Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 11 Chapter 99: Exploration (2)

Water flows to lower place, man goes to higher position.

Orr also acts as a guide. Although he is extremely envious of his cousin's income, it is because of the identity of the same guide that he understands that it is not a one-time thing, it needs to be accumulated - and in this accumulation, of course There can be no incidents such as injury to the guest; otherwise, don't say that the salary is twice as high as the other guides, even if the current salary can't be saved, and even the work of the guide will be lost.

After all, for the sake of their own safety, no one wants to hire a guide that hurts the guests. Therefore, when Orr’s snoring checks the equipment from Ye Qi and Ava, it does not stop; until the two disappear in the hole. The voice is gone.

The first half of the hole is the same as that said by Orr. It is not only steep and narrow, but even if it is Ava, it can't be side by side. It can only go down one by one - take off the windbreaker of the cover. Ye Qi, who is carrying the sorcerer's knife on his back, holds the rope in his hands and leans against the shackles under his feet.

However, after the second half, although the steepness is still the same, the space has become loose, which makes Ye Qi more open-minded, like a monkey, quickly leap down - when Ye Qi’s feet landed, they discovered The entire ruins are a little smaller than what Orr said. Only the area of ​​a small basketball court, plus the downwardly squeezed passage, the whole ruins are like the long-necked bottles in the laboratory.


After landing, Ava greeted Ye Qi. After seeing Ye Qi nod, he quickly released the mouse in the bag. The reason why he searched the ruins with Ava, removed the big man because The size of the body is not big, the small man has to stay in the face just in case, Ava's own ability is an absolute proportion.

In the search for relics, even Ye Qi’s blind fighting perception is far less convenient than the communication of Ava’s animals. After all, blind fighting perception is useless for certain dead objects; It is not uncommon for magic to be based on a combination of institutional science to cover up all the volatility of the chamber.

Of course, if it is not because of the memory of the dragon from time to time, Ye Qi can achieve the same or even better effect with the help of the special expertise brought by the Druid fruit. After all, the leaves Odd uses nature's aid to direct the mouse in front of him, and does not need to use breadcrumbs as a reward.

When Ava and his animal partners searched for the secret room in the ruins, Ye Qi also searched around with the torches that he carried with him - in the thick wood of the arm, with a good cotton cloth soaked with butter and wrapped around After the hundred layers, compacted, wrapped again in the hundred layers, repeated five times; although the production is troublesome, but the torch is not only durable but also the brightness of the lighting is not inferior to the best spotlight flashlight; and it is full of underground remains. The moisture, even the formation of hazy mist, the torch is no doubt more than the flashlight.

Although Ye Qi looks very carefully, the size of this underground ruins does not take much time even if Ye Qi searches carefully; the situation in Ava is a bit more complicated - in this underground ruins, the surrounding walls are already Because of the passage of time, there are many places where there are cracks of different sizes. The big foot has a palm width, and the small one has the index finger thickness. I want to search for these cracks, even if it is Ava. Animal partners are also extremely difficult to complete in a short time.

Although searching for these cracks may be useless, neither Ye Qi nor Ava want to let go; after all, no one can be sure whether one of these cracks will lead to the secret room or secret environment that is very likely to exist. .


Sudden tingling in the middle of the sigh, Ye Qi could not help but snorted - because of the huge information received, this tingling is coming from time to time in the recent time; although Ye Qi tried to adapt himself, but This sting from the depths of my mind always appears when he relaxes his vigilance. It is simply impossible to prevent.

Qi is worried about his face, and he has to wave his hand to Ava, who is rushing to him, to signal that he is fine. Then, sticking his index finger gently in the clockwise direction, the tingling in the temple is not only fierce, but also A certain degree of continuity; just like the legendary bones of the bones, people have to endure the pain of cutting meat.

"Are you still watching jokes?" After the pain was slightly weakened, Ye Qi said with a dissatisfied scream at the strange wolf who had been silent recently: "And, I need a reasonable explanation! You know, here is what you give An unsearchable location I marked!"

"Of course, this is one of the places I marked you!" The strange wolf's tone was as lazy as ever, and the ambiguous voice just explained when I woke up, "I am not your woman here." Where I have been; of course, I can be sure that your woman is definitely in the Thousand Marsh area; rest assured, I have only a dozen locations..."

"This is not the explanation I want! Of course I know that Besika is nearby! In the dozens of places you can't really sense!"

Qi added the 'unable to sense' and the number of the prefix while asking straight--talking with the wolf, it’s obviously not a wise idea; because it always finds the right topic to wrap you into the already-prepared language. In the trap, you can't extricate yourself; Ye Qi knows this well, he doesn't intend to talk to each other, but he habitually wants to ridicule two sentences; however, the pain in his mind has made him give up this. A practice.

"I want to know why I can block your feelings here! Don't tell me that it is natural!" he asked.

"This is beyond the scope of the information I can provide for free!" The strange wolf screamed The original lazy voice disappeared suddenly; the savvy, even if Ye Qi could not see, can feel To: "I don't mind the equivalent transaction!"

"Transaction, there is never an equivalent! It is just that you take the necessary price and think it is equivalent!" Even if the horse may have to complete a transaction, the voice of the wolf is still full of disdain: "Fair is not absolute, only relatively!"

"Relative fairness is enough for the vast majority of situations! I have not broken the idea of ​​this rule!" Ye Qi, who is not a knight, is not quite right; he did not refute the other, but tapped. At the end, I asked, "I think we can end this boring discussion and return the topic to the topic!"

"of course!"

Shouting the neck of the mane, the wolf did not care to answer.

Thank you wife for coming. Hehe 500 starting point rewards and 饕餮 萝 萝 萝 萝 萝 萝 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200

I didn’t close the window this afternoon. It seemed to blow to my shoulders. When I got up late, I felt a pain in my heart... and it was the kind of painful grin.

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