Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 14 Chapter 62: Kneel down

After the words fell, the knives were straight out of the sheath, pointing to the chasing monk who was ready to swell and hurt people. The blind fighting perception is different from the breath perception between the strong, unable to reach too far The distance, but the control of any fluctuations in the range is not as good as the perception of breath; the violent fluctuations, no doubt the monk of the Holy See who is ridiculed by a small man is ready to shoot again.

The monks are not pure-minded, but because they give up everything, they will become more and more obsessed with their beliefs. The degree of attachment is not inferior to those of the enthusiasts; even, at some The troubles that will increase at some time - the strength of the monks, so that they are far more troublesome than those who are purely fanatics; after all, an ordinary madman and a powerful madman, obviously the destructive power of the latter Powerful

Ye Qi certainly does not see the other party's shots on his friends; therefore, when the other party has just acted, Ye Qi is the first to get out of the knife - fast, still as fast as the thunder; although I have seen it once again The martyr of the knife, but when he really faced such a knife, he suddenly discovered the real horror of the knife.

Obviously, I can clearly see the trajectory of the knife, but he found that with the degree of his glory, he could not completely follow the degree of the knife in front of him, just as the time he was in was slower than the other party. In general, the hands that ignited the sacred fire had just been lifted to the chest, and his neck had already felt the coldness of the metal's unique texture and the sharpness of death.

The Japanese-level sorcerer understands that this change is because the other party has spent too much of him, and the illusion that his senses rise; and the performance of the other party is enough to prove the gap between him and the other. Looking at the young face, immediately a thick sense of powerlessness rose from the bottom of my heart -

"and many more"

The red archbishop Terry shouted, and the cross sword in his hand stabbed Ye Qi, apparently to stop Ye Qi - losing an ordinary Japanese-level powerhouse, not a thing for the Holy See, but this is not On behalf of the Holy See, you can tolerate the arbitrarily being slaughtered by the Sun Yat-sens. At the very least, death must be worthwhile.

The degree of the cross sword in Terry’s hand is obviously slower than the degree of Ye Qi’s magic knife. However, if Ye Qi does not turn back, then after he harvested the life of the monk in front of him, Terry aimed at the throat. The cross sword will also take away the life of Ye Qi - the vitality of the Sun Yat-sen is not to be suspicious, but even if it is a strong Japanese-level powerhouse, the throat is pierced, it is still a dead end.

The monk who had given up the resistance saw Terry’s move and immediately lit up. The extinguished flame once again burned on his hands—although he had received the warning of Terry, the archbishop of red, before he left. But at this moment, he has decided not to pay attention to the previous warning. He tasted the breath of death and he vowed to burn the former **** of the gods to ashes.

What will happen afterwards?

Already completely thrown into the mind by this bitter monk, his heart is now completely ruined by the sinner who has insulted the Father in front of him; not to mention, he does not think he needs to consider too much; after all, Even if the Holy See is to be dignified, it will not be handed over to him because of the anger of the other teacher; and he doubts whether the teacher of the other party has the ability of the year - know that the news about the serious injury is a direct current


The red archbishop Terry clearly saw the action of the monk in front of him. He immediately widened his eyes; if possible, Terry even wanted to deflect the sword and smash the other person's heart - although he had worried about it. These bitter monks who have long been rigid will not know the depth of the shot, but the warnings before the departure made him put down the original worry; as the Archbishop of Red, Terry does not think that the other party will violate his own orders.

However, the facts that appeared in front of him made Terry’s face feel a burning pain. The anger rushed directly from the bottom of my heart to the top of the head; it was completely subconscious, and Terry wanted to take back the slashed cross sword.

However, I have not waited until Terry, the red archbishop's cross sword, has come back, and a figure suddenly appeared in front of his eyes - Ye Qi?

Terry was surprised to see the two Ye Qi in the field of vision, could not help but glance, the cross-sword in the hands of the subconscious easing - two people with the same appearance, the same dress, even the same breath; A sniper slammed, a face cold and raised his right hand, sticking out the index finger, there is no difference at all.


After the initial surprise, Terry Xun regained the calmness he deserved; as the position of the top ten in the Holy See, his authority was sufficient to allow him to read some materials that others could not see, and a considerable part of it was about the apostles. Talents—the apostolic talents that have been specifically recorded by the Holy See, each of which is an extremely rare ability; there is an introduction to the ability to divide; one by one, one or several, except for wisdom and power, and the body of oneself. However, such ability seems to be magical, but in actual combat, it is not very useful to remove the confused opponents; after all, these avatars are not only without wisdom and ability, even the strength of the body is far lower. Ontology

In the record of the Holy See, the apostle who had the ability to split in the **** age, although his strength has reached the moonlight level, but the strength of the summoned avatar is not even in the star level, but also Will decrease with the number of summoned avatars; if you pass four, the summoned avatars will not even be as good as ordinary people.

Therefore, for the 'Ye Qi' who appeared to his index finger afterwards, Terry who calmed down did not pay much attention to it; after all, according to the information in the Holy See, even if Ye Qi has become a Japanese glory, he The summoned avatar, the most powerful is just a star.

And the existence of a star-level level, wanting to pose a threat to the strong of the Japanese glory, is like a three-year-old child who is going to challenge an adult with bare hands, even if the adult is hit by the tender fist, It’s not painful at all - so the next moment Terry’s attention is completely placed on Ye Qi’s deity. Compared with the harassment of the avatar, the safety of Ye Qi’s deity is his most concerned.

In the hands of the cross sword that pointed to Ye Qi's throat, with the deflection of the wrist, the tip of the sword could not help but aim at Ye Qi's shoulder. As the red archbishop of the Holy See, he certainly could not face the Northder family and the demon hunter. To stop the monks who are also in the Holy See; even if they hate it, they can't wait to unload the other side; because it is related to the dignity of the Holy See, as the Archbishop of Red, he is not allowed to have any damage to the Holy Spirit of the Holy See. The existence of things, especially like 'inner fighting', as long as the rumor goes out, it is enough to make the Holy See faceless, he is absolutely intolerable.

However, if I let Ye Qi be killed, it is also unacceptable to Terry. As long as I think about the terry in memory, I can’t help but feel the scalp numb—if it’s replaced by anyone, Terry’s It will not be so entangled, and death will die. "God said" is not said, death is just another beginning, the inevitable assault on the sky of the Father God; as for the pagans and heretics? Death is only their salvation. May they return to the glory of the Father in the afterlife.

However, in the face of Ye Qi, he must not weigh the pros and cons; eventually made a decision that only hurts or kills.

Regardless of whether Ye Qi is killing the **** monk who was killed by him, or to avoid himself hurting, he withdraws; as long as Ye Qi does not die, he is within the scope of Terry’s acceptance.

As for the monk?

Terry has always been severely punished for not obeying orders, even if it is only a temporary subordinate; and it is clear that in order to prevent such subordinates from appearing in front of their own eyes, those who do not obey orders are Is the best choice

Of course, some of the sounding excuses or 'scapegoats' of a Japanese tyrant's death are inevitable; however, Terry has found the best 'scapegoat' in an instant—for Terry who always needs a 'scapegoat' It’s wonderful to say that the existence of that person is

Just as Terry’s mind instantly perfected his own thoughts, a sudden sense of crisis was like a shadow in his heart, almost instinctive. The cross sword in Terry’s hands stabbed the place where the crisis occurred. - There, Ye Qi’s avatar is still cold, and there is no intention of evading the sudden attack. It’s just a cold voice that spits out a word.



Terry clearly felt that his heart began to jump with the words of the other party, almost immediately, and he remembered the existence of a similar ability in the ability of Ye Qi, and the death. Duis, the deputy director of the original Inquisition, who was similar to this ability, had a heartbeat that was far beyond the limits of the human body, and made Terry sullen and white at the same time; however, the sword in his hand did not Stop; although he is very puzzled, why Ye Qi’s avatar can use the apostle’s ability, and it’s powerful enough to have an impact on his arrogant power, but he adds that if he doesn’t want to be the second du In the words of Iss, it is best to remove the avatar before the other party’s ability to speak out.



The cross sword stabbed the body without reservation. Suddenly, the whole body was like a mirror rupture, and finally disappeared into the air. With the sound of the broken body, a sharp blade flicked through the flesh and blood, and the sound of blood spurted. Simultaneously rang

Another high head flies up, with the incredible keep on the face

“A level of additional challenge 1 is completed; gaining experience of 300,000...”

"Congratulations, your character level has been upgraded to seventeen, the professional level has been upgraded to eight, the dragon's scales, the dragon's physique; your injury and energy have been fully restored, you get 10 skill proficiency, you can Arbitrarily assign them..."

[Dragon's Scale A: To reach the adult dragon, the armor defense is further improved; effect: natural armor +2]

[Dragon's physique: reaching the adult dragon, the body is further increased; effect: physique +2; 40% reduction of various elemental damage; fear, confusion, coma exemption enhanced 80%]

Accompanied by another fallen Nikko-level monk, a continuous tone, ringing in Ye Qi's ear - a list of tasks that appeared after Ye Qi stepped into North's Manor on a light blue screen. One of the notes indicates the completion of the prompt

"C+ level mission: the Northder family crisis; the failure of the former covenant, the Northder family was caught in an unprecedented crisis, helping the Northder family not to be annihilated..."

"B-level mission: guarding Northder 1; guaranteeing that Fletcher, Regus, Remus, Gael, Gefa, and Linda are not killed in the Northder family crisis..."

"B+ level mission: guarding Northd 2; guaranteeing 60% of the strength of the Northder family"

"A-level mission: guarding Northder 3; guaranteeing the strength of the Norther family to stay 80%"

“Class-a task: extra challenge 1; kill two of the Sun Yat-sens; completion: 22”

"A-level mission: additional challenge 2; kill three of the Sun Yat-sens; completion: 03"

"a+ level mission: extra challenge 3; kill red archbishop Terry"

The first time I received a series of task tips, I was undoubtedly dazzled by Ye Qi, but just a glance, Ye Qi understood the connection - obviously because he participated in the two forces of the Northall family and the Holy See. Such a series of tasks will occur in the disputes; and the level of those additional challenges is undoubtedly due to the existence of the Holy See.

Although Ye Qi will not deny the strength of these Holy Seers, but he absorbs the strength of the beliefs attached to the statues of Poseidon at the Temple of the Lake, according to the rules of the past missions. The strong is obviously unable to achieve such a level of mission, especially the red archbishop Terry, is a conspicuous a + - Ye Qi does not think that the strength of the other party can get such an evaluation, if he really wants to kill The other party’s words, with the strength shown by the other party, will cost a lot of effort, but it will definitely not reach the level of a+, especially with the help of the North’s family, the whole process may be simple.

To know that when he entered the Temple of the Lake, a total of thirty-six Poseidon guards were only a+ level - although they were in batches, they did not change at all, the number of thirty-six Poseidon guards It will not change, even if the effects of batches are minimized, but the last time there are ten Poseidon guards is a fact; and Ye Qike does not think that the other person is equivalent to the existence of ten Japanese-level sea **** guards. Even if the strength of these ten Japanese-level sea **** guards is limited, there is also a lack of human command.

In all missions, the C+-level mission of the Northstead family crisis is undoubtedly the best to not let the Northder family annihilate. Obviously, it is enough to take away an ordinary North German; however, this approach, Ye Qi is absolutely unacceptable; after all, the young master of the Northed family is his disciple; although this disciple is usually naughty and even a trick, but for his teacher, he is sincerely respected. And respectfulness; and if the demon slayer is allowed to be killed by such a disciple, then he will definitely be cast aside by all the hunters.

I glanced at the taskbar again and watched that the fonts had completely faded, marking the failure of [a level task: guarding Northd 3; guaranteeing the strength of the Northder family to retain 80%], Ye Qi could not help but Look at the corner of the mouth - after he dangled from Gronin's back and threatened his good friend, the mission option was dimmed; obviously, he had to be in the first place. The apostles who rescued the Northder family were able to complete this task.

Abandoning my good friend, because of the mission to save the Northder family, Ye Qi will definitely not do this; it is not tempting enough, but this has violated Ye Qi’s own bottom line – the powerful strength he pursues. It is a stupid thing for the love of one's loved ones and friends, and it is a stupid thing to pay attention to the safety of your loved ones and friends. It is not Ye Qi's style.

If he is only pursuing pure power, compared to the system tasks that have to pay and take risks, there are countless ways in which the wolf can make him rampage in a short time, and he believes that the wolf is also very happy to help. This kind of only knows the powerful him - from the beginning of the signing of the contract, until now, the seduce of the wolf to his own contract companion has not stopped taking back his own look at the taskbar, Ye Qiwei looked at the eyes with his eyes The remaining three Japanese-level sorrowers not far from the front - although there has been a failure of the a-level mission, but he also completed a level-a task, so that the experience that has not been played for a long time has been smashed. Not only broke through the original 16-level character level, but also went out for a while

Now, except for the a+ level mission related to the Archbishop of Red, Ye Qi has some scruples. The remaining other tasks are undoubtedly the experience of pushing his character level to the 18th level, among which [a level task: extra challenge 2 】 It is obviously the key - although it has found a 'shortcut' to improve its own level; but can use the normal way to gain experience in upgrading the character level ~ ~ Ye Qi does not mind; after all Except for some special existence, the preference for self-harm is unacceptable to anyone.


In the hands of a knives in the hands of the knives, Ye Qi said to the three remaining sorrowful monks of the Holy See, the face said plainly.

Ps唔... is said to be the title party, shameless face, shame...

Thanks to Xuanyuan Yuhe 588 starting point of the reward, June snow 4200 starting point of the reward, the sea of ​​wandering prodigal 200 starting point of the reward, laughing heroes 200 starting point of the reward, 100 starting point of the reward, boring The reward of the book starter 100 and the reward of qrup123 one-month ticket are hereby thanked all the brothers and sisters who support decadence are not to be continued.)


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Volume 12 of the Reborn Demon Hunter: Key Chapter 62

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