Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 14 Chapter 71: Wish for going home

Sitting in the conference room, Moretti did not have the usual smile. The thin cheeks were filled with the chill that could scrape the frost, and the eyes of the highest-level secret letter that had just come in front of him were filled with infinity. Endless anger - in the secret letter that has just been sent, the details of what happened between Saskatoon and Landingburg are reported in detail, and at the end there is Mark Beth’s sin book, "Book Friends." Upload

However, this pleadings that express willingness to bear all the consequences, but in no way can make Moritz’s inner anger have any slight reduction, but instead have the effect of adding fuel to the fire - for Mark Beth The military origins, and then the mayor of the political commissar, many members of the rehearsal exercise room, including Moretti, are very optimistic about each other, thinking that the other party will be rare and can bring good changes to the lives of the entire civilian population.

Therefore, many times before, various applications for Mark Beth were taken directly from the rehearsal exercise room, and then they were specially approved, which was against the cumbersome and dull review process of the highest government; Behavior, but did not intend to slap a loud slap in the face of the entire rehearsal exercise room - ignoring the safety of civilians, only from the interests, such practices and those false politicians who despise them from the bottom of their hearts, What's the difference?

Even in some ways, the addition is bad - at least the existence of those embarrassing will never put the handle in the hands of others.

At this time, Moritze can even imagine that the Nosd family will be affected by the role of the highest government in the incident, and the highest government will be hit; and in order to conceal such things, the highest government What kind of price will be paid for it? Compared with the former, it completely tears the face, and Morrison’s understanding of these ancient families will definitely choose the latter; but with the same understanding, he can also think of the other side. What kind of demand will be harsh

Moreover, this is not the focus of the entire secret letter.

After killing the existence of two Japanese-level squadrons, and then facing three opponents of the Japanese glory, they will kill each other...

Looking at the description of the last moment of the battle in the Northstead family estate in the secret letter, all the anger in Moritz’s eyes disappeared, leaving only the sorrow - although not reaching that level, even because of physical injuries, he may He can never reach that level, but he is no stranger to that level. He can even say that he relies on the resources of the highest government. He is really clear about that level.

Reaching the existence of that level will produce qualitative changes; however, this does not mean that everyone will be the same. Some talents, physical bodies, or possession of special blood will reach the level and the changes will be far away. People; therefore, for Ye Qi’s record, he saw another meaning from it.

Is it another Luland sword saint existence?

Thinking of that 'the great achievements of the great man', Moriti's sorrow, can not help but turned into a smile - one person facing the huge Holy See, but ultimately won, such things are almost the same as the legend; as this legend The protagonist and the friend of the same, the two have been worshipped by countless people until now; and as the Holy See that sets off the legendary protagonist, although no one has any expression on the face, but everyone The bottom of my heart is full of disdain; if there is no accumulation of the entire sacred age, I am afraid that in the moment when the two left the Holy Forest, the entire Holy See collapsed.

Compared with the accumulation of the Holy See, it has already been the highest government that has been searched by the other side for several times. It is no doubt that there is no such lucky accumulation. Even for all kinds of reasons, the highest government can’t rule with the whole of Lorante. Only the Xia Lin District is called the complete jurisdiction; the remaining areas, although nominally managed by the highest government, have more than one actual participant.

In addition to the special existence of the demon hunter, each district can see the figure of the ancient or prosperous family. Even some local city halls still have a family crest, although there is a The banner of the highest government, and the annual tax revenue is also divided, but this disguised lord and king game makes every high-level government executive feel irrelevant – they don’t want to change this situation all the time, but every family The entrenched roots in the local area have made them almost helpless. Even in the sacred age, the Holy See is only forcing these families to belong to the Holy See, and cannot completely eliminate these families. It is not necessary to say that it is far less than the highest government of the sacred age.

Even at some point, the highest government officials have to go to the local family to manage their city well – these are the shame of the highest government, but it is also true that there is nothing to hide; because almost A slightly stronger family will regard the visit of the highest government official before the appointment as a disguised honor and spread; so that if the highest government officials did not visit the local family before taking office, they would be treated by those families. Think it is a shame, directly regard the official as the enemy of the family, all kinds of obstruction, threats, or endless invitations to the duel, just like the autumn leaves, the endless stream

If not, then the most powerful person of the highest government of Didders was born, and directly smashed out the few families that had shouted out the most wanted, I am afraid that the highest government has just established the prototype. It was overthrown in such a way that it was almost joke--although all the families chose to bow in the face of Deides's strength, but it does not mean that they will give up the family's interests, but because of the strong strength of Deides. Let all families choose the alliance

Although Deides, the recognized top government, can kill six strong players, but seven or eight? Even ten? Almost all the families hidden in the dry forest area, any family outside the Qiulin District or the Qiulin District, as long as the highest government has any action, will form an alliance at the first moment - this is not Guess, but the fact that the highest government that has done countless temptations has already reached a conclusion; therefore, this time the things of the Northder family will undoubtedly make these families nervous again and then give the highest government Causing unnecessary trouble

Especially when it was involved in the existence of Ye Qi, such a Japanese glory, any carelessness was enough to produce an unimaginable and terrible accident - from the description of Ye Qi in this secret letter, Moretti I have clearly seen the attitude of the other side's disgust; the highest government is not the Holy See, and cannot afford the consequences of being singled out by one person.

Although there is a big man in Diddes, does the other person have his own teacher?

As soon as I thought of it, the teacher of the other party was entangled in the adult of Deides, and the other side went straight into the House of Representatives or the military and the like. The scene of the killing of Moritz was unbearable and frightened - the entire highest government abandoned Outside Deides, Moretti does not think anyone can block each other.

As for the chariot army?

Unless they are determined to destroy together with the entire city, they will not be able to fight at all; otherwise, those families will not be so rampant; because they are very clear that the highest government simply cannot exchange them for the sacrifice of countless civilians. Disappear

"Everyone, I suggest that you remove the position of Mayor of Mark Bethenburg."

Moretti, who looked at the members of the inductive exercise room who stood up and spoke, and other members who nodded in favor, couldn’t help but sigh. No doubt, Mark Bess’s actions have made his old colleagues and veterans Feeling betrayed, and for them, betrayal is simply intolerable; after sweeping through every member with anger, Moretti finally nodded slightly: "Delete the mayor of Mark Bethenburg Duty, and exempted all the top government members of the Port of Saskatchewan from escorting back to Dude, and sent them to the military for trial."

After a pause, Moretti once again glanced at the name mentioned in the secret letter, and said slowly: "The Secret Service team captain Lilith temporarily took over as the mayor of Lanternburg, the deputy captain of Thomas, who temporarily took over the Saskatchewan Police Station. And guards..."

"The captain is like this..."

A member of the inductive exercise room frowned and stood up. The other people were all eccentric - Ye Qi's information, each of them had seen it, and each of these materials was related to Ye Qi. People, will be the key points, and Lilith, one of the captains of the top government secret service team, will naturally be no exception, even because of her female identity, plus is valued.

So when I heard Moritz’s fate, they saw the meaning behind Moritz’s fate.

“Is it very shameful?”

Looking at the original player who was still calling the captain after entering the training room, Moretti asked with a sigh, and when everyone saw the team including him, he couldn’t help but smile: "Even It’s better to be a shame than to cause a big mess; I will personally go and talk with Lilith."

In the wry smile, Moretti picked up the superstition on the table and waved at all the people who practiced the exercise room. He turned and walked to the only office behind him - there was Dedicus in the exercise. Office in the room


After a whole night, the original storm still exists, but it has become a breeze and drizzle; this is nothing for the residents of Randburg, people still get up, wash, and go to work as usual At most, there are only a few unlucky ones, looking at the wooden boards that are blown off the roof, and considering whether they are cost-effective, or ask someone to save time.

As for Fate?

Although it belongs to the Bay Area, it has a mountain block and its own terrain, plus the far distance, there is no loss due to the storm; even, except for some well-informed existence, there is a storm landing in Sa Sisport, which affected the city of Lanting, the rest of the people like the residents of Langingburg generally get up, wash, just go to work to become grazing and feeding animals; for the fats, these cattle and sheep, and the horse is Their property, and taking care of them is work

Compared to the peace of Langburg and Fate, the Port of Saskatchewan is a bit of a slap in the face; the sound of guns last night and the big search of the Hong Kong Guardian are enough to make everyone understand that there is another big thing in Saskatchewan - - And after such a big thing, going out immediately is definitely not a good note; therefore, most people choose to stay at home and wait for news; however, there is no shortage of daring people anywhere.

However, even if the more daring people saw the scene on the pier, they felt the trembling of the legs. Under the gaze of the guards of the Hong Kong Guard, the rows of people, the number of people who were innumerable were suspended. He died on the support of the dock, and many brackets were being made at the side; apparently the final destination of the existence of the hands tied back

It’s not that no one has run away. Those bodies that have been dragged back to the ground after being shot down to the ground have told everyone that it’s useless to escape, unless you can hide the bullets fired by nearly a hundred guns; It is obviously impossible for ordinary pirates

"Poseidon will remember the heroic and sacrifice of the Northder family will follow the will of the sea god"

The captain of the sea god, Remus stood in front of a row of neatly placed, easy-to-care clean people like sleeping people - with those pirates who were cruelly treated, these sacrificed as pirates People, who have won the respect of everyone including the Northder family; the sea gods of the North family, the apostles, and the newly-returned Sunray-level powerhouse Fletcher’s solemn standing can be called For the hero before

A top hat is taken off and held in the hand, gently placed on the chest, Ai Dong, Haas and the people who just woke up to Del and Shisuo Giants wine stood next to the Northder family, except for the Northder family. Supreme, more is sorrowful - those who are still covered with dew are surrounded by the companions, friends, and even relatives of the people who spend their days together.

"Going for us, the heroes who stopped the pirate invasion in Saskatchewan, and fired the gun"


After a uniform three shots, a custom-made eucalyptus was transported by truck to the beach, where people from the ground were placed – a redesigned cemetery that would serve as the ultimate destination for these heroes; After a day, at their funeral, a piece of tombstone will portray their greatness and remember the people of the entire Saskatchewan.

"Everyone waits a minute"

After all the coffins were transported away, the captain of the sea gods came to the front of the people who were leaving Ai Dong and others and Shisuo Giants, expressing their gratitude: "If you can, the Northder family wants to Everyone expressed their most sincere gratitude, the loss of all of you, the Northder family will be compensated; and if you have any wishes, the Northder family will do their best to complete it."

"As long as we are safe and secure in Randburg, it is better than others?"

Although the promise of the Northder family is very tempting, Deli, who has witnessed the strength of the other side, is also very clear that the other party can indeed do what he can't do; but Deli, who is the leader of the stone lock giant wine, faces When the Northder family asked, they shrugged indifferently - the big temptation, for the retired, they did not exist; after all, what is more dull and stable than the present Time, plus temptation?

However, after seeing the frowning former businessman secretary, I immediately pointed to each other: "Give us our wish to this young man. I believe he needs more than us. Do you say yes?"

"of course"

"Delly boss, everyone..."

"So, we should go home, sleepless night, if the day is not good enough, it will affect the normal operation of the wine tonight."

Looking at the people who screamed at the stone lock giants, Del couldn’t help but see; the group of Shisuo Giants’ wines laughed and waved at Del, and walked outside Dock’s area under the leadership of Deli.

"I have no wish with Haas, so our wish is also given to Del"

"Yes, I have nothing to do with Ai Dong, and I can't help you to fulfill your greatest wish; however, the Northder family can especially bring together the wishes of those of us."

Haas smiled at Ai Dong, then slammed the shoulders of Del, who had already been recognized by him, and at the same time, said loudly - no doubt, such words were spoken to everyone present and the people of the Northder family. It is a double insurance for the wish of a friend who did not know one day for Del.

Rude people are not stupid, they are also smart, especially when they think about their friends.

"The Northder family will do their best to fulfill your wishes."

Remus looked at the slightly hesitant young man in front of him and reiterated

"I, I want to go home and go home."

Under the gaze of Ai Dong, Haas, and all the people who fought side by side last night, the eye was already slightly reddish, and the voice shook slightly.

"The Northder family will surely make you go home with a bright and beautiful"

The other party’s long-distance **** captain’s unexpected couldn’t help but sigh; but the next moment, there’s no clear answer – although he’s done, he’s already understood, Other existence may be very troublesome, but for the Northder family, it is not a problem at all, especially at this moment, it is easy to add


After ps years ago, there were so many things, and the decadence was really awkward...

Thanks to the June 4200 starting point of the snow, the prodigal wave of the four seas wandering 200 starting point coins, 100 starting points, the star of the 100 words of the beginning of the coin, Andusias 100 starting point of the reward of decadent thanks to all support for decadence Brothers and sisters have yet to be continued)


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Reborn Devil Hunter's Volume 12: Keys Chapter 71—The Wish of Going Home

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