Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 11 Chapter 98: Exploration (1)

"It's here!"

Orr has the traditional height and strength of the people in the area of ​​the Chima area. The black cheeks often bring a touch of laughter. He is the best guide in the current area of ​​the Thousand Marsh area that Stofei has found for Ye Qi and his entourage; the reason is now It is because the best guide in the Thousand Marsh area has followed Jacob to investigate the newly discovered remains.

The guide of the Thousand Marsh area is not a guide of traditional meaning. The natural and strong people of the Qianguma area can definitely not use the 'beauty color' to attract the existence of some rich people; they are more to speak with their own strength - in the thousand You have hired a local guide in the marsh area, which will not only guide you on the road, but also have a certain security.

From the time of survival in the Thousand Marsh area, the guides of these marsh areas have quite a lot of skills, and are very familiar with all kinds of gunpowder weapons and cold weapons; like Ye Qi, they are the short guide of this time. Spears and shackles inserted in the calves. Although most ordinary people will be attracted by the revolver inserted in the waist, but with the professional eye of Ye Qi and others, they will naturally understand where the other party is really deadly.

Of course, if this is the case, the guides in the Thousand Marsh area will not be favored by most of the demon hunters; after all, the demon hunters themselves are not lacking in force - people in any region have their own wisdom to survive, like the mountain people. Hunting, fishermen netting in general, people in the Thousand Marsh area are good at collecting medicinal materials, including women, almost every one of them is a qualified relic searcher!

"Don't you think about going out?"

Asked by their guides - in the state of Ye Qi's current uncoordinated state, of course, it is not suitable to be the leader of the squad; therefore, the little man stood up naturally - for the guide recommended by Stoic to them, The little one is very satisfied; the character is bold, capable, and what is dissatisfied with such a guide? Moreover, the small man believes that such a person can be mixed up in a big city like Dude and Duolan; therefore, people like Orr will always stay in the Qiangqu area, and the little one is very curious.

"Our ability is only useful in the Thousand Marsh area! We are just another alternative outside!" O'Real's face flashed away and was replaced by a hearty smile: "Know that we are in the marsh area, At the age of about five years old, the first book to be contacted must be a ruins search experience written by his ancestors in his lifetime, rather than the literary hyphenation of ordinary people under the highest government..."

Listening to Orr’s remarks, the little man suddenly realized that even Ye Qi, who had been silent for a while, nodded lightly. Although they came to the Qianmuma District, they all studied the details of the Qianguma District. The situation; but as I said now, they are the first to know.

Just like Orr, who was introduced by Stoic in front of him, their ancestors lived in the Thousand Marsh area. They were not unable to leave, nor were they reluctant to leave, but could not leave. From birth, they inherited the experience handed down from generation to generation. They are already doomed to be different from others in other regions!

It's hard to imagine cultivating an unruly wolf in the middle of a group of sheep; people in the Thousand Marsh area are like the wolf in other areas - this is the case unless the people in the Thousand Marsh area are all transferred at once. And before they adjust to a new life, they have been providing funds for support!

The population of the Thousand Marsh area, although the major forces do not have a detailed statistics, but the number of people will never be less than three to five thousand people - three to five thousand people will be transferred at one time, and in the next five years or so Time to provide all the funds, this is not a simple project; just choosing a place to gather is a problem, not to mention the funds needed, it is an unimaginable astronomical number!

"Some of my friends have tried to go out, but I still have to go back here!" Orr, who summed up this sentence, did not mention too much about the people in the area of ​​the Kamuma area; instead, with a hearty smile Do your job properly -

"Here I searched with Foucault guys when I was an adult!" Orr pointed to a cave that even a hunter would need to look at it, only to reach the height of the adult waist, but about a foot wide. "At the time, when we discovered this relic that was not searched, we all thought we were rich..."

Each unrecovered vestige represents an unknown treasure – and this is the most important source of income for people in the Kamuma area except for the collection of medicinal materials; even, if they are lucky, they can be used as the main source.

"The result, except for the stone, there are only stones left!" Obviously, the sleek smile was not Ou's disguise. Without waiting for Ye Qi and his party to open the door, he said it himself: "At the time, Foucault was I want to cry, I want to know that he used to boast that time after going back to Jenny, the most beautiful girl in our village!"

"Although Jane still married the lucky guy, but all the boys in our village thought that it was just the guy's rhetoric that deceived Jenny; even if I was a cousin with that guy, I did the same. think!"

Continue to say, but Orr’s hands did not stop, and soon a specially woven rope was firmly placed in the big tree at the hole, tied into a movable lock, Oul Throw the rope into the hole.

“It’s about twenty feet high, although the first half is vertically downwards; however, it will become very spacious below...”

According to the memory in the, the detailed introduction of Ye Qi and his entourage - because of the identity of the witch, Ye Qi and his party never intended to let the other person as a guide follow the ruins; they need It’s just that the guide guides them safely to those places marked on the map.

In this regard, as a guide, it is the nature of employment, and Orr, who takes far more than the usual remuneration, naturally has no objection; however, due to his duties, he is doing his best to inform the other party of all the precautions that can be thought of. Even if he knows that the other party is introduced by Stoic, a big man who plays a big role in the Chima area, he is sure that the strength will not be weak and wherever he goes.

After all, as the guide in the Thousand Marsh area, the most important thing is a good reputation - a well-known guide in the Thousand Marsh area is absolutely popular with everyone; when hired, Kimpton will never be embarrassed; Just like his cousin Foucault, isn't it because the reputation is very good, and it is the best guide in the Chinum area, so that it is twice as expensive as other guides?

Thanks to the Starry Story 100 starting point for the reward and my 1 month ticket from the Magic Sword, lver's 1 monthly ticket is decadent again. Thanks to all the brothers and sisters who support the decadence.

Late barbecue, eat meat cool! Sure enough, eating meat is the driving force!

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