Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 23: Secret talk

Before the negotiations began, Ye Qi predicted that the talks would be very boring, but when the negotiations really started, the kind of boring degree still made Ye Qi feel helpless, although the Holy See sent Tekavic to be neutral. The Archbishop of Red as the ambassador of the negotiations, ng clearly expressed the attitude of this negotiation, but in some details it is still a must.

Obviously, this time the Holy See as the ambassador of Tekawi, and Ye Qi have the role of yàng. Since the beginning of the negotiations, the Archbishop of Red has not talked about it, even his eyes are narrow, everything is handed over to The deputy, Zola, can see that the emblem of the red archbishop is far greater than the actual meaning.."".

In the whole morning, for a full three and a half hours, the two sides revolved around the 'murderer' that caused the tragedy in the Thousand Marsh area: the original judge, Chester, started the discussion; the demon person, naturally hopes to directly The execution of such a 'murderer', while the Holy See side wants to deprive each other's status, make it a monk, and pay a little more to let Chester continue to survive.

Although the Holy See’s reserves are far beyond the Demon Hunter and the Supreme Government, néu makes a daily glory that completes the 'new level', only paying some 'small price', the Holy See will still To do ng, to complete the 'new Jin' of the Japanese glory, for the Holy See, is also a very cherished resource.

Therefore, until the morning of the negotiations ended, when the two sides left the conference room, they were still entangled in the question of the former judge, Chester.

At noon, lunch break.

After a simple lunch. Ye Qi went straight back to the conference room. Ted and the cold-faced man took the battle point with the other side in the morning. I began to discuss the corresponding rebuttal arguments. Although yesterday’s new red archbishop Zola was swept away by Ye Qizhen, in the debate this morning, the other side was an enemy, facing Ted and The cold-faced man and méu show the wind; this not only surprised Ye Qi, but even Ted and the cold-faced man who are opponents are surprised.

After throwing away the proud shell, the calm high-level of the Holy See naturally has an absolute superiority. How does the great reputation and the current status come from?

With such awareness. After Ye Qi and Ted and Nofa said goodbye to each other, they went straight back to the temporary meeting room. The female cavalry chief was at the Ranger Camp. Ye Qi did not mind going back. However, today is the female cavalry chief performing the Midsummer Day guard. The most arduous day of the mission, even at noon, does not have a restful traitor; and, according to the practice of previous years, if you want to rest, at least until the morning of the next day.

Ng, the midsummer night of the first day of the Midsummer Festival, but the night of the night!

Ye Qi also remembered that he was at Shaker at the time. When he was a trainee apostle, he was excited and played with several friends. In the end, the drunken mess is like a wolf; not because the owner of the Dolphin Bar is familiar with them, I am afraid I have to sleep on the street one morning the next day, and then the patrolling Rangers return to the Central Castle.

Datong, the words there...

After thinking of a friend, Ye Qi naturally thought of a friend and companion who had just just made a big splash in the Hailin area. When he left Langenburg, the little man once admitted that he returned to Hailin District for the sake of the body. Similarly; from the current situation, although not dào ultimately and the results, but at this stage is still good; ng, the small man is still néu control!

In addition to the idea of ​​just taking the shot, or unexpectedly, méu controls the kind of strange energy, but in the future, but méu any problem; Lehman's words are enough to prove that the little man and méu are too big The problem néu faces any kind of strange energy, as long as the néu control is still within the control range, nàme indicates that the situation is still méu bad to the extreme.

You should send a message to the bar, let Darlan ask in detail about the situation in Datong...

Although the problem of Ming dào will not be too big, but Ye Qi is still making such a plan ng, guessing is just speculation, and the actual existence of méu is more reassuring.

As for the ‘homeland’ of his other ally’s bloodline honor?

Seeing that Lehman néu is so safely appearing in Shaq, the situation is naturally the female leader who is self-evident and bloody, but most of the traitors are in the 'homeland', and the 'homeland' has a problem with me. The female leader will naturally be in a bad situation; and the lover who treats her lover as life-like, once she knows that the lover has such a situation, even if it is exposed, it will never let the Holy See dispatch. Shaker.

In this regard, Ye Qi is very confident; ng, it was precisely because of the sight of this ǎn, Ye Qi will choose to form an alliance with the other side, and still deep cooperation, otherwise, even if the other party's conditions are appropriate, Ye Qi will hesitate for a moment ;ng, the existence of the real weakness of méu, becoming an alliance, is definitely not a good phenomenon.

After the alliance, the things that smashed the knife behind it are so common that almost even the children are fascinated by ngbái, and there is a need for constraints to have a long-lasting alliance; the female leader of bloodlines is the best constraint for Lehmann. In Lehman's view, although his constraints are not obvious enough, it is feasible as long as the goals are consistent.

With a slightly thought-provoking look, Ye Qi buried her body in the sofa of the conference room, and her eyes swept through the bookshelf of páān. However, it is obvious that the books placed here are definitely not of interest to him, almost from above. Sweep down, Ye Qidu méu saw any book that néu made him interested in reading.

And just as Ye Qi regained his gaze, he looked at the door in a strange way. In the scope of his blind fighting, the fluctuation of the neutral red archbishop is gradually approaching, and the goal is obviously This temporary meeting room, although the room of the Holy See is also in the central castle, but the direction is on the other side, with an exclusive staircase that leads directly to the floor where the room is located; although the entire central castle belongs to a large circular building, from where I can reach the āng I want to go, but obviously. Ye Qike does not think that this neutral red church is dedicated to a room that is far back.

Ng. This is not a walk in the garden.

Step, step, step...

The footsteps are even across the door. For Ye Qi, it is also clearly audible. With the footsteps that are getting closer and closer, Ye Qi’s eyes are not stunned. Now, there is only one person in the whole conference room. The other party’s u is obviously directed at him. Come; however, although the other party is a Vatican, but according to the other party's philosophy. Ye Qi thinks that there is any conflict with the other party méu!

Looking for me will be me?

Such an idea can not be suppressed in the mind of Ye Qi.

咚, 咚, 咚...

Just like this morning, yàng is full of rhythm, and does not appear to be a harsh knock on the door. In Ye Qi’s thoughts, he rang, and Ye Qilang replied: “Please come in!”

"Ye Qi, good afternoon!"

"Good afternoon, Lord Tkavic!"

Facing the greetings of the Archbishop of Red, Ye Qi stood up.

"I am taking the liberty to interrupt!"

The red archbishop, who once again waved Ye Qi to sit down again, chose to sit down on the empty sofa opposite Ye Qi; and looking at the stable red archbishop, Ye Qi could not help but ask: "Tecavi Odd, is it something to find me?"

"Although dào every demon hunter is so direct. But accustomed to other ways of talking, this direct always makes me unprepared!" The slim red archbishop. Shrugging and shouting at Ye Qi deliberately showed a helpless look: "Despite this way of talking, I have been looking forward to it for a long time!"

"Shack, although I am the so-called headquarters inspection, but méu any substantive rights!" Faced with such a humorous joke, it is clear that ng indicates that this is a private conversation, Ye Qi also temporarily put down Doubt, also replied with humorous words: "So, if you don't mind, you can go to Landingburg, where I have a branch. If you want to live longer, I will definitely welcome it!"

"Landingburg, I used to be in a young u, but I remember the sea breeze there. If there is a chance, I will definitely go!" Tkawich smiles at Ye Qi’s invitation. The nod of the point is a slight approval, but méu has any clear expression; ng, although the conversation is private, the identity represented by the two, ng decided that in this private conversation, it must be Have some scruples.

"His Ye Qi, what do you think of the Holy See?"

After a slight pause, the slim red archbishop turán asked.

"It seems that Lord Tchavic ng is used to going directly to the topic!"

Faced with such problems, Ye Qi sneaked a sigh of relief, but after summing up the discourse, after sensing the closeness of the other party's volatility, Ye Qi would have to look for him, but not dào is me. At the moment, although the other party spoke up, the specific purpose of the other party is still unknown; therefore, Ye Qi’s answer is very twitching.

"For the Holy See, I am a hunter, I can't evaluate it myself! ng, the guā between us, ng decided that we have an objective position of méu! méu dark creatures éu the highest government reconciliation, I am afraid we Ng is on the battle!" Ye Qi thought and said: "Especially me, whether it is my teacher, or me, and the guā of the Holy See, let me regard it as an enemy more than a friend; a war has occurred. There will be me and my teacher on the battlefield!"

"This is because of the irresistible situation caused by decay, but this is not the original intention of the Holy See. It is the true value of the Holy See. It is the purpose of the Holy See to help the poor; not like the present, with a proud face, Proud heart, arrogant atmosphere to face everything on Lorant!"

The Archbishop of Red once again asked: "What I want to ask is the Holy See, or the Holy See at the Rescue Society!"

"Community and help, help the crisis, such a core, purpose, so that I have nothing to say, except admire or admire!" Ye Qi truthfully expressed the idea: "ng, 'the first generation Paul' is also my heartfelt admiration Characters! It is not difficult to save people, but for those who are too big with méu, I think I can't do it; therefore, this 'first-generation Paul' is one of the people I admire!"

"Your frankness is equally admirable! At the very least, you are one of the few who can not hide in front of me. For those who are too big for guā. The attitude of exchange of life for the other person's life!" Archbishop of Red. Slowly sitting up straight, slim body in the wide sofa, more and more a thin, unbearable gǎào: "And for this kind of existence, I think our topic can continue!"

"This, is the previous test a test?"

Ye Qi glimpsed a little, then suddenly smiled and looked at the Tekovic in front of him.

"What do you think is the case. Even if it is!"

Tkavic, nodded slowly.

"nàme, Lord Tchavic, please forgive me, how did you know that I would not lie?"

Ye Qi leaned back against the body, letting him look at the red archbishop in front of him in a more comfortable position.

"This is my ability! Although it is not accurate, but it is really true or false, I still distinguish it!" Tkavic shook his head and smiled. He said: "The ability of méu, I am afraid I will die." No burial place? ng. I want to see people who die as early as possible, but more than one or two!"

"nàme. Our next topic is me?"

After Ye Qi heard the words of the Archbishop of Red, the brows subconsciously said something to Tekawi, Ye Qi and méu doubted; ng, in the books he read, many had néu to distinguish the true words. The apostle of false ability; the most famous in history was the first generation of the highest government official in the Free Age; this lord has this ability, and even the legend, he néu heard the voice of the criminal, even if The best criminals to hide are also invisible to him.

Although Ye Qi does not believe in the legend that is obviously exaggerated, but the previous description is convinced; in fact, according to Ted's retelling, the tower owner of the thorn tower has the corresponding ability. In the presence of a person with similar abilities, Ye Qi is not surprised, but it is not natural.

"My ability has a lot of restrictions, the conditions for launching are also very demanding, not kěnéng casually launched!" Tekavic's ability to tell the truth: "The ability to launch such a similar discrimination, I must ten minutes before the start And sincere communication with the nháng of the caster, all words must be the real thoughts of the heart; and within ten minutes after the use of the ability, it must be like this!"

"When I lie, nàme will be heartbroken! The bigger the lie, the stronger the pain, and even the death is not necessarily!"

"This ability...néu awakens such ability, enough to prove your integrity and selflessness!"

After Ye Qi stunned, he evaluated it truthfully.

"Real integrity and selflessness are like 'São Paulo' adults, and I am just an imitator!" Referring to another slogan of 'the first generation Paul', the red archbishop devoutly meditated after a prayer. This is said: "And it is still a poor imitator, because the frankness of my place is just to gain trust for our next conversation néu, and smooth nháng on the basis of trust!"

"I want to let the Holy See return to the era of mutual aid and help and help!"


After hearing the last sentence of the Archbishop of Red, Ye Qi stunned. Although he had too many speculations in advance, he even guessed whether he was asking for the Devil's Association with the so-called Pope's 'secret order'. Helping to clear some 'rebellious', but Yev's méu thought it would be such a thing; and compared with this matter, his so-called most serious request to clear some 'rebellious' conjectures is really not Worth to talk about.

Ng, his conjecture is only for some people in the Holy See, but the other party is now talking about the entire Holy See and the ‘majesty’ accumulated over hundreds of years.

"Lord Tekawi, although my dream of ngbái is beautiful, but such an ideal is simply impossible for the present Holy See! Unless..." After seeing the Archbishop of Red in front of him, Ye Qi continued to say: "Unless, the entire Holy See is destroyed, and then, start again! And with the current "power" of the Holy See, this situation is basically not kěnéng appeared!"

"ng, now the entire Lorante is out of a state of checks and balances ~ ~ the destruction of any of the fulcrums, will herald a war that swept through the whole of Lorante! And in this Under the war, the number of deaths is definitely not what you want to see?"

"Of course, any life deserves to be respected!" After the red archbishop nodded with certainty, this continued: "I mean a proper opportunity, a coincidence to néu to regenerate the Holy See, but not It will make the whole of Lorante into a chance of being in the quagmire of war! The opportunity arises, Lord Ye Qi, will you stand on my side?"

"It is such a thing, of course méu any problem!"

Ye Qi méu hesitated and nodded.

"I am grateful for such an answer!"

Tkavic stood up fiercely and leaned toward Ye Qi's slight body.

Ps second more ~~~

Thanks to the wave of the starting point of the 200-year-old wave of the sea, the reward of the starting price of the June 4200, the reward of the starting currency of the sn100~~~ decadent thanks to all the brothers and sisters who support the decadence~~~~ to be continued.

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