Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 13 Chapter 62: Return (5)

"My father said that when a friend leaves, I should come and see you!"

At the station outside the city of Hongye in the morning, Thor found Ye Qi, who was ready to board the bus, and placed a gift of almost all the food in front of him.

"My father's gift is too small and can't be eaten! So I found a lot of food as a gift!"

As soon as I thought that Thor’s family’s attendants had moved the food straight to the only noble carriage in the train, Ye Qi couldn’t help but feel awkwardly in the car. After all, bring some special food to leave. For everyone who is normal, but who has seen a pot of steamed broth in the car to take away?

Of course, for Thor's intention to express, Ye Qi is not resentful—sincere, simple, and without a mixture of distracting thoughts. Although he cannot be a respected existence, he must be a good person or can Become a good friend.

After agreeing that Thor will come back to find his appointment again next time, the train will start in the loud farewell of the other party -

Ignore the strange look of the flight attendant, let the other party leave, and close the door, Ye Qi sat in a special sofa of the noble car, and in his hand is the box that Toll's father, Old Thor, gave him.

The box is very delicate, pure wood raw materials, plus a very exquisite carving, as long as it is a look, it will make people think that the value of this box is very high; reach out, Ye Qi is marked with the Tor family emblem The engraving was lightly and continuously pressed three times - this is the way that Old Thor asked Tell to tell the correct opening of the box; although the box has a keyhole. But anyone who wants to open the box through the keyhole. There will definitely be an unexpected surprise waiting for the other side.

Of course, this surprise is not something that everyone can afford.

Hey! Hey!

The movement of the spring was gently rotated, and the lid of the box popped up a gap autonomously, and then slowly opened up - there was no such thing as the precious gems originally expected by Ye Qi in the box, just a folded one. Parchment; doubtful pick up the folded parchment, just a glance, Ye Qi is a glimpse.

The entire piece of parchment is full of small heads, and these small heads record the roots of the Thor family - the mystery of family inheritance!

In any case, Ye Qi did not think that Old Thor had sent this thing to his hands - when he saw the box before, the subconscious use of blind bucket perception did not find any special fluctuations. Ye Qi thought that Old Thor was for the benefit of the family and sent some precious jewelry to please him.

Looking at this piece of parchment filled with the family secrets of the Thor family, after returning to the god's Ye Qi, he sighed slightly, what he wanted to express for Old Thor. Ye Qi certainly understands; and it is because of understanding that Ye Qi puts the parchment into the box very seriously and carefully collects it - facing a father’s intention to the child, although he is a bystander, but it is not It hinders his respect from the heart.

Of course, the preciousness of the secret of the Thor family is unquestionable; however, it is obvious that it cannot be studied in this place - Ye Qi’s fingers are gently tapped on the sofa by a thick wrap. For a moment, the slight eyes looked at the direction of the carriage; under Ye Qi’s gaze, he passed the premise that he said “nothing should not bother me” and the flight attendants expressed their understanding. The door of the carriage was opened again.

"Ye Qi, I can't know the prophecy every time I appear to me!"

Bernard. Taylor or Chameleon, dressed in a standard flight attendant costume, appeared in the carriage with the face of one of the former flight attendants; after closing the door of the carriage, Bernardie Taylor’s true face was She appeared in front of Ye Qi between her wave.

"It seems that this short trip to the Qiulin District has a considerable harvest!" Bernard. Taylor slowly made the sofa opposite Ye Qi, watching the food almost crowded with the carriage, could not help but licking his mouth Laughing: "The friend who is awkward is a good person! Although he is not even as good as ordinary people in many aspects, but some aspects are better than us!"

“Thank you for the news!”

After raising the words for a long time, Ye Qi finally only said such a very common expression of gratitude - the other party's help to him is self-evident, if not the other party's news this time. It is impossible for him to accurately grasp the key points in Hongye City and to work out a suitable plan; especially this time he found an upgrade path that is not a shortcut, which is natural for him. It is self-evident.

And in the end, it all comes from the help of the other side. But in the face of each other, Ye Qi could not find a suitable statement to express his grateful thoughts. I can only use the most common sentence as a thank-you - like an enemy like a friend, powerful and unpredictable, especially with a trace of elusive existence in the character, so that Ye Qi can not face such a presence Not careful.

"A thank you, can not let us write off!" Bernard. Taylor with one hand holding his chin, charming eyes look at Ye Qi: "I want to owe me a person! Of course, rest assured, I am not What are the excessive demands that will be raised! And even if they are made, you can refuse, right?"

Money debt, good still; emotional debt, difficult to return - deep understanding of the truth, Ye Qi had to nod at this moment; after all, before the other party has not put forward any excessive demands, just accepted the other party's big human feelings He can't do the cold and direct rejection; let alone, as the other party said, if the other party's request exceeds his bottom line, he can also refuse.

"The battle between Yan and Turner has already spread out in the Qiulin District. I have known the Shakes of Dragons in the eyes of Du Lin and Doher!" After seeing Ye Qi nod, Bernard. Taylor smiled. More and more charming, she changed the subject straight away: "The attention that has been received now is countless times higher than before! However, those guys who are surrounded by Randenburg are dying out! Presumably those guys are running away. It must be awkward!"

When he heard Bernard Taylor’s words, Ye Qi was undecided to pick up the milk tea in front of him – whether it was the speed of his battle with Turner or the retreat of the latter’s sneak peeks, all in his Unexpectedly; the former, under the watchful eye of many Japanese-level powers, can not stop the speed of its dissemination; after all, these Japanese-level powers are from all directions of Lorante, with their return, about The news of the battle situation will inevitably spread to Lorant.

As for the latter?

With the spread of the former news, the peepers who have been dying to catch up with it naturally understand what to do - when the Japanese glory off the 'new" two-word coat, they will inevitably enjoy everything in the day of the glory; Whether it is dignity. Still strength!

"Can I say congratulations now?" Learning the appearance of Ye Qi, Bernard. Taylor also poured a cup of milk tea for himself, smelling the unique aroma of milk tea, she seems to be drinking coffee. Slowly stirring the milk tea; at the same time whispered: "Our lord of the day!"

"Day Yao class, is it a problem for you?"

Putting down the teacup in his hand, Ye Qi looked at each other with a congratulatory look, and couldn’t help but pick a brow - when Ye Qi was newly promoted to become a Japanese-level powerhouse, even a small man and other partners met him. The momentum that he unconsciously spurred was affected; only two people were not affected at all by one, one was Lehmann and the other was Bernard. Taylor in front of him.

The ability to withstand the momentum of the new Sun Yat-Sen Powerhouse is not enough to explain some of the problems - the Sun Yat-class can only deal with the Sun Yat-class, which is the iron law of Lorante; The strongest of the day is not affected. It also shows that the strength of the other party is not far from the Japanese glory!

"Of course, it's a problem!" Bernardie. Taylor nodded affirmatively. In the tone of Ye Qi, he couldn't help but bring a touch of unpredictable tone: "I thought everyone is as abnormal as 伱. Talent? From the official to become a star-studded apostle, it took only a short period of less than five years to advance to the Japanese glory! Is it true that people with multiple talents are such a presence?” Said, Bell What Nad. Taylor suddenly thought of, laughing and talking to Ye Qi said: "Do you know? Because of the existence of 伱, people with multiple talents are now tilted by various forces to cultivate the strength and enjoy the treatment like genius."

"However, I really hope to see those guys who want to fall through!" Bernard. Taylor said very seriously: "Ye Qi has only one. How could it be copied?"

"Everyone is unique, without any exceptions!" Facing Bernard. Taylor is so explicit, Ye Qi has no change, but faintly said: "Any copy will only kill yourself. talent!"

"It’s a boring performance! People think that you will be touched by my words!"

“Is it unique to make me feel moved? Or just to let me owe that person?”

"Of course not!" Bernard, who shook his head. Taylor reached out and took out a ticket. I handed it to Ye Qi: "I will go to Lanting Fort next month to have a comeback concert. This is a VIP ticket. You can come with your friends!"

After looking at the box ticket in his hand, he looked at himself and smiled again. After returning to the flight attendant, Bernard. Taylor turned and left. Ye Qi received the ticket in his arms - he certainly would not Interested in the other party's concert, but this does not prevent him from joining the team as a collaborator; and presumably his disciple will be very interested in him, but he has heard that his disciple will be the other person. Considered as an idol.

And when Ye Qi looked up again and looked out the window, looking at the increasingly scarce red leaves, Ye Qi couldn't help but smile - Landingburg, I am back!


"His Lord Ted! Lord Ted!"

At the Tower of Athletics, a new group of apprentices who practiced the apostles attracted the attention of the voices coming from the stairway; a policeman on duty was waving a sheepskin roll to him - kind and straight The temper is destined for a good relationship. Facing the giant man who is one of the guardians, the Rangers have no restrictions. Instead, they are like friends, and this is what the giant Han is happy to see.

If you really want him to sit there like a big man, seriously put on a cold face. I am afraid that he has to drive himself crazy - for a civilian family. The original occupation is a fitness coach's giant Han. Compared with the high-ranking big man, he prefers to be a grassroots trainer and instructor.

"Well! Let's continue training. If anyone gives me a lazy, I will catch it and I will train them to spit out breakfast!"

The Rangers, who sent the 'Emergency Letter', nodded and reaffirmed to the apostolic apostles in front of them. The giant man quickly walked to the Rangers who were still waving their sheepskin rolls. The importance of information that can be transmitted in the form of a sheepskin roll is naturally self-evident; except for a few people, there is no way to use such a sheepskin reel as a carrier. The specification of magic encryption; and among the people known to the giant, there is only one possibility of using the ‘expedited letter’ of this specification recently—his friend: Ye Qi.


A glance at only a few high-level headquarters knows the inlay on the corner of the reel, which represents the pattern of the Ye Qiyin gray dragon scale sign, and the giant Han nodded; then. A shot of the 'Emergency Letter' on the shoulders of the Rangers, striding toward the first floor of the Tower of Athletics - as the temporary manager of the Devil's Headquarters, Heather's Moon Tower is undoubtedly Now the office center of the Devil's Headquarters.

As for why Hesel will hand over some of his official duties to him, the giant Han is also quite puzzled. From the beginning of Hessel’s becoming the temporary demon hunter’s headquarters manager, some official duties began to appear inexplicably in him. In front of him, the giant Han is very distressed; although he is capable of handling these official duties, in the heart of the giant Han, the work of doing business in this way is more suitable for his other good friend, which was started from Ye Qi. All the apprentices of the apprentices called it the 'nosed man'.

However, after asking a friend in private, Juhan wisely gave up and continued to persuade his friends. The idea of ​​reducing the burden on myself - 'I am all given by the teacher, and when the teacher loses everything, I should stay at the teacher's side. 'The giant man who is facing the friend's sentence is directly speechless. Continue to deal with the business that has been arranged.

Just as the cold-faced man knows about him, he also understands what kind of stubborn heart his friend is under the cold appearance.

Without any hindrance, the guards and guardians of the Moon Tower, which had been used to the time of the giants from time to time, did not have any obstacles. They let the giants enter the highest level of the tower of the moon and night: Hessel’s study.


Looking at the old man sitting behind the desk, the giant Han respectfully greeted that Blanc, who had been here for the past, did not appear here, only Hesel was burying his head in the file; Chinese. Hether said with a smile: "Do we have new news for our Shaker Dragon?"

"Yes, Master Heather!" After handing the reel in hand to the old man in front of him, the giant Han said with a smile: "Recently all the forces of Lorante are paying attention to any news about Ye Qi. If you let the guy know that there are five hundred Kimptons available in the Dark Mercenary Guild to get his latest accurate news, he will definitely expose himself to the Dark Mercenary Union."

"In order to build his bar, no matter who he is. His partners have done everything! In the face of Kimpton's pressure, the Japanese-level powerhouse can't look directly!" Facing Ye Qi's new news. Hether couldn't help but joked: "Hey, if the bar is closed for a day, and we suddenly turn him away from Langburg, what will Ye Qi react to?"

"Amount...Herther, this must not be funny!"

The giant man looked at the old man in front of him. If he was not sure that the other person was Hesel, he thought that the conversation was with the Blanc Master who never knew to keep the image.

"Isn't it funny? In those days, a few of us did what John had done. The expression he had at that time... cough..." Hear, who found himself an old anecdote, immediately turned a dry cough. Topic: "Let's see what news Ye Qifa sent..."

Hesel, who opened the sheepskin scroll with a unique secret method, couldn't help but sneak a hand to the giant Han; and the giant who took the reel saw the above description and couldn't help but stay. Then, the same bitter smile - "Inspection to make adults from the Qiu Lin District border, the Hunting Devils branch in the consignment of a number of ingredients" summed up, the scroll is such a description.

“Ingredients? Use the secret channels of the Demon Hunter to deliver the ingredients?”

Giant Han holding the reel I was overwhelmed by Hesel. The reason why the secret channel is called a secret channel is its confidentiality; especially like the Devils Guild. Big forces, for the sake of safety, the establishment of a secret channel is often not enabled, it will only be used once at a critical moment, and then immediately abandon the current channel and re-establish another one; after all, anything will leave clues, even if It is the existence of a secret, but it can only preserve mystery in front of him. If he shows up, he will be removed from the mysterious veil.

Obviously, the Hunting Devils Association will still give up this secret channel in accordance with tradition, and re-establish another secret channel - thinking about the cost of building a safe and secure secret channel, and the value of those ingredients, strongly After the comparison, there was a thick sweat on the forehead of Juhan.

Compared to the giant Han, Hether was just a constant smile, looked at the scroll in front of him, he could not help but said: "I really want to send the bill to Ye Qi!"


Ps, thank you for the reward of the starting point of the 100th language of the starry sky, the breeze? ? ? 100 starting point rewards and 91193 one-month ticket, zero-one-one-one zero-ticket, hereby thank you all for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters

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