Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 14 Chapter 60: Knife


The fist wrapped in the rock and the fist burning with the white flame on the other side, without any slowdown, hit straight together - the big man retired three steps and gradually stabilized his figure.

Step! tread!

The other day’s sorcerer’s monk was also greatly resisted by the earthquake. It was a two-step retreat. Although it was only two steps, the application of the Japanese savage monk was unbelievable. The glory of the eyes, the strength of the big man, nature is not a secret.

And the strength of the top of the moon, in the purely power and ability competition is only inferior to him, this fact is obviously making him somewhat unacceptable - originally in his vision, the other party will be in his one Under the fist, the bones were broken, and then the sacred fire that burned in his body was burned to ashes; in fact, most of the opponents he had encountered in the past lost his life in this way; even if he encountered the same level The strongest of the Japanese glory, the other party will also suffer a dark loss without knowing it, so that he will prevail in the battle.

However, the way of fighting in the past was not lost in the battle with the moon-level apostles in front of him. It immediately made the original disdain of the sorcerer’s mind disappear and disappeared. Instead, It is a strong vigilance - it can only be a little down to the top of the moonlight level, if the other side becomes a strong player of the Japanese glory; think of this bitter monk in the heart of the horse rose a bit of killing.

He has decided to completely kill the other party in the cradle when the other party has not fully grown up - the only one who is standing in the Northstead manor to remove the Holy See, the rest are the heretics that must be eradicated, and the heresy is Must die; especially the age of the other party, still very young!

Young means unlimited possibilities, and the achievements of the other party's current age, coupled with this infinite possibility, mean that the Holy See will definitely encounter troubles in the future - thinking that the other party may cause trouble to the Holy See, Immediately, it was just a trace of killing, and it swollen quickly; it was just a holy fire that was burning with the body, and it was fiercely high. Then, it was a punch to the big man.


Looking at the other side's move, Ava couldn't help but scream - as the strongman of the day. In the face of them, they are already strong and weak, and they have the dignity of those who have lost their glory. Now, regardless of the cull, it is clear that the other party does not care about the pride and honor that the Japanese glory should have.

And this is strong and weak. Those who disregard the dignity and honor are undoubtedly the most hated existence of Ava - a touch of emerald green light, when the other party throws a punch again, it emerges from the hand of Ava, and the big man is wrapped in it; A dark green seed. It was thrown to the ground by Ava without a trace.


A fist burning with a white sacred flame collided with a fist wrapped in rock and emerald green light, with a dull sound, both sides retreating at the same time - stepping, three steps, both sides at the same time Lived in the body, watching the other side surprised again and more savage expression, the big man was cracked open mouth, a thick smile. Slightly excited and waved his fist.

The big man certainly has a reason to be excited - twice without fancy. The hard-hitting result is undoubtedly a testament to his tremendous progress during this time; nothing is more exciting than this harvest!

However, even if excited and excited, the big man clearly remembers his previous guarantees to the two friends; he also understands exactly what he should do at the moment - entangle the other side and create opportunities for himself and his two friends!


The fist that was swiftly swept, with a forced wind pressure. Struggling toward the top of the day's glory--with the inner excitement, the big man once again rushed to the front of the Japanese glory; but. This time it is obviously different from the previous two hard-hitting, fast-moving steps. Obviously, the fists that were thrown were brought a certain change.

The little man and Ava followed the big man's body, and then the two were under the cover of the big man's body. The whole person swayed, just like a gliding trip around the target, at the moment when the big man waved his fist, the hands of the two The dagger and the spear are also thrown at the same time!

Obviously, the big man, the little man and the Ava three are not the first to do this – in fact, after the first time facing the helplessness and hardship of the Japanese glory, the three began to study How to face the existence of the Japanese glory, but also took Ye Qi to cooperate with several experiments.

Undoubtedly, it turns out that the three-person study is very useful - whenever a big man’s fist is thrown, there will always be a spear or a dagger appearing near the body of the Holy See, even if it has The blessing of the Holy Fire, and the strong body of the Sun Yat-sen, the monk of the Holy See is not willing to try to make an intimate contact with the specially processed short spear and dagger. .

The cooperation of the three people almost encircled the strong Japanese in front of a very narrow environment; and when the monk of the Holy See wanted to solve the small man or Ava, he always faced the big man like a big man. The stalker-like obstruction; and once he gave up chasing the little man and Ava and concentrated on the other big man, then he had to face the attack of the dagger and the spear behind him - this is not the case, almost this The monks of the Holy See are uncomfortable and want to vomit blood.


Looking at the performance of the Holy Seee monk, the little man couldn’t help but sigh of relief - the combination they arranged was just because of the weakness of human nature; if the other party rushed up, he would also pursue him if he was injured. Or Ava's words, then such a combination of attacks, immediately broke; after all, in the current situation, they are also a rodent, can not achieve the combination of the original intention of forgetting to die.

The plan of the attack itself is honed by the little ones, in order to create a way for their companions and friends in an emergency - but it is clear that the Northder family cannot be in their minds. Occupy such a position; although the relationship is good, but only two of them.

As for the other?

Almost like a stranger - the two people who valued the escape from the Northder family's manor, is the decision that the young man has made after seeing the other six strong players at the same time!

Therefore, even if it is a monk in front of the Holy See, the little man’s gaze is quietly looking at everything around him, looking for the best time to break through, and the sooner the better - although facing the six The siege of the strongman, the Northder family still showed strong cohesiveness and the realization of forgetting death, but the little man understood very well that even with the passage of time, even if the Nosd family could start with the momentum and the number of people The Holy See is flat. Even if it is slightly dominant, there will be fewer and fewer people who can fight later, and once the number of people begins to drop sharply. Then the balance of victory will naturally be completely inclined to the Holy See.

The reason why the Holy Seee monk in front of him was besieged, did not desperately, except that he did not want to be unnecessarily damaged, and more because the other party could wait. After the Sun Yat-sens of the other Holy Sees solved their respective goals, they naturally had the fish on the board and could not run!

Therefore, they must leave as soon as possible, before the scene completely falls to the Holy See!

However. The little man apparently found himself underestimating the strength of several of the Holy See's strongest players - although at the beginning, the red archbishop Terry was blocked by Fletcher Northd, and the forty sea gods were Relying on the light blue light of his body, he quickly separated the five ascetics behind Terry; except for one of the Sun Yat-sens who was entangled in them, two of them were the Northder family. The apostles were entangled in death, and the remaining two were dominated by the sea gods.

Red Archbishop Terry and Fletcher Northd, Cross Sword and Trident, you come and go, obviously playing is difficult to solve; and the sea gods also rely on the bluish blue blessing and the crowd The dead and the dead dragged two strong men of the day, but at the Northder family apostle. It is every few seconds. There will be a scream that contains unwillingness before death - five moon-level apostles, and the remaining forty-eight are all academic apostles. This strength is placed in any place. There is a negligible existence, but when such a team faces a Japanese-level powerhouse, if there is only one. Perhaps with the strength of many deliberate abilities and the number of people can still be deadlocked, but two Sun Yat-class powers appear together. Such a team is obviously not enough to see.

The gap in power has long been doomed to the essential difference between the two sides; even if these apostles all have their lives. It can only block two Japanese-level powerhouses for a while!

Therefore, when seeing the five moon-level apostles in the ranks of the North German family apostles, after two fallen, the little man browed and immediately rushed to his two friends to retreat without hesitation. Gestures - After missing two of the moon-level apostles as the backbone, the little man doubted whether the Northropd family's apostolic team could support another two minutes.

However, the current situation is not a situation in which a small man wants to withdraw. At this moment, the three of them and the Sun Yat-sen of the Holy See in front of him are like two gears that are biting in everything, any change. It will make the retreating party be smashed by the other party - therefore, after making a retreat gesture to the two friends, the little man has no hesitation, but the style of the attack before the attack, the two daggers in the hand are straight. Facing the throat and the abdomen of the Sun Yat-sen in front of him, the chastity monk facing the scene, but ridiculously extended his fist.


The white flame on the fist is like alive, and it is swallowed back and forth; after the other two are restrained, the monk’s monk can finally let go of his hands and feet - after seeing the little gesture, Both Ava and the big man were instinctively leaping away from the entangled state of the other side; however, the next moment they looked at the small man who rushed up, the two people who reacted instantly, and shouted: "Datong!"

Immediately, Ava’s hands were full of fascinating greenish radiance, and the black-green vines of an adult’s arm were smashed out of the ground, instantly entangled in the body covered by the holy fire—嗤嗤嗤The sound of screaming like a scream is uploaded from the black-green vine that has just been twisted to the other body, but it has been twisted, but under the control of Ava, this black-green vine is still wrapped around. Lived in the body of the monk in front of him.

However, whether it is the characteristics or strength of the vine itself, it is much worse than the monk who has reached the level of the glory of the sun. It just makes the other person pause, and the whole body has black and green thickness of the adult arm. The vines withered straight, and quickly turned into ash in the other's holy fire.

However, this silk is blocked, but it is enough!

The rapid expansion of the body shape completely broke through the big man who should have a height in normal people. The muscles of the whole body are like armor, and they have already rushed to the other side in the blink of an eye. With a roar like a steam engine, a fist punched at the other's head.

The boxing style is fierce, like a screaming thunder. Even the singer-in-law of the Sun Yat-sen has never wanted to use his head to slap such a punch; therefore, immediately backwards one leg, avoiding a big man’s note, and at the same time, there is a small man Daggers; and Ava’s entire person slid to the other side again. Spur the short spear to the back of the other side.

The sorcerer of the Holy See easily escaped the Ava stab, but before he could fight back, the big man’s fist arrived again; in order to avoid the big man’s fist, he had to give up the pursuit of Ava again— - A small man on the side looks at the situation where he has no chance to hit each other again. I couldn’t help but immediately merged into the hit with an endless bitter smile.

The time for the best retreat has been missed!

Being able to be the top of Lorante, the little man never doubts the other person's cleverness; perhaps suddenly, he can confuse the other person for a moment, but now he looks at the other person's face with a sardonic smile, the little man is very clear, After the previous scene, the opposite Sun Yaoqiang will thoroughly understand his deployment.

"Why are you coming back?"

"Then why are you staying?"

"Instinctive reaction!"

"We are also instinctive!"

The little man faced the questioning of two friends. There is nothing to say directly - helpless shrug. The little man sighed softly: "This time we estimate that we really have to stay!"

"Then stay here!"

"However, if you can drag a back to the top of the day, it may be more comfortable!"

Looking at a pair of relaxed and happy friends, the little man couldn't help but take a deep breath and then chuckled.

"Well, indeed!"

"Ok, deal!"

Ava and the big man smiled at each other. Nodded hard.

"All sin will be turned into gray in the flame..."

Faced with three people who are obviously desperate. The monk's monk's face answered quietly, but he had not waited for him to finish. A breath that made him feel guilty and oppressive came from a short distance in the air, interrupting his original words - not just the monks of this Holy See, including the red archbishop Terry, Foley All the Japanese-level powerhouses, including Chester North, felt the same repressive atmosphere, and all the Japanese-level powerhouses in the same direction looked in the direction of the breath.


That dragon is coming!

The dragon, made up entirely of flames, is extremely dazzling and dazzling under the gloomy night sky; anyone with good vision can find the flame dragon that seems to tear the black night sky - and as a day The strong, no doubt has the vision of far more than ordinary people!

Therefore, these Japanese tyrants will see this flame dragon clearly!

Therefore, the heart of the Sun Yat-sens who belonged to the Holy See immediately emerged the most horrific scene - the golden flame dragon coiled up and flying, all the way above the scorched earth, any blocked existence, all were The sword that seems to tear the heavens and the earth is divided into two parts; the sorrowful mourning has not been extinguished for a long time, and it makes people tremble...

All the Sunshine-level Holy Seers, including the Red Archbishop Terry, have a white face, and even the mourning of death is repeated in the ear!

"Don't panic, he is just a disciple of that person, not the other person..."

As the actual person in charge of the annihilation of all the heretics of the Northed family, the red archbishop Terry quickly suppressed the fear in his heart and shouted loudly - as the person in charge of this time, Terry was before the action, Naturally, we will thoroughly study everything about the Gulf District and count any possibilities. As a disciple who has feared the existence of the entire Holy See, Ye Qi is naturally a top priority.

Whether it is Ye Qi's ability or Ye Qi's preference, Terry has seriously studied it - and the conclusion of the study has made Terry have to admit that the other party really does not deserve to be the blood of the person, outstanding to the jealous talent. Fast as if there is no bottleneck, the strength of strength growth, especially the ability to turn into a real dragon, is to make Terry as the key target of this action.

The reason why I entered the place of austerity, please come out to five monks who have reached the level of the Japanese glory, but also to deal with Ye Qi - and to deal with Ye Qi with five sorrowful monks, which seems to be enough in Terry! After all, that person is the one. Although Ye Qi has the blood of the other party, he may become the same person as the one in the future, but now it is definitely not as good as that one!

Yes, Ye Qi is not that one!

Once again, the Archbishop of Red, who is confident in his own confidence, pressed down the fear of that person and reminded the monks around him; but his words have not been finished yet, and a sharp edge is like a knife that tears the sky, like Thunder lightning-fast and mixed with the scent of destruction from the sky!

The Japanese-level sorrowful monk, who was surrounded by a small three-person, had not even come and reacted, and was swept across the neck by a knife.


The high head of the head flew up, and the eyes on the skull still had a trace of doubt, until the familiar one had no head and was spraying the blood of the body. This doubt became a deep fear.


Once as a noble and incomparable, the number of people looking up at the level of the day, the head of the moment is like a mortal fall on the soil, rolled to one side; and his body, the pressure in the chest will squeeze out the last trace of blood, He also slowly fell to the ground, and the head that had already rolled to the side was covered with blood and dirt.


Dead, silent silence, the moment of the head of the day-to-day head flies over the entire Northstead family estate - whether it is the red archbishop Terry, the monk, or the Northder family The heads of Fletcher Nosted and the sea gods, Remus, held their breath and widened their eyes, full of incredulity.

Compared to the silence on the Manor Square, there is a burst of excitement in the manor’s main house.


The teacher is here!

Since the emergence of the six Sunshine-level powerhouses of the Holy See, the lyrics that have been mentioned in the eyes of the blind man can not help but grow a breath.

I suspected that even if his teacher came, he couldn’t think of the six Japanese-level powerhouses. The melody at the moment was full of shame on his own doubts about the teacher. He hit his cheek hard. Then looked at the father who was still being treated, and the mother who was crying silently. The singer turned his head again and stared at the culprits who caused all of this.

What about the Japanese glory? The day is also different! You, these days, are just the guys who don’t even have the shoes for the teachers!

Undoubtedly, Ye Qi’s just a knife has already caused the original fear of the lyrics to disappear completely, leaving only endless confidence. He pulled the same sister who was standing in the window and still staring out at the window, loudly. Shouted: "Sister, the teacher is here! The teacher is here!"

"Well, I, I know..."

Linda nodded slightly in her brother's pull, but her voice was slightly awkward. In her mind, she kept playing back the sharp sky like a tear, like a lightning bolt. A knife that smashes the atmosphere from the sky - recalling the knife that makes anyone feel horrified, Linda’s heart has raised a sense of security, and in her heart, she is silently thinking about each other. Every day, the name of her heart is coming up.


Under the gust of the wind before the storm, the bell hanging on the handle of the knives of the knives, the bursts of crisp, pleasing sound, Ye Qi slowly turned around.

PS cough, cough, this chapter six thousand words! Decadence has gotten dizzy!

Thanks to the reward of June Snow IV200, the reward of 200 yuan for the magical illusion, the reward of S1100 coins, the reward of sn100 coins, the reward of 100% of the heroes and the two monthly tickets of qrup123. Thank you for all the support of the decadent brothers and sisters (to be continued.)

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