Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 12 Chapter 44: Collision between technology and force (6)

Chapter 44—Collision of Technology and Power (6)

"This is just a simple pursuit of the stars, just like we were when we were young!" Giffen, who is awkward in his heart, has no stranger to ask his friends. Instead, he is quite a reasonable figure, and he is determined by analysis. Position: "As long as this time has passed, new things will appear to attract Randy's attention!"

"Is it? I don't think so! To know that we are hunters, there are not so many new things that can attract us!" Ai Lili looked at her friends who were no different in front of her. The two-speed twinkling flashed: "And I heard that our Shak Dragon is only in its early twenties this year? This age is enough to make him active for a long time!"

"Twenty-four-year-olds can't be considered in their early twenties!" Giffen stressed, and snorted at the same time, pointing to the front of the battle: "And the next thing is enough for him to burn out! If you lose, His huā fee can be wasted in vain! After all, everything is difficult to build and easy to destroy!"

"Don't you hear that you have lost the glory?" The more the Giffen was pretending to be calm, "lù" gave a picture that emphasized the analysis, the more interesting Ai Lili was, the more he couldn't help but said: "Maybe, countless people in our juniors tonight will be "mí" like Randy!"

"How about other people, I don't know! But Randy will definitely not!" As a father, Giffen maintains his dignity as a father, while subconsciously looking at his good friend - Giffen is not The mind, the simple impulsive guy, Ai Lili Sanfan twice used Nv to his next set, and eventually he was discovered; immediately, Giffen made his own counterattack: "And, your Nv is here too!"

"Hey? Don't worry, the child doesn't know how to do this!" Compared to Giffen's nv child who believes in his own beliefs on countless reasons, it is difficult to maintain his dignity as a father. Very incomparable - she shook her finger at her friend, and said very proudly: "In the face of nv, as a mother, I always have a certain advantage over my father; at least I still know the interest in firearms. Be bigger than the Shack's Dragon! Do you know what Randy wants most now? Last time she and you sat down and talked alone?"


A series of questions, so that Giffen suddenly did not know what to say - at this time he found that he really did not even know what nv wants; as for the last conversation? Although he still remembers it clearly, it was already two years ago; and the content of the conversation is about how to safely hunt water monkeys...

"Sure enough, Giffen is really not a qualified father!" Ai Lili held his forehead with one hand, shook his head slightly, and made a very distressed look: "No wonder everyone is rumored to be Randy to take care of you. It seems that it is true!"

"What?! Randy takes care of me?!" Giffen blinked, no matter what the occasion loudly screamed: "Which hún egg is the rumor? Is Heli Delin? Or how curious?"

"Hey, let's be quiet! We are now facing the strong day of the day, please pay attention to the occasion, okay?" Ai Li broke the cockroaches of Giffen, slamming each other's ōng膛, In the end, I put the other person under my arm and pointed to the big man who became red all over the body. He said: "The chance of seeing the 'Jingdao killing the fist' is not much! You don't know if you want to appreciate it?"

"Compared with the appreciation of the 'Jingdao killing fist', I care more about my nv!" Giffen, who was caught by Ai Lili, had no rebellion or discomfort, but only licked his mouth and was very sure. Said: "In the face of the Japanese glory, the game is lost! The gap between their own strength, there is a strong sense of righteousness, lost, but also a foil!"

"If you care about nv, you won't know what Randy likes, even forget the time of the last conversation!" There was no chance to rebut Giffen. At the moment when Giffen had not yet exported, Ai Er Li suddenly proposed: "We will make a bet! If Datong and Dallan can insist on the arrival of Ye Qi, and Ye Qi won the game, then even if I win! Conversely, you win!" How to gamble without bet?"

"What is the bet? I know that I still owe Hurley four hundred Kimpton!"

"Bet? If you win, I will tell you how to get along with Randy properly; if you lose..."

"Become āo! Anyway, I won!"

In the face of NV's problems, Giffen did not listen to the words of Ai Li, and he promised loudly - as he said, he is not optimistic about this battle, in his heart, he has long thought that the last They need to be shot together; for the victory of the mén, he certainly will not refuse to go outside. ~~下_载_楼)

And because of this, Giffen did not see the embarrassing smile of Ai Lai's face.

"If this is the case, let's wait and see what will happen next!"



A series of muffled sounds are like the cowhide drums being beaten by countless drumsticks in succession, and the sound does not stop at all. Instead, it becomes more and more fierce as time goes by - the sweat is in the moment of "lù" out of the skin. Was evaporated by the body's high temperature, a white smoke unique to the water vapor wrapped around the big man; snoring, snoring ~ ~ heavy breathing sound can not be suppressed from the big man's mouth and nose; It’s only 30 seconds, but it’s 30 seconds that has surpassed the limits that the big man can bear.

Military Road Killing Boxing This powerful fighting technique that uses the ups and downs of the heart and the flow of blood to get strength is unquestionable; however, its damage to the body is unquestionable – the one who always claims to be big The bartenders of the instructors have warned more than once that the big man should not use the military to kill more than the time he can afford; even if it is a second, it will be enough for more than one second. The heart, bones, and muscles cause irreparable damage.

If you don't want to squat in chuáng for the rest of your life or go straight into the morgue, remember to remember my words - don't exceed the time the body bears!

This is the first sentence and the only time that the bartender said when he began to teach the big man to learn the military road to kill the boxing. The simple and honest big man is naturally remembered, but sometimes he is involuntarily, for example Say now...

Ps thanks to the reward of ltmz588 coins~~~ decadent again thank you all the brothers and sisters who support decadence~~~


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