Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 14 Chapter 59: Appear

For those who have seen a number of Sun Yat-sens, their friends are also Japanese-level powerhouses, and even a small man who has used a special ability to devour a Japanese-level powerhouse is no longer mysterious. However, when the six strong players of the Japanese glory appeared at the same time, especially when the six strong players of the same day were all part of the Holy See, the small one was still shocked.

How come there are so many strong players in the day?

Although everyone knows that every force has hidden powers, especially the forces that once ruled the whole of Roland for nearly two hundred years, like the Holy See, the foundation is self-evident; but the little one did not think, just In order to completely remove the Northder family, the Holy See can use seven strong players.

Moreover, it is inferred from the sudden appearance of the previous six Japanese stalwart powers that the small ones would not think that these Japanese tyrants are the hidden strongs of the Holy See. [Users share]

There must be more

In the eyes of the little man, with a thoughtful look, he looked back and forth and looked at the six prominent Sun Yat-Sen strongmen in front of him - standing in front of the Sun Yat-class powerhouse, a bright red robe, by The golden silk thread was sewn and embellished, which made the middle-aged man who looked thinner and noble, and the Holy Emblem of the Holy See, which was in the chest of the red robe, immediately let There is more sacredness in this noble and gracefulness.

Archbishop of Red

Almost at the moment of seeing the bright red gilt robes, the little ones have already identified each other's identity - except for the pope, except for the pope, only the presence of the bishop can be worn in the red robes, while in the robes The golden silk edge sewn on the corner may only be in the Holy See, second only to the presence of the Pope: Archbishop of Red

In the sacred age, there were a total of twelve red archbishops in the Holy See, which managed the entire church for the finances, taxes, architecture, and sacrifices of the Holy See, and they were closely related to the life of the Holy See; although they entered the era of freedom, the original The twelve red archbishops have been reduced to three, maintaining the same amount as the judges of the Inquisition, but the existence of each Archbishop of Red is both eye-catching, whether from strength or ability. In terms of it, it’s all like this.

Which is the archbishop?

The little man who silently guessed the identity of the other person put his gaze behind him. Compared with the grace of the former Red Archbishop, the five strong Japanese tycoons were shabby; the white rags were sewed. , bare. Naked feet, if it is not a neat face and a faint exude of the atmosphere of the Japanese-level powerhouse, it is almost the same as the coolies in the life of Saskatchewan.

However, it is precisely because of this that the younger one feels more and more unable to feel in the heart--the strength of the Japanese glory, but it is like a bitter, embarrassing dress. Only one person in the entire Holy See meets the conditions before. : The monk

The monk, completely abandoning his position, position, and wealth, retains only the existence of the most pure faith - you never know whether the monk in front of you was an archbishop or a pope; this is circulated in the demon There is a little joke between them; although I usually listen, the little man smiles, but now he can’t laugh, he only hopes that there will be no such thing as an archbishop in these monks.

The strength of an archbishop has entered the first stage of the Japanese glory and has become an indescribable existence; once it has given up everything that has become a monk who only retains faith and concentrates on cultivation, then its strength is simply horrible - Because you can never estimate the extent to which the monk's strength grows; perhaps it may be ten years or even overnight, and it has entered the top of the Japanese glory; it has appeared more than once in the history of the **** era. The dark creatures attacked the church. After struggling for a long time, it was possible to break through the defensive squad. The monk who had been protected by the clergy in the middle of the chaos suddenly advanced, and some jumped from the most common existence. A star-level, moon-level apostle has even a momentary breakthrough to become a day-level

Although such a thing happens, only a small number or even a large number of people are rumored to be rumored, but any force will never be taken lightly when facing the monks of the Holy See; even in the battlefield at the end of the **** age, there are also those who have killed and killed the monks. The value is far beyond the existence of some high priests who usually have commanding powers. However, the small one looks at the five monks who are obviously in the presence of the Japanese glory, and the corners of their mouths can’t help but burst into laughter.

Killing the monks is undoubtedly the most sought-after practice on any battlefield.

But killing five monks of the day?

Except for the Japanese glory, others don’t even think about it.

Once again, I glanced at the six powerful heroes in front of him. The little man felt the same powerful atmosphere behind him and the two friends who rushed out of the main house of Northstead Manor quietly gestured - although North The German family also appeared a strong man of the Japanese glory, and there are real sea gods around, as well as a considerable number of apostles, but there are six strong people on the opposite side, if you seriously injured Dizzo If you go in, it is the seven-day glory. In the face of such strength, unless the Nosd family’s strong-powered person can compete with the highest government in the highest government, it will not be lost.

In such a battle that must be lost, the little man absolutely does not want to see his friend's casualties - without any pause, almost after the gesture, the little man's hand has been tightly held. The amulet made by Ye Qi is a personal amulet; however, the next time the little brow is a pick, because he found that the amulet in his hand lost the original voice and message function.

The little man can clearly feel that the energy that belongs to magic on the amulet still exists, but the function that originally belonged to the amulet disappeared.

How is this going?

When Ye Qi made the amulet in his hand, in order to ensure that there would be no problems, the small man and others had personally helped the experiment for nearly twenty times, and there was no problem at all; not to mention the magical energy on the amulet is obviously obvious. It’s not a problem with the amulet itself; if there is no problem with the amulet, there is only one possibility left...

Fierce, the little man raised his head, and a pair of fierce eyes flashed in his eyes. A special enchantment was set up around the church.

"Kid, is the response not slow?"

The old man who had taken over from the small man and was seriously injured, and looked at the little man’s slightly fierce reaction, could not help but nod his head: "Since we have made up our mind to completely eliminate our Northder family, we will never Leave us any opportunity. The style of the Holy See has always been so hot, you said yes?"

Speaking of the last sentence, the old man of the Northstead family looked directly at the opposite red archbishop, the only remaining strongman of the Norther family, staring at each other, and continued with disdain: " Poisoning, assassination, kidnapping, you will find that when the other party takes off the layer of hypocritical coat, it is far less shameful than you think."

"In the face of heresy, any means will be forgiven by God."

On the face of the Archbishop of Red, a smile that was heart-felt and tolerant, with his hands folded in front of his chest, slowly answered - with the gentle words of the Archbishop, a white light was scattered from the hands of the ten. Come out straight and shrouded Dizau, who was seriously injured.

The Trident has already been pulled out by Dizzi himself, leaving only three thumbs on the chest, running through the wounds of the body - never doubt the power of the Sun Yat-sen, the Sun Yat-sen The reason why it is easy to be defeated, but it is difficult to be killed, in addition to the powerful ability, relying on the strong self-grinding that gradually becomes the day when it becomes the Japanese glory; just like the injury suffered by Dizzi, it is replaced by Ordinary people have long since died of the existence of any peak of the moon. However, Dizzi has relied on the strength of the sun, and persisted until now without any treatment.

In the white light, Dizzi's three wounds recovered with the visible degree of the naked eye. Almost in the breath of a few breaths, the wounds that were slightly embarrassing were completely disappeared, leaving only the cleanliness of the broken clothes. The skin - with the completion of the treatment, Dizzi did not open his eyes, still lying there as usual; with the unique strength of the Japanese glory, although such recovery will be consumed, but it will never be weak Unable to move

Watching Dizzi lying in the same place is still the gentle voice, with a slight sigh, the red archbishop slowly said -

"God is unable to forgive any initiative to give up the existence of life, Dizzi Judges"

"God can't forgive the existence of betrayal friendship, Bishop Terry"

Did not open his eyes, even did not move Dizzi, but the lips replied slightly

"In the face of heresy, any violation of the commandments will be forgiven by God."

"But I can't forgive myself."

"But you have worked hard, but they have been obsessed with it and have faced heresy. There are still kind people, and you have done enough."

"Sufficient enough? But why does my heart feel lost and empty? Even if it is the loss and emptiness that cannot be filled by the Father."

It can be seen that the red archbishop has good patience, or is completely winning; he is not eager to sweep the Northder family before the plane, but to persuade the person who has a great future. My colleagues - for any promising and capable colleagues, whether they are normal white clothes or black clothes from the Inquisition, he will spare no effort for his inner dreams.

However, it is clear that Dizzi’s answer disappointed him; it was a slight sigh, the Archbishop of Red took the initiative to end the conversation: “Given your doubts about the faith of the Father, I will Bring back to the Holy Forest and hand it over to the grown-up person."

"Everyone, what else do you want to say?" Looking up at the Northall family and the small three in front of him, the red archbishop who is ready to take the shot is still gentle: "God's tolerance is sunshine." It shines on you and me, even if it is heresy, God will give them the opportunity to sin."

"Terry, this is the third time you have said such a disgusting word." As the only Japanese-level presence of the Norther family, Fletcher's face is full of sarcasm at the moment: "Ming knows The Sid family can't surrender, but it still has to look like this. Are you enjoying the thrill of triumphing from humiliating others? It must be said that the place in the Holy See is indeed alive for you."

Fletcher's gaze turned to the presiding judge who lay down on the ground and shouted loudly: "Dizho, do you know why I disagreed with the alliance between you and Gail from the beginning? Because you and Gail He is too naive. In the Holy See, which is full of hypocrisy and traitor, even if you are the presiding judge of the Inquisition, it is only a high-level tool. It will only be kicked aside after being used, and then Being stepped on a few feet"

"However, this kind of innocent innocence is so mature in the bit to the heart is dark, the non-existent guy is a thousand times, ten thousand times, so since you and Gail have made a choice, even if it is The wrong ones will still be grateful to the present, but it’s not that when you blame yourself, you want to fight, you want to escape, you can’t, but don’t block the road of our sea gods and grandchildren.”

In the words of Fletcher, the flag of a blue wave was raised from the sea gods - Remus North of the flag of the sea god, shouting the flag of his own hand, shouting : "Chong"

A light blue light like a wave of light, from the body of forty sea gods, came out at the same time, and became a piece - almost at the moment when this light blue aura appeared, the strength of all sea gods Upward has improved a level; in particular, Remus, the captain of all the sea gods, is covered with layers of light blue aura on his body; and with these auras covering Remus the whole person The strength of the people in the eyes of the public, reached the level of the day, and the two deputies next to Remus, followed closely, although not as amazing as Remus to step into the level of the day, But the breath of the body is very close to the sun ray - the top of the moon, half a day

"Rebellion will only add to your sin."

Terry, the archbishop of Red, looks at the changing face of the gods of the sea gods. The face is still gentle and dull - not the first time to play against the Northder family, and the battle for the Northall family. As the number of times rises, Terry is basically already in the palm of his hand, and even the other party’s existence as a secret is clear.

Therefore, the sudden changes in the sea gods can not make Terry shocked, but instead make Terry’s inner feelings feel fixed - in the face of enemies without any change, the number of strong people who own the sun Has already laid the foundation for victory

The person who knows you the most in the world is always your enemy.

The existence of this sentence is obviously reflected in Terry's body - leisurely, when the sea gods have launched the charge, Terry raised his hand; immediately, a dazzling white light shrouded the sea gods

Although Terry still does not understand how the aura of the sea gods is like an increase in the aura, but he is very handy about how to crack such an increase - not the strongest of the sea gods. Attraction, as long as the ordinary sea gods are knocked down, as the target of being increased, and the most basic supply is lost, it will naturally return to the prototype; on the contrary, if you fight with the strongest of the sea gods, you will not only fall into the sea god. In the encirclement of the patriarch, and even if you remove the opponent in front of you, you will find another opponent with the same strength in the next moment.

Not only can the captain of the sea gods be increased, any sea **** can be increased

Therefore, even if the strongman of the Japanese glory, if you do not want to be dragged down or even killed, then at the beginning, choose to deal with the ordinary sea gods - the number is the root of the sea god, is the strongest One and the weakest point

This is the result of several times of war with the other party, Terry's most effective way to eliminate the sea gods - once in the last time facing the sea gods, achieved quite good results

However, obviously, this time there is a clear distinction - the dazzling white light is not as bad as Terry expected, and the ordinary players are wiped out; the pale blue light has a ray of truth, and all the white light Absorbed

"I was found to have weaknesses, but I don't know what to make up. It is definitely not North."

Seeing the strangeness of Terry’s face, Fletcher laughed and waved the trident in his hand and swept to the other side.

"Even if it is made up, it is hard to escape the sinful torture."

Unhurried, Terry’s hand showed a black, wooden-like scepter that was as tall as an ordinary adult, blocking the front end of the trident, making a sound of metal strikes; then, facing the slight one behind him Shaking hands - immediately, the five bitters who have been silent have faintly white light

Looking at the apostles belonging to the Northder family who did not hesitate to rush to the back of the sea gods, the little one looked at two friends with a smile: "This is really a big loss."

“Do we have any other choices?”

Ava’s hand appeared green emerald

"The day of the glory, they force them"

Big man with a powerful fist


The trio joined the group with a low

At the moment, in the distant sky, a blush is looming.

Ps afternoon is overdone, and it’s too late...

Thanks to June Snow 4200 starting point, the wave of the starting point of the 200-year-old currency, 100 starting points, 100 starting points, laughing hero 100 starting point, x100 starting point, s1100 starting point of the reward, hereby thank you for all support decadence Brothers and sisters have yet to be continued)


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