Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 9 Chapter 3: Departure again (3)

Chapter III Departs Again (3)

"You looking for me?"

Ye Qi looked at Shadick in front of him. Among the many apprentices, the one who had the most contact with him was Jesse. The other was the other party. However, the other party would not say any more words every time they met. If you are defeated, you just bite your teeth and leave; if you say it seriously, the other party’s conversation with him is not even as good as the trainee apostles who did not remember his name.

Therefore, Ye Qi is very curious about the other party will come to him, especially after seeing the hesitation on the other side's face, this curiosity has reached a height; of course, even if the heart is curious, Ye Odd but very good demonstration, and did not show it - he instantly masked the strange face, pointing to the chair in front of the road: "Please sit"

Sodick made a statement, and there was a trace of hesitation in his face. Even a few times, he didn’t spit out any words. Ye Qi looked at each other’s performance and knew that the other’s heart was in an extremely struggling stage. Ye Qi’s patience is also consuming as time goes by; after all, Ye Qi’s habits make him not the best listener, even if there is, at least it’s not just a saying. a few words of strangers

When Ye Qi was ready to take the initiative to ask, Sodick finally spoke up - the hesitation and embarrassment on his face became a desperate determination, licking his lips tightly, and as Sodick became nervous at this time. The hoarse voice slowly opened: "Instructor, I want to ask you to help me."

"Help?" Ye Qi is not surprised that the other party will ask for his help. After seeing the expression of the other party entering the tent and the subsequent shackles, he guessed that the other person came to ask for help; of course, Ye Qi, who guessed the other party's intentions, was not a prophet. He still had no idea what kind of help the other party needed. He tapped the right index finger of the arm of the chair and suddenly accelerated. With a few crisp vibrato, Ye Qi asked. : "What kind of help?"

"I hope that the instructor can use your influence to enable the Demon Hunter Headquarters to set up a Demon Hunter Branch in the Huangsha District."

When he said this, Sodick almost buried his head in his knees - as an apostle, even if he was only a trainee apostle, he would understand at the time of the demon hunter’s headquarters that this was an excessive one. Claim


The speeding up of the index finger knocking sound suddenly became slow, almost a second, or even a few seconds; and Ye Qi looked at Shadick’s eyes but involuntarily picked it up, but instantly recovered. Normal - the other party's sudden request for this, Ye Qi's first reaction is not surprised or surprised, but a deep vigilance

He suspected that this was another unscrupulous temptation for him at the Hunter's headquarters; but looking at Sodick's expression, he quickly gave up on the idea that if a person executes an order, even if it is on the surface, Panic, nervous, but the heart is absolutely calm and calm; and Shadick in front of him, even if he wants to bury his head in his knees, want to hide, but the helplessness that is revealed from that look is He can see clearly

Of course, the cautious Ye Qi can't be conceited to judge the true and false of a person by the naked eye; let alone the help of the other party is really ridiculous.

His influence on the Hunter Headquarters?

Ye Qi does not know from which aspects the other party has reached the above conclusion, but no one knows better than him, what kind of role he plays in the headquarters of the Demon Hunter - Ye Qi will never be arrogant, but also Never arrogant, he wouldn’t think he has enough power to influence the decision of the Hunter’s headquarters.

Looking at Sodick, who was full of anticipation and embarrassment in his eyes, Ye Qi slowly shook his head and said: "I can't do this."

"Why?" Without any explanation, it was a direct rejection of evolution. This is obviously not acceptable to Sodick. He asked Ye Qi loudly: "You can kill a family of Demon Hunters and be able to kill the Holy See clerics." After that, he still became the head of the demon hunter and, after only one year, not only retained the position of the president, but also the title of the tower guard of the moon night. These are not all because of the influence of your strength. ?"

“Is it because I didn’t make good enough conditions?” Obviously, because of Yaki’s refusal, Sodick has become hysterical: “Reassure that the conditions I will open will definitely satisfy you, I will promise you a condition. Any condition, even if it is your slave, I believe that with my potential, I have the potential to become a moon-level apostle within three years..."

Sodick’s words didn’t go on at the end—a trace of the visible airflow suddenly appeared in the tent, although the airflow was not fast and not urgent, but the sudden pressure came to allow Sodick to stop talking. Going down; the feeling of being as heavy as a mountain, and feeling like being in the storm on the waves, instantly made him wake up from the hysterical mood. Reading network)

Looking up again, Sodick’s eyes were a little more shocking – is this his strength? Can it be impossible to rely on the momentum alone?

Suddenly, a sudden burst into the heart of Sodick - his original reliance is his strength; but now the other side can suppress him immediately, and what qualifications does he have to say "any condition" What?

Slowly standing up, Sodick lifted his feet like a thousand feet and moved outside the tent...

"Let a month of the apostle be a slave, I have not been extravagant to that point." Ye Qi looked at the figure that Sodick left. When the other party walked out of the tent, the tent curtain fell, Ye Qiwan Said in a self-speaking way: "And, the most important thing for people is to rely on themselves."

Sodick, who died like a gray, trembled, turned his head and looked at the tent behind him for a long time; finally, turned and walked toward the tower of the Central Castle, where they re-classed today; however, he did not continue to attend classes. Instead, go to the giant Han and apply...


"This is my own fruit tea, you taste it." After the female cavalry chief walked into the tent, Ye Qi took a tray and walked over; pointing to the teapot and teacup on the tray, Ye Qi’s face was A smile: "Although not very professional, but very focused"

Picking up the cup full of fragrance, the female cavalry commander did not hand it to her mouth, but looked at Ye Qi and stared at her eyes: "Are you ready to leave?"

PS weekend, go out a bit, come back late ~~~ Thanks again for the 100 sugar soy milk, and ◇ _ shadow book, autumn bear, ng monthly ticket ~~~ 颓 鞠躬 鞠躬 Thank you for your support~~~~~ ~

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