Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 96: Fortress - ‘Great Emperor’

"Here is our fortress against the guys - the fortress ‘Greater!’”

The wizard walking in front of the team introduces and explains to Ye Qi with a proud tone. Looking at the magnificent, tall, but powerful buildings around, anyone can understand where this pride comes from. .

Especially for Ye Qi, who is extremely sensitive to [perception], it is more clear at a glance.

Leaving aside the wizards who can only see the grand, tall appearance, Ye Qi pays more attention to the kind of fluctuation that the fortress gives him - beyond any immortality, even if the fluctuations of the digital immortal level are added, The difference is quite far.

“‘Great Emperor’? It’s really the 'Great Emperor’!”

Ye Qi raised his head subconsciously and looked at the 'Crystal Tower' at the highest point of the fortress. Although it is still unclear how the floating fortress will operate, it depends on the fluctuating 'flow direction' and 'addition'. The 'tall tower' consisting entirely of crystal is the attack point!

Undoubtedly, with the fluctuations he perceives, once there is an attack there, it will definitely be earth-shattering.

‘Destroy’ is naturally a matter of words!

However, correspondingly, this is not a simple ‘destruction’... it also needs an aid!


Almost at the next moment, Ye Qi thought of the magical rifle, and only the latter's lock, the former is likely to complete the devastating blow to the gods.

Of course, this is not to say that the power of the 戮 戮 gun is small.

With the death of two ancestors, the power of ‘戮神枪’ has long been proven, but compared with the fortress ‘the Great’. Undoubtedly still a little worse.

If you say ‘戮神枪’ is still a single destruction. Then the fortress ‘the Great’ is a piece. It is like the general role of ‘map cannon’.

And if the image is a little bit, it is the ‘aily satellite artillery’ that Ye Qi’s memory should only exist in the imagination—one shot goes down the planet, and here it is the plane annihilation!

On the crystal tower, far beyond the fluctuations of ordinary people's imagination, Ye Qi never doubts this speculation.

At the same time, he also understands why there is a ‘the land of the gods’ battles; for, whether it is a wizard. Still the gods, do not want the Lord Lorent to receive irreparable damage.

Therefore, opening up a battle plane has become the first choice of both sides.

In the same way, this battle plane must be strong enough and tough to withstand the struggle between the two sides.

From now on, everything that Ye Qi sees, no doubt, the plane of this battle is quite strong and tenacious. Even after the millennium still exists.

Even if it is finally difficult to escape, it cannot deny its glory.

Although Ye Qi rarely puts the word 'glorious'. Used in war, but looking at this floating fortress that can accommodate more than 300,000 people, and the endless city of aliens on the horizon, he did not find any more powerful adjectives in his heart.

"Joe Daren, this is your room - in the b zone of the fortress, as a special room for the emergency team, for single use, and a ten square, but very strong laboratory!"

The wizard of the team leader is still introducing, and did not stop because Ye Qi left the team.

After all, in addition to Ye Qi, behind the leader of the wizard, there are more than a dozen people - these people, like Ye Qi, are the ‘new blood’ of the fortress.

Will be added to the various positions of the entire fortress.

Of course, such a supplement is not an assignment, but a choice.

Just like Ye Qi’s choice in the previous inquiry of the Thunder Emperor -

1, go to the Alchemy Department, mainly for the front line to prepare a variety of alchemy pharmacy.

2, go to the intelligence department, close to the observation battlefield, analyze each alien.

3. Go to the emergency department and be responsible for various emergencies.

The Thunder Emperor gave such a choice, and Ye Qi chose the last one without thinking about it; after all, although the former two are safe, the latter is what Ye Qi needs.

He came for his fame and honor, and he definitely didn't need to hide behind.

Undoubtedly, the Thunder Emperor was very appreciative of Ye Qi's choice, not only allowing Ye Qi to freely enter and exit his old house to read the proposal, but also allowed Ye Qi to borrow books.

In this regard, Ye Qi expressed his gratitude once again.

After all, through a night of reading, Ye Qi already understood the value of the Thunder Emperor's collection.

It's not just those books that are similar to magical things, with special strengths, even books of ordinary records. For Ye Qi, the ignorant history, it is also rare.

Although Master Ladi also has a lot of books there, compared with the Thunder Emperor, it is not enough to see it.

Moreover, because of his identity, the Thunder Emperor is no doubt able to reach out to more things that Master Ledi can't reach.

For example: one of the most secretive books that introduces the deeds of several wizarding emperors.

Far beyond the details of the general introduction books and some things that cannot be recorded at all are in the case.

At the very least, except for his contract companion, Ye Qi did not have the fact that the eclipse emperor had divine blood in other places! ’

Of course, this is only a small part of it.

What really surprises Ye Qi is still those books that resemble magical things and have special strengths. After comprehensive verification, Ye Qi can be sure that these books can be 'absorbed' completely, just like the Thunder Emperor gave His own log is average.

Such a discovery is undoubtedly shocking Ye Qi.

After all, he is very clear, what does this mean?

Skill upgrades, advances in expertise, and even changes in attributes!

Things that were originally thought to be unthinkable in the age of freedom have become so common in the era of wizards. Although they are the treasures of the Thunder Emperor, the number of hundreds of them is enough to illustrate a problem.

The difference in age!

After all, this is a Lorante who has not experienced the so-called sacred era of 'purification'.

Treasures in later generations may not be everywhere here. But it is definitely not a rare place. And this is the case. Then let Ye Qi have a little thought.

Of course, it is definitely not a direct ‘to eat book’!

You must know that the system's 'eat a book' will directly make its own books disappear. Although knowledge will exist in Ye Qi's mind, the disappearance of the ontology will disappear.

If there are only one or two books, there is nothing, but the disappearance of hundreds of copies will definitely have a slight impact - yes. There are hundreds of thousands, and after discovering these similar magical things, books with special powers, Ye Qi has already defined the goal as all.

And this requires a better plan.

However, such a plan needs to be built on the fame and honor it has.

Simply put, this is a homeopathic plan.

Therefore, Ye Qi is not in a hurry.

The wizard who led the ‘newcomer’ team has gone far, along the steps. There are only a few backs left - it is clear that there is only Ye Qi in the emergency department.

This is not a kind of fear of death. It is an observation, temptation, and waiting in the face of an unknown.

Ye Qi believes that after a period of adaptation, there will be a lot of people in the previous team to apply for the replacement department - and in fact, it is.

Most of the wizards will follow the advice of the mentor and the family. They will initially adapt to the situation, and then they will be their respective expertise.

Therefore, the emergency department until the members of the various emergency squads are some old birds.

Therefore, Ye Qi, who directly joined the emergency squad, can easily get a glimpse of 'famousness'; however, no one cares more.

Because every year, every month, every day, the guy who loves the limelight is the fastest to die, and will soon disappear into the people's field of vision, and there is no need to remember.

As for the reputation of ‘genius’?

The wizard who can come to the ‘the land of the gods’ battles, which one is not a genius?

Moreover, the sorcerer’s emperor has not seen it. At least, the wizard who can borrow books from a wizarding emperor and accept the guidance, there is one in the team that Ye Qi used to walk.

The wizard, who had the same treatment as Ye Qi, chose the intelligence department, a position close to the front line but not in real contact.

In fact, this location is also where people like Ye Qi should go.

However, Ye Qi did not choose, but added directly to the emergency department - therefore, most of the wizards are not optimistic about Ye Qi, including the own people in the emergency department, even the latter will really look down on Ye Qi .

After all, as the executors of this task, they know very well how difficult the task they are exposed to.

Similarly, in the face of difficult tasks, the mortality rate is also high.

Some of the sorcerers in the emergency department have already made a scam in a slightly malicious way, wanting to see if the newcomer can live a few missions.

In the first game, the number of people who bet on the gambling Ye Qi died more than 90%.

Even if there is no malice, the wizards tend to be rational.

They do not believe in the survival rate of a rookie.

However, the gambling began, but some unexpected incidents seemed to have stopped. For a full week, there was no time.

This allowed many people in the emergency department to give Ye Qi a new nickname - 'Lucky Joe'!

You should know that in the emergency department that dispatched four to five times a day on average, this time there is no task in the week, which is absolutely rare and miraculous.

Especially after a new person joins, so the word 'lucky' is too applicable for this newcomer!

However, some of the real responsible persons in the emergency department began to frown. This kind of calm, they felt uneasy, just like the tranquility before the storm.

And a week's time is enough for Ye Qi to get used to the life of the fortress, and he started the initial plan - just like he guessed, and once he entered the 'place of the gods' battle, the flood of [the power of faith], Even the wizarding emperor can't detect it, as long as it is not a large-scale outbreak, everything can be carried out in secret.

However, another problem has arisen -

Although he entered the land where the gods fought, his [faith power] is still increasing; it can be seen that as long as it does not span time, the power of faith can be absorbed all the time.

If not, then. How can the gods stand in the ‘cloud’?

The distribution of [the power of faith]. Ye Qi is very clear. Methodically invested in the "body of the sun", try to be able to retain a certain 'emergency reserve', and get the maximum 'construction' efficiency.

However, even so, Ye Qi’s [Faith of Faith] is rapidly declining.

From the original more than 11,300 points, it has been reduced to less than 5,000 points.

And this is only a week's time.

Therefore, Ye Qi began to think about how to get more [the power of faith].

It is precisely because of this kind of thinking that Ye Qi took a blind eye to some of the things that were directed at him in the emergency department - wherever there is fighting.

Ye Qi was when he became a demon hunter. I already understand this already.

Therefore, he ignored the peers of the wizards and nobles.

After all, standing in the camp of the civilian wizards, the relationship between the two sides has long been opposed, and under such opposition, it is natural for the other party to do something.

If nothing is done, it will make Ye Qi frown.

Because, that means he may have to face a haze, an opponent of the city.

And from the current situation?

Such a "small fight" is naturally not enough.

Ignore such a battle. Ye Qi devoted himself to how to get more [the power of faith] - to remove the greater investment in the snow night and gain a higher reputation. Ye Qi put his gaze on one of his captives.

Murphysto Felice!

The prisoner, or prisoner, who was locked up in the prison of his seal.

Without the guidance of his own contract companions, Ye Qi can only start from the other side - after all, for the power of faith, the gods are a good master.

So, the next moment, Ye Qi’s figure disappeared into the room and entered the seal prison.

嗤, 嗤, 嗤...

The roasting of the flames makes the demon look languid, and the mist of gold and black is being wrapped around his body to counter the unique flames of the seal.

However, in the moment when I saw Ye Qi appear, the demon **** yelled: "The **** ants, reptiles, I want..."


Ye Qi did not wait until the other party's words were finished, and he was interrupted.

[Prison of Seal] You can choose to spend 10,000 points of faith to seal it (the existence of the seal must know the name, origin, and essence of the other party); and after the seal is successful, you can consume 1-1000 points of faith again. Force, dialysis each other - of course, when the other party completely gives up resistance, or enters the period of weakness, you can choose to refine it.

However, it is clear that the last special effect is definitely not easy to achieve.

When Ye Qi did not need the last special effect for the time being, he paid more attention to dialysis. Compared with interrogation, such dialysis is undoubtedly more trustworthy.

Therefore, Ye Qi did not hesitate to spend 1000 points [the power of faith].

Even if you need the best results, then naturally you have to give the greatest contribution - Ye Qi knows this truth.

Then he got what he wanted, even more than a lot.

However, the imprisoned demon **** was uncomfortable - the cutting of the flames and the invisible sharp edge, so that the devil, which was originally a little wilful, but still spirited, completely fell into a state similar to a coma. .

[Yes / No refining? 】

In this state, [Prison of Seal] gives a very loyal advice.

In the face of such loyal advice, Ye Qi just considered it and chose ‘Yes! ’.

The previous 'dialysis' gave him everything he wanted to know, and even the unexpected gains - although for such unexpected gains, Ye Qi still has a glimpse of 'examined'.

However, Ichi got everything, and naturally I don’t need the other person to exist again.

As for the magnanimity?

Ye Qi is definitely not a cruel man. He is definitely not a magnanimous person. Especially in the face of a powerful opponent like the 'God of God', any hesitation and kindness will only bring to himself and those around him. More trouble.

Therefore, the prisoner’s ending is already doomed.

The flame in the Seal of Prison seems to be a bonfire that has been added to the firewood in the fireplace. It will flourish in an instant, and the burning tongue is like a layer of cockroaches, locking and killing its prisoners. There is no room for it, and a layer of parcels is like a huge flame cocoon.

Later, there were more mournings belonging to the demon, even asking for rap.

However, Ye Qi did not pay attention.

He turned and returned to his room -

First of all, this process of 'refining and refining' is definitely not completed in a short period of time, from the loud mourning of the other party, the judgment of Ye Qi.

Secondly, outside his room, there was a ‘visitor’.

For the first time in the week, the ‘visitor’, Ye Qi expressed his own friendliness –

"Good day, everyone!"

Ye Qi glanced at the four wizards standing in front of him, saying this.

"Good day!"

Compared with Ye Qi's enthusiasm, the four wizards in front of the door are somewhat weak, even if they say hello, they have a similar perfunctory tone.

However, even if it was perfunctory, the leading wizard transferred the words to Ye Qi.

"Those aliens have acted, their elite attacks on our outposts, and now there are more than five outposts lost contact, the front line of the big forces are confronting the guys' garrisons, unable to pull out... So we played Time is up!"

The leading wizard said that this Then, in the tone, he said more and more helplessly: "You are now incorporated, my team... is a member of my team!"

In the last words, the wizard was reluctant.

Ps rare weekend, decadent originally wanted to go out to release the wind, the result of the afternoon is overcast, but also from time to time to thunder, a look how to see how it is raining... decadent and decisive to give up the intention to go out, start 'Routine' weekend sweeping... Then, when the sweeping was completed, the sun was covered with the earth, and the floor that had just been cleaned exuded a radiant glow, which made people feel a little heartfelt...

But does Nima say good rain?

Really, deceiving people's feelings, not with this!


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