Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 8 Chapter 24: Mixed in

Chapter 24 is mixed in

The swordsman has already gained the upper hand against the warrior-level apostle; and Fendi, who is also a moon-level apostle, is also an opponent of the moonlight class, but the two are unable to open because of the team’s sake; By comparison, it is undoubted that Job is more exciting than the previous moon-level apostle who left alone. Read the novel [\'\'] free text update! (read novel)

Job's weapon is a one-handed sword. The bright cyan sword looks sharp and the brown hilt is a bit awkward, but under Job's beautiful body, it seems less important - one by one. Around Job, the sword that should be cold is really like a flower in the garden; however, it is far from the gentleness of the flowers.

The moon-level apostle who is confident in acting alone and able to make a smooth pass is certainly not an incompetent generation; but at the moment he is dwarfed by Job’s swordsmanship, and the two daggers can only be left-handed. Right block, occasionally making the following counterattack

"Good gorgeous swordsmanship" The keen man who is keen on fighting carefully stares at Job on the ring. After watching it for a long time, he can't help but sigh: "Although there are some oysters, it is really good."


Ye Qi nodded slightly, believing that the giant Han said, but looking at the oysters of the Job conversion, he frowned slightly - how it feels a little strange...

Unnatural oysters... right is not natural

Ye Qi, sitting on the audience table, flashed a sharp eye in an instant. - Job’s one-handed sword was quick and fierce, but it didn’t have a slight momentum. It’s like a person dancing in a sword; if it’s good at The swords of the people in this road are of course smooth and smooth, but if there is a sudden increase in the number of people who do not know how to cooperate, the smooth flow of this kind of flow will inevitably be interrupted. Unnatural feeling of oysters

Subconsciously, Ye Qi’s gaze turned to the moon-level apostle who played against Job. Although the other’s face was nervous and flustered, it fell into the wind in the battle. This expression is normal, and the average person is fundamental. I won't pay attention; however, I found the wrong Ye Qi, but I saw it wrong in this nervous and flustered - sure enough, I can't control my body, can I just "dance" with others?

By this time, Ye Qi has been certain that Job's apostolic abilities should belong to the general control ability of his enchanting creatures; although Ye Qi himself seldom uses this ability because of the limitations of fascinating biological expertise, but not I don’t admit that this ability is powerful at some point. It’s like now, there are two opponents who are clearly divided, but one of them is beaten to fight back.

"I don't know where to go up and down?" A sneer came from the bottom of my heart. I don't know when the strange wolf came back to Ye Qi's thoughts at the moment, and sneered ruthlessly: "You are too tall to see the moon-level apostle. Or do you think that the same contractor as you can only have this ability?"

"The same contractor as me? He is also..."

Ye Qiyi, the surprise in his heart made him unable to clench his fists - in order to quickly increase his strength, the plan to hunt the demon was proposed by him; therefore, in the face of the first target of the prey, he quickly It made a response that the hunter should have; however, the instinct of the hunter immediately calmed him down; after all, a good hunter not only had the excitement to face the prey, but also had a Keep calm and look at the moderate brain at any time

It’s not a trivial matter to hunt down a month-level apostle at the Hunter’s Headquarters; even if it succeeds, it will definitely fall into the full-fledged killing of the Hunter’s headquarters; yesterday’s apostle’s first round of three-level test, but let Ye Qi Deeply aware of the power of the Devil's Headquarters...

The location and the identity of the other party made Ye Qi frown, sinking for a long while, and did not think of a good countermeasure; after vetoing several self-made plans, Ye Qi finally gave up the idea of ​​starting Job. But some things still have to be clear: "Does he find my identity?"

"Absolutely no" blame the wolf's self-confidence; of course, the temptation to restore strength in advance also makes it not stop the persuasion of its own contractor: "Do you really not intend to kill him? Under the unsuspecting of the other side The success rate is close to 100% and although it is not clear which guy in the guy's body, but according to the current situation, it is definitely not weak..."

"Here, even if we succeed, there will be unexpected troubles for the future plan, we can only give up." Ye Qi interrupted the temptation of the wolf, but this time the tone of rejection was slightly regrettable; However, soon Ye Qi adjusted his mood. After all, asking the strange wolf's investigation is really a matter for him to plan for the future: "How is the exploration of the thorn tower?"

"It’s very smooth that my statue is not as important as we imagined." Ye Qi, who knows the habit of talking about wolves, has no feeling of surprise, because he knows that the other party always says good first, then bad; and bad. On one hand, it will always be infinitely reduced, and on the one hand, it will be superior in many ways. Sure enough, without Ye Qi’s expectation, the wolf will continue after a pause: “But maybe because The other party was attracted by the material of the statue, but it was unclear what it was; so it was placed in the other's treasure house..."

"treasure house?"

Ye Qi’s brow wrinkled immediately—he was mentally prepared, even if the wolf’s words were different, he did not make him ridicule the wolf as before, but this does not mean that he would be so good. Mood; after all, the place where the thorny tower owner can be used as a treasure house is definitely not a place to play in the back garden. The risk inside is self-evident.

"How about the specific situation of the treasure house?" For the future plan, even if it is the Longtan Tiger Cave, Ye Qi is also going to have a glimpse; therefore, after just pause, he will continue to ask; and the wolf has not disappointed him. Immediately, the situation of the treasure house was said: "The location of this treasure house should be in the bedroom of the thorny tower tower. There is no guard guard, and there is no magic trap. Just take off the wall and hang it on the wall. The oil painting can enter..."

PS These days are special, even if it is environmentally friendly, green and pollution-free 3000, it is not guaranteed to be decadent... It can only be done as much as possible... I’m sorry, the nobleman NG, your 3000 reminder... Wait until my grandma finishes The first seven, decadent will try to make up for everyone's... Thanks again for the long boat's 100, the claud_100, the drum oil Jin's 100~~~ Again, desolation thank you for your support~~~

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