Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 95: Dragon crown

The inexplicable breath is invisible and colorless, but it has a heart-rending glory, as if standing on the ground and looking up at the mountains, standing on the top of the mountain and looking up at the sun -

The mountain is just starting, just starting.

The scorching sun is also an accompaniment.

Everything was just the beginning. When the invisible and colorless atmosphere began to reveal a trace of essence, the present wizards changed their faces, even if the Thunder Emperor was frowned.


No bright dazzling!

There is no dark sigh!

However, gray has everything that cannot be ignored. With a hint of ambiguity in the heavens and the earth, and a sincere touch of heart.

Of course, more is the existence of this birth -

The gray airflow is rolling and rolling, just like the whirlpool in a storm.

Deep in the sea, it is unknown, but it stirs the whole sea.

Once it is revealed, it must be accompanied by stormy waves, causing some people to be shocked, fearful, and shudder, because he brings destruction.

However, other people will look forward to, rejoicing, and shouting, because after the destruction, he brought hope!

The gray crown, floating above the tower of the bridge on the other side, is like an eternal glory.

All the wizards can see clearly, the base of the crown and the dragon scale decoration of the crown are clear.

"This this……"

The Thunder Emperor stood in the ground and frowned, staring at the gray crown that appeared in the air. The whole person couldn't speak at all - in fact, he was seen for the first time after the appearance of the tower.

In accordance with normal practice. The tower of detection can not only be human and alien. And from some aspects can also detect human qualifications and characteristics.

That's right. It is the qualification and characteristics.

If it is an ordinary person, then there is nothing. If it is a master of wizards who are good at flames, then there will be a flame on the sky above the tower.

As the strength increases, these traits become more and more different.

When there are some special circumstances, there will be specific changes - just like the Thunder Emperor, he remembers very clearly that he has become a wizard master after entering the tower. The entire Thunder is covered with bridges on the other side, as if to cover the bridge of the other shore in the country of lightning.

However, no matter who it is, it is not like the precedent of such a cohesive item.

Especially this item is not an ordinary item, but a crown - such a presence is enough to make people meditation.

And this is not the end result.

Everything is still going on -

The gray crown floats in midair, and then the ripples on the crown become clearer and eventually bulge. And the entire crown has become as if it is alive.

The longest part in the middle of the crown, slightly dithered. Just like the body that is awake from sleep, the two slightly lower crowns around it, with such jitter, become trembling, and then the '唰' sound, the trembling crown is like a male The wings of the eagle are generally unfolded.

Or ... than the eagle's wings are wide and wide.


A low dragonfly came from the longest part of the crown - I don't know when it has become a dragon head, and the entire crown has become a flying dragon, a gray dragon.


Another dragon scorpion, rising from the dragon's chest, broke out in the dragon's head, with a rolling sound, so that the surrounding wizards stood unsteady.

However, very quickly, just as these black robe wizards were just preparing to react, everything stopped -

The gray dragon hovered and flew up to the highest point of the bridge on the other side, outside which was the void of the astral world.

It looked up and looked at the endless void, once again sending out the dragon.

It is not a dragon, but a dragon.

There is a dragon humming sound of Longwei.

Then, the dragon once again curled up his body, once again became the gray crown, and then the crown appeared as usual, gradually disappeared.

If it weren't for the mess caused by the surrounding wizards, anyone would question whether he was dreaming.

Even if this is the case, there are wizards who can't help but lick their arms to prove everything.

And the pain is undoubtedly telling them - everything they see is real.

At the bottom of my heart, I was so overwhelmed that all the wizards on the other side of the bridge looked at the wizarding emperor in the presence.

"I am going back to my position, the next thing, I will deal with it!"

The Thunder Emperor said this.

Although the words are very simple and straightforward, they seem to have no persuasiveness, but the surrounding wizards are quiet in an instant and quickly walk towards their position.

It seems that everything is gone.

In fact, all the wizards think so; after all, behind them, they have their majesty - the wizarding emperors.

Even facing the gods, it will not fall into the sorcerer's emperor.

The power of the example is endless, and when this example becomes faith, everything will become even more incredible.

Therefore, when Ye Qi, who knows nothing, walked out of the tower of detection, except for the abnormality of the face of the former leader wizard, the rest was not noticed at all - without knowing it, the tower of detection is also made of those It is able to isolate the sensing matrix and material construction.

"His Majesty!"

Under the leadership of the leader wizard, Ye Qi was very polite to the Thunder emperor.

"follow me!"

The Thunder Emperor did not say much, and walked straight toward the floating platform in the middle - this is the residence of the bridge on the other side, and naturally, there is no shortage of the emperors.

In front of a two-and-a-half-story house, the Thunder Emperor stopped and pushed the door open. He went in and Ye Qi followed.

Out of Ye Qi’s expectations. There are not too many living facilities inside. It is a book.

Rows of bookshelves. Books stacked on the long writing desk are also softly lit by the magic crystal lamp.

And just by some scattered books arranged on the stairs, Ye Qi is sure to be the main book on the second floor.

The Thunder Emperor walked naturally to the writing desk, opened a chair, sat down, and pointed to the back of one of the bookshelves, saying: "There is a chair there!"

Follow the instructions of the Thunder Emperor. Ye Qi found the chair and moved it out, placed it opposite the Thunder Emperor and sat down.

"This is my former residence... I haven't been back for a long time!"

With a touch of sense, the Thunder Emperor introduced it here.

"Ten times more than my collection!"

Ye Qi said sincerely - Ye Qi also has quite a lot of books in the bar of the Free Age, but obviously can't compare with the collection of the Thunder Emperor.

Of course, this is just a matter of quantity, if it is quality...

In the previous [perception]. Ye Qi has at least hundreds of fluctuations with strength - these fluctuations are from those books.

Such a book is undoubtedly a magical thing, or transformed into a magical object.

And Ye Qi’s collection?

Such a book. Absolutely none of them, and the oldest one, except for the "Samigina Drive", was also at the beginning of the Free Age.

After all, when the printing industry has not yet emerged, books are a luxury.

Obviously, luxury goods naturally mean high prices, and in the free age, Ye Qi did not have much Kipton to buy these books at first.

When Ye Qi had enough Kimpton to buy these books, he didn't have enough time to read.

In short, this is a fact that makes Ye Qi smile.

Therefore, Ye Qi is truly impressed by the Thunder Emperor who can read and have such many extraordinary books.

"You can come here often...even if you borrow some books, you can't!"

For Ye Qi’s sincere admiration, the Thunder Emperor showed a happy, straightforward giving a promise, and then he continued to smile and asked: “But, I want to ask you a question before again!”

"what is the problem?"

Ye Qi nodded and gestured to the sorcerer's continuation.

"Your blood! Do you know the identity of your own dragon?"

The Thunder Emperor asked one word at a time.

In the face of such problems, Ye Qi seems to be a moment to not know how to answer is good, sitting in the chair for about two minutes, then slowly nodded: "Well, know!"

Then, just finished, Ye Qi showed a bitter smile. "I didn't mean to hide it, just because..."

"Everyone has their own secrets, isn't it?"

The Thunder Emperor interrupted Ye Qi’s words, but without too much accusation, he just waved his hand and said with a smile.

For such a result, Ye Qi is naturally expected.

After all, in the planning, Ye Qi once thought about the consequences of the **** exposure of his body. What kind of consequences would be for the dragons, the wizards had a good impression, not like the undead in the face of other aliens. .

After all, it was because of the ‘Great Emperor’ del Pa.

In the dense sea forest area, the original Delpa was assisted by a dragon, and when Delpa established his own army, the dragon also led the tribe to join.

Therefore, the wizard and the dragon have a very deep friendship.

Moreover, in the current wizarding dynasty, dragon sorcerers are everywhere.

Of course, some dragons are not able to look directly at the identity of their own dragons, they prefer human identity - this is a seemingly interesting and helpless phenomenon.

After all, a group of yellow-haired lions suddenly appeared a white hair.

Even if the former is not malicious, the latter will be very uncomfortable.

Therefore, hiding the identity of the dragons is not a strange phenomenon among the wizards. After being discovered, it may only be more helpless, not the other.

"I want to take a break from the trip, you need to have a good rest - although the bridge on the other side is very convenient, but after a battle, you should have some rest... the second floor, the second room of the left hand It is the guest's bedroom. You can use that room at will. Tomorrow morning, I will send someone to inform you!"

The Thunder Emperor stood up while talking.

Then, like this, the Thunder Emperor left his house and left Ye Qi to sit there alone.

For the Thunder emperor's approach, Ye Qi did not go deep into it. After all, from the current situation, he has passed the so-called final test.

And know this. Undoubtedly enough.

As for the rest?

Ye Qi’s eyes looked at the books around him, especially those books with special power fluctuations, which made him have a glimpse of it.

Faced with so many special books, if you go to sleep, that is a pity, isn't it?


After the Thunder Emperor left his former house, there was no stopping, and he went straight to the left floating platform - the side with the detection tower.

There, the Emperor of the Flame, the Emperor of the Sea and the Emperor of the Gem, including the empire of the thorns, have stood there waiting.

"I heard that before. Joe's test surprised you?"

The Flame Emperor asked with a big smile.

Obviously, the wizard emperor’s ‘deaf’ for his companions. I feel very happy.

"If you are there, you will definitely be more surprised!"

The Emperor Thunder did not return to the head. His eyes were more on the emperor's body. In a searching tone, he asked: "Allen, what did you think of?"

Such a word was exported, not only the Thunder Emperor, but the presence of the Emperor of the Flame, who had been scorned by the companion’s ignorance, had already placed all his gaze on the emperor’s body. Who is the most powerful of the wizarding emperors?

Except for the lost Hull, Abigail is undoubtedly the most powerful.

And who is the most knowledgeable?

Even if Hull is still there, it is the most erudition of the gem emperor.

After all, compared to the fact that they inherited the blood and discovered the power of the spell, the gem emperor invented another spell system.

With the power of gems, as the cause of everything, constitute a powerful and incredible magical power.

And this is one of the reasons why Allen, the jeweler, became a wizarding emperor.

Naturally, a new spell system requires nature to be supported by huge knowledge. Even, for a certain period of time, the wizarding emperor has to read through all kinds of books, except for taking the necessary rest. - The books of the entire wizarding dynasty were read by him.

That's right, it's the books owned by the entire wizarding dynasty.

And this is also the testimony of all the wizarding emperors for the gem emperor's erudition - even if it is a love to read Abigail, Thunder emperor, the emperor of the stars, etc. is also not enough.

After all, what they need is the pleasure of exploring knowledge, not a bitter copy.

The gem emperor, who has the most knowledgeable name, did not disappoint the people present.

"Time Dragon... Before the detection of the dragon appearing on the tower, according to the description of the witness, I can be sure that it is a great dragon... a great existence that has disappeared in mythology - they do not like fighting, only There are roamings in time that make them feel the true meaning of their lives!"

After a slight pause and organized his own language, the gem emperor began to say.

"However, the dragon that should have disappeared in mythology...but appeared in front of us..."

There is a trace of worry in the words of the emperor.

Anything that goes beyond an unpredictable routine will definitely bring about a change.

Any sorcerer emperor knows this truth well, so with the words of the gem emperor, their faces are changed.

"So what is the crown?"

When the emperor of the sorcerer fell into silence, the Emperor of Flame suddenly asked out loudly - he was better at facing problems directly than quiet thinking.

Of course, when faced with problems that cannot be explained, naturally you need to ask.

"do not know!"

The gem emperor shook his head very simply. His eyes looked at the tower of the test, and there was a trace in his eyes: "The tower of the test is left to us by Hull. If he is still alive, he will know something." But he has passed away; and as he passed away, something has become unknown for us!"

"Damn guys!"

The words of the emperor of the gemstone made the Emperor of Flames mutter again in a low voice.

The surrounding wizards also frowned.

"So, what should we do now?"

The Flame Emperor asked again.

"I hope Abigail and Lada have time. We need more people's wisdom to decide, this special young man will stay!"

The gem emperor said so.

As for the wisdom of more people?

Things like voting are not invented by wizards, but they are used.

And because of this proposal, after ten minutes, the ghosts in the floating city to the tower were once again gathered -

"This is a good guy, I think I can enter my majesty!"

Facing the specific things, the gluttony emperor expressed his approval.

It is only at this time that with this curiosity and recognition of new things, it can be proved that the gluttony emperor is a true wizard.

"We are voting now, not yet when Joe decides where to go!"

The Thunder Emperor was very dissatisfied and glanced at the gluttony emperor, because, regardless of the outcome, the wizard emperor believed that the special young man should stay with him.

"I just gave my opinion - I agree!"

The gluttony emperor laughed and took up the hind legs of an unknown creature, while biting it, while being vague, but the voice said very loudly.



After the eclipse of the emperor’s voice fell, the emperor and the emperor of the stars successively said.





After was a glimpse of consent, especially the Thunder Emperor could not wait; no doubt, for this new thing, the wizarding emperors have their own curiosity.

"I agree... but, keep an eye on this existence!"

Abigail also has no objections.

"Give me this task!"

The gem emperor took the initiative to ask.

Abigail glanced around the wizarding emperor around him. After seeing no objection, he slowly nodded: "Okay!"

Ps was drinking a little more yesterday, and the decadent headache was splitting...

Thank you for your lost heart 400 rewards, the prodigal son of the sea, the turtle0920, the starting point of the reward, the starting point of the reward ~~~ decadent again thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters ~~~ to be continued . .

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