Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 4: Hank Circus

Late at night, there was a rare silence on the ancient streets of Shaq. Countless actors and tourists have gone to sleep after a busy day. Only the searchers who belong directly to the Hunting Maniac will continue to secretly search for the sudden enemies tonight, including those who have portraits all night and all seemingly suspicious people will be taken away silently - no doubt that the hunting magic will be in the summer The power of Ke, although the surface of Shak is still under the jurisdiction of the highest government, but its real master is the hunter-manufacturing society. Even the mayor of Shaq, who leads the highest government salary, was once a senior hunter.

The friendly searchers who met on the same road nodded and smiled. Ye Qi, under the leadership of a small man, passed through the ground paved with gravel and entered a small alley - the big man and the Ava Zheng Waiting here.

"Is there there?"

Standing in the shadows, Ye Qi pointed to a simple camp built by three huge colorful high-top tents in front of the open space. Even in the dawn, there was still a burst of cheerful and melodious music and people. The hilarious laughter from time to time.

"Well, that's right!" The little man nodded and said with a little admiration: "You can hide the monsters in the circus and transport them to Shaker, and use the smell of other animal droppings to cover up the monster's smell. It’s a wonderful note! Although it has been seen by us! I really want to thank Ava’s animal friends!”

"This is the credit of Ye!" Ava's Ava did not pretend in front of her companion. She was embarrassed to scratch her forehead and whispered away: "If there is no leaf reminder, even my animal friends can't find it here. !"

Ava came from the best hunter family in Hailin District. Although she could not bear to kill her prey because she could talk to animals, she was finally expelled from the family. However, his ability to have bows and flying knives has been reused in the hunters. Because of the temperament and the kindness of the heart, there was almost no friend after entering the hunter-killing society, until I met Ye Qi when Shake was humiliated by Jagos...

"Ava, thank you for your animal friend!" After half a year, Ye Qi has already got used to how to get along with Ava, so he asked directly: "Your animal friends gave us back." Bring other news?"

"No! The carats are brought back with endless sadness, despair..." Ava reached out and comforted the purple cicada crawling on his shoulders, with fear in his eyes: "Many animals there have been abused. Without feelings, it became a walking dead, and the rest waited for the disappearance of life in fear and anxiety."

"Since this is related to the attack tonight, then his future will not exist anymore!" Ye Qi comforted an Ava and turned to look at the big man: "Dallan, are you familiar with this circus?"

“The Hank Circus is very popular in Shak! I used to watch it with my parents!” The big man who was a local man immediately said everything he knew: “The Hank Circus is going every year.” Come to Shak for three to five trips, each about a week or so, and stay up all night! There are not only traditional clowns, tamers and miscellaneous notes, but also the magic of a big and varied person. The box has not been brought together..."

What's the magic of a big change?

Ye Qi’s eyes narrowed, and when the big man spoke of the novel magic of a living person, he immediately thought of the apostle-level killer who could hide himself and others. Although it is not certain whether the magician performing on stage is the other party, it is certain that the other party is absolutely out of touch with this Hank Circus.

"Datong, Ava, you both have to go to the headquarters to have a search warrant!" Now that the monster has been identified from here, the apostle's killer is also inside. Ye Qi, of course, has to personally see the other circus group. Long! However, some necessary procedures are still necessary, even if the hunting magic will cover the sky in Shaq, but the surface still has to do a lot of work: "Dallan will take a look at the popular Hank Circus in Shak! ”


Hunter's Headquarters, Central Castle.

"Isn't it clear?" Jacob, sitting in the chair, looked at Nofar, who had just walked in, and asked, "Who are you?"

"It was a blacksmith in the Ranger Camp that sold the news about the camp!" Nofa said the results of the investigation: "I have let the guards send him to the Tower of Thorns! As for the people who bought the news, they are very careful, no Leave a clue, the contact will cover your face, and the money paid is old notes!"

"Yeah!" Jacob admired the point. The special hoarse voice continued: "There are some clues to the people who bought the news! It is the Hank Circus. Ye Qi’s investigation team has already found out that the monster has been hiding. There, the apostle-level killer is also likely to be there! I hope that you and Ted will now support Ye Qi and his investigation team to shoot at the necessary moments!"

"Yes, sir!"


"Sir, welcome! Hank Circus happy laughter is with you!" The clown ticket seller at the door immediately shouted a slogan of Hank Circus when Ye Qi and the big man came ~ And immediately entered the topic of his work: "Adult fare..."

"I want to see your head!" Ye Qi interrupted the sales of the clown and took out the search warrant that was just issued: "I think there are some things I still have to talk to your head!"

"Of course!" After seeing the search warrant, the face of the clown painted with oil was immediately stagnation, and then immediately led the road: "Mr. please come with me!"

Although the head of the circus is a group leader, it has a high status in the circus, but the place where it lives is only about the same as ordinary members - it is a trailer elsewhere, and the Shak is not allowed to have a car. It is a triangular tent.

Hank, the head of the Hank Circus, wore a decent suit, his hair was neatly combed, his mouth squatting tightly, and his face was very stiff; it was difficult to look serious in front of his face. Hank and the circus full of joking laughter. Of course, the image of the killer in the rumor is also far from the same.

"Mr. Two, may I ask if I can help?" Hank’s words are as rigid as the appearance, according to the rules: "But please let me check the search order first!"

"A group of thugs attacked the tourists of Shak tonight! It caused a lot of casualties!" Ye Qi handed the search warrant over, with a very sad look on his face: "The head of Hank asks you to cooperate. Our search, all of your members are gathered together, we have to check if there are mobs mixed in!"

PS severe sleep deprivation seems to be a little cold... It’s really a cup... but fortunately the code word can continue~~~嘿嘿~~~ Thank you again for coming back, Fassis, bloody, DEL丶暧昧, double zi Wei, casual reading music ~~~

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