Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 21 Chapter 229: Missing thing V

For the great Emperor Delpa, whether it is from the female cavalry commander after the millennium, the chameleon, or the female grandfather who originally lived in the era of the wizard, it is all over the place. . vertex. Novel

Especially the female grandfather, this time is even more surprised to reach out and hold his mouth.

But that's it.

The three ladies are waiting quietly, because Ye Qi has already represented the three of them.

The charm of love is always reflected in this inadvertently.

“I will give you an explanation, but for the time being I need a ‘hidden’ to escape the tracked place!”

Said Delpa.

"no problem!"

Ye Qi nodded and then snapped a finger.


In the crisp sound, the place where the three ladies, Ye Qi and Delpa were located once again became the gap of the time - although it was smaller than the last time, it is enough to accommodate some people.

Of course, if Ye Qi needs it, he will re-expand ‘transform’ here.

However, it is not needed now.

After all, the Lord of the Spirits is enough to use it - according to the normal time, belonging to Ye Qi, this is enough to last for hundreds of years.

“A very safe place!”

Delpa looked around and nodded.

"So, let's talk! Start with you leaving me this big bang!"

As he said, Ye Qi took out the white cockroach.

"This is the beginning of my struggle! Everything afterwards is also for the sake of resistance... Although some are useless, some of them have really played a role - the birth of me and the wizarding dynasty. It is the arrangement of 'destiny'. Including my death. The demise of the wizarding dynasty is the same, of course, including the appearance of Fang Yi!"

‘Greater Emperor’ Delpa said, his face was full of bitterness.

"I didn't find it at first, even, I didn't know it, but as the strength increased, when I gradually entered immortality. Some subtle things, I have already begun to discover - although only a few Part, but even this small part, I was amazed...because I always thought that I was the real 'lead'!"

The bitterness on Delpa's face became more and more intense.

"I want to get rid of the fate of the 'chess', but this is not allowed by 'destiny', I am fighting and seeing the hope of victory; but... I didn't think that after 'destiny'. I face The more terrible enemy: 'order' - a kind of existence similar to 'destiny' but more powerful than 'destiny'!"

"You are imprisoned in the mother tree world?"

Ye Qi interrogated.

"Not only me, there are other existences of the last century - only a few are left. But there are some, and some do not belong to this world...not pure Lorante, Goethe, West Lu and other worlds mean, but another mother tree world - some strange, but the other party is indeed from other mother tree circles, and is very strong, but it is suppressed here, was imprisoned for many years by 'order', is in A prisoner after me!"

Delpa explained in detail.

"This prisoner is our ally?"

Ye Qi asked.

The detailed introduction of Delpa clearly shows that the prisoner is not ordinary.

"Well, at the crucial moment, this lord will shoot, but he also hopes that you can help him - using 'time' to send him to the most appropriate time, the world of the two mother trees is different, he I am not sure how long he has been there, so I hope to return to the time period shortly after leaving!"

Delpa answered affirmatively.

"So what about other people? The existence of the last discipline?"

Ye Qi does not mind having more helpers.

"They have been in the cage for too long. Under the erosion of 'destiny', they have already lost their hearts of resistance!"

Delpa shook his head.

“That is, we only have three people?”

Ye Qi shrugged.

“There are only two people – when I face ‘order’, there is no resistance, and you and that lord are the ones who can really face ‘order’!”

Delpa’s words suddenly made Ye Qi one of the three, and the three ladies were also surprised.

"Not only me, any birth in this mother tree, without the existence of fundamental strength, in the face of 'order', there is no way to fight back!"

Delpa’s words are serious.

"It's like the water in the water cup. You are still struggling, no matter how you struggle, you can't get out of the water cup forever! But the lord himself comes from the water cup, not the water cup, and Ye Qi Although it exists in this cup, it changes its structure. It is like gasification. Although it is water, it is sublimated to another state and forms a cloud! Only in this way can we face the 'order' !"

"Well, what else is helpful to me?"

Ye Qi nodded, with a hint of tone in his tone.

When he learned that his opponent was ‘order’, he had already had such psychological preparations.

After all, the supremacy represented by the other party is an iron-like rule for any existence in this mother tree world. If you don't break that kind of ambiguity, don't want to fight against each other. The other party only needs to lock the target, a thought. , you can let you lose the power of resistance.

"Look for the source of your blood!"

Said Delpa.

"My blood source? Time dragon?"

Ye Qiyi.

"Yes, it's time dragons, go to the river of time, find them, and then ask them to help - Time Dragon will definitely promise to help you, after all, you are the only time dragon in this mother tree... and, in You have the mark of time dragons on your body!"

Delpa nodded.

For the so-called imprint, Ye Qi also had a feeling, it is the imprint in the blood, it is like a birthmark.

However, this one is the day after tomorrow.

When he really opened the blood of the time dragon; however, it has the blood of the time dragon, but it does not mean that Ye Qi knows everything about the time dragon -

"So, you know where the river of time is?"

Ye Qi looked at Delpa, who nodded.

"At the source of all time gaps!"

Delpa said, he pulled off his white coat and threw it to Ye Qidao: "My piece and the one left for They are one piece, when two pieces When you combine it into one, you can get the 'time' again and make up your 'time'. After that, you can find the river of time by yourself!"

"Where do they come from?"

Ye Qi took out another big cockroach, also the great Emperor Delpa, and put it together with another big cockroach. Then, looking at the invisible, but incomparably powerful forces floating on the two big gongs, Asked subconsciously.

"The rewards of the young dragons that Fang Yi accidentally rescued, the rewards!"

Delpa's face was soft and gentle, but then it was a loss.

Ps is still timing today~

There are still some things to do with decadence...


Thanks for the reward of the starting point of Wei Wei 588, the prodigal son of the wandering sea, the reward of the starting point of the turtle0920200~~~ Decadence again, thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters~~(To be continued.)

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