Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 12 Chapter 45: Collision between technology and power (7)

Chapter 45—Collision of Technology and Power (7)

Chapter 45—Collision of Technology and Power (7)


Once again, I waved my fist and added another firepower to the violent attack. I tried to control my heavy breathing, and my eyes stared at the front of the military. Tozan - the gap between the strengths of the two sides made him very clear that although he had some obstacles to the other side because of the unique fighting style of the military killing, this obstacle is absolutely temporary; want to really hold back The other party must work harder. ~~下_载_楼).


The bright red blood "liquid" spilled out of his mouth and nose when the big man was ready to throw a punch again. The overflowing blood not only interrupted his punch, but also killed the boxing with the military. The special method temporarily disengaged from the gravity of the big man, such as the falling plane, and planted it.


The muffled sound of the big man’s punching fists rang again with the dust from the “dàng”, including Tozan, who had been harassed by the sāo’s singularity. Everyone present did not expect the situation. The development of the rapid development has made many adult demon hunters have no reaction at all, and can only watch the big man fall to the ground - although the heart has long been ready to shoot at any time, but this sudden scene still makes them unable to respond. After all, in their eyes, the brave big man, although absolutely unable to compete with the strong players of the Japanese glory, but in the absence of the other party, there will be no accident!

No one can think of such a situation!

Damn it!

After a glimpse, Jacob appeared in the place where the big man fell down. He took the big man up and checked it carefully. The demon hunter is definitely not a qualified doctor, but walking on the edge of society. The demon hunter who does not know when to face the dark creatures has quite a self-rescue ability that cannot be questioned by others; even if it is only for his own life, every hunter will be serious when receiving training. Start learning medical and ambulance knowledge. (,)

However, it is clear that the medical level like Jacob can't understand the reality of the big man; fortunately Jacob is not the best in a group of hunters - Jacob will light the big man Put it on the grass on the side and give it to a professional person.

"Sang Li, how can I help you see how Dallan?" At the moment, he waved at the "fù", and Jacob let him aside, so that the big man could appear unobtrusively in the sight of the two. : "Except for some bruises, I found that he seems to have lost too much blood!"

"The bruises are caused by falling from a high altitude. For Dardan's body, it is nothing!" In the face of Jacob's unsure judgment, Shanli Tily Byron definitely nodded and opened. The medical case that was carried with you was wearing a clearly modified stethoscope: "The important thing is that he really has too much blood loss!"

"And with the overload of the heart, he may be shocked at any time!" Shanli, wearing a stethoscope, quickly moved the pickup, and immediately got a diagnosis, immediately said to her husband: "Dear With the handle, we need to give Darran a first aid!” At the same time, he said to Jacob: “If you don’t want Darlan to have something, immediately find him a guy with the same blood type to transfuse! My medical kit is simple. Blood type test paper!"


Without any stoppage, Jacob, who found the test paper, quickly smashed the blood at the mouth and mouth of the big man, and quickly rushed into the crowd.

"It's really unbelievable fighting skills; I need the heart and blood "liquid" as the 'raw material' to launch!" Heli, who raised the big man steadily, couldn't help but sigh at his wife. Tao: "Just with the devil's contract, knowing that there is no benefit, but because of various circumstances have to sign their own name! Friends, really a great name!"

"Do you guys do not have such a so-called 'heroic death' for friends, and listen to their husband's sigh, so that Shanli couldn't help but glance at each other, then sinks Road: "We must hurry up to let Dallan get out of danger, or it will delay the next treatment!"

"Next? You mean..."

Years of husband and wife made Heli and Shanli have a different tacit understanding, Shanli just opened a head, and immediately made Heli guess - Heli raised his head and frowned and looked at the "lù" Tozan.

The big man who lost his boxing power was only temporarily blocking the punching power of Tozan, and it was even more impossible to have any influence on Tozan. Almost a gasping time, Tozan once again appeared in the eyes of everyone, and Not far from the small man - the little man at this moment has long been not smiling, it is safe and harmless; a blood vessel with a clear visible eye is coming out from all over the body, even if it has clothes as a cover. However, the eye-catching hunter of the eye-catching hunter only looks at the skin from the neckline and the small man is still pretty, but at the moment it has become a face that has something that ordinary people can hardly imagine.

Of course, what attracts more attention to the hunters is the filaments floating around the small ones. Although the filaments are crystal clear, no one dares to slap these filaments like spider silk; after all, ~www.wuxiaspot. Com~ The ability to launch at the expense of life Anyone who is a small person will become a funerary object - there is nothing worthy of concealing the injury of the big man; therefore, all the demon hunters present know that the big man is taking his own heart. Fight with blood "liquid"!

And the big man has already excused his own "xìng" life to fight, then the small man who is a companion will hesitate?

All the demon hunters have a positive answer in mind, and they also have preparations - the big man who just fell is a sudden, unexpected, this time the little man must not suffer the same situation.

"It's amazing!" Tozan, standing in the air, pointed to the big man who was first aided, while watching the little man say, "I was surprised by the former and the present!"

"It’s not the strongest of the Japanese glory. Our life-threatening battle is just a surprise to you!" The small man with a **** face is still in the sardonic tone: "You are really proud!" Well, I may be hurting your pride, I am really embarrassed!"

Ps, thank you for the 100 yuan of the story of the starry sky, the reward of the magic moon の 殇 100 coins ~~~ decadent again thank you all the brothers and sisters who support decadence~~~

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