Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 113: Dragon Emperor

\"Joe, Teacher Abigail, invite you to the Temple of Truth!\"

The gem emperor said with a smile, Ye Qi, who is immersed in the book.\"\"//pnxs\"\"target=\"_blank\">//pnxs\"target=\"_blank\" >\"//pnxs\"target=\"_blank\">pnxs Pingnan Literature Network

\"Abigail adults?\"

Ye Qi put down the books in his hand and raised his head in amazement. Then he only slightly returned to God. In fact, after returning to the fortress 'the Great' four days ago, Ye Qi was ready, waiting for this The invitation of the wizarding emperor, however, obviously, he was a little urgency; and after waiting for nearly ten hours, Ye Qi knew very well that the other party would not invite him in a short time.

In this regard, Ye Qi did not have any dissatisfaction.

After all, I have just experienced a war. There are too many things that need to be handled by the wizarding emperor. Although other wizarding emperors are helping, but really doing the main thing, it is undoubtedly Abigail’s oldest wizard. emperor.

Some books borrowed from the Thunder Emperor undoubtedly made Ye Qi wait afterwards and became very rich.

Even, Ye Qi almost forgot what his original purpose was and was completely immersed in reading.

\"have to say, Joe is really very fond of reading!\"

The gem emperor looked at Ye Qi, who had returned to God. He said in an admirable tone that the wizard may not need to have a superb reading like a scholar, but a wizard who does not like reading is definitely not a qualified wizard; after all, Whether you are studying spells or experiments, you need to build on a lot of reading.

\"When in the dead of night, reading is the most comfortable!\"

Ye Qi glanced at the scale on the hourglass next to him, according to the conversion of Lorante. This time is about 9 o'clock in the evening. Although in the land of the gods, according to the change of light, it is divided into day and night. But most of them. The wizard is still habitually using Lorante's time system, and Ye Qi is no exception.

\"So as a disturber, I have to say sorry?\"

The gem emperor is joking.

\"If you are willing to lend me your books, I will choose to forgive you!\"

Ye Qi also smiled and replied, at the same time, put down the book in his hand and stood up.

\"I don't have a rich collection of Gaildisi, but some gemstone decorations can still be sent to you!\"

While walking, the gem emperor said.

\"So... how about us to change some delicious food?\"

Ye Qi shrugged and gave another proposal.

\"You and Rada must have more common language!\"

The emperor of the gem smiled again, and then pointed to the temple of truth not far away. After returning from the battlefield, Ye Qi moved from the original residence to the room where the moment was, a very close to the temple of truth. In the independent building, in fact, the homes of the wizarding emperors are all nearby.

And this is naturally an indication of the attitude of the wizarding emperors: Ye Qi is already one of them.

In the temple of truth. Except for Abigail, who is the inviter, the gluttony emperor is also whispering something between the two wizarding emperors.

After seeing Ye Qi who walked in, the two wizarding emperors immediately stopped talking. The gluttony emperor walked outside the hall of truth, but when he saw it with Ye Qi, the bloated The gluttonous emperor of the figure showed a very friendly smile and stroked with his mouth: cheering.

Obviously, Abigail, the oldest wizarding emperor, still left Ye Qi with considerable problems.

\"Joe, Snow Night, father is unknown, mother is unknown, no relatives, friends, first appeared in the Principality of Komo, after the test of 'Dayu and Herbs', became a wizard in 990 and June. The following month, in the inspection hall of the Floating City, became the master of the wizard, sent to the snowy night, found the alien invaders, weak and strong, and then with the advice of Gaildisi, smoothly promoted the legend...\"

Abigail slowly read the message in front of him.

I will tell you all the things that Ye Qi appeared in this age, and all of them.

However, Ye Qi, who stood in front of Abigail, had his face unchanged. Just listening to him and believing that the arrangement he had made before would never be so easily seen.

As for this, it seems to be a general statement?

Nature is a means of the wizarding emperor, the other party wants to give him some pressure, and then see if he can reveal any flaws.

In fact, Ye Qi is sure that the wizarding emperor was only doing this with instinctive caution.

Be careful not to be mistaken. It is the true portrayal of the wizarding emperor. I have read the notes of the other party, and I know very clearly.

Of course, there is the wisdom and strength of the other side.

Although, until now, Ye Qi has begun to doubt the authenticity of the diary, but some things in the diary, Ye Qi can certainly be true.

For example: the other party is good at manipulating 傀儡.

\"Is there something wrong with me?\"

Abigail put down the sheepskin roll in his hand and looked up at Ye Qi.

\"No, however, my teacher with my loved ones is my loved one!\"

Ye Qixian nodded, and then reaffirmed that in fact, Ye Qi did not believe that the wizard emperor in front of him would not investigate him. [,! ] At this moment, there is also a teacher who is not required.

Instead of waiting for the other party to ask, it is better to say it yourself.

At least, he still occupies a touch of initiative.

Of course, the more important thing is the inexplicable fluctuation in the palm of the other hand, which makes Ye Qi have to take the initiative to guide the direction of the topic.

\"Joe, can you talk to your teacher?\"

Sure enough, when Ye Qi’s voice just fell, Abigail asked immediately; however, the tone was a little relieved.

\"唔... how do you say... he was drunk for most of the day, a very unfair look, often telling some inexplicable huang jokes, but when he was awake, he was a Very good teacher. Teach me all the knowledge about the wizard. And gave me full guidance!\"

After Ye Qi changed the image of Old John slightly, he said it, and the training about the demon hunter became a wizard's training.

When it comes to some memories that belong to both the teacher and the teacher, Ye Qi’s mouth can’t help but rise up, revealing a real smile.

The highest realm of lies, except for the nine true and one false, is to bring in feelings.

Once brought into the relationship, then even the most cautious person will be deceived.

Abigail sat in his chair and listened to the self-report of the new genius in front of him. He quickly sketched out a middle-aged man who was frustrated and slightly stunned because of certain things, and then In his mind, he began to quickly find men who fit this image.

However, the result is inevitable, naturally it is nothing.

However, Abigail does not think that the young man in front is lying. In fact, both the look of the other party and the ‘real gem in his hands are all indicating that the young people in front are telling the truth.

Maybe... is the strongman from Dragon Island or the Stars!

Soon, Abigail gave the middle-aged man an identity, and he is very inclined to the latter. Although Long Island has some exclusions, some famous powerhouses, Abigail are still clear, at least Among the strong people he knows, there are no people who meet the teacher Ye Qi.

As for the astral?

For the vast astral world, they are also in the exploratory stage. Apart from the coordinates of another main plane, Goethe, there is no greater gain.

\"Your teacher and you said a place called Goethez?\"

After Abigail stopped at Ye Qi’s words, he asked him just because he was curious and wanted to confirm the source of the strong.

Undoubtedly, I can teach Ye Qi to the present level of existence. Abigail does not think that it is just a rant.

Although, Ye Qi can reach the current level because of various opportunities 'Leddy Pharmacy' 'Gailidi's notes' 'The Battle of the Plague' and so on, but if there is not a solid foundation, even with such an opportunity, It is enough to make the whole person crash into the wizard, not only they have come to this step.\"\"//pnxs\"\"target=\"_blank\">//pnxs\"target=\"_blank \">\"//pnxs\"target=\"_blank\">pnxs

Some geniuses have also come to a similar step.

It is a pity that their bodies cannot withstand such ‘power’ and they collapse.

Of course, Abigail will not ignore the existence of the other 'Dragon Blood'.

In fact, the other side's 'Dragon's bloodline' is also an extremely interesting aspect of Abigail; after all, ‘Time Dragons’ is absolutely unique, even on Long Island.

Even for the emergence of Time Dragon, it is also based on some of the classics on Long Island to make people recognize.

Moreover, there is no doubt that to achieve the current level of strength, Abigail can be sure that Ye Qi is the direct blood of the time dragon.

To put it simply, the father or mother of this young man is a time dragon.

For them, if there is a group of Time Dragons as an aid, then it is really better than the absolute neutrality of Time Dragon.

Anytime, anything is not absolute.

The absolute neutrality of Time Dragon is right, but ‘herd’ is also there.

Especially when a direct descendant is hurt, a group of Time Dragons will definitely let the presence of the hand, understand how the river of time is flowing, long, boundless.

And under the attack of time, even God, it has to fall.

\"Godez? It seems that there has been, and it seems that there is no, I can’t remember it clearly!\"

Ye Qi smiled and shook his head. Not surely, such a vagueness, Ye Qi was also a last resort. Every time he spoke, the fluctuations in the other hand began to stir up, although he still did not understand what it was, but the leaves. Qi also knows that it is definitely not a good thing.

Therefore, he can only speak as truthfully as possible.

Goethe, he certainly knows, but that is not his teacher and he said, but the female gold knight said.

\"Oh, then your blood? Do you know your parents?\"

Abigail nodded and continued to ask.

\"I opened my eyes and had a clear memory. I was with my teacher. As for the parents? Although there is a slight influence, I think that has nothing to do with my current blood!"

Ye Qi thought after the decision.

\"Hmm. Thank you for your answer. [,!]. Joe!\"

Abigail felt the response of 'Really Gems', nodded with satisfaction, then pointed to the left hand side, the farthest chair, said: \"Sit there, it will be your location!\ "

Ye Qi stunned for a moment, then. He walked toward the chair and slowly sat up. Obviously, after repeated inquiries, he seemed to give an answer that satisfied the other party.

And because of satisfaction, the other party gave him an equal opportunity.

Just as Ye Qi had just sat down, the remaining 13 figures appeared slowly in front of the door of the Hall of Truth and walked in slowly.

When seeing the face of the thirteen wizarding emperors, Ye Qi will stand up and greet him.

However, Abigail was waved, and in the ranks of the wizarding emperor, and the familiar Thunder of Ye Qi, the gem emperor was also smiling.

Except for Abigail’s position in the middle, the remaining wizarding emperors sat on the side of seven. Six of them sat down, and Ye Qi’s position was exactly the one that originally lacked one.

Left: Gluttony Emperor, Night Emperor, Star Emperor, Thunder Emperor, Flame Emperor, Fury Emperor, Ye Qi.

Right side: Emperor of Thorns, Emperor of the Dead, Emperor of Frost, Emperor withered, Alchemist, Emperor, Emperor of Gems.

If you count the lost Hull, there are exactly a total of 16 wizard emperors. Of course... maybe you still need a criminal order.

\"I have something to announce, Joe, will be the 16th wizard emperor!\"

Sitting in the middle of the position, Abigail, glanced at the empty seat next to him, and then turned around and announced that it was like, just a moment, he was communicating with an invisible existence.

In this regard, the wizard emperors apparently have long been used to it.

At the moment when Abigail’s voice had just fallen, the Thunder Emperor had an attachment.





Obviously, for Ye Qi’s deeds, the wizard emperors present here have already heard about it, and some even have personally participated.

Therefore, no one objected.

On the contrary, every sorcerer of the sorcerer will give Ye Qi a good smile, even if it is the necromancer.

Of course, that smile is a bit infiltrating.

\"Very good, since all the members passed, then Joe will become a member of us!"

Abigail looked at the passage of no objection. After a slight nod, his eyes were again placed on Ye Qi. He asked: "Joe, you need to hide your real name now, with a name. No. to replace!\"

\"How is the plague?\"

The emperor of the sea, sitting next to Ye Qi, made an idea for Ye Qi.

\"Not good, this reminds me of a **** guy!\"

The Flame Emperor immediately shook his head and retorted.

\"Lightning is not bad!\"

The Thunder Emperor suggested this.

\"We have thunder, lightning seems to be a lot of confusion for others, which is bad for Joe's development!\"

The emperor emperor analyzed it quite objectively. Suddenly, the wizard emperors on the right side nodded. After all, such a name is not a casual thing.

Related to the strength of the name of the party's development.

There is absolutely no such joke, confusion exists.

\"so what should I do now?\"

After the gem emperor patted his bloated belly, he spread his hands and asked.

\"This is a matter of Joe and you are too enthusiastic!\"

Abigail looked around the wizarding emperor and looked at Ye Qi. At the same time, the eyes of other wizarding emperors also looked at Ye Qi.

Facing the eyes of many wizarding emperors, Ye Qi chuckled: "How about the dragons?"

\"Joe has the blood of a dragon, and if it is a dragon, it is very appropriate!\"

The gem emperor blinked and nodded.

\"not bad!\"

The Thunder Emperor and so on also agreed.

\"So, let the Dragon Emperor!\"

Abigail said this.


After the end of the House of Truth, Ye Qi took off his ordinary black robes and put on a black robes that he was no stranger to the wizard emperor to wear. Although both were black, the latter The majesty of the dragon, like the dragon, is not possessed by any robes.

Obviously, this robes have a special power.

\"Joe, you should be more formal!"

The emperor emperor stood in front of Ye Qi and looked at the re-dressed Ye Qi, such a suggestion.

\"I think I am fine now!\"

Ye Qi raised his hands and looked at his body. He didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

\"But the occasion is special, you don't want to go to the base ceremony, it seems very casual?\"

The gem emperor smiled and asked.

\"If you can, I have no opinion!\"

Ye Qi said with a sigh.

Yes, after the end of the deliberation of the Temple of Truth, a matter of reason, but something neglected by Ye Qi appeared in the throne ceremony, belonging to his throne ceremony.

And after seeing the regulatory routines that were thick enough to kill people, Ye Qi felt his stomach twitching.

.[,! As an unconstrained demon hunter, what he hates most is this kind of ceremonial occasion.

Especially when the protagonist of this occasion is still his time, Ye Qi always feels his head, already painful and cracked.

Obviously, the wizarding emperors saw Ye Qi’s expression, some showed sympathy, and more of them were gloating, such as the gluttony emperor bursting out loudly, and then, at dinner, there were ten more people. Food; the emperor with good character and goodness became his companion to help him complete the preparatory work.

\"If you can speak to Abigail, I have no opinion!\"

The emperor of the gem said in a serious way, but how did Ye Qi think, how do you feel that the eyes of this guy are deep in the eyes, hiding a touch of drama.

\"Alan, are you deliberate?\"

Ye Qi asked.

\"of course not!\"

The gem emperor said righteously, but at the moment when Ye Qi turned, the shoulder of the gem emperor was not twitched by restraint.

Obviously, the facts are not as the wizard's emperor said.

However, when Ye Qi saw some of the jackets, heads, scepters, swords, etc. that the wizard had brought in, there was no reason to deal with the guy behind him.

Ps first thanks to the glass ash classmates for their support, but the decadence is now double... One chapter is 5k, if it is three, then it will have to vomit blood! ! !

Decadence and roll, thank you for your support, forgive me, that is the famous saying: ‘Chenchen can’t do it! ! ’

Then, I hope to support it~~~ New book for collection, recommended ah~~~

Thanks for the reward of the starting price of the ash 10000, the prodigal son of the sea, the reward of the starting point of the turtle0920200, the reward of the 100 hearts of the lost heart~~~ decadent again, thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters~~~

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