Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 14 Chapter 53: Under the intervention

"It’s been a long time since I saw you! Gael, you are always so keen!"

In a peaceful smirk, a black trench coat, a dark blue suit, and a refined middle-aged man appeared in the door of the Northstead family's manor; platinum long hair The neatly combed back to the back of the head reveals a bright and high-pitched forehead, as if it is full of wisdom; and the frameless single-sided glasses make the person in front look more academically-- In a peaceful smile, the refined middle-aged man walked slowly to the place where Lutil was killed. He shook his head gently; there was no regret, anger or unwillingness in his expression, as if he were simply looking for everything he encountered in front of him. And the formula generally shakes the head. Www.)

"President adult!"

The black priests who had fallen into chaos because of Lutil’s death, immediately after seeing this refined middle-aged man like a scholar, immediately saw the heart of the heart, quickly came to the other side, kneeling Land, devout salute.

"Get up!" Waving his hand, the refined middle-aged man, as always, said calmly: "Go back to their respective parishes. The things here are over for you!"

Immediately, all the black priests came face to face - they were summoned to the estate of the Northed family, and they lost their soldiers. Even the high priest Lutil was killed; and there was no black in this departure. The clothes priest will feel comfortable, but the inner obedience of the man in front of him still has the upper hand, making them once again.

"Yes, the presiding adult!"

After the answer, the black priests, as before, came quickly and divided into three groups of people, and retreated toward the parishes in their respective bay areas.

"I have expressed my sincerity, Gail, what about you?"

The elegant middle-aged judge went straight to the original iron gate of the Northstead family estate, and glanced at the iron gate that turned into molten iron and re-agglomerated into pieces and covered with blood. He sighed softly: "Blood Always carrying all the sins!"

"The cause of this sin is the people of your Holy See!"

Silently reached a distance of less than ten yards from the other side, Gail Northd waved at the back of the enemy. Immediately after the removal of the sea gods, all the people of the Northstead family were returned to the main house of the manor - for the appearance of a seemingly refined, just like a scholar, a university professor; Gail Northd is very clear about each other Inner and strength. No matter how many ordinary people are useless, they will only add unnecessary sacrifices in vain; just as the other party has let all the black priests retire before, the other side understands that no matter how many black priests are useless.

"So. He used his life to make atonement!"

Dizzi pointed to the ground all over the blood and minced meat, and replied indifferently.

"Atonement? The life of a person is always so thin and powerless in your eyes! Apart from the role of acting as an excuse, it is left to be abandoned by you at will!" Gail North is very angry. Calm, but no matter the presiding judge named Dizzi. Still behind the sea gods, they can clearly hear the anger and sorrow hidden in it; deeply took a breath, Gail Northd looked at the middle-aged man in front of him and stared: "This time against North The attacks on family estates and local businesses are all from your handwriting?"

Although the words of Gail Northd are questionable, the tone is certainly incomparable—from the moment a few days ago, all the landlords of Lott were blocked by unknown forces. Among them, the familiar methods made him feel the presence of a middle-aged man in front of him; it is precisely because of this. He made it very clear that all the Nostals who could return to Randenburg had to return. Unfortunately, most of them lost contact with the estate that entered the Northder family before sunset today.

Even if you don't think about it, Gail Northd understands what happened to those tribes, and it is because he knows that Gail Northd's heart is even more painful - Norther has no living captives; The oath of the Grand Duke of Denos in the Poseidon wave. And his children and grandchildren are undoubtedly performing unswervingly!

In the clenched fists. The nails pierced deep into the palm of your hand, and the blood fell down the finger-shoulders on the scorched earth—Gail Northd did not resent the ancestors who made the oath of the rise of the Northder family. More will not hate those who died in order to swear; his object of resentment is only himself and the enemy!

It is impossible to protect the healthy and happy life of the people, to live up to the hopes of the people, and even to forget the vows left by the ancestors at certain moments...

I am really not a qualified patriarch!

With a self-deprecating smile, Gail Northd turned and smiled at his daughter: "Dear, lend me your trident!"


Looking at his smiling father, Linda opened her mouth subconsciously, and then silently handed the trident in her hand to the other party - the faint appointment has already guessed what the father is going to do, want to stop, but There was no reason at all; no matter how anxious the heart was, I could only hand the Trident to my father. This uncomfortable feeling made Linda feel uncomfortable and felt a sharp pain in the depths of her mind.

Although it was just a fleeting moment, it seemed to have exhausted her whole body in an instant; tightly biting her teeth, and with her willpower, Linda did not make herself fall to the ground - she did not want Let yourself distract your father at this time; because, this will only make your father's almost no chance of winning, more illusory.

The presiding judge has the highest status except the director of the referee and the two deputy directors; and the matching is the almost top-level combat power in the Holy See - the religion that originally had five presiding judges. The referee once once made everyone and the forces look at each other, but one of them was beaten by the Holy See and the other was left behind. The remaining three judges gradually faded out of sight. .

However, fading out of sight does not mean that it is not taken seriously; among the three presiding judges, Constance has been separated from the ranks because of his physical condition. The remaining two are the subjects that are focused on by various forces. As the eldest daughter of the Northed family, even if her nature makes her want to stay away from this dispute, her sense of responsibility still makes her have to seriously examine any ally or enemy of the Northder family; and because of this, She understands very well. The gap between his father and the other.

The moonlight level and the daylight level are simply the gap between the sky and the sky!

It is only the Japanese glory that can face the Japanese glory, which is recognized in the dark world. There is only one Sun Yat in the entire Bay Area - Ye Qi.


Linda silently recited the name that had always made her inexplicable - until now she suddenly discovered that it was in her heart that she hoped that the other side would stand behind her and cover her wind. rain. Give her a warm dependence.

Linda, who took a deep breath and pressed the chaotic thoughts down, raised her hand - although she understood that even if all the sea gods were on the scene, they could only resist the other party for a short time, and could not harm the other party. . Even as time goes by, the sea gods including her will die in the other's hands one by one, but this is not the reason why she can't help her face when her father may face death.

Seeing that his captain raised his arm, the remaining sea gods clenched the trident in their hands, waiting for the moment when their captain’s arm was swept away - able to face the strong day, and die. It is not a shame for them; especially when they are delaying more escape time for their own people. This moment is exactly the time when they need to be sea gods to prove their glory. Just like their ancestors!

"This is my battlefield!" Looking at the daughter who raised his arm, Gail Northd smiled and said: "You look at it!"

"If you look at it, how can you do it! Isn't that very lonely? I'm going to find some suitable opponents for you!" Dizzo, who ignored the gaze, gently patted the palm of his hand, suddenly, more than 100 people. The disciplinary knight appeared on the open space not far behind him; watching the disciplinary knight who walked by himself, Dizzi looked like a pity. Shouting at Gail Nosd shrugged his shoulders: "I originally wanted to call a team of holy knights. Unfortunately, Tozan’s dead-hearted guy directly rejected my request. Also shouted like me, 'only the pope. The order, the Holy Knights will be dispatched! 'It’s a dead-hearted guy. I don’t know anything about it; therefore, there is no way for me to be safe, I have to come to see you with more disciplinary knights; after all, The sea gods of your family are really a headache at some point!"

"Now, I will ask you again, will you continue to comply with the previous agreement?"

When asked this sentence, Dizzi converges on a peaceful look, one word at a time, asking very seriously.

In the other party's questioning voice, Gail Northd holding the trident looked at the sea gods behind the disciplinary knights, each young face was so full of vitality and vitality, with the face rushing The tenacity is so uncoordinated, it makes people feel funny and distressed - and licking his mouth, Gail Northd turned and looked at Dizzi in front of him and said: "Come on all hopes. In the pity of others, I have forgotten my biggest mistake of the ancestors' oath; although it may not be able to make up for the impact of this mistake on the entire Northder family, but I have missed it once, how can I continue to make mistakes?"

"Are you already decided? My friend!"

Dizzi, with a serious look, asked again.

"Well! Then it is the same as before, I will shoot first! Only, this time we will not die!"

Nodded, Gail Northd’s pointed sharp spear in the middle of the trident had pointed at the other’s throat.

"Don't die!"

Difficult, Dizzi said slowly and forcefully - the Trident instantly stabbed in front of him, without any hesitation, almost instinctively when the trident's edge was about to stick to the skin, Dizzi quickly One side of the body, escaped this attack, just like when they first met twenty years ago.


Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Carter glared at his staff as he appeared on the streets of Saskatchewan. He still walked forward with the crisp rhythm of the staff and the slate floor; and Delin remained behind Carter, removing The body was contaminated with blood from other people, and there were no scars on the body. Obviously, those guardian knights who stayed behind did not give this seriousness, but also the existence of the Holy See, causing even a slight trouble.

"Unfortunately, if your master can see the scene where the entire church is burning! It will be very gratifying! It is a pity!" Carter shook his head, and with the bang of the hood, it was issued. I sighed.

"The master has more important things to do. If the matter is completed, all the regrets of the master will be compensated!"

"Is it the enemy who is looking for him? Hey, I hope that you will not be blinded by hatred!"

"Masters will never be so wrong!"

Faced with words that ridicule their masters. DeLin had a rough voice, and the volume immediately increased again, and he glared at the dark wizard in front of him, even the fists were pinched tightly; obviously. If the other party can't give a reasonable answer, Delin will never give up – as for the difference in strength? For the existence of Delin, it is not within the scope of thinking.

"Don't be excited! I am just ordinary, worrying about being a friend! If you don't believe it, you can ask these two!"

Said. Carter’s gaze stayed in the shadows, and Delin frowned and looked at Carter, and looked at the shadows—extreme ability to make Delrin’s strength strong at some point. But at some point it is weak enough to be with ordinary people; at the very least, with his weak perception, there is no way to find the existence in the opposite shadow.

"Oh, although I don't know your existence, the fear of my friends is really a bit of truth. But I think you are still worried about yourself!"

A touch of oil in the sound of the oil chamber slip. A thin young man’s mouth with a smile, slowly stepping out of the shadow, and behind him a tall man who has surpassed the height of ordinary people followed, and the two went straight to the middle of the road. In front of Carter and Delin - although only plainly out of the shadows, Delin was nervous. The muscles of the whole body squirmed and licked together. It is like armor; although the weak feelings can't make him aware of the two hidden, but when they appear. The dangerous atmosphere of the breath made his body instinctively react.

A tall man is like a majestic castle and high mountain. Just standing in front of him will make Delin feel like he can't breathe; of course, this is not the reason why Delin immediately has a dangerous reaction; it really makes him feel dangerous. The young man who is smiling in front of this tall man - although with a smile, but looking at each other, De Lin can not help but think of it, the snake hidden in the bushes, grass, unremarkable, but incomparable fatal.

"Do the two are fighting for the Holy See?"

Carter said that while using the eyes behind the shadows, he could not help but look at the two unexpected presences in front of him - although he had found two people in the first time, he can be sure that this is not the other side. Deliberately hide the reason for his whereabouts; after all, compared to DeLin, who is weak and perceptive, Carter, who is a dark wizard, can feel the strength of the other two. Of course, there is still a certain gap compared with him; after all, Even if Yuehui tops the Japanese glory, it is still the Scorpio.

And without the troubles of strength, Carter does not mind to satisfy his curiosity.

"How much of the false existence in the Holy See, how much do you die, how can I mind?" The little man tells the truth about most of the people in the Holy See: "If it is not because of identity, you can’t take it. The bugs that are entrenched here have long been cleaned up with insecticides!"

"Bugs? A good metaphor!"

After hearing the parable of the little man, Carter sneaked a little and then laughed at once; however, this kind of coquettish laughter made the delin frown, and he couldn’t help but step forward. Said to the little man: "Since it is not because of the Holy See, please let the road ahead!"

"I can't do this forgive me. I don't care if the bugs of the Holy See die, but our hunter has a lot of casualties for your sake! If you don't remove your arms and legs, If you stuff it into your upper and lower holes, I am afraid I will sleep hard!"

The little man didn't pay attention to Delin in front of Looking at Carter's eyes, the corner of his mouth still contained a slight implicit smile, but the voice was more and more cold: "Please don't tell me, Sa The changes in the cemetery near the port have nothing to do with you; if this is the case, I am afraid I will think of 10,000 kinds of torture for you to feel one by one until you admit it!"

"Hunter? Oh, the devil!"

Carter as if he had thought of something in general, nodded awkwardly: "I always feel that I have forgotten something. It turns out that you are homeless stray dogs! But since they have appeared, then go to hell! ”

Cate, who had met the curiosity, picked up his staff and aimed at the little man and the big man. After all, in his eyes, the demon hunter and the Holy See did not have the same method, but the essence of both was in him. It seems that there is no difference, it is the kind of damn.

PS, it’s snowing again, snowmen, snowballs, hahaha

Thanks to the June Snow IV200 starting point of the reward, ゙戮 ※ ang ご 100 starting point of the reward, laughter hero 100 starting point of the reward of decadence, thank you to all the support of decadent brothers and sisters to be continued. . )


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