Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 13 Chapter 33: Family meeting. Before (2)

Two and a half days later, in the meeting between the families of Hongyecheng, Elaro chose the showdown with Faith; because she knew that when the forces of the various families in Hongye entered the search, she would have no in Hongyecheng. No one is more aware of the ability of these families in Hongyecheng than the ones born in these families.

Of course, under normal circumstances, you want to unite these families, unless it is a special event that erupts in war or directly pays for the interests of all families; otherwise, don’t think about it – the former, although the situation is tight recently, It won't happen in a short time; however, the latter is close at hand!

A sacristy, a person who can cause the sacred sway, especially when this sacred device is a sundial sacred instrument, it is enough that these families become crazy - and Elaro knows that this madness will bring What kind of action and unacceptable results.

And when the party discovers her existence, and the deliberately sheltered situation is discovered by these crazy families, then even if the person’s end is thought out, it will be enough to make everyone timid--in the dark dungeons that are not seen in the sky. Every day, I endure all kinds of punishments that have been handed down from the dark ages, and don't worry, even in the timely treatment of various magic and drugs, even serious injuries will not be fatal, especially those who are simply torturers. Experts, although they will make you painful and fearful, will never endanger your life; until those dark aristocrats think they can, they will be specially sentenced to death.

For a person who is still a friend and has helped himself, within the scope of his abilities. Ella did not want the other person to suffer such pain - Faith had already noticed her existence, but pretended not to know it!

When this thought emerged from her heart. Some of the details were recalled by her, and the details were enough to make her guess something—there was a daily preparation of food for two adults and some behaviors that were not necessary at all, enough for Ella to go further. Affirmed the previous guess.

After affirming his own guess, Ellaro certainly wants to change what might happen next. He is born in the dark family, and Ella, who is the second daughter of the family, can survive and grow in such an environment. Proof; although because of the relationship between age and personality, it can not be said to be a savvy; but its own strength and wisdom can not be questioned by others; She has already thought of more than three ways to elucidate the proof of 'suspicion' for Faith, and this only requires her to talk to Faith well enough.

However, nothing will change with the will of the individual.

When Elaro was ready to talk to Fiss's showdown, the doorbell and noise came from outside the courtyard, just after looking through the curtains. Alaro immediately hid in the shadows. Looking for the opportunity to escape - the private soldier outside the courtyard is only the black mixed with the red armor to identify the Dick family, and the opposite white and green uniforms represent the interests of the major families of Hongyecheng. The law enforcement team is guarding the security guards of the Red Leaf City.

Obviously, the major families in Hongye City can't wait, although they can't directly intervene, but they have already prepared their advances with their influence--and this makes Elaro's determination to leave immediately if there is something wrong; Obviously, she already thought that this was beyond the scope of her ability to help Fiss.

As for Fiss?

She can only pray that the other person can calmly deal with the troubles in front of her, so that she may have the opportunity to continue helping Fiss. Instead of collecting the body from the dungeon in the future.


The doorbells were powerful under the force of the law enforcement team, but there was no rhythm, and the cluttered voice couldn’t help but want to cover the ears; however, the surrounding wanted to express their opinions. When people saw the two uniforms in front of the courtyard and the private uniforms, they immediately wisely chose to shut up; and hurriedly rushed back to their homes, only one or two daring people dared to pick up a corner from the curtains. , quietly watching - although they are far from the inner city, they have far more status than the civilians in the lower city. But most of them are businessmen, they can't challenge the majesty of any one of the law enforcement team, the city guards or the private soldiers, let alone three together; all they can do is to escape or silently bear.

of course. There is resistance!

However, compared with the former two, the latter situation is really pitiful; after all. That means you are about to give up your life and the lives of the whole family; this is tough for anyone!

However, it is obvious that Ye Qi’s Fei Si’s identity is special, so that the three waves outside the courtyard wait patiently. If they are replaced by other ordinary businessmen, I am afraid that these three waves have already broken into the door – retreating from the state of cultivation. Ye Qi, who took a deep breath, put the piece of Fiss's special robes on his body, and picked up the knives that were wrapped in precious metal and gemstones in the shape of a scepter, and slowly walked down.

Facing the shadow hidden in the corner, Ella, who was ready to go, turned a blind eye. Ye Qi straightened the door and walked to the front of the courtyard.

"What are you doing?"

Ye Qi, dressed as Faith’s face, had a lightness, and after a slight wrinkling of his brow, he asked with a little impatience—although it was only a short question, but the feeling of going high and looking around was leisurely. Then, the private soldiers of the Dick family who were preparing to ask questions were stunned; then, the private soldiers who thought of it immediately took a step back and hid their bodies behind the city guards and law enforcement teams.

Although the whole movement has been done naturally like water seems to be completely subconscious behavior, most people do not care, but the leaders of the city guards and law enforcement teams are actually looking at the eyes; suddenly The two of them took a look at each other and then looked at each other at the same time - although the search here today was proposed by the leader of the law enforcement team, the remaining two were just pushing the boat, but one of the key moments suddenly slammed back. Immediately let the rest of the two people pick up their hearts.

In the Qiulin District, any carelessness and numbness are terrible!

Especially after being mixed up to a certain level, it is that everyone will be on a thin ice; after all, you can enjoy it if you have a life!

Very simple, and then regained his gaze, the leader of the city guards also learned that the private soldier did not trace the step back, leaving the captain of the law enforcement team in place - suddenly, one seems to The team leader of the law enforcement team formed the team for the leader.

Ps looks like it’s cool. Brothers and sisters remember to wear more clothes.

Thanks to the Xuanyuan Yuhe 100 starting point for the reward and the fundmental one monthly ticket, Feng San’s one monthly ticket is invalid. Thanks to all the supportive and decadent brothers and sisters to be continued. .

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