Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 10 Chapter 55: Appear, fight

Chapter 55 appears, fighting

Ted, ten years ago, was just an ordinary person who thought that he had some special abilities. He had a happy family, and he was the wife and cute daughter of the Taobao Women’s Winter Jacket. A man who is a bodybuilder is a professional smile every day.

But when a **** slave who was tempted by blood stalked Ted’s wife who was picking up her daughter’s school, everything changed—just like the family portrait of Ted’s family who fell from the wall; although the photo was in a triple room. It's full of warmth, but the broken glass on the photo frame brings countless cracks and shadows to the enviable photo!

The death of his wife and daughter on the same day made Ted the rich man as if he faced the end of the world - he was madly looking for the murderer; the truth concealed by the supreme government could not stop a husband who avenged his wife, one Father who avenged his daughter.

He sold his newly opened gymnasium, and the house full of laughter memories, and took the family’s photo on his chest. Ted went into various underground bars filled with drugs, violence, crime, and crime. He was like a An lone wolf with a wound, slowly but persistently looking for an opponent who caused him a wound.

And when a seemingly ridiculous story came into his ears, in the sneer of the rest of the bar, he flew away - leaving the ridiculous character, he can be sure that the story was attacked and killed. Mother and daughter are his wife and daughter!

At the time of school, the clothes worn by the wife and daughter when they died were in the story, especially when the mother in the story prayed for the name that her daughter had said - Shirley, this and him The name of the daughter is the same for Ted to recognize the truth of the story!

As for the "vampire" identity enshrined by the attackers?

Is this important for a revenge?

Even God can't stop a mortal who is filled with hatred!

It’s easy, according to the information provided in the story, Ted found the other side with little effort – when the other party admittedly killing his wife and daughter, and revealing a mouthful of fangs, Ted’s heart rushed The anger and hatred made his fists with the power of invincibility, smashing the other's head!

Of course, not only this blood slave, but in the entire stronghold, the two blood races and the thirty-five blood slaves wrapped in the title became a piece of broken u under his iron fist - after a full seven months. Tracing, Ted, who was tortured by his wife and daughter every moment, completely liberated the ability to restrain restraint from an early age!

It was like a fierce beast that had left the shackles, and slammed into the prey. When the demon hunter and the highest political squad arrived, they were all shocked by the scene; the broken u, the countless pieces of u were covered. In the entire ground, the entire room that was poured by the blood, there was only one tall figure holding a picture in the arms and mourning!

Behemoth - huge body shape, like an ancient beast!

This was the nickname that the demon hunter had seen at the scene for Ted, and the other hunters learned that the blood slave who attacked Ted’s wife and daughter was turned into a mud by Ted’s hammer. I have admitted this title.

From this moment on, a demon hunter who has caused the discoloration of countless scattered **** people to appear - hot, unrelenting, invincible fists, comparable to the power of the legendary giant, tall figure, are there For a period of time, it became a nightmare for these dark creatures. Countless blood races had to change their place of residence and avoid the killing star.

It wasn't until five years ago that this man, known as the behemoth, was called into the Devil's Headquarters, and the **** people who kept avoiding it were relieved—but the blood girl couldn't let it down, not just because In the face of the giant Han; after all, the rumor has been inseparable from the other guys since the giant beast Ted entered the head of the demon hunter; since the giant beast Ted appeared here, then...

Just like the confirmation of the blood girl, the sudden appearance of a cold in the line of sight, followed by the subordinates who have fallen from the sky - the blood girl is biting her teeth, turning her head and looking at it without any surprise. Lehman.

"You already know that the people who led the Demon Hunter Headquarters are 'behemoths' and 'ice seals'?" The **** girl asked in a bad tone; but Lehmann answered with a calm smile, slowly replied : "Of course I don't know!"

"I am not a prophet, I can't predict anything that is not born!" Lehman glanced at the battlefield that had fallen into the rhythm of the Devil's Headquarters, a look of indifference: "But, when you promise to be easy with me, are you Should we expect such a thing to happen at the moment? Or after easily killing the dispatched personnel of the Holy See, do you think that the hunting man will be just like this?"

Seemingly calm, in fact, the sardonic answer, so that the **** girl's eyes unconsciously appeared a touch of **** heart; but, in this moment of **** brewing to the peak, but disappeared in an instant without a trace - - Not because the other party's words are reasonable, but have not yet received the unpaid compensation; although the other party's "deposit" is already objective enough for her to re-recruit some young people in the family; but she can really return her. The family center is still the rest of the compensation in the other hand.

For these important rewards, she must be patient; of course, after receiving the reward? Naturally, there are complaints and revenge! As for the easy-to-follow face, this situation does not have her moral bottom line for the blood girl.

The blood girl recovered her eyes and looked at Lehman's eyes. After a cold sigh, she waved her hand gently, and the blood family who was waiting behind her immediately entered the battlefield. This group of blood races is obviously different from the previous blood races, not only the strength. On the battle experience, this group of blood is higher than the previous ones; and this group of blood is also the most elite combat force of the blood girl, and it is the one who always pledges allegiance to the blood.

Undoubtedly, these blood races are the trump cards carefully cultivated by the blood girl. If they are not serious events, they will never be sent out. The bloodline who is the trump card is naturally worthy of the title of their own trump card. Complete the task satisfactorily; this time is no exception, just flipped the unfavorable situation on the scene as soon as it appeared!

The strange spells brought up a green fireball, no heat, just the death and cold flames immediately hit the shield of the rangers who formed the defensive formation at the forefront of the camp; instantly, the cold flame Dissolve the shields of the Rangers; and then the corrugations visible in the u-eyes will be covered by the powerful defensive rangers. Soon, the blood will flow out of the eyes of the Rangers, and they will People are more powerless to fall to the ground, let others slaughter!

However, these blood races, which are considered as trumps by the blood girl, want to complete the task smoothly as before, but it is not so easy; after all, neither the giant nor the cold-faced man is the one that they can easily deal with.

The **** vampire, go to hell!

Punch pressure!

Compared with the overall care of the cold-faced man, Juhan immediately screamed after seeing the cavalry in front of the sudden appearance of the **** massacre camp. The whole person was like a spring, flying across the air and straight. In the face of this group of **** people, the two winds brought by a pair of iron fists, all of the **** people who have just achieved fruitful results, all enveloped.

In the face of vampires, the giant Han will not be as good as a friend with his friends; the hatred of losing his family makes him fully open and full of talents.

The two wind pressures are like two small tornadoes that are reversed, colliding and rubbing each other, and the electric sparks of the smashing are smashing in the friction zone. The blood elites located between the positive and negative winds of the boxing wind are reversed in the first time. The friction and electric sparks are ground into pieces of black charcoal; and the blood elites in the middle of the two wind pressures are also cut by the wind of the wind, and even if it is located in the boxing The blood elites outside the wind and wind pressure are also dizzy and fall to the ground.

Of course, the blood group that can be regarded as a trump card by the blood girl is absolutely impossible to be solved easily by the giants - except those who are unlucky to die in the first time, whether they are bloodstained or stunned. They all rushed to the giants at the moment of being out of the boxing; especially those who were cut by the wind and formed a small **** blade, which was especially mad, and the wounds on these blood races quickly recovered; Just a short distance to the giant, almost in the blink of an eye as intact.

whispering sound!

I have long been accustomed to how to deal with the monsters of these monsters, disdainful screaming Faced with the blood family, waving double fists rushed faster than the other side - close u fight His strengths, even if faced with a vampire with a claw-to-handedness, is no exception!

Moreover, unlike Ye Qi, who pursues a single blow, the giant Han simply pursues absolute power; although the dexterity is insufficient, the "storm zone" formed by the wind pressure in the fist is enough to make up for this defect; Especially when the strength of the other party has not reached the ability to beat his fists and nothing, especially so!

Suddenly, one of the elites who were treated as ace by the blood girl was caught in the boxing wind, and the disk was torn into pieces with the **** rain!

"The situation seems to be not good!" Lehman looked at the giant man like a madman, and immediately seemed to be kindly reminded: "If you don't shoot again, these good subordinates will be exhausted!"

"I will naturally shoot when I get this shot!"

Ps thanks to the two monthly tickets of Fengfuyue and n-cake~~~~颓 鞠躬 Thank you for your support~~~~

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