Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 21 Chapter 230: Missing thing VI

Speaking of his lover, Delpa is once again silent. Vertex fiction.

There is a mixture of sweetness and sorrow in the expression. The unspeakable emotion is like the taste of white truffles. Ye Qi shrugged and did not say anything. At this time, Delpa needs no comfort, just an opportunity. - The opportunity to resurrect the lover.

Of course, this is definitely not an easy task.

The soul of Fang Yi exists, but in the roots of the tree of the world, it enters the cycle.

Not only that, but also the factors of time.

If the former is a long one-way street, then the emergence of time will make this one-way street extremely ‘wide’!

A line has become a face.

And every point above may be a clue, or it may be nothing.

It is not an exaggeration to want to find one point at a time and spend an epoch.

"I recognize a witch, maybe she can help you!"

After the chameleon indulged, watching Ye Qi, and then Ye Qi silently nodded, said to Delpa, and then, he reported the time and address of Betasha.

"Thank you!"

Delpa is very sincere.

Then I looked at the two white big cockroaches -

After the gradual integration, the shape of the clothes has long since disappeared.

The rest is a beam of light.

It is difficult to describe this light, just like the sun, like the moonlight, or the starlight, not long or short, floating in the air, and then slowly going toward Ye Qi.

That is an attraction.

It is like the attraction of positive and negative poles.

Three ladies. Delpa looked at the light and merged into Ye Qi's body. Ye Qiwei glared at his eyes. With a faint smile on his face, he finally opened his eyes.

"how about it?"

The three ladies asked in unison.

"Very least the power I have mastered is once again filled out - and I found the river of time... though, we have been in it!"

Ye Qi replied with a smile.

"Always in its body?"

The chameleon is thoughtful.

"Well, no matter where we are, it is above time. Even if it is the gap of time, it is like a big river. In the normal plane, it is the flow of river water, and the gap of time is the depth of the river. The pebbles are relatively static. Once the speed of the river changes, it will be washed away. Just like here, it is shrinking. When it is reduced to a certain extent, it will definitely follow the power of the river... It is once again integrated into the river!"

Ye Qi simply explained.

"So what about the mother tree?"

This time I was asking about Delpa.

Obviously. The creator of the wizarding dynasty, for the prisoner of the mother tree, has always been worried.

"The mother tree world is also in the river of time, but compared to the cobblestones in the time gap, the mother tree is like a dam - that is, in the river, independent of the river, and one by one, and one The intercepted river flow section, the group built our river of time!"

Ye Qi raised his hand and waved a light and shadow in front of him.

It was a rushing river, and then the red dots appeared in the fastest flow, making the rushing river soothing.

“Let time slow down?”

After the three ladies saw it for a while, some did not understand.

"Time is invisible, people can't describe it, just like throwing away all the words and symbols. The most real side you see is the essence, and the time is the same - it has no so-called speed, the speed is only relative In our case, the mother tree is only for us to survive better, and this change will happen! After all... the existence of the mother tree and the tree of the world is to let life grow and grow better!"

Ye Qi smiled and explained.

"What about 'order' and 'destiny'?"

Delpa suddenly asked.

"What about the natural gods born in the tree of the world?"

Ye Qi asked like this.

"They are different in nature!"

Delpa frowned.

"That's because the mother tree is different from the tree of the world, but in some respects... there is no difference, or they are all using the 'responsibility' they give, and they use the power constantly. The mother tree lasts longer – just like the weeding, fertilizing, watering, and...the insects!”

Said, Ye Qi's eyes looked at Delpa.

"I am... a pest?"

Delpa is not quite certain.

"For the mother tree, you are still her child, but for the 'order' 'destiny', you are a pest - you will divide the mother tree to give them the power to make them weak... any existence I will not accept the fact that even you and I are the same; except... the mother tree, the tree of the world!"

Ye Qi said slowly, with respect.

"Is that right?"

Delpa muttered to himself.

"The rough situation is like this, maybe there will be some changes, but basically it is here - the **** of the mother tree, do not want to die, so they can only destroy you... because the power of the mother tree is not enough to support more of you. Existence, limited location, too many people can only reduce the number of people!"

Ye Qi shrugged and looked at the image in front of him, suddenly shaking his head.

As if the heart was in harmony, the chameleon and the female cavalry went to Ye Qi's side, holding Ye Qi's left and right hands respectively, without any words, only the support.

Because they know that Ye Qi is now one of the ‘too many’ numbers.

When she was a woman, she did not have an instinctive move. This is not because she did not love Ye Qi, but she did not have a long-term tacit understanding.

However, although slower, but the female Grand Duke is a more generous one to hold Ye Qi from behind.

The chameleon smiled and did not speak, and the female cavalry chief frowned and did not speak.

"Don't worry, there are more people, we also..."

Ye Qi comforted the three ladies, but the words were getting lower and lower.

It’s not just Delpa who can’t hear clearly, even the three ladies can’t hear clearly.

"I need to go to the river of time... find our helper!"

Ye Qi said straight.

"Time Dragon?"

The three ladies were silent, then the female cavalry chief asked.

"No danger, I will go back when I go!"

Ye Qi smiled a little, then raised his hand, the three ladies disappeared into this gap, leaving only the 'Great Emperor' Delpa.

"Is there something?"

Delpa asked directly.

"Well, there are some things that you have to be able to settle before you come out. I think I need to finish them before going to the river of time; otherwise, my heart always has a sense of awkwardness - just like I go to eat elbows. You went to give me the vegetables, the taste... can I say that I want to cry?"

Ye Qi replied.

"So, now?"

"just now!"

Ye Qi took a shot of Delpa's shoulder and the two disappeared instantly.

Ps smashed the cold, the whole body is soft... the head hurts too...

Thanks to the prodigal sons floating in the sea, the reward of the starting price of the turtle0920200~~~ Decadence again, thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters~~~(To be continued.)

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