Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 8 Chapter 25: Mixed in (below)

The twenty-fifth chapter is mixed in (below)

"No guards, no organs?"

The strange wolf's description of this secret room obviously made Ye Qi stunned. After all, the secret room, as the name suggests, is a secret room; and the role of this room is generally the place to store valuables, naturally there will be to guard these The guards of valuables or the existence of organs; as in the present, although there is a secret room that is sufficiently concealed, but there is not enough guarding power, this is really strange.

"Are you sure that there really isn't any guardian power?" Ye Qi still asked some more unbelievable; for Ye Qi's question, he felt unsatisfied with the strange wolf: "Of course, I am Amon." Do you think that I will not even have some institutional traps?"

The dissatisfaction of the wolf is automatically ignored by Ye Qi. For the proud heart of the other party, Ye Qi has a deep understanding; if he dares to pick up now, then it is definitely an endless self-song. The cynicism; not to mention that he was not interested in being ridiculed by the wolf, but the existence of such a strange chamber has attracted all his attention.

Do you think it is unnecessary? still is……

Ye Qi’s eyes narrowed and hesitated—anyone of the Lord of the Six Towers of the Devil’s Headquarters could never be taken lightly; he knew this truth a long time ago; and this time the apostle The strength displayed by the headquarters of the Demon Hunter is to give him a deep fear of deep understanding. After all, the six-tower who can drive so many outstanding strengths is definitely more powerful. Strong

As for the use of power to drive?

He has not yet fainted, he will not pay attention to this - the hunter-manufacturing association with the coat of civilization and other coats, which is still the jungle law of the supremacy of power; power is nothing but a manifestation of strength; Otherwise, there will be no grading of stars, moonlights, and glory in the hunter-manufacturing society, and the treatment of life and death is still the case...

Therefore, for the secret room of the thorny tower of the six towers, he will only be more cautious and careful, even if there is no guarding power, he will never take it lightly; after all, the thorn tower tower itself is enough for him to take out 100 Divided into two hundred strengths to deal with. (reading the net)


In Ye Qi’s sinking, Job finally lost the patience to continue to entangle with the other side; after “letting” the dagger from the other party, Job broke into the front of the other side, and the hilt On the shoulders of the other side of the "missing"; the "great power" from the hilt, let the other party immediately fall down the platform, lost the qualification - Job's beautiful blow, attracted the audience around the audience loudly Cheers and shouts; Ye Qi, who was interrupted by the applause and shouting around him, looked up and looked up at the ring, just in sight with Job, who was thanking him.

Ye Qi glanced at Job on the platform, and after a slight decapitation of courtesy, he turned his eyes away without knowing it. After knowing that the other party was able to win by the skill, Ye Qi, who was attracted by the sword, immediately became interested in the other party. It has dropped countless levels, but it has retained a courtesy politeness.

Job also kept a friendly nod to Ye Qi; but when he saw Ye Qi did not stop his eyes, the corner of his mouth couldn’t help but reveal a playful smile—sure it was discovered...

With the end of Job's face, the apostles who had been beaten by the knives were also abandoning their swords to admit them. Ye Qi looked at the star-studded apostles who were like a cow and sweat. The heart was very If the other party does not want to be the first person to be defeated in the eight-seat platform, I am afraid that it will not be able to stand up under the storm-like attack of the swordsman; however, this simple resilience is very Ye Qi appreciates, so he couldn't help but look at each other's eyes; of course, his eyes were attracted by Fendi.

Seeing that Fendi and his former temporary companions, who had already decided to win or lose, had not been tangled with the previous battles, they began to let go of the battle - Fendi and his opponents were unarmed and did not take any Weapons; but the sound of the air at the moment makes everyone who is present understand that even the two are bare-handed, it is definitely the kind of existence that cannot be underestimated.

Thanks to Zaka’s blessing last night, Ye Qi’s unarmed skills at the moment finally reached the level of proficiency; therefore, watching the battles of both sides of the battle, Ye Qi, who came to me, finally did not rely on expert-grade cold weapons to touch the bypass observation. However, it is an extremely intuitive evaluation of the strength of the two people in the ring.

Of course, this is also because the ability of two people in the ring to fight with their hands is only at the level of proficiency. If this level is exceeded, Ye Qi still has to rely on expert cold weapons to make up for his own shortcomings; after all, after yesterday Late Zaka's tempering, Ye Qi has a new understanding of his own expert-grade cold weapons, although he did not let the skill itself reach the next level, but let him realize a new understanding of the skills themselves. At the very least, he doesn't have to guess what the next level of expert level looks like, even if he doesn't know the name of that level, but the path to that level and what it will look like after reaching the end. He knows

On the platform, it is like a replica of the former knife and opponent. The thin Fendi is being suppressed by the opponent at the moment; although he keeps making various effective dodge, the opponent is attacking more and more aggressively. However, it made him seem extremely difficult, as if the boat in the raging waves had the threat of overturning at any time - Ye Qi, who was paying attention to it, quickly shook his head and made a self-judgment. Fendi won, but the rest was only It’s time

Obviously, there are only a few parts that have the same thoughts as Ye Qi. More people are optimistic about Fendi’s opponents. After all, Fendi’s opponents are on the surface at all. Absolute advantage...


The crisp sounds of the two on the platform made the shouts of cheering for the Fendi opponents abruptly--only, the opponents who had been chasing after Fendi had been unable to fall on the ring at the moment. Fendi, who is thin and thin, stands proudly and poses in a victory.

Most of the people present were unacceptable, and they didn’t even see what was going on...


"Jessie, what's wrong with it? It's obvious that the big guy has the upper hand." Mira is obviously one of the most popular people. She is looking at her friend with a confused face at the same time. Unhappy; Jessie glanced at his friend and sighed helplessly, explaining to his friend: "The thin apostle seems to be chased by the other side, and flees back and forth, but actually it is spinning around the opponent, no Stop searching for flaws; and after the other side’s crazy attack, the moment of force breaks, the other side is not prepared, it is to solve each other with one punch and one foot”

After explaining the shoulders of Jessie’s friends, he whispered: “If you want to participate in the gambling in the future, you must remember not to rely on appearance to determine the ability of both sides; I don’t want our travel expenses to flow in. The pockets of those dealers"

"Know it," Mira shrugged, but then she was excited: "However, there is not much money on the slim apostle; although I have to get rid of this, I still have money to make it, gambling. It is necessary to be a banker."


Looking at the smug look of his friends, Jesse suddenly felt awkward, and finally he could only helplessly shake his head and put his eyes on the platform that had not yet completed the game.


“How?” Giant Han suddenly asked, looking at the other person pointing to the already victorious few people; Ye Qi slightly thought about it, slowly said: “very good; Job’s swordsmanship is gorgeous But it is very powerful; Fendi's speed is very consistent with the cooperation of the fists; as for Hiller, not only the strength and speed are strong, but the use of the knives has reached the point of freewheeling."

Ye Qi said that it is very objective. Basically, several people have shown it on the ring. Among them, Job, who is a contractor, has taken it with him—even if the giant man is straight, and Ye Qi has already gotten a heart. However, with regard to contracts and the like, Ye Qi still does not mention a word; after all, this is the key to his own life and death; to give his life and death to others, Ye Qike does not have such a habit

"I am optimistic about Fendi" Giant Han nodded and agreed with Ye Qi's point of view, but also said his own thought: "He is definitely the biggest opponent of your competition champion"

Even though he was aware of the identity of the contractor of Yebo, Ye Qi had already regarded the other side's subconscious as the most favorable opponent of the apostle's contest. However, when he saw that the giant Han had something to do, he still couldn't help but ask: "Oh why?"

“Fendi is a well-known demon hunter in the Qiangqu area. He not only organized a hunter team in the local area, but also the entire team has a very high task completion rate. He is also known as the black of the Chima area. bat……"

Organizing the Demon Hunter Squad?

I heard the giant Han mention Fendi's information ~ ~ Ye Qi suddenly nodded, and the attitude expressed by the other party's invitation last night became familiar with it - no wonder it would be so skilled, it has already Have their own team

The Hunting Mania will be an extremely loose organization. The Hunting Devils have both a solitary lone traveler and a companion team. As long as they do not violate the rules of the Hunting Mania, the Hunter Headquarters will generally not Interference; and if it wasn’t because of various unpredictable changes, I’m afraid that Ye Qi and the younger ones would form their own team to travel through the entire Lorante...

It’s just that the plan never changes quickly—Ye Qi’s heart sighs and pulls back his thoughts; looking at the giant Han, he is very curious to ask: “Black bats? Why does Fendi have this title?”

PS is abrupt to come back~~~ The editors and decadent readers are the best readers. Sure enough, watching everyone’s message, there is no update to give back, decadence is really moving inexplicable~~~ decadent here Thank you for your reply~~~ Thanks again for 588 of Luo Kezhen, 588 of Wu Mingshi, 100 of Fengshouyue, 100 of Qingxin wormwood, and the moonlight and shadow, the pain of the egg, the moon ticket of [Anonymous]~~~颓废鞠躬Thank you for your support~~~

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