Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 114: Dragon Emperor

Gold, in the early days of the wizarding period, was considered to be a strangely powerful item. Apart from its rare value, a wedge technique is an indispensable material. It is more popular than a gemstone and is a sorcerer. Known with people other than wizards - 'point gold technique', such time-consuming and laborious, the emergence of unusually unreliable spells, illustrates the speciality of gold from another aspect.

Therefore, the crown of every duchy of the Principality is made up of gold as the main body, accompanied by gems that match the color of their own family.

The head crown, the scepter, the long sword, and some small accessories in front of Ye Qi are naturally dominated by gold. These objects are mainly inlaid with diamonds and jade, and they are dazzling under the magic crystal. The radiance of Ye Qi’s subconscious eyes

\"Is it to be used as a sculpture to exhibit? So many sorts of contrasts!"

Ye Qi expressed his dissatisfaction.

\"Gold represents noble, diamonds represent perpetual, emerald represents material, spiritual richness - your crown, indicating that you are king, and your scepter represents your power, your sword is Your obligation... as a wizarding emperor, these are all necessary!\"

The gem emperor converges on the strong smile, very positive.

\"You were the same at the beginning?\"

Ye Qi turned and asked.

\"It's similar to you, except that the jewels in the crown are slightly different, and the representatives on the scepter and the hilt are different!\"The emperor pointed to the scepter and the dragon on the hilt. "My is a pot filled with gems, Gaildisi is lightning, and Tida is a punch of thorns around the kapok... In short, it's related to our name!"

\"So what about this?\"

Ye Qi picked up the coat that looked very normal - but, at the moment of picking up, Ye Qi understood how bad his previous conclusion was.

Originally dark color. Even can be used as a black jacket, with Ye Qi's pick up, suddenly there is a multicolored luster like water, with Ye Qi's shaking. This kind of luster is more and more translucent - Ye Qi can be Certainly, if you wear this, you will definitely attract everyone’s attention.

Because normal people will never dress like peacocks.

\"That is the coat we all have, except... except for this ceremony, no one is willing to wear it!"

An unnatural smile appeared again on the gem emperor's face.

And Ye Qi felt the hatred of the root position.


In the end, Ye Qi still did not choose to put on the coat immediately. So he put the coat on the left arm and left the room.

The wizarding emperors who waited outside the room, watching Ye Qi not wearing the jacket, all showed a disappointing expression -

\"Joe, you should wear it!\"

The Flame Emperor muttered.

\"Now is not a grand ceremony, I think I will wear it at that time!\"

Ye Qi said indefinitely.

\"Damn, I hate guys with such a flexible head!\"

The flames of the emperor glimpsed. Then, muttered again; however, this mutter, but the other wizard emperors laughed at the same time.

\"That is because you are stupid!\"

Twisting the bloated body. The eclipse emperor gave the biggest laughter, and then, unceremoniously exposed the "stain" of the flame emperor's life: "This guy has been wearing this colorful peacock costume, from the fortress to the other side. The bridge then returned to the floating city from the bridge on the other side - at the time, it attracted the attention of countless people!\"

As if I had thought of the original scene, the gluttony emperor had not finished yet, and the loud laughter appeared again, and the wizard emperors on the side laughed louder.

\"Reassured, unique is not a shameful thing!\"

Ye Qi looked at the flames of the emperor, and said slowly.

And this with the words of absolute 'malicious', but the face of the Flame Emperor is more difficult to look, but the laughter of the surrounding wizards is once again a high decibel, obviously, they appreciate Ye Qi's statement.

\"Well, yes, unique!\"

The Emperor of the Sea of ​​the Sea nodded hard and repeated again.

\"Shut up, Lisbon!\"

The Flame Emperor suddenly seemed to be a cat who had been stepped on his tail. When he jumped up, he rushed toward his friend. However, the former was dodging while screaming at the ‘unique’ and ‘unique’.

The other wizard emperors, including Ye Qi, just watched this way, without the slightest added meaning, as if things were not their own, but the smile on their faces was a reflection of their inner real thoughts.

When Abigail walked out of the Temple of Truth, the smiles of the people began to converge—


Abigail said with a unique stereotype of the old man, the voice clearly stated.

A group of wizarding emperors, facing the oldest and old man who is also a teacher and friend, immediately followed the other side with the most respectful gesture.

Just like the original position, Ye Qi walks on the last one on the left.

Then they entered the bridge on the other side, and then proceeded from the bridge on the other side to the floating city. With the help of the transmission array, it was almost only two minutes, and Ye Qi once again stood on the floating city of the wizards.

However, this time standing on the floating city of Ye Qi,. [,! ] But it clearly feels the difference - the rush, serious atmosphere, is being replaced by a relaxed, hilarious.

It is like a holiday.

Ye Qi, standing on the tower, can even see some flags flying.

In this regard, Ye Qi is not allowed.

Obviously, the appearance of another wizarding emperor is good news for all wizards, saying that it is not a holiday.

What's more, some high-level members of the Floating City must have got the 'frontline battle report'. Facing such a 'victory', simple celebrations have not crossed their bottom line. Even, they will give some should be given at the appropriate time. Some help - for example, the monitors are not on the street for the time being.

\"Joe, the registration ceremony begins at noon - you can go to the lounge before you go again, there are some people you want to see!\"

Abigail pointed to the tall tower on the other side of the floating city.

\"I can act as a guide!\"

The gem emperor said with a smile.

\"Please do not!"

Ye Qi nodded.

For the Floating City, Ye Qi has only been there twice. In the actual sense of the tour, there is no one at a time; therefore, when the gem emperor acts as a guide. Ye Qina is incomprehensible; and the surrounding wizards, Then they waved their hands to Ye Qi and dispersed.

Obviously, after returning to his hometown, even these wizarding emperors have something to deal with.

Looking at the excitement and embarrassing appearance of the faces of several wizarding emperors, Ye Qi was unusually affirmed, especially the star emperor who had always maintained his demeanor. He even left in a hurry, which made Ye Qi’s gaze follow.

\"Letcher has a lover, and opened an alchemy shop on the other side of the Floating City!\"

The emperor emperor explained to Ye Qi.


Ye Qiyi, obviously. He didn't think about it - or, in Ye Qi's mind, the existence of the wizarding emperor itself should be a lonely image. That kind of arrogance and the gods fight the end. It looks so clear that Ye Qi didn't notice anything else.

\" Of course, do you think that being a wizarding emperor will be a lonely life? I also have a wife!"

The gem emperor laughed.

\"So what are the previous ones?\"

Ye Qi once again glanced at the backs of several wizarding emperors.

\"Removal of Rada... That guy can't wait to go to the barbecue shop in the floating city!\"

The gem emperor's face is a little weird - obviously, for his colleague, he always wondered what kind of energy the other party devoted to the infinite love of food.

In this regard, Ye Qi also expressed confusion.

\"So, does your lover know your identity?\"

Ye Qi suddenly asked.

\"Know--maybe don't know at first, but as time goes by, everything will become transparent, not to mention the difference between husband and wife!\" The emperor glanced and said slowly; but, the next moment The gem emperor took a shot of Ye Qi’s shoulder, “So, don’t worry about anything, come on!”

The gem emperor pointed to the tower in front of him and stopped his own steps.

Ye Qi certainly knows why the other person said this - in his "perception", there are two unusually familiar fluctuations.

\"Allen, you misunderstood...\"

Ye Qi wanted to explain something, but the emperor emperor took the hateful appearance of ‘no explanation, I understand’, so he smiled and turned away.

Looking at each other's back, Ye Qi took a moment, and then walked into the tower with a smile. The tower is a form of architecture that the wizards love, allowing a place to have more space, just like the rest in front of the eyes. The room is generally divided into four floors, but it seems to be more spacious, and it is in the middle of it. Looking at the high ceiling, it makes people feel the slightest sigh, even with a feeling of heart and soul.

However, the snowy night is still with a touch of restlessness, the female grandfather looked down and closed his eyes, as if the rest of the master of the Lady, but the hands of Lady Ladi’s slightly pumping, but this shows Master of the wizard, the most authentic state.

Excited, nervous!

In fact, she is the same - after getting Joe to become the 16th wizard emperor, this sentiment has been with her.

From the snowy night to the floating city, she is awkward.

Even, there is a trace of soul.

As for why?

I don’t know if I am in the snowy night.

To do this, she had to find something that would divert her attention—watch around and see what deserves her attention.

However, the empty lounge and the empty streets outside, obviously have nothing to pay attention to - obviously, it has already been martial law, and the average person can not enter.

Therefore, when two figures appeared in the distance, they fell into the eyes of the female Dagong in an instant.

One of the most familiar figures made the female grandfather seem to be a frightened rabbit. He returned to his seat and sat down.

Only that kind of nervous, uneasy look, anyone can see it.

And after a while. After the voice of the lounge door was pushed, the female grandfather heard her heartbeat, but her eyes were unstoppable and looked at the gate.

Familiar face, no slight change. [,! ].

But the special robes show the change in the identity of the other person -

\"Hey, kneel down!\"

The female Dagong originally thought about countless times of rhetoric along the way. At this time, all of them were left behind, and she just said the words that made Ye Qi one of them.

\"Dagong. I don't think we need this between us!\"

Ye Qi quickly lifted the female grandmother, and then looked at the old wizard next to him, saying in a tone without any change: "Leidi Master!"


The old wizard who had already opened his eyes. At this time, listening to such a name that did not change at all, his body trembled, and then he opened his mouth as a familiar voice: "I changed my own to be lucky, because I found an incomparable successor - Joe, you are a genius. Undoubted!"

\"I want to refute now, there is no room for it!"

Ye Qi looked down at the black robe on her body and couldn't help but shrug her shoulders.

Simple two chills, suddenly. Let the original nervous, uneasy atmosphere eased, the old wizard's face began to appear, Ye Qi familiar smile.

Ye Qi does not reject such a smile. Therefore, as in the past, he used to pull a chair and sit beside the old wizard.

The female Dagong looked at Ye Qi’s every move. When she found that there was no change in the real and before, her heart could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

However, looking at the polite, polite smile, the female Dagong’s heart was a bit sullen—for the man in front of her, she once told her the other thing quite frankly, but the other person was stupid and ambiguous. In the past; originally, she intends to train each other.

However, the other party hastily left, so she has no chance.

But in the bottom of my heart, the female Dagong has already thought about some plans, and how will she wait until the other party comes back again, but unfortunately, when the two sides meet again, the kind of identity-like gap But all her plans fell through.

Of course, the fact that the other party has become a wizard emperor is hard to accept.

After all, the separation of the two sides is only less than two months.

\"Joe, should you have something to say to Lily? I will go out and walk, old people, not suitable for sedentary!\"

The old wizard saw the female grandfather, and immediately stood up with a smile. Then, he patted Ye Qi’s shoulder in the same manner as the gem emperor, and left the lounge in this way—obviously, Old wizards are also very optimistic about such a pair.

In fact, in the snowy night of the Principality, the old wizard was already trying to match the two.

Keep making separate spaces for the two.

However, the effect is not very good - one is stupid, one is awkward, it is obviously difficult to wipe out what sparks.

Of course, more importantly, the identity of both parties is also a problem.

Even if the snowy night is poor, it is also a duchy. Lily is also a female grandfather, and Ye Qi is a wizard. Although it seems to have a bright future, such a bright future wizard is not uncommon in the wizarding empire.

Even the old wizard guessed that Ye Qi’s reason for being stupid is because of the gap. After all, men are always like this, just like when he was young...

However, now it is different, and Ye Qi, who became the wizard emperor, obviously has any qualifications.

And the two will never have any gaps!

The old wizard walked out of the lounge with a glimmer of expectation.

While staying in the lounge, Ye Qi and the female grandfather are face to face, big eyes and small eyes -

\"Cough, cough, long time no see, Dagong!\"

Ye Qi wants to break the awkward atmosphere, but, obviously, the effect is not very good, the opposite woman is just looking at him, and has not answered at all.

\"When did you arrive?\"

Ye Qi asked again and again.

This time, the female grandfather responded.

\"Are you in relationship with me?\"

Ye Qi stunned, then, subconsciously nodded.

\"I thought you would be the same as before... Still, have you forgotten what I said to you?"

The female Dagong did not have a gentle roundabout, but asked simply and neatly.

And this, straight and straight, suddenly, let Ye Qi's eyes appear again overlap.

\"You still pretend not to know?!\"

Looking at Ye Qi once again fell into a sly appearance, the female grandfather was angry, her voice was pulled up several decibels.

\"No, just...\"

Ye Qi shook his head and wanted to explain it, but there was a touch of touch in the bottom of his heart, which was almost instinctive. At the time of this touch, Ye Qi took the spindle-like priesthood in his hand.

It is another chaotic change.

When Ye Qi was able to see things again, his appearance changed greatly.

The lounge had long since disappeared, only a continuous camp, and in the open space of the camp, a female knight was waving a sword.


Looking at the figure, Ye Qi blurted out of consciousness and shouted the name of the female cavalry chief.

\"Who is Elsie? Is she her?\"

Suddenly the sound came, and Ye Qi turned straight, and the female grandfather stood there, and was stunned. [,! Looking at the female cavalry commander in the distance.

And the female cavalry commander in the distance seems to have found something, and began to look around.

Ps home to relatives, it is estimated to go out to eat at night... decadence and then time to say ~

Thanks to the prodigal son wandering around the sea, the reward of the starting price of turtle0920200, the lost heart, § ghost ※ St. § 100 starting point of the reward of ~~~ decadent again thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters ~~~

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