Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 14 Chapter 61: Again


Facing the shouts of his companions, Ye Qi’s face showed a smile—all of his friends were safely standing here, Ye Qi felt happy from the bottom of his heart, and at the same time he secretly sighed; When I felt the six outbursts from the Northder family that belonged to the Holy Spirit of the Holy See, Ye Qi’s heart was instantly brought together. 〖Literature m〗

Although in his keen sense, there are two different temperamental atmospheres with the Holy See, but the number is completely equal; even if there are some fluctuations around the strength of the Sun Yat-sen, This does not make Ye Qi feel any peace of mind - no one knows more about the difference between the Japanese and the Japanese.

And after sensing the three familiar and increasingly violent fluctuations of his own friends from the estate of the Northder family, there was no hesitation, and Ye Qi slammed down from Gronin’s back— The fluctuations in the perception of blind fighting are not eternal, and they have strong and weak differences with emotions or changes in the body. Under the encirclement of the six Holy Seekers, his friends broke out like this. Fluctuation is undoubtedly the last blow with the strongest blow.

The strongest blow to make the last stroke, there is no doubt that there is only one result - if you are unsuccessful, you will become a man!

With the strength of the Japanese glory, the odds of the latter are undoubtedly the biggest, and it is absolutely unacceptable for Ye Qi - if it is before entering the Tanah Lot at the bottom of the lake, facing such a distance and the same day. The strength of Ye Qi may still be powerless, but Ye Qi, who has 55 cold weapons masters at this moment, is not a problem, and can even be said to be very contemptuous.

After entering the master class, the cold weapon skill is enough to make a surprising change every time. Especially afterwards, the change is more obvious; especially after level 50, Ye Qi even feels the master class. Every time the cold weapon is upgraded, his strength is exponentially growing—not physically strong. It's a skill, an unbeatable skill!

The precision that comes from the skill is not a slight deviation, and the control that is not to waste a little power is like a glass of mellow wine. Ye Qi can not help but feel intoxicated; of course, more is comfortable - any powerful pursuit of strength, in the face of the power of the original three-point force to play a very powerful fact, no matter who will feel comfortable; especially Like Ye Qi, he knows that there is a existence with absolute hostility and strong to the extreme. It will appear in front of him soon after, and any method that can quickly improve his strength without violating his inner bottom line will make him want to be thirsty.

The surprisingly unexpected effect between the master-class cold weapon and the unnamed technique has left Ye Qi, who has been shrouded in a haze, with a slight sigh of relief; after all, the master is only an improvement after the expert reached 80. Now, with the display of the system, there is no doubt that the master level is far from the end. There are still infinite possibilities on it. With the cooperation of unnamed skills, these infinite possibilities are bound to become reality, arching him and his loved ones. Friends, killing the reality of any enemy -

"I am not late?"

With confidence, Ye Qi came to a friend with a smile. In the way of the demon hunter, he raised the right hand that had become a fist.

"Although a bit late. But not too late!"

The little man, the big man and Ava couldn't help but lifted the right hand that he also clenched his fist. The fists of the four people came together gently - no doubt, before Ye Qi's sudden knife, he brought confidence to the three. Although I don't understand why Ye Qi's strength will advance by leaps and bounds in just a few days, the three are very clear that this is a war that is unsure of the Holy See. Have the expectation of victory.


With a deep and powerful snoring, Gronin fell from the air to Ye Qi's side. The head of the relatives arched the shoulders of Ye Qi, and the flame containing the chaotic atmosphere did not affect Ye Qi; however. The little man and so on did not have such good luck. After feeling the feeling that the soul was drawn and burned in the flame, he immediately stepped back a few steps and flashed aside.

"Ge, Gronin?!"

As a friend of Ye Qi, the small three people are far more familiar with Gronin than others, even though Groning has already made earth-shaking changes at the moment, but after careful examination, the little man blurted out; However, the next moment, a small brow frowned, and Ava and the big man also had doubts at the same time - like Ye Qi, as a qualified hunter, especially in the year of becoming a trainee apostle. The small three people who have been taught by the cold-faced male system for most of the dark creatures, just looking at Groning's appearance, have already thought of a kind of existence.


However, with the knowledge they have learned, there is no way to explain why the nightmare itself belongs to chaos, from the birth of the dead soul to the death, only know the demon of the battle, it will become a mount - although there is no I saw Ye Qi riding a nightmare, but the flame-shaped dragon and the flame that appeared on Gronin at the moment were enough to explain the problem; not to mention the fact that Gronin’s relatives to Ye Qi at the moment It is also real.

"Dream! With a nightmare like a demon, you are definitely the reincarnation of the devil!"

A slightly sharp shout, interrupting Ye Qi, who was trying to explain it to his friends, the eyes of the four people turned to the monk who suddenly broke out and broke the calm – like a thunder in Ye Qi. After a knife smashed a religious sorcerer of the Holy See, the battlefield in the entire Northstead family estate was in a strange situation. It had already hit the incomprehensible sides and quickly instinctively stood up to the leaders of both sides. Behind him, the two main roads, which are paved with two horse-drawn carriages, which are completely flattened by flat gravel, are silently facing each other.

Of course, most of the gaze is still directed at Ye Qi and his party, especially the Holy See side, including the Red Archbishop Terry, and the five faces are still slightly whitish, and the rumor has the blood, nominally Disciples, five pairs of eyes are full of shock, unbelievable - the real counterpart, obviously more youthful than the information photos; similarly, the strength is stronger than the rumors.

The day of the glory is the name of a group of strong people standing at the top of the mortal, and of course the strength of these strong people can not all be the same - the strongest who entered the Japanese glory, known as the 'new day Yao grade'. It is the lowest level of the Japanese glory; and it becomes the real glory. It takes a lot of time to remove the word 'new jin' and find the 'road' that belongs to me. This kind of road is impossible. description. If you are completely awake, you may find it, perhaps just like the adult of the famous Inquisition, after becoming a Japanese glory. Walking alone in Lorante, Xilu, and Gothic, and finally spending nearly a decade in the world, I found my own ‘road’ in all kinds of torture instruments.

Of course, everyone's understanding of their own 'roads' is different. This also caused the gap between the Japanese and the top-ranking powerhouses; the most advanced ones, facing the ordinary Japanese-level powerhouses, almost face the Japanese-level level in the same day; just like the single person of the year The sword faced many of the Holy See's Sun Yat-Sen strongmen but killed the mountain, and the sword opened the top of the cathedral, known as the existence of Lorraine Juggernaut - as the Holy See's red archbishop Terry, at that time A young priest, he witnessed how the slaughter of the adults who were usually on his high side; and just now, he once again saw the figure from the opposite young man.

A deadly style. Swift speed. It’s like that one!

Of course, the red archbishop Terry can not think that the young people in front of him are already the same as the one, although the strength of the other party unexpectedly completely got rid of the prefix of 'new promotion', but the strength of the performance is still quite The big gap - in the information obtained before, it has been suggested that the other party is already a true Japanese glory. But in the absence of seeing it, it is hard to believe that Terry has always spoken in fact. Even if the other party has proved himself with the speed of the past strength.

After all, the true day is not so simple to be promoted.

but. The facts are in front of you. Although the Archbishop of Red is hard to admit, he still chooses to accept it. At the same time, there is still a sneak peek at the bottom of his heart. From the 'new Jin' to the Japanese glory, it is not as fast as possible. If there is not enough tempering and experience, even if I quickly find my own path, it will become more and more difficult after the improvement of strength; even, I will simply fall into the confusion of my own path, and make the strength Stationed.

In history, such a fallen 'genius' does not know how much; and the speed of Ye Qi’s age and strength promotion is in line with the description of such a 'genius' - a potential genius, and a powerful mortal Undoubtedly the former is a headache, fear, because no one will reach the point where they will reach!

As for the latter?

Among the special forces like the Holy See, the latter is not lacking!

Although a bitter monk was smothered by the other party's surprise, Terry still felt worthwhile after hearing the other's information. Yes, after a brief shock, Terry has naturally The previous scene was classified into the meaning of one's own side and the other's unexpected. After all, it is not more reasonable to remove the explanation from the other party's basic strength.

And Terry is more concerned about the dead monk than the dead—although because of that existence, he has considerable caution and concern for anyone involved, but this is It does not hinder his hostility towards the heart; if possible, he absolutely wants to know everything around him; then, at an appropriate time, he can let the other side die and die.

Of course, it is not the time!

As the Archbishop of Red in the Holy See, Terry knows that the current Holy See has not yet appeared to be able to fight against the existence of that person, even if the adult is not good - although the rumor that the one who was seriously injured after the battle of the Holy See, has not been completely Rehabilitation, but that is only a rumor, before the exact news, the top of the Holy See, including him, will not act rashly.

Therefore, even if Ye Qi killed a sorcerer of the Japanese glory, Terry, the red archbishop of the Holy See, had long been filled with anger, but on the surface, after being surprised, it was still like It’s as light as it appears – he’s looking for a way to compromise on the situation ahead.

However, the sudden exclamation caused by the unexpected nightmare disrupted Terry’s original thoughts, but the next moment Terry took a slight move and took a step forward and said: “The great Father asks you to forgive the sins of the world. Nightmare. It is born of chaos and is one of the original sins; Lord Ye Qi, you have a nightmare as a mount. I am afraid that even if Juggernaut sees it, he will be angry!"

In the tone, there is the majesty and tolerance of the Archbishop of Red. It is more like a care and worry of the elders, but the viciousness in essence is no less than the bitter monk who exclaimed before. Even more vicious than the bitter monk - just said that the origin of the nightmare and Ye Qi used the nightmare as a mount, not to mention the relationship that is likely to exist between Ye Qi and the nightmare, and finally the euphemistic Mentioned Ye Qi's teacher; the whole paragraph did not have any rhetoric and discourse that smashed Ye Qi, but as long as today's Terry's words are circulated, it will immediately cause a suspicion of everyone for Ye Qi!

after all. The space of delusion left in this passage is too rich. Not only does Ye Qi, who has recently been promoted to the rank of the Japanese glory, the most protagonist, but also the former veteran of the oldest elite, Lorante Juggernaut. Supporting the role, there is also a nightmare as a backdrop - but who knows a certain understanding of the modern history of the dark world, it is known that the Ronald's Juggernaut once singled out the sword and killed the entire Holy See. Turned upside down; and as a disciple of the Lorraine Juggernaut, Ye Qi has a nightmare born in chaos as a mount.

Everything in this can't help people not associate, and I am afraid that most people will speculate maliciously - the long-established Lorraine Juggernaut and Ye Qi are both related to demons and devils. Otherwise, how can both the mentor and the teacher be specifically opposed to the Holy See. And is favored by the nightmare, become a mount?

In this regard, Ye Qi was already expected when riding Groning to the Northstead family estate; therefore, he was not surprised or angry, even without personal rebuttal; after all. Compared with his personal rebuttal, there is a more suitable person next to him -

"Hey. The nightmare is born of chaos, the blood flowing is magma. I only know the battle in my life, never stopped!" The little man laughed and spread his hands; then, he pointed to the relatives and licked the leaves. Gronin, who was on the shoulder, shook his head and sighed: "Unfortunately, although Gronin is somewhat similar to the nightmare, the essence is a gentle, timid, heterogeneous horse; even the rabbit is scared to run!"

Heterogeneous, like the apostles, in the dark world, except for the sudden removal of human beings, the general term for ordinary creatures - the alien species are undoubtedly rarer than the extremely rare apostles; in the transcript, the most recent one The heterogeneous species is already in the millennium area five years ago; however, the heterogeneous body is just a squirrel, and the ability to mutate is similar to the auxiliary ability of flying, without any fighting power at all; in the end, in a bag of dried fruit Under the temptation, he became a partner of the demon hunter.

Therefore, compared to the nightmare, heterogeneity is very easy to accept, and even some large families still retain the luxury tradition of breeding exotic creatures; for example, some people in the Northd family in front of After hearing that Gronin is a different kind of genius, the enthusiasm of the eyes is just to melt Gronin. After all, for these fighters, the horse-shaped aliens are stronger than those that can only be watched. There are too many; however, they are more clear that they can only look at this strange horse, and the other master’s knife still makes them feel awkward!

In the small discourse, Gronin colluded with the whole body behind Ye Qi, secretly exploring half of the horse's head, and carefully watching the surroundings with his eyes, completely shy and timid. The little man shook his shoulders at once, and you looked at the correct expression that I said - while Ye Qi, the big man and Ava standing behind the little one clearly saw that the little man turned his back to the right hand behind him. Outstretched a thumb that could not help but sway and praise.

"You, you, nonsense! How could there be a strange horse like a nightmare!"

"How could it be? No book, which museum scholar recorded or said that a horse similar to a nightmare could not be produced? Or, have you studied a heterogeneous horse? But as far as I know, the most recent one The recorded stray horse appeared in Lorante two hundred years ago! Please forgive me for offense, although you are the strongest of the day, but I still don't think you have lived for so long! You said, "Is it the first bitter monk who spoke first to look at the little man's loud questioning, and the little man is still a refutation of the hippie smile--for the bitter monk who is obviously ill-conceived, the little man has more than one hundred ways to let The other party is speechless.

"Of course, if you tell me, this is what the Father told I have nothing to say! I just didn't expect the Father to have a kung fu to study the different horses. of!"

"Bastard, the Father is omnipotent..."

"So, he must know that you will return to his arms today!"

When the angry bitter monk stretched out a slightly trembling finger and pointed at the little man, the blinder felt the more and more violent fluctuations in the other side, so that Ye Qi slowly stepped forward in front of his good friend, cold and cold. Said.

PS immediately said that the New Year's Day... decadent this has to face the painful glass cleaning...

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