Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 5: wait

"What a poor people! May they rest in peace!"

Hank’s tight face just showed a trace of sadness, but the sadness on his stereotyped face was stiff; even if he immediately took out the entire circus roster and took Ye Qi to go As soon as the circus members were identified, Ye Qi was still able to see from the other side's dodging eyes that there was no sorrow in the other's heart, but it was full of tension!

Is it just a chess piece?

Hank’s slightly poor performance made Ye Qi’s heart quickly judge the other side. Although there are some regrets, Ye Qi is not disappointed - although the pieces can be discarded at any time, but with the pieces, it will be easy to find the hand that controls the pieces, especially when the pieces have certain value!

All the traffic in Shaq is now completely blocked and closely monitored. He wants to leave Shaker unless the apostle-level killer gives up all his men and leaves invisible alone. After the fight, Ye Qi is convinced that the opponent’s ability has not been reached. Being able to bring others to stealth together for a long time. And the other party's men can't just give up like this - and then strictly organized, the abandoned people will not have loyalty, and the enemy is the biggest choice for these people!

At least, the enemy can be saved and saved a small life! After losing faith, life will become extremely important, isn't it?

Therefore, in order to leave Shaq safely with the men, the other party will definitely contact Hank again this chess piece that can leave Shaq in a bright and beautiful way!

Ye Qiluo taunted Hank, who was pretending to be a dedication to the circus members in front of him. People who were blinded by greed would often be swallowed up by their own greed; Ye Qi could already think of Hank’s end: when After leaving Shaq, the pieces that lost their use of value are of course abandoned. The killing and killing of the mouth must have been done many times by the apostle-level killer! Naturally don't mind coming back again!

"Mr. These are all the people of my circus!" After coming out of the tent of a circus artist in the circus, Hank looked sorry at Ye Qi and expressed his hypocrisy: "I am sorry that I can't I am sorry to have more help for you, sir!"

"Thank you for your assistance, Hank head!" I already understand where Hank is. Ye Qi does not want to spend any more with the other person's hypocrisy. He nods to the big man: "Dallan, we continue to search other places. Let's go!"

After Ye Qi finished, he left the Hank Circus with a big man and went around a big circle. After confirming that no one was tracking, he returned to the small man and the alley of Ava’s surveillance.

"Although the other party is related to the attack tonight, it is just a tempted piece!" Ye Qi, who returned to the alley, immediately said his findings to the three companions, and then made plans for the next step. Arranged: "Because the opponent's apostle killer has stealth ability, if we personally monitor it, it is very likely that we will be noticed by the other party! Therefore, the next surveillance mission is to ask Ava your animal partner! It’s best to find hidden animals that are not suspected..."

"Leave, give it to me!"

Ava nodded, then screamed in her mouth, and in a moment, a dozen mice were drilled in the alley. After eating some of the food that Ava had found in her arms, the rats immediately ran into the circus of Hank.

Ye Qi looked at the animal partners sent by Ava and couldn't help but bowed his head. The mouse is common everywhere, and it won't be suspicious. Especially the place where humans gather in the open space like the circus is especially common.

“Is there a comfortable hotel near Darlan?” Ye Qi turned and smiled at the big man: “I think we need to be patient with our Hank head and the apostle-class mystery killer! Of course! I hope they also have a comfortable environment!"


The light in the hotel room was very soft. The warm morning sun covered the room through the window. Ye Qi was licking a thick milk tea and indicating that the female cavalry chief was drinking a cup in front of her.

“When are we going to wait?” Although the milk tea is rich and sweet, the female cavalry chief’s mind is not at all: “We have waited for three days, and when will we wait?”

This is the third day since Ye Qi and his companions began to monitor the Hank Circus. In the early morning of the day, the female cavalry chief found the hotel from the camp and joined the team that monitored Hank with the welcome of Ye Qi. Of course, for the three companions who were very interesting to let the whole room out and go back to the room next door. Ye Qi is also grateful. Even within these three days, Ye Qi did not want to do anything...

"Now it is a situation that is very beneficial to us. Even if the other party has stealth ability, it will be exposed in Shake sooner or later! So, we will wait patiently!"

Knowing how great the hunter-manufacturing man will have in Shack, Ye Qi is confidently smiling at the female cavalry chief - as long as the hunter-manufacturing will force the tighter, the chances of the other side looking for Hank will be greater. And when he arrives, he just needs to follow the vine.

"Come on, taste this, the taste is very good!" Pick up the pastries that the big man bought from Shake’s famous pastry shop. Ye Qi was placed in front of the female cavalry chief, then he picked up a piece and put it in his mouth. It is very enjoyable to admire: "The craft is really good!"

The aroma of the pastry was accompanied by the richness of the milk tea, and with the expression of Ye Qi enjoying it, the female cavalry finally took the cup. And Ye Qi smiled and took out the vase with purple tulips, placed on the table of the two. Although the female cavalry chief saw Ye Qi’s movements, it did not stop.

With a pleasant breakfast with a warm until the small man walked in the morning.

"Two, I hope I didn't bother you to dine!" The little man walking into the door saw the purple tulip on the table, and immediately squinted at Ye Qi, and then said: "Our Hank leader finally There is movement!"


The morning of the Hank Circus was still busy. Obviously, the search of Ye Qi did not damage the business here.

The clown who sold the ticket stood at the door early and began to try to sell the tickets in the chest box. This is the sixth day that Hank Circus came to Shaq. According to the previous arrangement, they will leave Shaker today or tomorrow. Go to the next show location. If you don't work hard to earn a lot of money now, you don't know when to wait for such a rich return. It is important to know that their heads will increase their pumping by two percentage points. Although not many, it is also objective enough to make them burst out of enthusiasm more than ever.


"I will go out and come back later!"

The clowns certainly don't ask questions about what their own heads go out to do. Their greetings are simply due to the courtesy of the boss who gave them a salary. But behind the trash can in the distance, there was a pair of tiny eyes staring out of the circus Hank.

PS cups! Cups! From the zero point to the present decadent, I was finally able to log in! This chapter's zero-point chapter is almost two hours late... It’s almost awkward to climb the computer and fall asleep...but, fortunately, it’s finally good~~~嘿嘿~~~ The brothers should continue to support decadence~~ ~ Once again, I am especially grateful to the three brothers who danced, miracle, KING, and sleeping in the afternoon. ~~~

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