind of the moment before, he was still wondering how to introduce the other party into his own trap.

Therefore, this sudden attack is simply unprepared.

So, just at the beginning, it fell into the breeze -


The current on the lightning bolt not only has a burning sensation, but also a sense of paralysis. Even if it is not hit, it is just passing by, and the aliens who are attacked feel the obstacles of layers.

It seems as if it has fallen from the land into the water in a flash.

Uh... Maybe, if it's water, it will be a little better.

Ye Qi looked at the cloak of the cloak, revealing the interracial of the true. The fish's head and parotid gland undoubtedly illustrate the other's race: the sea.

only. Compared with the sea people he met before, the strength and ability in front of him are all worse.

Undoubtedly, the other party's ability to perform the task at hand is the biggest limit.

As for the arrangement of ambushes and the like?

Looking at the opponent who was attacked by a group of lightning bolts, Ye Qi knew that it was impossible.

Nourish, nourish...

More arcs appeared from Ye Qi's body around, and then more lightning bolts were shot at each other.

Even stupid. In the face of the crisis of life and death, still know what to do -


A common human language mixed with sea slang rang.

Then, in the distant snow forest, the same seas rushed out and rushed toward Ye Qi at a very fast speed.

However, the speed of the other party is fast, and it is impossible to get lightning faster. Especially the piece of lightning - very natural, the seas that had just rushed out and the originally trapped seas were flooded by lightning bolts.

Although it is not really fatal, the continuous numbness is enough to make the two Japanese-level seas into a state that is not short-lived.

And this is just the two Japanese-level sea-class people. The sea people who have reached the extraordinary realm are not in them - in fact. When the second sea rushed out, the other party was acting, like a civet cat in the forest, quietly approaching the back of Ye Qi.

Then, when the two sea-level seas were flooded by lightning bolts. This extraordinary sea has been shot -

Just like the quietness of the other side's sneak, its attack is the same.

Comparable to the claws of any sharp weapon. Attacked the back of Ye Qi.

However, a thunder is more fast than it is!

The thunder that was completely emanating from Ye Qi’s body shrouded the twenty feet in a circle and flashed.

And as the only living thing outside the Ye Qi in the thunder.

The sea of ​​this extraordinary situation was attacked the most violently, with a trace of devastating thunder. At the moment of contact, the whole body of the sea was caught in a blackened state, and then the electric shock and incineration quickly It's internal organs, and this situation only needs to last for two to three seconds, even if it is an extraordinary sea, it will become a pile of coke.

Therefore, the sea people who feel the extraordinary danger of life are struggling to struggle - the tremendous power that collapses in the body, rolling back and forth in this jungle, letting the snow and ice begin to appear like an explosion. The surge, and more, the frozen soil contaminated with ice crystals.

Almost overwhelming, I covered Ye Qi and the surrounding destructive lightning.

However, in the next moment, all the snow, ice and frozen soil were swept and melted. More thunder glowed from Ye Qi’s body, and even led the electrons that traveled in the air. Among them, let it be more powerful and unstoppable.

At the top of Ye Qi: the air in the lead night of the snow night, it is beginning to gather a layer of dark clouds.

The road thunder began to gather.

Bang! Bang!

There wasn't a long wait, almost an instant, and the lightning with the thickness of the grinding wheel began to squat and then blended into the thunder of Ye Qi.

Suddenly, the thunder and light are strong, and the atmosphere of destruction is more intense.

The twenty-foot range of the radius began to grow at a rapid rate, and within a hundred feet of the radius, it was shrouded in thunder. The two celestial seas didn't even have a snoring sound, and they instantly became fly ash.

The sea people in the extraordinary world are also rapidly coke.


"I have already seen each other's layout, but I have taken advantage of the situation. At the crucial moment, I used the other party's layout and hit each other with a surprise... Joe, it is very good!"

The gem emperor gave a very loyal evaluation.

"Beyond my expectations - I thought before, I need to shoot!"

The emperor of the sea said like this, it was also amazement.

"This guy really has achieved extraordinary!"

I witnessed the flames of the Emperor under the sky without more doubts.

"I think it’s a good idea to come over to see this young man!"

The Thunder Emperor began to attack from Ye Qi, showing the smell of destruction, and he always smiled, and this time is even more advocating.

In this regard, the three wizard emperors present no longer have objections.

If you can find some reasons before, then when there is a devastating Thunder around Ye Qi, they will have nothing to say.

After all, such a Thunder is exactly the same as the Thunder Emperor's Thunder.

Although there is still a very big difference, but if you go on, it will inevitably be the birth of another Thunder Emperor.

And if there is another true master to guide before the birth, then this time will be shortened.

Therefore, the Thunder Emperor is undoubtedly the most suitable person.


Looking at the sea people who have completely become the extraordinary environment of coke, Ye Qi wiped the sweat that does not exist on the forehead, and made a long sigh of relief.

In fact, in the face of this random blow can make the opponent's deadly opponent, Ye Qi spends more energy to hide their own strength, rather than exert their strength.

Especially after gaining insight into the layout of the opponent, win it, it is really not too easy.

If it is not confirmed, there are other bystanders here, and Ye Qi will not make such a big movement at all, and the battle between the fingers can solve the battle.

Fingering is not an adjective.

It is a verb with a positive meaning.

As for the knife?

Is that a joke?

A existence that is not even immortal, is not worthy of Ye Qi's knife.

In the face of a powerful enemy, it is very vigilant, but in the face of weakness, but must be a powerful enemy, it is heart-wrenching.

Fortunately, Ye Qi’s actions have finally paid off –

Feel the volatility that began to leave the void, close to Ye Qi's mouth is slightly upturned.

In the next moment, it was just the right drink: "Who?"

At the same time, the lightning in the hands began to flash.

Ps yesterday was too excited to eat, and I didn’t sleep well after a night... I got up at four o'clock today, my head was dizzy, but I didn’t want to sleep, I’m thinking about the first code, I’ll be early at night. Got to sleep.

Then, in order to let yourself hurry up and restore the state, it wiped the wind and oil, licking the temple...

Of course, this is nothing, the problem is - forgetting to wash your hands after the decadence, then go to the bathroom...

Then I am awake, very awake!


Thanks to the prodigal sons floating in the sea, the wind and dust, the turtle0920, the starting point of the reward, the lost heart, the wind, the autumn Gaoyi 100 starting point of the reward ~~~ decadent again thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters ~~

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