Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 13 Chapter 34: Family meeting. Before (3)

hateful! Bastard!

The captain of the law enforcement team yelled at the bottom of his heart. If he could, he even wanted to pull out the long sword at the waist and open a few transparent blood holes to the two people behind him. I want to know that this time, in order to let the two work together. Search, he spent a lot of money, not only half a year's income, but even the most recent 'dividends' have let go; but this is the case, even put him at the forefront at the crucial moment, how is this? Can you keep him angry?

If you know this before, it is not as good as him alone; after all, what is the difference between this situation and his own alone?

Of course, the person who can mix his position in Hongye City is not a fool, although he can't wait to kill the two at the moment, but the two people's actions are undoubtedly giving him a wake-up - the man in front of him is not irritating!

what happened?

The law enforcement captain quietly glanced at the two people behind him, trying to see something from the faces of the two; unfortunately, the two looked solemn and did not squint, so that he did not have any gains at all; and this situation, Undoubtedly even more shocking him - thinking back to the command of the great man of breakfast, and promise, and then look at the situation in front of him, immediately a very bad premonition poured into his heart; it is like in the bushes Walking, but being stared by a tiger, feels horrible and frightening. --*

"Are you a Lord Faith?"

The captain of the law enforcement team secretly swallowed a saliva, and the body stood up straight, trying to maintain the temperament of a law enforcement team captain. Asked with no expression - although it is known. But looking at the other side's performance, especially the kind of pressure on the other side, made him unable to believe the information that the big man gave him in the morning and the information he himself investigated. --)

Just a side heir abandoned by the Dick family?

In the eyes of all Dick family people are insignificant?

This is a very affirmative description. At this moment, the captain of the law enforcement captain has turned into a mocking question; if he can, he is willing to kiss the young man’s shoes in front of him in exchange for his own inadvertent mistakes; Now he can only pray for the magnanimity of the other party.


Slightly nodded, playing Fez's Ye Qi lightly frowned. This is not from play, but Ye Qi is from the heart; after Elaro entered his room, according to the previous Evro In the description and information given to him, Ye Qi has already expected such a thing to happen; after all, facing a person related to the Sun Yat-class sacred device. No force will be taken lightly, even if the other party only caused a slight fluctuation in the holy device, and it did not make the holy instrument resonate.

The sun is the sun!

This extraordinary name is enough to make anyone and the forces move.

but. Ye Qi did not think that those forces would come to the door so quickly, even if it was only a routine inspection, it was much earlier than Ye Qi expected - in Ye Qi’s expectation, Evro would be on the day before the meeting or After the meeting, the compromise will be made, so that other families will directly intervene in the things of 'own family'.

The situation of the Dick family is very bad!

Ye Qike doesn't think that a woman like Evro is a man who is good at compromising. If there is a chance, she will stick to it. And when this happens, it is obvious that Evro can't hold it, and Ive Luo’s reason for not persisting is that most or all of the families in Hongye City have joined forces to put pressure on Evro. Only in this way can Evro compromise!

The samurai of the Japanese glory is really a big attraction!

Slightly ridiculously sneer, Ye Qi looked at the three parties in front of the law enforcement team, the city guards and the Dick family's own private uniforms, and couldn't help but look at it – obviously, even if it was facing the union of other families in Hongyecheng, Evro still insists on pursuing a life for his family; otherwise he will not be the law enforcement team and the city guards in front of him, but the private soldiers of other families in Hongyecheng, not to mention the law enforcement team and the city guards. Behind him is the Dick family's own private soldier. It is obvious that Evro wants these private soldiers to defend their family's rights at a crucial moment.

Although it is only a temporary cooperation, but for Evro's ability and wrist. Ye Qi had to produce a bit of admiration; after all, under the same conditions, Ye Qi did not think that he could do better - of course, this admiration does not change the relationship between the two, still Temporary cooperation. It is still necessary for each; this is determined by the strength of both parties and has nothing to do with others; it is like the current situation. If it is still the previous Fiss, there will undoubtedly be a big problem. Even with the help of Evro, it will be a headache. If it is changed to him, of course it is very different. At the beginning, Ye Qi exuded his own Longwei, and used the influence of momentum to firmly control the audience.

Although he is now playing Fiss, he has left Hongyecheng for four years. During this period, he only came back to Fiss several times, giving Ye Qi a considerable room for change. Other families in Hongyecheng obviously will not be obvious in this. The abandoned subordinates spent extra time, and in this case, Ye Qi believes that as long as he does not expose the strength of the Japanese glory, Evro's ability will help him cover the past - four years is enough Make a teenager mature, and while it is mature, what is impossible with the rapid advancement of strength? This reason is enough for Evro to confuse any questions and inquiries.

"We are only routinely inspected, the second daughter of the Dick family, Miss Elaro is missing! And not only our law enforcement team, the city guards and the adults of the Dick family have sent their own soldiers!" Law enforcement captain looked at each other slightly frowning Immediately, my heart tightened, and immediately a side-by-side gave up the two people behind him - he would never dare to regard the other person as a heir abandoned by the family; although he was only a law enforcement captain, he definitely did not see it. Great world; after all, the nature of the law enforcement team makes him enough to see something unknown.

And it is these things that make him realize the difference of Ye Qi!

If there is no feeling of guilty feelings, he can only see it in some of the big characters in the legend of Hongye City. I want to know even the big man who sent him a task this morning, and the legendary big man. The ratio is just a pawn. After all, those big men are the real masters of Hongyecheng.

Therefore, without hesitation, he pulled the two people behind him to the same front as himself.

Are the two people behind you willing?

Aside from the complaints about the two people before, the law enforcement captain has long been unable to care so much, and now he only wants to know how to safely pass the difficult situation.

Ps yesterday, friends came to visit decadence, a chat and dinner, it has passed the morning... This chapter is decadent early...

Thanks to the 91,193 one-month ticket, I am sorry to thank all the brothers and sisters who support the decadence. .

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