Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 9 Chapter 4: Departure again (4)

Chapter 4 begins again (4)

The central castle of Shak, the five-story living room of the Tower of Knowledge. (reading the net)

Although he has already taken a rest, the face of the cold-faced man can still see the kind of exhausted cockroaches; especially the pale face makes the original cold breath more intense three points; and the frowning brow, Explain that his mood is not good at the moment - in fact, since he saw Ye Qi sitting opposite, his brows did not stretch out; a slightly nervous atmosphere filled the two; After the giants who acted as a reconciliation left, the atmosphere reached its peak.

Taking the milk tea in front of him, Ye Qi calmly sipped and completely used the cold-faced man as the air. In the morning, he was disturbed by the giant man and the other party. This made Ye Qi feel angry; he absolutely did not believe that the other party would not know. He is about to leave Shak’s news soon.

After knowing it, he still picked the time with him and the female cavalry to complete the meeting. This made Ye Qi’s heart already have an anger; especially when the other party put on a cold face At that time, Ye Qi’s anger can be said to have reached a point where it is about to erupt; if it is not Shak, not the tower of knowledge of one of the six towers of the Devil’s Headquarters, Ye Qi believes that he will definitely hold the other’s collar. The sly face of the other party’s stinky face, at least it’s necessary to hit even the giant Han can’t recognize it.

"Do you know how much trouble you have added to me and Ted?" The cold-faced man in silence finally spoke, and he threw a piece of information in front of Ye Qi; The face became more and more stinky: "Libes and Sodick applied for graduation in advance, giving up the opportunity to continue the elite training; and Jesse, Mila, and Aiqi are also sitting in the reception room. Before, I also submitted an application for graduation in advance. Do you know what it means?"

“What does it mean?” Ye Qi looked at the cold-faced man, and there was a provocative smile in his mouth: “The chicks want to fly in the sky and cannot hide under the wings of adult birds; the independence of advance is for them. ......"


When Ye Qi’s words were not finished, they were interrupted by a cold-faced male hitting a punch on the table – the coffee spoon in front of the cold noodle man fell with a crisp sound, and the iced coffee It is full of tables

"Either Libes, Sodick, or Jessie, they are rare geniuses; they are not in the same position as your multiple abilities. They leave early, but they are not responsible for themselves."

The emotionally cold-faced man yelled; however, it was obvious that his current body could not support his yelling now - after the barking, the cold-faced man rushed to breathe a few times, the violent chest This has subsided.

The pain that just came from the chest reminded him that he needed to control his emotions, but after seeing Ye Qi in front of it was still the appearance of carelessness, he immediately repressed and shouted: "The consequences of doing so That is, we are likely to lose the genius of three direct apostles of the Moonlight..."

"What is this about me?"

After a strong blush appeared on the face of the cold noodle, Ye Qi finally spoke; but it was obvious that the oil was poured on the fire - gently put down the cup, Ye Qi slightly raised his head, his eyes slightly Picking up, the voice is gentle: "And why do you only say Libes, Sodick, Jessie? I can understand that the strength is not strong, the talent is also general Mila, Ai Qi two people are you Abandoned? Even if you apply to graduate early, it doesn't matter? Because, in the future, he has no value for you or some of the existence behind you?"


Ye Qi’s series of questions is obviously preparing to push the cold-faced man who has just recovered from his heart to the hospital bed again; and the effect is really good – the cold-faced man’s standing still straight body is slightly After shaking a few times, a donkey sat in the chair.

In this regard, Ye Qi is only looking at it with a smile - with his relationship with the cold-faced man, there is no need to be merciful; even if he goes to the appointment because of curiosity; let alone he has not shot, Just moved your mouth.


A cold voice came from the outside of the meeting, and with this cold voice, a woman with a beautiful beauty Taobao Mall Taobao women's winter jacket m came in - purple long hair in the white Such as jade's cheeks, down the shoulders, like a pair of stars, the incomparable attraction, as if to **** the other soul into the general

The most beautiful thing for Ye Qi is that the other person’s bright forehead is floating like a tattoo with a light blue water pattern – not because of the beauty of this layer of water like a tattoo. Taobao Women’s Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Net women's winter jacket m, but because I saw this layer of water, Ye Qi's heart raised a heart

An instinctive danger that made his whole body erect

Sun Yat-sen

Ye Qi instantly judged the existence of the other party; suddenly, the lightness of his face turned into dignity - as the strength continues to increase, Ye Qicai understands more, what is called the strongman of the Japanese glory, what is it? A strong presence; even if he can ignore and provoke the cold face of the high-level headquarters of the demon hunter; but in the face of the Japanese glory, he has to show the respect he deserves.

After all, before the gap in power, everything is like a soap bubble – even if it floats in the air, there is a colorful appearance, but it is still broken by a poke

Unknown Sun Yat-class powerhouse, slowly walked to the face of an excited cold-faced patted the other person; immediately, the cold-faced man who had been trembled was restored to normal, although His face was still ugly, but it was stronger than the previous faltering. The other hand shook his hand and interrupted the cold-faced man who was about to open his mouth. At the same time, he gestured to the cold-faced man to leave first; even if he was reluctant, the cold-faced man still did not Will violate the order from the teacher.

However, this time, before leaving, the cold-faced man took a deep look at Ye Qi - there was only a warning in his eyes.

Ye Qi can feel it, the cold-faced man is extremely serious this time; he does not even doubt that if he has any rudeness to the woman in front of him, the other party will definitely put on his life to compete with him; of course This is no longer what Ye Qi needs to pay attention to - the strongman who stood in front of him has already fully attracted his attention.

"You are Ye Qi?" There is no emotional presence in the cold voice: "It’s true to his character..."

PS is so hot, this weather can't be said. I am sitting in front of the computer, I feel dizzy when I get hot, sweat is soaked in clothes, I am so hot, I hope to cool down~~~~

Thanks again to Faxis's 588, Fengshou's 300, and the two-month ticket for the egg pain~~~颓 鞠躬 Thank you for your support~~~

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