Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 20: Negotiations on Midsummer Day

The black deacon in the driver's seat, after a horror of excitement, stunned in the past; and the stunned past two horses ng reached the dragon level of the ancient dragon, of course It is not such a degree that the black deacon can resist. According to the description of the system, it is necessary to verify the three ancient minds of the ancient dragon, and now in the first round, it has fully exerted its due effect.

Well done!

Ted, who turned his head and conveyed such an idea with his eyes, secretly gave a thumb to Ye Qibi. Although he was faced with such a crazy carriage, he certainly would not be hurt. If he wanted to stop it, he also It’s not too difficult; however, if you want Ye Qi to rely on the momentum to make the other party 'suppressed', it is not at all ;n;ng; especially the kind of control that Ye Qi has shown just now, which is beyond his reach. "".

In the moment when Ye Qi released his own momentum, he was naturally surrounded by Ye Qi, and it was natural that néu felt abnormal; not only did néu feel it, but also the huge gray-white eyes, he also looked at it; however, Compared with the oppositely obsessed black deacon, he is ǎn everything méu; plus he can be sure that this is not the full momentum of Ye Qi, immediately has a new understanding of Ye Qi’s control. .

Néu does not have a lot of shocks to the other party, and it will not affect the pool fish...

Such control...

Ted shook his head in the bottom of his heart and immediately gestured to the two carriages of Ye Qi and the cold-faced man. The second carriage stopped. The door of the carriage was stopped just before the carriage stopped. Opened, and jumped from the inside to a slightly thinner old man; simple brown robes, two large shawls made him look much thinner than the actual. And ng white under the eyebrows. A pair of bright eyes. Abnormal attention.

The crow's feet of the road, first of all, the old man, usually a very funny person; but at this moment the face of the old man is occupied by ènnu

"If you do this, it will only make the Holy See more and more shameful!"

Before going to the first carriage, the old man looked at all the ng stunned black deacons, and said unceremoniously; then. Turned around and walked toward the āng where Ye Qi stood. After standing in front of Ye Qi, this said with a twilight: "I am really sorry!"

Very straightforward, méu apologized for any modification, but such an apology is the most appreciated by the demon hunter, with the same smile, step forward: "His Tekovic, welcome to Shak! ”

Although méu has seen each other, but from the other side's temperament, Ye Qi naturally guessed the identity of the other party; ng. In addition to the neutral Archbishop of the Cardinal Tchavic, Ye Qi can't think of anyone in the Holy See. Of course, he will be so polite, of course, the kind of volatility emanating from the legendary situation is also the most direct and sufficient evidence; unlike the previous days, it is facing the legendary world. Fluctuation, there is a kind of concealed, oyster gǎào, at this moment also entered the legendary situation, for the same level of fluctuations, Ye Qi is very sensitive.

In his perception, in front of the volatility of the Archbishop of Tekovich, the priests of the Méu Inquisition, although bright, but cold, gǎào; but a wave of warmth, g融合ào It’s not the first time I saw it. His friend, ng, rebelled against the white robes of the Holy See. He also had similar fluctuations; the other’s direct apology, coupled with similar fluctuations with friends, Ye Qi natural Will show goodwill.

"The Dragon of Shaker, Lord Ye Qi?"

In the face of Ye Qi, who did not mention the previous events, the only anger of the Archbishop of Tekawi was scattered, only the full smile was full, he looked at Ye Qi, slowing down. Slowly asked the crow's feet in the smile, but also brought a curve of the road, so that the old man in front of the old one more than a long-term kindness gǎào.

"I have seen, Lord Tkavic!"

Ye Qi nodded. Then, Ted and the cold-faced man next to him also said hello to the red archbishop in front of him; the latter also responded to the two with the attitude of the elders; this situation is not placed In this wilderness, but in the streets and parks, anyone who sees it will think that this is a kind neighbor when he walks.

"The dragon of Shaker, a great prestige, a great momentum!"

In a calm and peaceful atmosphere, a sullen voice, abruptly inserted, although the same old man, is also a robes, but the robes that are obviously changed from the robes of the black deacon, not only méu Bringing all the temperament that the elders should have, it is a gloomy affair; in particular, the twin eyes that are flashing with fierce light at the moment are even more timid.

"Being a master, are you welcoming your guests like this?"

The old man with a sullen face and fierce eyes took two steps and stood beside the archbishop of Tekawich. He raised his head proudly and said to Ye Qi, even though It’s raised up, the short figure, and méu makes it look like any point at the moment, but it’s a kind of laughter; of course, the average person faces the slim, sulky face. The old man who is exposed to the murderous light does not dare to show any such emotions; however, it is obvious that the three people, including Ye Qi, are not ordinary people.

"Being a master, we welcome all good-hearted guests! For example: Lord Tkavic!" Ted deliberately lowered his head and made a look at the other side before they looked at each other. This is what continues: "As for you? Nobel, is there such a guest on our list?"

"There are too many people coming to Xiake in the Midsummer Festival, and they simply can't say hello; the list is full of a room, and who has déo above the méu?" The cold-faced man is cold-faced with a slightly stereotypical voice. One word and one sentence said that such a look, placed in any u, will be seen as a very serious and serious representative; but at this moment, especially Ted put up a condescending look. I only look at the appearance of someone in Hu. With Ted. Such seriousness has undoubtedly added an extra taunt.

Ye Qi, who stood between the two, laughed with a very confusing ‘噗嗤’.

"Hey, three ignorant junior hunters!"

After a sneer, the short-skilled old man wanted to step out; however, the Archbishop of Tekawi, who was next to him, pulled the other side and shouted: "Zola. You want Dry me?!"

"No me, just to warn some juniors who are proud of their good fortune, be careful, otherwise the final end is very miserable!" Under the block of the Archbishop of Tkavic, this same Zola, the Archbishop of Red, stopped his steps for the people around him. Although Zola was very disdainful of the other side's thoughts from the bottom of her heart, the other party's status and strength, as well as the identity of the other party as the ambassador. Both made him have to converge; of course, me did not. It is not the character of this new red archbishop.

In the face of Zola Méu's name, even if you don't have to look at the other side's 'obvious' sight, Ye Qi is also fascinated by the other party, so that the other party is the one in the mouth of the wisdom tower. The suspicion of a sly, malicious person is once again reduced; the intensity of the other party's volatility shows that the other party has just completed the 'new promotion' stage of the glory; whether it is his previous strength, it is still The strength of the 'guessing' of the director of the Inquisition is far beyond the other.

The other party is really the one who was sent to the head of the Inquisition by his '狡猾, maliciously'. He would not show such an attitude at all, and should be more introverted; for example: mixed among the entourage, in him Someone who fainted under Longwei, although the skills of the other person's disguise are very clever, even their own fluctuations have changed quite a bit, but in the face of sudden oppression, the fluctuations of the uwéi people began to be disordered, only One is so shocking, and any change in the last moment méu, this performance is really too conspicuous.

The previous analysis, plus the current situation, all the spearheads naturally point to an entourage in that compartment; however, the habitual and cautious Ye Qi is méu swaying, although Lorante and méu catch the thief, but Ye Qi is very eager to dào this person who is mixed in the entourage, what he wants to do.

Of course, before the Midsummer Day, when the negotiations are completed, the other party will definitely reveal the fox's tail; therefore, the **** is not very long, and in this traitor, Ye Qi, who has good patience, does not mind spending time with the other party. The circle is, however, very natural. This circle does not contain the burden of humiliation; therefore, in the face of the new red archbishop’s intentions, Ye Qi responded unceremoniously.

"In the face of guests with goodwill, we welcome it; and in the face of malicious guests, we are more good at knife and gun! As for the last miserable end? From the moment of becoming a demon hunter, we have a psychological Prepare; there is no need for some outsiders to care!"

"Or, people like you are really idle, too much need to pay attention to the value of others." Ye Qi deliberately paused and attracted everyone's attention, and then continued to say "This is the case, we are here because of the Midsummer Festival, the staff is very nervous, every shop is recruiting, I recommend you to try; salary is good!"


The newly-arrived red archbishop immediately changed color and reached out to Ye Qi. The white flame on his arm appeared so straightforwardly that the Holy See was the pride of the oldest power, and it was the top of the team. Zola has been I received all the eyes of admiration; and because of my own strength, the kind of killing and casual situation every time I faced the enemy, especially just becoming the Archbishop of Red, even changed the 'butcher' of the former Inquisition More and more can't be seen.

Even, ng made him forget the information about the people in front of him; or, still remember, but in his pride, he had a prejudice, thinking that it was just an attitude of vain, in the Holy See. It is not uncommon; ng, compared with the fear of the Shack's dragon, is the pride of the high level of the Holy See, which makes them very natural to accept such views.

White fire, méu any warmth. There is only a faint chill. Illuminated the sly face; however. In the next moment, the embarrassed face suddenly discolored in front of him, his target ng lost, and on the right side of the shoulder, a chilly blade was placed there, and the neck was only one centimeter u; Pull believes that with the sharpness of this long knife, as long as the hand holding the knife is slightly forced, his head and body will be separated; therefore, Zola, who has just ignited a layer of flame on his arm. At this moment, not only the flames are extinguished, but the whole person’s face is even more dead.


Those written on the information turned out to be true!

At this moment, in the heart of the newly-arrived red archbishop, there is only such a thought left.

"Yeki, please don't ng!"

The Archbishop of Tekawi looked at the young man standing behind Zola, standing with a knife, with a trace of tension on his face and helplessness. After learning that Zola became the deputy, Tkavic guessed ng. It is expected that there will be unnecessary twists and turns in this negotiation, but he méu expected that this twist will come so fast. And caught off guard.

From the collision of the first carriage before, Tekavic, the archbishop of red, dào this is Zola. The devil of his deputy; ng, the black deacons above, the words of the méu command, did not make such a move at all; and among the ones, néu ordered only those of the black deacons. Pull, and another young man, Lehmann.

He naturally does not make such an order, and another young man, Lehman, is not kěnéng, although he only gets along with him for a few days, but the character of the young man is enough to make him ngbái what is the other party. A person who is upright, instructing others to do the trick, the young man will not do it, and he will not bother to do it.

Therefore, aside from him and the young man, there is only the disciple who is associated with Zola, who is associated with the other side. The person who seems to have a bad reputation in his life died in the Shaq, who had just debuted. In the hands of the dragon, such speculation is really reasonable.

Although ng had such speculation, Tekovich Méu thought that his deputy would be directly involved in the first trend of the driver's collision with the other side, although the words of the Shack Dragon were not considered. However, his deputy, who was the picker, directly made him feel uncomfortable, and the final result made the Archbishop of Red more nervous and helpless.

In the face of the young Shaker's Dragon, the Archbishop of the Red Card is very worried that the other party knows the life of the deputy in the next ng; although the deputy of the deputy, Tkavic Méu has any good feelings, but This does not mean that he can watch the deputy who is blindly watching in front of him; ng, if the other party dies, the consequences of nàme are definitely not what he wants to see, whether it is because of the death of the other party, but the negotiations are broken, or The consequences will be the loss of life.

Life deserves to be respected!

This is the core transaction that was established at the beginning of the establishment of the Holy See, but this core doctrine was inundated with the changes of the times; now, all the clergy of the Holy See are only dào with "God said" as the core, and Forgetting the roots and for such forgetting, Tkavic felt helpless from the bottom of his heart; however, this did not prevent him from following such 'doctrine'.

Therefore, when discouraging Ye Qi, the Archbishop of Red is both nervous and helpless.

"As a negotiating party for this demon hunter, I naturally will not make things that will destroy the negotiations!" Ye Qi took back the knives and looked at Zola, who was originally short, and then relaxed. The shorter the body shape, the lower the voice, said: "However, any patience does not mean a cowardly concession; therefore, please ask Zola's deputy to remember such words and duties!"

"Zola is only a moment ng!" Archbishop Tekawi red, pulled the deputy aside, and then, in order to stagger the topic, another assistant was introduced to Ye Qi and others: "Lehmann The main sacrifice, one of my deputies this time! I am sure that you will not be stranger to Ye Qiqi?"

"Of course!" Ye Qi, nodding his head, and his right hand extended to Lehman: "Long time no see, Lehmann!"

"Long time no see, Ye Qi!"

Lehmann also extended his hand in the next The response was not dull, the etiquette movement was also acceptable; the two people with private alliances were very good in front of everyone. Shows a bit of understanding, but not too familiar.

In the introduction of Lehman's u, Tkavic deliberately bypassed Zola; while the latter was very wise after being smashed by the knives on the neck, how to do it with Tekovich and leaves Qi, who talked with Qi et al., went straight back to the original compartment; Ye Qi could see it clearly, but he was too lazy to pay attention to it; even his attention at the moment was also placed on him. Tekovic's body, the existence hidden in the entourage, has always attracted most of his attention.

"Lord Tekawi, I think we should set off. In the Central Castle, ng arranged rooms for everyone!"

Looking at the horses that were quickly waking up under Lehman's care, and some drivers who were still dizzy, Ye Qi suggested.

"of course!"

Tkavic immediately nodded.

Ps first more ~~~ timing ~~~ is not finished.

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