Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 14 Chapter 72: Deserved

Three days later, in the suburban town of Dude in Xialin District, two military vehicles were parked in front of a house.

Immediately, the eyes of people who had no lunch break in the town were attracted. The mayor who got the news and the sheriff of the town appeared in the military vehicle when the door of the military vehicle opened.

"Mr. Colonel, is there anything I can do for you?"

Looking at the middle-aged man in front of a uniform, the mayor asked diligently - although as a town, he said the whole town, but it was only in the town, facing the military The senior official, he does not have such rights and courage; after all, unlike other systems of the highest government, most of the military people are known for their integrity and unrelenting reputation in the entire highest government system; even if he only heard some Rumors, but it is enough to make him cautious.

The sheriff was more direct. After the salute, he stood on the sidelines and looked at him as if he had been dispatched - although the police had been deployed from the military system as early as ten years ago. Execution of his own rights alone; however, it is clear that such orders are not implemented thoroughly, especially in the face of some middle-aged police officers, who have long been accustomed to the original way; for example, this is in front of The sheriff of a small town.

"Sheriff, is this the old Del family?"

Undoubtedly, compared with the mayor, the colonel in front of him is even more favored by his own person. After nodding his head with the mayor, he asked the sheriff standing next to him.

"Yes, sir!"

In the face of the question, the sheriff of the town instinctively straightened his body and shouted a bright answer, as it was ten years ago.

"Very good, Mr. Sergeant!"

The colonel nodded with satisfaction; turned and walked toward the military vehicle - when not leaving the military system, the position of the police was basically arranged according to the military rank, and the sheriff was the rank of sergeant.

The town mayor, standing on the side, faced the dialogue between the sheriff and the colonel, although he had always maintained a slightly humble, peaceful smile. However, the slightest uneasiness in the eyes flashed from time to time, but the town’s long-term town was not as peaceful as the smile. As a ten-year-old mayor, he could only retire for a few years. Say, any wind and grass will make him nervous his nerves; after all. During his 30-year career as a mayor, he did not plan to go further. He was a former enthusiasm when he was young, but he had seen the last miserable end of his better colleagues. He hesitated.

The opportunity is not waiting for people. When he hesitates, everything has settled. Some people have skyrocketed and sat in a position where he can’t even think about it, but most people fall better than him. Peer. A more miserable end--compared to his peers who were just a pawn, the real ones to be remembered are those who appeared later; although those who have achieved superior and high status make him envious, but see those When the loser was miserable, he finally chose to give up, sitting honestly in his position as the mayor, waiting for retirement.

After the event, it undoubtedly proved the correctness of his choice - victory and failure are always mutual. No one can always win; those who have gained a high position. In the first few years, it was indeed a spring breeze, and the scenery was infinite; but in the following years, it was repeatedly knocked down by the turmoil in the highest government system, especially in the years when they were proud of the spring breeze; Therefore, in the end they all fell to the point where they were even worse than those of the original.

After seeing such a situation, the town mayor has strengthened his choice. Manage your own town and never participate in any dangerous ‘activity’ – so. When he saw a military colonel appear in his own town, the mayor’s heart had begun to rise up and down; for him who was ready to retire immediately. Any accident is absolutely unwilling to see him.

While seeing the colonel, he went to the military vehicle and respected the report; the old mayor’s heart directly mentioned the blind eye – the annual inspection of the highest government is only equivalent to the military major. The official; the colonel is a great high official for his town mayor; and now looking at the colonel’s attitude, it is clear that the military car is sitting on a more remarkable character.

Is it a general or a military speaker? !

The old mayor, who had already been in the circle of the highest government officials, was only able to judge his own guess by his rank; therefore, when he saw the people who came down from the military vehicles, he could not help but become stunned – at the forefront. It is a man with a thin body and a thin face. Although the ink-blue plate has a military style, it is difficult to connect with the hard-wearing military that has always been a cough.

Behind it is a young man. Compared with the middle-aged thin man before, the person in front of him has made everyone including the mayor and the sheriff feel more like the military and the troops. The military uniform, the lieutenant's military star shines in the sun, although the crutches are wrapped, but the wrapped wounded legs make this slightly younger man a special iron.

Of course, the most doubtful thing for the old mayor was the last young woman; the long blond hair was dazzling even under the night sky, and the looks of the men in all the towns were straightforward. , the mayor swears that this is the most beautiful person he has ever seen in this life, even those who have always been considered by him to be beautiful, the secretaries accompanying the inspection officials are not comparable to the young women in front of them; The shortcoming is that it is too cold; by the eyes without expression, all the people in the town have a feeling of uncomfortable, turned their heads and turned their eyes away.

However, this does not make the townspeople’s arguments smaller, but it is getting bigger and bigger – although as a far suburb of Dude, it is not far from the bustling metropolis. Anything new will come here very quickly; but compared with all the fresh things, the military itself has a mysterious presence, which is undoubtedly more attractive to them; especially, when you see that person After proofreading the respect of the three people who got off the bus, it was like the flower's attraction to the bees, which made them want to stop.

Although they could not understand the true meaning of the rank of colonel like the old mayor, for them the rank was high enough to be higher than what they had seen. And this is enough - the argument is getting louder and louder, especially when one or two of the townspeople have an excellent presence and look at Del's face. This kind of discussion reached a new height, and even if it was blocked by the old mayor, it could not stop.

"Look, the young man in the middle, should be the son of Old Del?!"

"Really. You won't be wrong?"

"How could I be mistaken, I went to the old Del's house last time, I saw a photo of their family in the living room's closet!"

The townspeople who spoke the first time, immediately heard the rebuttal, immediately screamed loudly.

"Really. Laodel's son?! Can Oldell not say that his son is working in Saskatchewan? How could it be a soldier?"

"The military has some secret missions, of course, can't talk nonsense; even parents can't say it!"

In the face of doubts, the town citizen who was still the first to explain immediately explained, and immediately after seeing the appearance of the people around him, he immediately became proud of the same neck; however, in the moment, he was changed under the harsh eyes of the old mayor. It has become a shrinking head – 30 years, enough to make the prestige of the old town mayor, who is careful to build and build a small town, to be five people in the whole town; plus the advantage of being a local, the whole small The town has removed the existence of several longevity. Almost everyone is the younger generation of the old mayor; even if it is a guy who usually idles and provokes trouble. If you see the old prince's true anger, he will immediately become embarrassed and will not have any rebuttal; unless you really don't want to stay in this small town anymore.

"Mr. Colonel..."

After seeing the townspeople have been quiet, the old town mayor, who was uneasy, looked at the former colonel.

"Del Lieutenant, because the mission was ruined and retired. We sent Del Lieutenant to return home on behalf of the military!"

The colonel’s words finally caused the old mayor to dispel the last suspicion; he turned his head. Looking at Del, who was crutches, he showed the most sincere smile - nothing happened that he least wanted to see. Instead, a hero is also ushered in. The old mayor certainly has a reason to be happy; after all, the presence of such a military background hero, those inspectors will definitely converge; even, the old mayor’s mind at the moment It has already appeared that the inspection officials are cautious this year.

Therefore, the old mayor looked at Del's gaze and could not help but have another eagerness.

"Del Li, our hero, welcomes you home!"

"Hello you go home!"

Although I withdrew from that circle, as the old mayor who had stepped into that circle, of course, I understand what I should say at the moment; and at this moment, the prestige of the old mayor has also played its due role, and the townspeople have followed suit. Shouting - As the Laodel couple moved in two years ago, their son appeared in the town for the first time. This kind of thing has long been forgotten by everyone; even if someone proposed it. It will also be stunned by others, and whispered a white-eyed wolf.

In the face of such shouts, the old Del's couple in the lunch break certainly couldn't be immersed in their sleep; listening to the endless cheers, the two old men slowly walked down from the bedroom on the second floor, curiously opened. The door on the first floor; then, they saw the son who made them dream and stunned. Although they had heard the hero in the cheers, they did not think of it for the first time. It’s their son; a monthly amount is a huge remittance for ordinary people, and the words are not known every time you come to the letter or telegram, especially when you move two years ago, the two old people are What is the son doing, there is a rough guess.

Zhizi Mo Ruofu, Zhizi Mo Rumu.

Some of the inadvertently exposed differences are enough to make the instincts care about the children's parents. As time goes by, the two old people even have a hunch that their sons are suddenly lost. After this hunch, the two don't want to The passive old people are ready to go, they are going to Saskatchewan to find their own son; but they know that their son has been involved in or involved in something, and did not blindly go straight to the port of Saskatchewan. Instead, the money remitted by the sons of each month is used as a fund to find a channel that can affect the son of the island without affecting his son.

Obviously, such a channel is too difficult for two elderly people who are not professionals. It can be said that there is no such thing as a clue; however, the two old people did not give up. After spending a lot of time and money still not finding the corresponding channels, the two old people continued to look for it, until they saw their son in the moment they opened the door.


I saw my father's mother's face getting older. As well as completely white hair, with a distracted attitude, Del is flying to his parents and taking the two old men on his chest. Whispered softly: "Father, mother!"

Years of thoughts, the suppression of the bottom of my heart, when Del took two old people, all of them melted into the eyes; the tears that only Del knows of his own flowed over his cheeks; and the sudden appearance of his son also made two An old man who is scared. I can't help but cry.


Starting from the old mayor, all the townspeople, including the colonel and Moretti, all gave the blessings of the family in front of them.

"Mr. Old Del, Del is the glory of our entire town, a hero!"

The words of the old mayor made the Old Del couple finally see the military uniform on his son; in the strange look of the two old men, the colonel, came over.

"Del was specially recruited into the military after graduation because of his excellent achievements; because of special discipline. It is impossible to mention with family and friends clearly; please forgive me! Now, Del has completed his task. He was allowed to retire by the military! And his excellent record and glorious history will surely become the role model for the next generation of special recruits!"

Undoubtedly, compared to the old mayor. The words of the colonel were even more powerful; the two old people’s delighted expression was from the inside out. Unabashed.

Looking at the family who embraced again, Moretti made a greeting to the colonel. And Lilith entered the second military vehicle and took the lead to leave silently - their mission itself was to cooperate with the military to complete one of the requirements of the Northder family; now Del is sent smoothly, their mission is naturally Finished, the rest of the matter is the responsibility of the military.

As for them?

In the Bay Area, Langeburg is their next mission location – and the next mission is a top priority for them, compared to the missions just completed.


“Has the military already decayed to such a point?”

The blonde girl sitting in the back seat is still sullen, even if she is talking to Morrison, the boss she once respected, it is cold--it is the boss who once respected; After the order of Dingbao, the original respect collapsed in the heart of the blonde girl.

As a member of the Secret Service, which is free from the government system and the military and is only responsible for the highest government, the blonde girl is undoubtedly proud, especially since she is a woman who is step by step to achieve this achievement by her own strength. At that time, that pride can always make her face up to face when she is facing anyone; therefore, for the same system of the government system and the military to sell the body, to gain status or to accomplish special missions, from instinct The blonde girl is despised in the depths of her heart, especially when facing the former, she is even dismissive.

Therefore, when she knew that she was about to become such a member, the kind of blow instantly smashed all the pride she had insisted on, and even the suffocation that occurred in that moment made her have a kind of life. To the point - from that moment on, the blond girl's slightly resolute face became cold; the gray eyes like a deer became dead and dead; the smile never appeared again; facing anyone The appearance of business affairs.

"If you make a mistake, you will be punished, and making up for the mistake is the most correct attitude!" Looking at the appearance of his subordinates, Moretti sighed helplessly in his heart, and then explained to the other party as thoroughly as possible: "That The young man did what he did at the night of Saskatchewan, which he deserved!"

"So pack me to Ye Is it what I deserve?"

In the last sentence of Moretti, she immediately got a ridiculous response from the blonde girl - and after she finished speaking, the blonde girl turned her head to the side and looked at the window with no eyes.

As for sad tears?

Her only remaining, self-sufficient pride, is left to stop crying.

The decadence of the ps official business was just relieved, and suddenly I found that my clothes were not washed. The window glass, the floor, the bedding, etc. of the house did not move at all; and, on New Year’s Eve, I went back to my parents. I can’t help but be sad. Come from the bottom of my heart!

Therefore, after three seconds, the decadent one made a decision that it was not washed and not cleaned up - anyway, there was a dress that was replaced by the foresight and replaced as a reserve; oh, so other years After that, come back and wash it.

Thanks to the reward of the starting point of the fascist 588, the reward of the starting price of the 4200 starting price in June, the starting point of the 200th starting point of the prodigal wandering in the sea, the starting point of the 100 words of the starry sky, the starting point of the sdicsn100, and the starting point of the hatlar1988100 starting point. Thank you to all the brothers and sisters who support decadence (to be continued.)

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