Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 19: Negotiating people

The four-wheeled carriage, under the traction of two horses, travels fast in the central castle to the unknown road of Shaker; the carriage does not enter the lively urban area, but follows this unknown path. I opened the city of Shaker and headed for the other entrance to Shak. Although driving in the suburbs, in the driver's driving, the carriage did not slow down at all, but also ran fast, especially To some places where there is no road at all, it is entirely by the driver's eyes and memory to distinguish the direction.

Ye Qi, sitting in the carriage, listened to Ted and the cold-faced man who kept talking about the difficulties that might be encountered in the negotiations; however, after ten minutes, he was very wise to put his sight on other Place--professional things need professional talents to do, like him, even amateurs are not counted, just a guest's 'negotiation experts', even if it is the name of the ambassador, Ye Qi also understands that he should do something. At the very least, under the premise of not being able to give the two companions a corresponding opinion, Ye Qi can still do it without disturbing the strategy of the two companions to agree on the corresponding.

The eyes swept over the window because the sky became darker and darkened with flowers and trees. Then, Ye Qi’s attention was gradually drawn by the driver’s very rhythmic waving whip sound—obviously, in such a sky At the dim moment, the horse's sight is far less sensitive than their ears; however, it is definitely not a simple matter to guide the horse's progress with a whip, except for the patience that should be at any moment. In addition, some necessary skills are also basically required.

Ye Qi’s gaze was far away from the window because the sky was dim and he lost his brilliance. His sight was placed on the driver’s body through the front window in the compartment – ​​from the other side’s stronger than the average person. Back, Ye Qi can be sure that the driver is a retired ranger in the headquarters of the Demon Hunter.

Retired Rangers, in addition to going to various places to serve as the Demon Hunter, will also be part of it; this part of the retired Rangers are mostly Shak locals; because they are unwilling to leave their hometown, they are in the Rangers. After retiring, he stayed directly in the central castle of the Demon Hunter.

In addition to the retired Rangers who are responsible for picking up some of the demon hunters who need to handle special things. According to Ye Qi, such a ranger is definitely not a minority. Of course, the occupations are not only the driver, but also the gardeners and chefs. Some even return to the Rangers camp again, serving as the trainers. Instructor. Or there are a few shops that help the sacred towers to take care of the store of the holy hammer weapon collection.

But wherever there is a need for manpower. It is the scope of these retired rangers, although it is just some ordinary work, but every chaser who is willing to stay is so happy - for such a choice. Ye Qi naturally does not say anything, according to the words of his hometown, is the ‘non-fish and fish know the fish? ’.

Some people are naturally adventurous, while others are naturally fond of being quiet - the former will be enchanted by the thrill of adventure, while the latter will be immersed in the quiet atmosphere. If you follow the natural character, Ye Qi knows very well that he should belong to the latter, and is a more conservative one; not only enjoy a nine-to-five job, but also a Saturday and Sunday leisure. Time is all about what you like to do; for example: reading or drinking tea.

Of course, this is just the idea of ​​Ye Qi’s wishful thinking at the moment. After he chose to become a demon hunter and inadvertently signed a contract with the wolf, all this has changed radically – this is not him. It can be chosen by itself, but by other existences, such as the 'God' of the Holy See; this feeling is certainly not refreshing. But Ye Qi has to be patient.

Because, as a contractor of the wolf, Ye Qi knows very well the role he plays in it - self-knowledge is to remove caution, Ye Qi thinks one of his two biggest advantages.

In the inability to become a player in the chess game, then when a useful piece is better than abandoning it...

Ye Qi slightly picked up his eyes. Gently sighed in the bottom of his heart - time is his biggest limitation at the moment, even with the help of the system, can not break through the entire limit; and, as his character level reached 20 levels. The experience required has been greatly improved and in accordance with the system's 'fairness principle'. The difficulty of the task is also becoming more and more difficult.

I am afraid that the previous [A+ mission], but now it is just [A-level mission] or even a lower [A-level mission]?

Maybe you should take advantage of some system ‘BUG’?

Ye Qi, who is holding his eyes, thinks about the feasibility of this plan. The system on his body, although magical, is still flawed in some respects; for example, it can only assess the overall level, but it is lacking. The humanized subdivision cannot achieve the most accurate assessment and after he 'weaks' himself, the system will only release the task according to the current physical condition.

The latter, now in the attention of the director of the referee, is too dangerous!

And the former words...

Even the Holy See, which seems to be covered by the director of the referee, has different factions, and other places can be imagined!

Well, even if I am facing the Holy See, as long as there is accurate information, then, if the time of the cut is just right, it does not seem too difficult!

However, in order to be safe, some identity is needed as a cover...

Of course, if these identities still have some forces as a backing, it will be even better!

Ye Qiqi looked at the feasibility of it, and some plans that didn't take shape appeared in my heart—although it was only a small beginning, but as long as the situation was right, this small opening was enough to turn into a frightening behemoth.

As for the remaining ‘BUG’ in the system – the accumulation task?

This seems to Ye Qi, completely the same as the first 'weakened' himself, which is extremely risky - at all times, there must be enough strength and enough cards to deal with everything; Ye Qi, the idea, wants to actively 'weaken' himself, which is obviously quite difficult.

Snapped! Snapped!

After two crisp whiplashes, the carriage stopped steadily, and then the driver's shouts sounded.

"Ye Qi adults, Lord Ted, Lord Noah, we are here!"

After pushing the door of the carriage and re-hanging the knives at the waist, Ye Qi jumped off the carriage. Looking up and looking around – this is not the road they took when they returned to Shack from the Thousand Marsh area; in fact: because tomorrow is the Midsummer Festival, the people who came from Shaker to participate in the Midsummer Festival not only did not reduce, but instead It was getting more and more. As early as before getting on the bus, the driver of the Ranger retired was sighing that it was almost blocked by the difficult situation.

after all. Although Midsummer Festival will be held for five days. But the most lively is the first day and the last day—especially the first day, not only when the parades and ceremonies begin, but also the evenings of the midsummer night that many people are looking forward to; The Midsummer Festival has another name for 'A Midsummer Night', and it is conceivable that the first day of the night is for the Midsummer Festival. How important is it.

Therefore, the closer to the first day, the number of people coming to Xiake will not be reduced, but will become more and more, even beyond the sum of the past few days - after all. In Xiaolin District and other places, the rest days of work and work can be unified; most of them are concentrated in these days; except those who have quite leisure time and can arrive in advance, others are not hurrying. of.

However, for the midsummer festival, all the people are so happy - and this brings quite trouble to the people who negotiated the Shak to Shak; because this negotiation is for the privacy of ordinary people, so They can't open the road that leads directly to Shaker; it can only be in such a remote place. Enter into the central castle of the Demon Hunter.


The match drawn in the driver’s hand first ignited two oil lamps hanging outside the carriage, and then ignited a self-rolling cigarette for himself; and when the driver took the rolled cigarette, he directed the three When it is indicated. In addition to Ted's interest in the past, Ye Qi and the cold-faced men waved their hands to reject the other party's kindness; especially the cold-faced man, who went straight back into the compartment.

"Pedernange does not like the smell of smoke and alcohol. Therefore, our Nobel has become a good boy who does not smoke or drink!" Ted looked at the slightly strange Ye Qi, and immediately laughed: "Fortunately, our Pedernange is not a vegetarian. Otherwise, our Nobel may not grow taller than this?"

"Ted, if you don't care about your mouth, then I can guarantee that you will work several times in the future!"

The voice of the cold-faced man who passed through the carriage seemed a bit sulking, but the meaning was that all the people present could understand it. Even the driver who was retired by the Rangers was seeing Ted’s depression. After the appearance, I laughed with everything - without the strictness of the superior and the higher levels between the Holy See and the top government, the relationship between the demon hunters was mostly random; especially in such private occasions, there was no outsider present. Many hunting devils will become unscrupulous. It is a common practice for the demon hunters to find people to fight with wine and finally hold the barrels under the table.

However, although laughing, but the chauffeur retired the coach did not forget his duties, after the cigarette in his hand burned more than half, the driver took a pocket watch, stood up, began to adjust the oil lamp behind him, let It is even brighter – this is obviously a special oil lamp. After a little debugging, it emits a light far beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Even if it is tens of yards away, it can see the light.

I want to find a carriage at night, in the darkness of the field, except for the existence of supernatural beings. It is obviously impossible to rely solely on the visual acuity of the naked eye. If there is no bright guidance, it is obviously impossible. This time, the Holy See has several large figures who can rely on the visual acuity of the naked eye to reach the point that he could not reach in his life. However, due to etiquette, he still made arrangements according to the way of ordinary people.

Time spent slowly in the chat of Ye Qi and his entourage. After Ted had a face to the driver for the third time, he had a self-rolling cigarette, and within the scope of Ye Qi’s perception, several strong breaths began to appear. With the closeness of the distance, there are fluctuations in the sense of the positive energy that are full of the Holy See’s uniqueness in the blind bucket perception. Ye Qi’s straight one hand is placed on the handle of the knives, and his eyes are looking forward. Where the fluctuations occur.

After seeing Ye Qi’s action, Ted and the coachman who responded also annihilated the cigarette in their hands and looked into the distance. In the next moment, the cold-faced man who had been hiding in the compartment also jumped off the carriage. Standing side by side with Ye Qi and Ted -

Hey, hey!

Snapped! Snapped!

The other's carriage is obviously very fast, when Ye Qi three just stood. The sound of the wheel and the whip passed over; immediately after a few breaths, two four-wheeled carriages appeared in the sight of Ye Qi and others - unlike the black carriage that Ye Qi took. The two carriages that came in the distance did not have the Holy Emblem of the Holy See. But whether it is the first one or the last one. Both carriages are completely white, especially the bright lights hanging on the four corners of the carriage, which makes the white one more halo and the two carriages. Obviously, after a carefully selected war horse, it is not only tall and strong, but also the body is white as the body, without any hair.

Under the illumination of that layer of light, such a white carriage, white horse. Almost from the epic story, this kind of contrast is almost instantly recognizable, especially the driver who retired from the ranger, standing next to his carriage, softly Sighed: "Wars should not be used to pull a car..."

"Sure enough, it is the Holy See, every time it is such a beautiful scenery!"

Although the literal meaning of the words is praise, but when I look at Ted's smirk, I can know his true thoughts; while the cold-faced man on the side does not say anything, but can see from his colder expression. To draw his true thoughts at the moment - because Pedernange rebelled from the Holy See. For the sake of being chased by the Holy See, the cold-faced man who respects his teacher's life is quite hostile to any existence of the Holy See; perhaps he is called a hero or a Tekawi in the face of the head of the Holy Knights. The Red Lord Church, which maintains mutual help and support, has considerable respect, but for others, in the eyes of this cold-faced man. It is just that it can kill, can not kill; or the exact point is that it can kill and can not kill.

Step on...

The hooves were uniform and clearer, and they came straight toward Ye Qi and others; but when they reached a distance of nearly 30 yards. The decoration on the carriage can be clearly seen by Ye Qi, including the four of his own. But all of them frowned - because, after reaching this distance, the two carriages still have no intention of slowing down!

Show your existence?

Or do you want to keep your face and make a look of charity?

After Ye Qi looked at Ted and the cold-faced man next to him, it was almost indiscriminate. The three men also showed a cold smile at the same time. The fact that compensation for the Qiangqu area was inevitable was already inevitable. After all, Tekawi, who has always appeared as a neutral person, has joined the ranks of this negotiation, which is enough to illustrate the ultimate attitude of the Holy See; but even so, it is clear that the pride from the bones has given birth to these Holy Seees. People who are not willing to frankly fail like this, always find their own superior mentality in other places.

Moreover, Ye Qi can be sure that the Archbishop of Tekovich should be on the second car - after entering the range of about 25 yards, the second carriage behind has begun to slow down; However, the first one is still as usual, and it is advancing at a rapid speed, even two points faster.

Within this distance, Ye Qi could even see the driver who was riding the carriage. At this moment, the eyes of the other side were obviously flashing, and the black jacket of the other side undoubtedly showed the identity of the deacon of the other party.

Snapped! Snapped!

There were two quick beatings. Suddenly, the carriage that was already close at hand was in the rush of the horse, and it was a little faster.


However, just after entering the range of ten yards in this range, a thunderous thunderously uploaded from Ye Qi body, immediately, the forest full of night creatures instantly entered a silent state, just like a moment, all The creatures are holding their breath, and the atmosphere is not afraid to go out!


And the horse that drove the carriage was like a terrible natural enemy. The instinct began to run away, but the reins and lassos on the body made them unable to escape at all; however, Although they could not escape, the two horses also stopped, even if they were hit by a few steps in the inertia of the car behind them, in the end, after the inertia disappeared, the forefoot was laid, and the body leaned back against the carriage. .

The black deacons who drove originally wanted to slap the horses and let them move on, but in the next moment, the instinct that was far worse than the horse’s degeneration was found to be wrong—when he looked up, a pair of huge eyes It is floating in front of the distance, the gray-eyed eyes, so that he immediately trembled, and then straight and soft in the driver's seat, only the unconscious in the mouth: "Dragon, dragon... giant, giant Dragon……"

PS second more ~~~

Thanks to the zy3152731424952 starting point of the reward (calculated by the calculator, it should be correct), the wave of the prodigal wandering of the 200 seas, the reward of the June snow IV200 starting point, the lie 200 starting point of the reward , sn100 starting point of the reward ~~~ decadent thank you to all the support of the decadent brothers and sisters ~~~ (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) vote recommended, monthly ticket, you The support is my biggest motivation.)

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