Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 93: origin

\"do not worry!\"

With a burst of laughter, the Thunder Emperor descended from the sky like a lightning bolt, standing in front of Ye Qi, looking up and down with a satisfactory look.

\"His Majesty!\"

Ye Qi is very appropriate to bow.

In the collection hall of the inspection hall, the portraits of fifteen wizarding emperors, he has seen, and remembered, in fact, any master of wizards will keep this association in mind; and play a wizard, leaf Wonderful nature is not an exception.

\"You did very well!\"

The Thunder Emperor smiled and said; then, paused and continued: "The stage of the snow night is too small... Do you want a bigger stage?"

In the face of such questions, Ye Qi pretended to be a glimpse.

Although he is very eager to enter the land where the gods fought, it must be determined that it is the land where the gods fought. It is impossible to determine where the stage that the Thunder Emperor said is, in case the wizarding dynasty The emperor, and he promised to go down in a hurry, it regrets late.

\"Do you like fighting?\"

The Thunder Emperor looked at the hairy Ye Qi and asked again.

\"I am good at potions, but I like fighting more!"

Ye Qi said in the words of the other party.

\"That is inevitable. If it is not a person who likes to fight, it is impossible to understand the true meaning of 'destroying the thunder'!"

The Thunder Emperor seemed to take it for granted. He first looked at Ye Qi, then looked at the sky and raised his finger at a certain empty road: "Do you know that the war of the wizarding dynasty never stopped?"

\"Is those aliens?\"

Ye Qi plays a master of wizards.

\"No...or it’s not all-in-one aliens has always been our enemy. But apart from this enemies on the bright side, we have more powerful enemies. Some enemies called 'the gods'... and You will join this team against them!\"

The Thunder Emperor seemed to appreciate the shock shown by Ye Qi, and he smiled again.

\"Amazed? Don't be surprised! After all, most of those aliens are related to 'the gods', and even they are not wrong to make them... So, from the beginning, our enemies are these so-called ' The gods are only! And the only difference between them is that the latter is more powerful than the former!\"

\"So what about us? The gods made the aliens. Who are we the 'products'...\"

Ye Qi asked.

This is not a perfunctory question, but Ye Qi is a real doubt. In fact, Ye Qi has been puzzled about the human experience of Lorraine; because, how human beings appear or 'born' here, there has been no An accurate answer, and before the Wizarding Dynasty, unlike other aliens, there were shelters of the gods.

Although his contract companion knew it, he was always vague and refused to tell him.

The other party is not waiting for the price but is not in the true sense.

When he started asking again, Amon gave such a hint that it was obvious that the contract or a more powerful existence bound his contract companion so that he could not speak to himself.

And such unspeakable, undoubtedly deepened Ye Qi's curiosity.

Although I temporarily gave up the idea of ​​pursuing at that time, it does not mean that Ye Qi completely gave up in the true sense.

As for the human being promoted by the Holy See, is the child of the ‘highest god’?

I believe that such a discourse is definitely the head squeezed by the door.

Simply by treating the human beings from the ‘the gods’, we can see that they are not the ones that are “loving”. If there is no such thing as “love”, there will be parents’ love there.

Therefore, such a lie, except for the crown of the crown, there is only the so-called beautiful.

Other than that, there is no use at all!

Therefore, Ye Qi did not waste time on it at all. However, the books he pursued were too few, and they were too negligible. Those who possess such knowledge are almost non-existent; Outside the contract companion, Ye Qi basically does not know who else will know this knowledge.

However, in the era of freedom, the wizarding emperor in the era of this wizard is undoubtedly the most knowledgeable group of human beings in Ye Qi's cognition.

Moreover, Ye Qi believes that with the curiosity of the wizard, there is absolutely no way to find out where he is from.

Therefore, Ye Qi is expecting the other party to give him a positive answer.

The wizard emperor did not let Ye Qi disappointed

\"The world we live in is called Lorante, a very stable main world, and in the astral world, such a main world, according to our exploration, there are two Goethes, Xilu!"

During the talk, the Thunder Emperor looked with a hint that ordinary people could not understand.

That is a search and a desire.

He is not only looking for, but also looking forward to Ye Qi's very understanding of such a look, because when he first came to Doloran, when he was alone, he would always show such a look.

\"Are we from there?\"

Ye Qi asked.

\"I don't know, although we have sent some teams to investigate, but there is no valuable news. There are several outposts in Goethe, and there is no news from Xilu. After all, the astral is really .[,!] is too broad!\"

The Thunder Emperor shook his head and said bluntly.

There is no hidden secret, but it is hidden for Ye Qi. This is a kind of trust, or... this is a kind of self-confidence as a wizard emperor.

The Thunder Emperor in front of him did not think that everything in front of him would be beyond his expectations.

Therefore, he does not need to hide.

Feeling the self-confidence of the wizarding emperor, Ye Qi did not have any objection; after all, Ye Qi is not the kind, when everything is developing in the direction of his own expectations. He also expressed the existence of dissent for the existence of this greedy. I don’t have the slightest feeling.

Because the result of greedy deficiencies is often: the lack of success is more than enough.

Perhaps they have fascinating abilities, but greed, but their ability is greatly reduced until the whole situation exceeds their control.

And such a result is naturally a failure.

For Ye Qi, some failures are acceptable, while others are not. For example: the opportunity in front of him. If he fails, he will have to pay more. Even if he just thinks about it, how to pass more than ten The entrance to the land where the gods of the sorcerer's emperor guarded the battle, Ye Qi will feel scalp numb.

If there is only one or two wizarding emperors, Ye Qi still has a heart of war.

However, when the number reached ten or even more, and there were tens of thousands of wizards beside them, Ye Qi could not do anything.

The ‘the gods’ are powerless in the face of such battles, not to mention Ye Qi.

Although he has [divineness] and half of [the priesthood], but there is no [law of the law] Ye Qi. There is still a considerable gap from the real 'the gods', perhaps because of the existence of the system, he can make up, but This does not mean that Ye Qi will not know the gap.

Therefore, Ye Qi is very hopeful that he can smoothly enter the land of the gods to complete his own follow-up plan.


The thoughts were withdrawn, and the Thunder Emperor asked again.


Ye Qi answered with affirmation.


In the sorcerer's tower, Master Ladi and the women's congress are just sitting opposite each other. Ye Qi stands in front of the two and confesses something. The Thunder Emperor did not directly come out, but gave it to Ye Qi to explain it himself and gave him a foot. The time of one night is the preparation before leaving.

Of course, one evil can say that one evil cannot be said.

After all, the land where the gods fought was a secret to most of the wizarding dynasty, even if it was a grandfather.

Therefore, the female grandfather is very puzzled to see Ye Qi to leave.

And soon, this piece of puzzled, before Ye Qi’s firm face, turned into anger

\"Are you looking for an excuse to avoid me?\"

Obviously, even a wise female grandfather is still a woman. At some point, the emotions expressed are unreasonable and unpredictable.

\"Dagon, you know, I won't do this!\"

Ye Qi answered helplessly.

\"So, why don't you tell me where you are going?\"

The female grandfather expressed his own incomprehension.

\"Because you can't say it clearly!\"

Ye Qi only had a bitter smile.

In fact, when he returned to Snow Fort, he had already expected it. When he explained it, he would definitely have some trouble. He just didn’t think that the trouble was bigger than he imagined. It’s obvious that Ye Qi is always subconscious. Overestimating the openness of the ladies he knows.

And this is not a common problem for Ye Qi.

Basically it is a problem that all men have.

The reasons for such problems are various, some because of their own arrogance, some because the understanding of the two sides is not enough, and some simply are willing to see such a situation by making the other party anxious, sad and other means to show themselves There are men and women who have value.

Fortunately, Ye Qi is not one of the above.

Therefore, he explained it again

\"I don't have the slightest evasion for you. I don't think I need to avoid it...just the place I went to is a secret. No one can tell, this is not an excuse, but an order to pick me up. I got the order, so I can't speak to you!"

Ye Qi sincerely looked at the female grandfather, slowly said.

However, the emotional female grandfather, obviously can not listen to it. Although on the surface, the female grandfather has calmed down, but feels the other party's fluctuations, Ye Qi is very clear, the other party is just hiding themselves Excited only.

It’s like when the clouds cover the ground, the moment before the torrential rain falls: repression and palpitations.

Ye Qi understands very well that if he does not give the other party a real answer, then waiting for him is definitely a catharsis.

Obviously, during this time, the female grandfather is far less calm than she has shown.

Even every time I saw him, there was no abnormality. But the real situation? Obviously not like that, and after the previous "going away" stimulation, the female grandfather began to erupt.

Of course, as a woman, the female tycoon’s catharsis will naturally move closer to the ladies.

And the catharsis of the ladies is naturally very traditional from the scratching of the fingers to the biting of the fangs, of course. [,! ]. Some will deviate from the tradition and use more intense means.

However, the female grandfather is undoubtedly very traditional.

Feeling the sense of moistness from the wrist, Ye Qi sighed subconsciously.

The immortal level of physique is used to resist the bite of a woman. Naturally, there is no problem. Even the oily skin will not break. At most, there will be a sense of moistness of saliva.

Even if the female big bite is very hard, it seems to be branding his own marks on his body.

It lasted for two minutes, and the female grandfather only let go.

Then, when Ye Qi was ready to say something, the female grandfather hurriedly left. The arm that Ye Qi lifted up, the subconscious stiffness was there, and the words at the mouth were not spoken.

\"Young is so good!\"

Master Ladi admired.

\"Why don't you explain it to me?\"

Ye Qi looked at Master Ledi with a smile.

\"As you said, the place is secret. Anyone who is not allowed to know is impossible to know. I am just a lucky guy. From some equally secret channels, I got this. Message... This is a mistake, and I can't keep the error going! So, Joe, I am really sorry!\"

Master Ladi slightly smirked his smile and said it in a very positive color. However, the next moment, the smile of the master once again showed that the other party is definitely not that ‘selfless’.

At the very least, he himself likes to see the embarrassed ‘Joe’.

\"Is this a bad taste for the elderly?\"

Ye Qi asked a white eye.

\"It can only be regarded as an expectation of the elders!\" Master Ladi said slowly. "Before you come back, I will help you take care of the snowy night. Lily is a good girl, she has become a wife." ...\"

\"Can we change a topic?\"

Ye Qi repeatedly interrupted the words of Master Ledi.

In fact, this is not the first time that Master Ledi mentioned similar words. However, Ye Qi is somewhat unacceptable at any time.

\"Okay, let's change a topic... Be careful when you go there, there is a real battlefield instead of a driving range!\"

Master Ledi looked at the young man's helpless look and once again regarded it as a shame; however, the next moment, when it comes to ‘where’, the face is extremely serious.

For Master Ladi, as he said, although he has not been there, he has learned that many of the masters of the wizards there have been curious and have been searching for some news there. Most of the time, the wizarding emperor is not allowed to ask, as long as it is not too much.

Fortunately, every sorcerer who searches for it follows his own duty after getting some information.

However, this does not mean that these wizard masters do not know the dangers there.

On the contrary, it is because they know the danger there, they keep this secret.

Because such a secret, once it is leaked, has the consequence that they can't afford it; at the same time, they also gave unparalleled respect to their colleagues who went there.

Take life as an adventure chip.

It seems to be simple, but it is not so easy to do it.

After all, fear of death is the nature of everyone!

\"I know that when I went there, I already knew the general situation there. They wouldn’t hide it and deliberately trick the traveler!\"

Ye Qi shrugged with a smile and a smile.

\"There is an invitation from your Majesty to you... It seems that this guy is really a promising future!\"

Master Leddy said with surprise.

\"If there is no 'Leddy Pharmacy', I can't quickly cross the insurmountable level... If you really want to say that the future is infinite, the 'Leddy Pharmacy' you made is the true meaning. The future is boundless!\"

Ye Qi’s words are not compliments, but sincere.

After all, as a user, he is quite clear, how rare it is to increase the amount of spells in the spell, especially if it is a prescription for a 9-level spell, even if it requires a strong body, it is unparalleled. Once its true value is known to the outside world, it will definitely exceed the potions he made.

\"It’s a promising future for you, but for some people, it’s just too much waste with syrup!\"

Master Ladi has disapproved and waved his hand. As the producer of 'Ledi Pharmacy', he clearly knows the limitations of his pharmacy in the cost of production, the energy-consuming production process, and the uncertain results. , enough to make most of the wizards discouraged.

Calm, self-made, the sorcerer always hangs on his lips, and the same is true.

\"Whether or not it is syrup, its greatness is unquestionable, and there is a need for you to supervise!\"

Ye Qi stubbornly said, and at the same time took out a recipe that recorded five temporary additions of properties, handed it to Master Ledi.

Nothing to say, Master Ladi took the formula silently for the two, this kind of commitment, long time no need to say.

\"Must return safely!\"

\"of course!\"

Smiling, Ye Qi waved his hand and left the snow night fort with his belongings.

He did not bring the wizard tower together, after all, compared to him, .[,! ] Snowy nights need a wizard tower even more, even if this wizard tower is just a common one.

However, after experiencing everything before, Snow Nights undoubtedly regarded it as its own pride.

Naturally, Ye Qi will not destroy this pride.

Ps 颓 还 still want to go to the food festival to eat potted ice cream... However, after touching the money in the pocket, I finally turned into Shaxian...

Oh, life! !

I just want to eat! ! Why is it so difficult! !

Thanks to the prodigal son floating around the sea, turtle0920, the starting point of the reward, the lost heart, the wind and dust no Jay 100 starting point of the reward ~~~ decadent again thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters ~~~

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