Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 10 Chapter 56: Appear, fight (below)

Chapter 56 appears, fighting (below)

The blood girl screamed coldly - the situation was not good for her, she was all in her eyes, but she did not waver because of Lehman's words; after all, she wanted the result of the whole demon hunter !

Although Lehman’s intentions are not fully understood, this does not mean that she does not know what the consequences of this are. A little carelessness is the end of the body; therefore, she must swear the other person, just like the punishment of the Holy See. Knight squad in general!

Therefore, the giant man and the cold-faced man of the leader of the demon hunter at this moment have become her target; but the strength of the other two is obviously not the one she can face positively!

Moreover, until now, only the giant Han has rushed back and forth in the camp, and his partner cold-faced man is just standing in front of the tent in the camp to guard the tent, except for killing a few blood races that rushed to the front, almost no movement. Overhand - she does not want to break this situation because of her appearance, especially in the presence of numerous official rangers, her subordinates can not provide her with strong help.

Therefore, even if the subordinates are sacrificed all the time, she must wait - waiting for a chance to kill the giant or cold-faced man!


The killing will not stop because of the wait of the blood girl, but in the killing of the two sides, a loud hoof suddenly came!

Da da!

Suddenly the sound of the horseshoe, unusually loud, even if the killing sound at this moment can not cover up the hooves, but it was pressed down!

A blue-blue fire is far and near; under the blue-blue flame, the heavier black heavy armor not only covers the knight, but also the horse that sits down is shrouded in - under the blue-blue flame The entire knight, together with the sitting horse, looks more than twice as tall as the ordinary ranger, especially the vibration that comes up with running is as unstoppable as the top political chariot!

The knight who suddenly rushed into the battlefield did not have any stops in the battlefield. He rushed straight in one direction—the position of the blood girl and Lehmann. Although there were layers of trees blocking, but the beating soul Before the fire, everything was long enough to be gone, and no obstacles could stop it from advancing.

finally come!

Ye Qi, who has been sitting quietly in the tent, feels the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sorcerer, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment, the empire, the night, the god, the god, the throne, the sacred The most powerful abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty royal martial arts will be the night of the gods of the gods of the throne, seeking the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the night god, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment of the week. When the royal family reached the familiar wave, they immediately opened their eyes. When the blood group appeared in the camp, it was already reflected in his mind by his blind sense; but he did not act immediately because in these fluctuations, There have been two familiar fluctuations.

Ghost Rees. Van Gogh and Lehman!

The former can be temporarily ignored, but the latter has to make Ye Qi pay attention to it, especially when it appears at the same time as the former - the news from Lions does not exactly indicate that the blood family who cooperated with Lehman is Who, but Ghost and Lehman walked together, but he did not want to see it.

After all, a familiar opponent and a strange enemy are far less dangerous than two opponents who are familiar with themselves.

Of course, the other side has united, and Ye Qi understands that more worry is nothing more than uselessness. It is the best choice to face it calmly; not to mention the other party does not expect other existence - cold and persistent fluctuations It is full of contradictory breath and is so clear in Ye Qi’s perception.

With a light breath and a smile, Ye Qi put the knives on the double lap back to the waist, picked up the tent curtain, and walked straight out.



The forward rushing Lions was like a blue-blue whirlwind, swept over the battlefield, and came to the front of the **** girl - in the blue-blue flame appeared in the line of sight, and revealed the intention to move forward here, Lehmann In the first time, he chose to hide; after all, what he did, only hiding is the best choice.

Turned into a fire of the soul, the frequency is beating fast, a kind of emotion called anger is leaning against Lanes, without any language, waving the knight gun in his hand and smashing toward the blood girl.

It is an indisputable fact that the other party killed him personally. Although he is living in another form, this "living" makes him feel more painful - facing the root of pain, he has lost the glory of the past. With dignity, he does not mind killing himself!


The scorpion under the knight’s gun has no hot and powerful memory. Even though Mars is still taking the risk, the knight’s gun in the hands of Lanes has a kind of ease to master – but this is not something to be happy. On the contrary, this strong contrast is like the imprint of the imprint, reminding him at all times and making him more painful.


Grief and indignation, unwilling to mix with anger and helplessness, in this cry, Lanes’s knight’s gun squats again – without the slightest rule, the knight’s gun at this moment is like a hatchet, and the rifle is wiped out. The thorns that should be there, only the cockroaches like the stick bang and the battle axe!

Only with such awkwardness can he vent his emotions - even if it is only temporary.

Holding the giant clams in both hands, the blood color filled the eyes, the blood girl was slightly short, and then jumped quickly.

Her giant python can be stretched, and according to the singularity of the giant python, she specially cooperated with the development of a set of matching combat skills - in the face of the power is not as good as her, turned into a giant smash When the person who faced her strength was turned into a small one, she looked for the flaw of the other side with a smashing angle.

This kind of combat is very tricky, but there is no doubt that it is very easy to use is very helpful for the short-term improvement of combat effectiveness; as long as it is not met with some special characters, it will be suppressed by her to get the final Victory - and this time is no exception, the Lions riding on the horse did not react at all, and was smothered by the **** girl's single shackles along the gap of the armor.

However, the **** girl who had succeeded in the fight did not have the slightest triumph. The special nature of the undead creature made her understand that this fatal blow to ordinary people was not enough to make the other party lose their mobility. Moreover, the blue flame spewed out from the other side. It is also beyond her expectation that it is difficult to entangle - a trace of blue flaming for the squirming group of snakes, like the bones of the bones, stuck to the body, can not be detached!

Lehman, hiding in the side, shook his head slightly and stepped forward to the two men who were fighting. Although it was just a normal cooperative relationship, and the life and death of the other party was not in the heart, but in order to proceed smoothly, He needs to help each other at the moment.

However, just a step forward, Lehman had to stop. He looked at the figure after the air swayed, and his brow wrinkled slightly.

"Ye Qi?!"

Ps thanks to 1 and the secret ticket of Xianchu Xiaohu~~~颓颓 Thank you for your support~~~

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