Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 14 Chapter 52: Involved

As for the information of Gail Northd, when he became a high priest in the Gulf, Lutil had seriously investigated it - moderate, generous, with strong ability to coordinate all parties; as for the strength of the other side? Although he was already the strongman of the first month before becoming the owner of the Northder family, perhaps because of the distraction of family affairs, the strength of Gail Northd did not rise as much as he did when he was young; After several private inspections by the Holy See, its strength has only risen to the first level, reaching the mid-level of the moon, basically it is not dangerous for the Holy See. Www.)

After all, for nearly two decades, from a teenager to middle age, people have already passed their most golden stage of upgrading their strength. If you want to improve again, it is almost entirely due to luck!

Like Gail Northd, perhaps before the old death, it may rise to the next level to reach the high level of the moonlight; and a high-order moonlight class that is about to die, what threats to the Holy See? ——The inner thoughts of disdain made Lutil’s eyes contain contempt. He looked at the characters who used to be called geniuses in the distance, and a smirk appeared at the mouth.

Extending his right hand, Lutil pointed to Gail Northd and challenged the other side - for the development of the Northder family's war to the present, there is no need to hesitate any more, directly to each other The leader is killed, and then quickly clean up the battlefield is the most correct choice; after all, there is a lot of things in Saskatchewan that need him to deal with!

For the Saskatoon port, which is like a gold mine, Lutier will certainly not give up if it can not give up. The circulation system of nearly one million people makes the Holy See’s need for Kimpton real!

As for whether he can defeat Gail Northd?

Touching the remaining scroll, Lutil is full of confidence; he is sure that the other party will drink the hate on the spot!

Perhaps, when the adult saw the true prosperity of the Port of Saskatchewan, he would give a second reel...

Lutil is screaming - there are many rumors about the grown-up, although most are harsh, hot, cold and ruthless descriptions, but there is one in these descriptions. That is generous! As long as it is a firm belief and a contribution to the Holy See, you will get the reward of that adult!

As long as I am doing this beautiful enough. Then...


On the little finger, it means that the guardian ring that dedicated everything to God suddenly broke through a small slit, and then spread like a spider web in the next moment. In a moment, a ring of sterling silver became a piece of debris - the sudden change made Lutil's smug expression change, looking at the ring fragments falling on the ground, Lutil's face was gloomy as ice Compared with the previous humiliation, this moment is even more heart-rending!

Because this is the only meaning of the law. It was the statue in the church in the port of Saskatchewan that was destroyed. After becoming the high priest of the Bay Area, Lutil, who had rebuilt the church in Saskatchewan, was worried that the statue would be damaged and deliberately obtained from the books. The method produced this ring; the two not only have a certain mutual continuity, but also can make the statue more reinforced and not easily damaged.

Now that this silver ring has become a fragment, the gods are naturally the same end, and the gods that have just been reinforced are naturally impossible to be damaged in such a short time for natural reasons!

Who! Who dares to destroy the gods!

Lutil's narrow face. This moment has been completely distorted. The cold and pale white light is like a butcher's knife, exuding the breath of death. The belief in God is the most important for everyone who grew up in the Holy Forest. Even beyond the family. With friendship!

After entering the Inquisition, this belief will be ingrained into the soul!

Life is to spread the glory of God to every corner of the world. Death, will also return to the kingdom of God calmly!

Such beliefs will be deeply imprinted in the words and deeds of every black priest in the Inquisition. For some mad believers, this belief is the only one of his own life - Lutil as a fanatic. Nature is no exception!

pirate! Must be those **** pirates!

Almost the next moment, Lutil found the most likely goal - except for those who are daring, Lutil can't find the corresponding goal; after all, other people in Saskatchewan may be even more I love Kimpton, but I will never hate to enter the church and ruin the image!

I should stay behind more people!

Remorse instantly eroded Lutil, and in order to smoothly remove the Northder family, he almost called all the people who could be called by Saskatoon, Randyburg, and Fateh; except for some Guardian knights. There aren't many people left behind at all - and the name of the Cavaliers, the name of the knight, how much combat power is more obvious to the family.

Damn it! It's all for your sake!

Looking at the distance still standing straight, calmly scheduling everything, Gail Northd, the resentment in Lutil’s heart seems to have a vent - if it is not because of the need to clear the Northder family, how the gods will be those The next three pirates are smashed; and with those pirate styles, it is absolutely necessary to put a fire after the event.

As soon as he thought of the burning church in the port of Saskatchewan, Lutier seemed to feel the sky--the high priest in the Bay Area, the church in Saskatchewan was burned, and he had an inevitable responsibility; even if he had cleared it. The merits of the Northder family, but with the practice of that adult...

A fierce chill came from the depths of Lutil's heart, but then he quickly shook his head - no, no, as long as I piously made up for my sin!

Lutil, who thought of this, immediately raised his head and walked toward Gail Northstead in the distance. The sudden change of the Port of Saskatchewan made him unable to humiliate the other party and then kill him. The other party's beautiful ideas are implemented; you must resolve the other party quickly and quickly, and then return to Saskatoon immediately!

Even, he has already thought about how to deal with the sinners including Rute - the firearms, only the burning of the flames can cleanse their sins!


With a screaming screaming behind him, a stern temper was directed at the neck, so that Lutil, who had just lifted his leg, had to frown and turned to face the sudden attack; however, when he watched After clearing the other's appearance, the originally frowning brow stretched out in an instant, and the disdain in the expression once again overflowed with words - the whole body was covered by bandages more than 50%, and even the most powerful right arm has been Hanging on the chest. It is left with the left hand holding the trident that was originally used by both hands.


After the cross sword firmly held the trident of the other side, it felt that the power from the trident was far lower than the estimated strength, and Lutil’s disdainful expression became more and more intense--

"Does Gail Northd want to rely on you to lose time in the future?"

The cross sword in the hand is forced to swing outwards. Immediately, the Trident was opened, and the whole person who held the Trident's trident in one arm could not help but step back. This situation undoubtedly made Lutil's words full of ridicule: "The sea **** is indeed very powerful. But is it not smashed by my bright light? It is the existence of Northstar as the final card. Now there is still some strength? Oh, no, no, it’s my word mistake; it should be able to act How many are there?"

"As long as there is a sea **** who can stand up, your desire to rule the Bay Area will never be realized!"

"Yes? But, according to the current situation, our wishes will soon be realized! Moreover, the earth itself is the place where God has given us the place. Now we are managed by our people, and what is wrong with it. And the existence of your blasphemy is about to face your sin in the flames!"

Facing the slings of Sotel, Lutil easily moved over the body and escaped the attack of the other side. At the same time, the cross sword waved backwards; immediately the back that was originally wrapped in a bandage, suddenly again There was a wound that was more than a foot long, flesh-and-blood separated, and deep visible bones. The white bandages were scattered under the blade, and the bandages that were struggling to wrap around the Sauter were dyed by the blood in an instant. famous!


The back injury. Sotle fell to the ground on one knee. He sent a heavy gasp.

Call... call...

Every wheezing is like a broken blast bellows. Although it is deep, it is very weak.

"As long as there is a sea **** who can stand up, will our wishes not be realized? But the question is, can you still stand up now? Let's die!" He went to Lutil in front of Sauter. After throwing this sentence, the cross sword in the hand was lifted straight, and the sharp tip of the sword was pointed at Sutter's neck - for the worried Lutir of the Saskatchewan church. At this moment, the entire Northder family, except for the harvest of the patriarch Gail Northd, is all superfluous and time-consuming; if it wasn’t for this sea **** who suddenly came out to stop him. He would not care at all.

As for how the other party appeared?

For these big families, they like to arrange secret passages in their homes in order to prepare for the habits they need. Lutil is so clear that there is no need to be surprised.


The tip of the sword pierced the other side without any hindrance, but compared to the original goal, the cross sword that passed through the chest made Lutil stunned—the other side turned around in an instant, avoiding the thorns on the neck. A sword, but did not do more dodge action, but slammed into the front of the blade with his own chest; with the agility erupted by the other side, Lutil would never believe the other because The inability to dodge has become this look!

not good!

After a glimpse, Lutil immediately retreated, but a pair of powerful arms hugged him at a faster speed than him - the powerful force, not a seriously injured Poseidon What the genus should have is simply a sea **** in its heyday; no! More powerful than the power of the sea gods in the heyday!

The subconscious shaking of Lutil, with his arms and shoulders, feels the explosive power of the other side. According to the performance of the sea gods seen before, there is an accurate judgment immediately. However, accurate judgment does not make He always thought that he was very happy, and he was very upset. He was screaming at the bottom of his heart and shouting: "Let go!"

"As long as there is a sea **** who can stand up, your desire to rule the Bay Area will never be realized!" The smiling Sauter repeats his previous words and then shouts loudly: "And Now, I am standing! Keeg, do it!"

Keeg, who had already been hiding in the side, heard the sound of Sauter's shouting, and immediately rushed out without hesitation, ran to Lutil and Sotel in everything - in the voice of Sotel After falling. Lutil has already seen the rushed out of the grid; of course, it is the grenade that is more attractive to Lutier!

Obviously, those grenade are definitely not decorations!

"Let go! Bastard. Give me a hand!"

It’s awkward...

In Luthier’s roar, the intense collision caused Sotel’s tight arms to sound like a break, but Souter seemed to be ignorant, still holding each other – Lutil Very clear. The rushed Northder is only about 30 yards away from him. At this distance, the speed of the opponent is only a matter of seconds. If you can’t get rid of the guy who is holding him in a few seconds, He is definitely not able to escape the end of a death.

Nearly twenty grenades exploded in front of them, and Lutil did not think that he could escape a death; perhaps the adult in his mind could. But he definitely couldn't reach that level; therefore, there was almost no hesitation. After understanding the current situation, Lutil's palm touched the only reel in the reel pocket at the waist.

Although the elbow joint of the arm was locked, it did not affect the movement of Lutil's wrist; the palm grabbed the reel and then shook slightly, the whole reel was fully unfolded - unlike before That scroll, the moment the reel appears again. It turned into ashes. Then an invisible force field enveloped around Lutil.

Can be used by Lutil as a card to kill Gail Northd, this scroll naturally has an extraordinary point - feeling the strong arm of the other side, and the painful look of the other side, especially the body is full After the Grenade’s North Germans twitched on the ground, the feeling of the rest of the robbery made Lutil’s involuntary laughter.

"This is a true high-level magical technique, although it is just modeled after implosion. It can't achieve the same effect of death; but as long as it is within this range, you will suffer the pain of the present every second! Of course, I will not be affected. The impact, and this time is not long. It only takes eight seconds, but how many times can you hold on? Come, use your greatest strength!"

Feeling the strength of the other side of the arm, Lutier did not have the slightest panic, the confidence in the scroll, so that he did not care what the other party would do; and the more the other party struggled, the more he felt before The feeling of revenge is felt in the heart of death threats.

"One person is not enough, plus us, how?"

After a low-pitched voice, the four figures slammed past the coffin that had fallen to the ground, and picked up the shoulder straps of Gee's grenade - the moment they passed over the fallen Kig, the rushed out The obvious figure of the four figures is obviously affected by this force field; however, compared to Keeg’s fall to the ground, their physical fitness from the sea gods is undoubtedly much stronger, just after a meal, four people I came to Lutil's side and put the grenade strap around Lutil's neck.

"You want to be a hero, you are two years earlier!"

After the four sea gods died and held Lutil, one of the sea gods with a cross sword and Sotel himself was thrown to the side of Keeg: "Get away with Keeg!"

"you guys!"

"It's not the same as your skin injury! In the previous explosion, we hurt the internal organs! Even if we don't use the family secret technique, the body that we were seriously injured is not quite good! However, using the family secret technique, It is still worthwhile to be able to take a high priest to bury it!"

One of the four sea gods smiled calmly.

"Let's live well and continue to protect our family, in the name of the sea gods!"

"In the name of the sea gods!"


The huge explosion sounded through the audience again, attracting the attention of both sides in the battle.

"His priest!"

The original morale of the Holy See, looking at the door of Lutheran’s originally standing Northstead family estate, all stunned—the flesh and blood, the missing figure, telling them a cruel fact.

The high priest of Lutil was killed!

A lot of black priests rushed to the place where Lutil stood, but the clearer rags and broken meat in front of them undoubtedly made their last hopes shattered.

"His priest, dead!"

I don’t know where the shouts came from, and suddenly the entire church’s ranks became messy.

"Keep your position Don't chase!"

Looking at the chaos of the chaos, the people of the Northstead family were overjoyed and ready to pursue, but the screaming voice made everyone stop and watched Gail North. De - Although doubtful, but out of the trust of the patriarch, all the Northers have retired from their original positions, waiting for the next order of their patriarch.

"Dizio presiding judge, are you still not planning to come out?"

Gail Northd’s eyes looked at the gate of the manor, slowly speaking, while the right hand, who had been behind him, played a gesture that only two people could understand to the butler next to him; the old housekeeper immediately The intention disappeared aside.

When PS smashed the code word today, I suddenly felt a backache. Should I eat some kidney to make up the kidney...

Thanks to the June Snow IV200 starting point, what is this? The reward of the starting point of 100, the reward of the 100 words of the starry sky, the reward of the starting point of the sn100, and the reward of the ake one-month ticket are hereby thanked all the brothers and sisters who support the decadence are not to be continued. . )


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