Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 13 Chapter 61: Return (4)


The zombie in surprise was not dull. His cane was firmly inserted on the ground. The wooden cane was inserted into the stone ground without any hindrance. The viper that hovered on it began to roll, and the body began to drum from the middle. It started to swell and quickly burst open; the blood and muscle tissue splashed in the hands of the zombies, and then quickly spoke a spell. Green novel m


The green phosphorus fire ejected with the cane as the center of the circle, forming a spherical shield that blocked the advancement of the undead servants - although it was only a phosphorus fire, but it was unexpectedly high-defensive, undead servant When the weapon is cut, it is impossible to damage the phosphorus fire shield; and at the moment the shield is formed, a transparent poisonous snake shadow is drilled out and straight toward the Ye Qi!

curse? !

Ye Qiyi frowned, although he did not really deal with the wizard who is good at cursing, but some basic forms of cursing, Ye Qi, who is a hunter, is naturally studied carefully - in the face of this attack different from the past Means, any seriousness will make you lose your life, and Ye Qi, definitely not the one who will make fun of his own life.

There are so many curses, even the form of the Scarecrow. However, the most vicious one is undoubtedly the curse of life. It is the kind of resentment, fear, and special methods. After condensing, cast it on anyone, even if it is a powerful warrior, it is enough to be tortured. Scrawny skin.

As for ordinary people?

Death is the best choice.

But now the other party has not made a curse with their own lives. But at the expense of the sacrifice of his pet's life, the horror of it is not the same as the curse of using his own life as a raw material - the trusted person to abandon, even end life, the resentment of absolute resentment It will be beyond imagination; and the snake itself is a special curse material. According to the wisdom tower, more than 20% of the curses used by Ye Qi will use the snake's eyes, tongue and fangs.

In the face of such a curse, Ye Qi is absolutely not want to touch!

Therefore, see the vicious snake shadow that is close at hand. Ye Qi’s hand straight into his arms—a small but extremely heavy book appeared in his left hand, the page was windless, and then rested on one of the pages; there was no The brilliance or the sound, the shadow of the snake. At the moment of the assault, it disappeared without a trace.

Unreal Vitality - The special ability of the Samigina Drive to unblock the third tier: Allows the unsealed holder to have additional false life and transfer the damage; if not because every seven days Once used, this ability is definitely the most valuable of the "Samigina's Drive" - ​​of course, even if it has seven days of cooling, its power is also natural and cautious, habitually leaving a hand of Ye Qi feel satisfied.

However, compared to Ye Qi's satisfaction; the zombie temporarily protected by the Phosphorus Shield is a scream - when any curse is destroyed, it will give cursed people and harm; this is the inevitable price of cursing Is irreversible.

"How is it possible? How can my snake curse be..."

The words of the zombie have not stopped before they are finished, and the Phosphorus Shield that has been protecting him has disappeared without a trace. And there was a mob who had died before lying to the other's feet; and the mob at the moment had already stood up again, and was licking the head of the zombie - even if the head was separated from the body, but it was big. The eyes are still full of zombies' incredible; he didn't want to understand how the dead mob was resurrected; although the Necromancer had the magic to resurrect the dead, it was already the highest end of the Necromancer. It is called the existence of the righteousness, even if it is only the first step, it is already the strongest of the day.

Is rumor true? He is really a daylight...

With such doubts, the last consciousness of the zombies dissipated.

Manipulating the dead body (unblocking the second layer): understanding the secret of death; effect: can manipulate the dead body within no more than 12 hours, limit the maneuver time by 30 minutes; the manipulated dead body only has 40% of the power in front; the highest number is 10; Samikina's drive is the maximum number of de-encapsulation layers +10.

Although the manipulated corpse is only a short half an hour, and can only be in the top 40% of the power. But a 40%-forced mob can obviously kill a zombie in his heyday when he is close. As a wizard, without the followers, the enemy can enter his own defense system. Said to be self-seeking.

"The level of task cleaning is completed; gaining experience of three thousand..."

With the fall of the zombies. The system's prompt sounds as soon as possible - a glance at the light blue system screen, after confirming the error. Ye Qi’s gaze once again looked at the body on the ground; although the time of having the “Samigina’s Drive” has been quite long, Ye Qi did not fully penetrate because of the restrictions of his identity and the place where he was. I have learned the ability of "Samigina's Drive"; after all, using "Samigina's Drive" requires a lot of raw materials!

Now, the body of the entire body, in the environment of the Qiulin District, clearly gave him a great opportunity; Ye Qi naturally will not let go.


"See you? That is the real ability of Lord Faith!"

The battle near the gates, of course, could not survive the city guards of Hongyecheng—although they had been ordered to temporarily evacuate their original positions, but after the evacuation, they could not completely obliterate their curiosity; of course, even It is driven by curiosity, and they will not boldly go to the place where the warring parties fight.

However, this does not prevent them from using some modern tools; for example: telescopes.

As a city guard, one of the combat team members, the telescope is naturally one of the essential equipment; although it is only the first team leader to be qualified to wear. But this does not prevent them from squashing together and seeing every move on the battlefield.

When seeing those dead bodies re-standing under the command of Ye Qi and walking towards the outside of the city, the captain of the city guard who had had several faces with Ye Qi immediately sighed - able to make the dead They are all resurrected; this is a terrible ability!

As a civilian, but lower than the aristocracy; the city guards have a considerable understanding of some secrets that are circulated among the nobility; except for the aristocratic children who have seen the gold plating from the upper city into the city guard post every year. In addition to showing off, it is usually possible to hear some knowledge about those secret techniques from the real boss of the city guards - although not necessarily to learn or delve into this knowledge, but as curious or after Every time he talks about it, he is quite serious.

And he clearly remembers that his boss once said that if anyone can make the dead resurrected in the existence of the mystery of the dead. Then who is the well-deserved emperor.

Of course, as a small city guard captain, he does not have enough knowledge to determine whether his boss is really true. But as the captain of a city guard, he knows what he should do most -

"Every group of five people, divided into three groups!" Retracted his telescope, the city guard captain said to his men: "One or two groups to clean the battlefield, three groups to maintain order, give those sneaky guys to me Take two whip and throw them back into their home!"

"Yes, captain!"


"Is the Necromancer a user at the top of the magic?"

Sitting in the family's highest spire, Old Thor looks at the crystal ball in front of him, which is playing a game of Ye Qi's battle near the city gate – as a substantial power. And the patriarch of the family who is not in the middle of the city, the old Thor does not need to use the lower auxiliary tools such as telescopes like the city guards.

In the case of pre-arrangement, a wizard who is proficient in the prophetic system can make a remote, secure observation device; of course, the playback terminal of the device is determined by the user's preference, and can be a crystal ball. It can also be a mirror or a powerful wizard who can condense some of the picture into a pool of water and use the reflection of the water to see what he wants - but the old Thor family can't afford the prophecy of the wizard; and For Old Thor, a crystal ball that can completely record the picture is enough.

When the body leans back, Old Thor leans his back as far as possible on the back of the chair. His hands twitched the slightly swelled temples and the eyes that had dried up for a long time; but his heart could not calm down because of the soothing movements on his hands; instead, the old Thor’s heart was like a river Tumbling.

Except for the hidden tower of the wizarding sorcerer, no one can understand the power and horror of magic more than the aristocrats who are in the autumn forest area; especially a wizard who specializes in the dead spirits and takes care of the plastic energy system; Can make the aristocrats in the Qiulin area look at them - the huge lightning that night, the old Thor will not be forgotten!

And when the Necromancer magic is probably already at the top, this side has become a horror - in every family collection in the Qiulin District. There are one or two books about the masters of the Necromancers; and the most described in the city is undoubtedly a city that has become a dead between 10,000 cities and a scene in which several major cities have united against the endless warriors and corpses. .

Of course, these descriptions are not able to identify the evil of the Necromancer. It is just a statement of the simplicity of power - after all, if you follow the simple evil, more than 90% of the aristocrats in the Qiulin District are burned to death on the fire.

Fortunately, I have decided to leave...

The old Thor, who opened his eyes again, couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. The news of the other side’s departure is not a secret; after all, from the new Dick family, she is still working and managing family affairs and management. Hongyecheng, as well as the other side, simply went to the Dick family castle in the upper city and the courtyard of the inner city to infer that as long as there is a certain observation, people can see the meaning of it.

In this regard, most people expressed understanding; for a person who was able to obtain such strength at such a young age; in addition to the talent of extraordinary people, the attachment to strength is definitely a considerable part of the factors; And this attachment will undoubtedly make it impossible to distract from other things!

And a considerable number of people believe that the so-called strong dignity makes them reluctant to stay - the rebelliousness of their childhood. Does not represent a compromise after adulthood. Especially for the other party who has obviously become a new generation of strong, it has a strong capital to reject everything; the reason why it will help the Dick family is nothing but the feelings of a teenager!

This remark was accepted by most people after a message from Dick Castle about the Dick family's big lady staying overnight and the other's bedroom.

Of course, no matter what, the departure of the other party is a foregone conclusion!

After the performance of the other party, Old Thor can be sure that some unsuccessful guys in the city and several other cities around the city want to take the fire and rob the guys will be completely settled down - under the command of the master of the dead spirit Endless army, unless it is a strongman at the Japanese level. Otherwise, no matter who they are, they must also avoid the edge; after all, compared with the untiring and painful army of the dead, there is a flesh and blood existence. There are too many disadvantages.


Old Thor took a picture of the sleeping son next to him - although he knew that his son could not take over the position of the owner, but Old Thor was trying to train his son with the mentality of the case; The city of Hongye and the surrounding cities have an influential picture. He will let his son work hard to see and inform his son of his analysis.

Of course, watching Thor, who is asleep, knows that Old Thor’s efforts have had a role to play – in fact, in addition to the first 'live live broadcast', Thor sees it with gusto; the rest of the broadcast The first and second times were able to look at it reluctantly. To the third time, Thor began to become drowsy, and when his old narration was added. Better like a lullaby, it made him safely enter the dream.

As for the analysis of Old Thor?

Thor naturally didn't listen to it.

"Yes, father! I, I, listen! Hey!"

The stray Tol immediately sat up in his father's voice, reached out and wiped the saliva of his mouth, and made a serious Nie-- looking at Tol who tried to hide himself. Old Thor could not help but kindly A smile, reaching out and petting, I have already been taller than myself, and my body is stronger and I don’t know how many times my son.

Any parent has a **** feeling beyond his ordinary imagination for his children; even if their children are not so good.

"Father, I will listen carefully next time!" Thor looked at the kindly smiling father in front of him. He simply said, "I promise, I will listen carefully!"

"It doesn't matter, these things are not what you need to know! Although my son can't be a qualified owner, but definitely a good son, this is enough!" Old Thor shook his head. Don't care to put the crystal ball in front of it - his son is born for reasons, and there is no such talent, he can't change anyway; but he can make his son safe and healthy. living.

As long as you live peacefully and healthily, this is enough!

With the idea that his heart has just risen, Old Torla opened the drawer at the bottom of his desk and took out a box slightly larger than the adult palm.

"Don't you say that you and Faith are friends? He will leave Hongye City tomorrow!" Old Thor gently stroked the box, then put the box in his son's hand and said slowly: "Body How can a friend’s embarrassment not go to bid farewell to him? And there must be a gift! This is a gift, and tomorrow will be a parting gift to Faith!”


Torah, who nodded, took the box, his eyes glaring at the inconspicuous box in his palm, his eyes slightly stunned, not knowing what he was thinking; but looking at his son’s old Tol is habitual He sighed and continued to read through the various documents from the family, but his eyes were unconsciously thrown into his son from time to time. As a father, he understood that this was his son’s unique thinking. However, it is because of this kind of Nie, that his son will be ridiculed by people in the whole city, even his own family is also in it; and this he can do nothing.

For my son, I can give everything, only to be able to treat him well and let him continue to live in peace and health.

Looking at the box in his son's hand, Old Thor thought silently.


It is still a broken carriage, driving under the traction of the steam head towards the nearest station on the border of the Qiulin District - but this time compared with the last time, Ye Qi's treatment has been improved several levels; The carriage, the neat layout, the excellent quiet environment, the cup of milk tea in the hands of the hand, if it is not confirmed or sitting on the train in the Qiulin District, Ye Qi even sits on the VIP seat of the highest government.

Of course, even in a more comfortable environment, Ye Qi couldn't help but smile when he saw the gift that almost filled the train carriage next to him.

Ps thanks to Xuanyuan Yuhe 200 starting point reward, sn100 starting point reward and fundmental 1 monthly ticket, wife came to haha, 1 monthly ticket, and 1 evaluation ticket for Sirius Xiaoyue. Thank you all. Supporting decadent brothers and sisters (to be continued.

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