Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 21 Chapter 228: Missing things IV

Astral void, center.

This is a place covered by mist. The layer of mist is like a nebula, rotating slightly, keeping a constant, not increasing, or getting smaller.

A special kind of force envelopes it, just like the ever-changing astral world.

The two forces seem to be positive and negative, and they grow together and form the most peculiar rhythm.

Therefore, when a little bit appears, when this rhythm is broken, it will always be so conspicuous.

And so conspicuous are two figures -

"Call! Come out, finally came out!"

A tall and strong figure made a long sigh of relief, and did not care about the physical scars on his body. His face was only ecstasy, excitement, and... looking forward to it.

"You really decided?"

The other one is strong without the former, but the head is not low, even higher, so it looks slender, a white big scorpion is put on his body, bare-chested with his upper body around his chest, flowing out It is like a copper cast iron-like abdominal muscle with a strange luster.

"If I follow my plan, our chances of success are even bigger!"

There is a hint of persuasion in the words of the slender figure.

"No, I have waited for too long, I can't wait any longer. This is the case in the world. I want to break the barriers here and return to my world... my wife may have children waiting for the real thing." It’s been too long!”

The tall, strong man shook his head.

“So can you wait a few more days? And, when you break the barrier, maybe the helper here can make you more able to return to your world in the 'appropriate' time – an unaccompanied pregnancy The man next to his wife is definitely not a good husband!"

The slender figure said.

"Of course there is no problem, though. Your helper... He broke the 'destiny', let the 'order' be caught off guard, gave us the opportunity - that **** 'order'. If not here, my power is cut There are still more than 70%. I will definitely crush the yolk of ta!"

The tall man sulking in a low voice.

"Here, the whole world is the home of ta. It is inevitable that you are suppressed, unless you have the means to obtain the approval of the mother tree. However, for you, this is impossible. You have killing and extinction. Will, although there is also a trace of 'life', but too little. It is impossible!"

The slender figure is extremely objective.

"You are like this, no girl will like you!"

The tall figure looks like a ‘’, and he’s not angry.

"I already have someone I like, and when I finish this, I will find her again!"

The slender figure said faintly.

It seems to be talking about an established fact.

However, the tall figure is to know how difficult it is - the root of the tree of the world: 'reincarnation' is definitely not so easy to break through.

In particular, this is especially true without prejudice to the tree of the world.

Nine deaths are the most appropriate adjectives.

"Okay, okay. Then I wish you all the best, now I am looking for a place to wait for your new number - be careful, the nose of 'order' is sharp!"

The strong man reminded ‘’. Then, the whole person is like a meteor, disappearing into the void of this piece.

The slender figure looks at the disappearance of the other side, and the same goes into the void.

And just after the disappearance of the two, a wavy that was invisible, swept across the entire astral void, but nothing was gained.


"We need to find the teachers and stop them from the fall of the wizarding emperors. Even if it is a suspended animation, it will be much better than the real death!"

Ye Qi sat in the chair of the room, next to the female cavalry chief, the chameleon and the female grandfather.

The latter obviously does not know much. However, Ye Qi’s face is solemn. But let her understand the importance of this matter, therefore, the female grandfather did not interject, quietly sitting there listening.

"I think we can change the angle to find a solution!"

The female cavalry commander glanced at Ye Qi’s solemnity, and accompanied her for a long time, which made her very clear that Ye Qi did not really grasp it at the moment.

"Yes, I think we can start from other aspects - since we can't convince, then we will use strength to crush!" Chameleon said with a smile, "It is not difficult to say that your ability is now. ?"

"Well, but... I don't want to use this method for my friends if I can!"

Ye Qi nodded, but then he smiled.

“Sometimes special circumstances need special treatment!”

The chameleon pulled up Ye Qi’s hand and gave silent comfort.

The female cavalry chief and the female grand prince jumped at the corner, but did not say much.

For the chameleon who had the Ye Qi children, they knew it at the moment, and this fact made the two women feel uncomfortable.

Especially the female grandfather, as a traditional aristocrat, her attachment to the child is the female cavalry chief after thousands of years.

Of course, this does not mean that the female cavalry chief does not care.

In fact, the child is very strange to the female cavalry chief, but there is a look forward to it. She does not think that it is a bad thing for a descendant to inherit his will.

Looking at the changes of the female cavalry chief and the female grandfather, the chameleon could not help but grin.

She never minds having a competitor, it's the same in everything – the only difference is that in other things, she can play the opponent and kill the other.

In such a thing, she can only see the situation at hand.

However, this is already the biggest victory, isn't it?

And Ye Qi looked at the three ladies' quiet communication, and felt that the temple was a little swollen.

However, the next moment, Ye Qi will give a slight glimpse -

"Come out!"

Ye Qi waved his hand to the three ladies, and the voice rang clearly.

The three ladies immediately stopped the secret confrontation, but paid attention to the surrounding; however, the female Grand Duke was not present at all, and the female cavalry chief locked in a general scope. Only the chameleon had already fixed its position. In one place, an item resembling a Rubik's cube emerged in the hand, and then gently floated out and landed there.

There is no light or breath.

The Rubik's Cube is suddenly getting bigger.

The red, white, green, blue, purple, and black above began to change rapidly.

However, there is no final completion, and a figure appears in front of everyone.

"I have no ill intentions!"

The white cockroach, slender figure, said slowly.

"I know But... I need an explanation - Delpa!"

Ye Qi stood up and walked across the other side, saying one word at a time.

Delpa, Lorante, Goethez, and Xilu may have countless people named Delpa.

However, there is only one that can be treated by Ye Qi.

Founder of the Wizarding Dynasty: Great Delpa!

The ps chapter is after the lunch at noon, the decadent use of mobile phone code...

Although only the cousin is married, but all kinds of tired, vomiting blood!

Originally, I said that I could go to bed early. As soon as I got back, I was busy... Then I looked at the watch, eleven o'clock...

Hey, I went to sleep... I’ve been stunned for a few days, and I’m not feeling well!

Thanks to the prodigal sons floating around the sea, the starting point of the rewards ~~~ decadent again thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters ~~~ (to be continued)

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