Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 24: Midsummer night

In the afternoon, at two o'clock, u started on time; Tekawi, the archbishop of Red, was sitting in the seat quietly, and gave everything to Zola, the deputy; The other deputy, Lehman, is also like the morning negotiations. The eyes look at everything. The body in the chair is straight, but it is not like a sculpture.

Everything is like the morning negotiations yàng, the two sides around their respective positions, began a slap in the face, and only the half-squinting sitting there Ye Qi has a very different mind from the morning Tekavic The words of the Archbishop of Red, still echoing in his heart, contain surprises; Ye Qi at the moment, can be sure that the Archbishop of Red, who met the moon tower night last night, also mentioned The same thing; although it is not the answer of the Lord of the Tower of the Moon, but according to Ye Qi’s guess, the result should be biased towards 'his answer'..”.

Ng, as a hunter, néu lacks a big enemy like the Holy See, it is definitely a thankful thing. Similarly, néu removes the biggest enemy of the future in other ways, nàme Yeqi is naturally Happy; however, the question now is, how long has the red archbishop started this project? Or in other words, how many people did the other party contact?

Only a few high-level officials at the headquarters of the demon hunter, nàme for this plan, Ye Qi did not hold any hope to the power of the inquisition director in the Holy See at this moment, the red archbishop innocent thought that contact several Foreign aid on néu overthrowing the other's rule, nàme is really a joke. And it’s a very funny joke; it’s really the case. Ye Qi could even anticipate the end of the red cardinal's miserable end: the honor, status, and rights were completely deprived. Directly executed!

If you are lucky, then the rest of the game will be like a street mouse, and will be chased by the entire Holy See!

I am referring to a proper opportunity, a coincidence that néu revives the Holy See, but it does not make the whole of Lorante into the quagmire of war...

The phrase that the other party said once again appeared in Ye Qi’s heart, and Ye Qi unconsciously tried to figure out the meaning of it. Obviously, the other party’s sentence is definitely not a me hypothesis, but an affirmation; Tone, or expression. All of them illustrate this ǎn.

And néu makes the other party have such a certain degree of certainty, it must be that the other party will definitely change in the near future, the Holy See will undergo a great change, no matter whether this great change will be me, the other party is obviously sure to complete the ideal from it!

"Is this an unexpected joy? Seriously, it is one of the few good news I have heard in a few hundred years!" As the other side of the contract, at noon, Ye Qi and Tekawiqi’s secret conversation, Naturally, you can't get through the weird wolf; and the strange wolf at the moment is full of excitement.

"It's just a news. Before méu becomes a reality, I think you shouldn't be so excited!" Ye Qi said very impressively: "And. I think it's better to think about it with such excitement. How to face your old opponent! Of course. I mean, just in the present state!"

Although for the remaining statues of the wolf, Ye Qing has a rough search method, but as Ye Qi just said, when méu is in front of any facts, it is illusory, and should not be felt like this. Excited and habitually, before doing anything else, I listed the best situation, the worst case, and the general situation of three different solutions. Ye Qi, naturally, did not treat everything as a matter of course. .

However, this time it is obviously not his own business; therefore, some inevitable circumstances naturally require a certain communication between the two sides.

"Is it in the current state?"

After the questioning, the strange wolf was silent; dào the other is thinking Ye Qi, chose to wait for the other party's answer, also kept silent; and after a full-scale real **** for ten minutes, the strange wolf only opened again. .

"Assume that in the current state, our chance of winning is less than 10%!" The strange wolf has been completely lazy at the moment and has been completely replaced. It explains the current state in the most understanding way of Ye Qi: "My Ability, the most important three parts of the ability, and méu was unblocked; in this state, facing the guy, it is simply to face the legendary situation with the moonlight level; even if it is luck, it is also Ten dead without life!"

"Do you remember that I said that my ability is divided into nine, representing the whole body?" Looking at the nodding Ye Qi, the wolf continued: "And from the beginning until now, you have found My body, left arm, right arm, left leg, right leg, and both eyes! Although these are indispensable parts for unsealing, they are found to be less important than méu!"

"Every time I hear you describe this, I always gǎào you have encountered a perverted killer, completely in the state of being separated after death!" After understanding the expression of the strange wolf situation, Ye Qi Asked: "What are the remaining parts of nàme?"

"Angle, heart, wing!"

The strange wolf replied very simply.

"Heart, is the heart; but, your horn? Isn't it only the devil or the devil that has a horn? If there is a wing, that is the wing..." Ye Qi faced a simple answer like a wolf, and had to replenish himself; However, the result of the supplement made Ye Qiyi raise his eyebrows: "You don't tell me that you not only have the devil or the devil's horn, but also the wings similar to the bat! This is exactly what a evil spirit looks like!"

"You are the evil spirit! I, Amon is... my horn, representing my crown, is the symbol of my becoming king; and the wing is my scepter, a symbol of my driving rights; ngbái "When it comes to this, the strange wolf has stopped and turned to explain to Yaki, Ye Qi is not unexpected, in fact. Every time I mention the past. His contract companion will begin to shift the topic with various excuses; even if it is a trace, he has never revealed it to him.

although. For such concealment, Ye Qi will naturally have curiosity, but obey the bottom line of both sides, but he has a contract with him and the wolf néu is still a happy basis; for such a foundation, Ye Qi can not be curious, but random Break the point.

"Like literally, I am very fascinated by ngbái; but in fact, I don't know ngbái!"

Ye Qi answered yes.

"The actual meaning. It is literally meaning; just like the role they represent, I found my horn and my wings, nàme our chances of winning will increase by 30%; and found my heart, this The odds will be increased by 10%!” The strange wolf méu gave Ye Qi an explanation, but said the importance of the statue represented by the remaining three parts. It paused for a moment: “In fact, as long as you find the corner, heart, and wing, even méu In other parts, I can also use the **** to gather enough strength to break through the seal!"

"That's it?! It seems that these three things are for you. It's really important!"

Ye Qi slowly said that after the subconscious emphasis of the wolf, Ye Qi certainly would not believe it. The literal meaning is the actual interpretation of such an answer; Ye Qi can affirm the certain meaning hidden in it; ng, according to the co-worker with him, when the other party avoids the light, it naturally hides the extremely valuable secret.

However, it is not a thing to want to dig out such a valuable secret from the other's mouth. Although most of the u, the other party is like a voice, but in the face of truly valuable information, it is Just as the Iron General puts the door in the door, he will not reveal any words at all; unless he will pay the corresponding benefits.

"As a former... These are very important to me! And for you, it is also very important! ng, we are now a grasshopper on a rope, I am unlucky, you are unlucky... ..." The wolf looks like a rogue: "So, in order for everyone to néu safe and happy life, I think you should go to find my statue!"

"Safety, happiness? After signing the contract with you, the existence of these two words is far away from me!" Ye Qi disdainfully licked his mouth and then went straight to méu and then ignored the wolf. The lack of nutrition for Ye Qi, it is completely a bunch of nonsense that people who are old and whose memories are beginning to be confused. Compared with such nonsense, he is better to come and listen to the interesting negotiations at the moment. .

At the very least, as the negotiating side of Ted, the cold-faced man and Zola, even if you have been arguing on one thing, it will lead to arguments; instead of a wolf like a repeater, it’s just over and over. Let me talk about a thing that he has heard countless times.


The land of the seal, the Bluestone Hall.

Lazy wolf on the ground, watching the only three in front of the sky, straight into the fire pillar of the endless starry sky, could not help but hit a long yawn

"Really, I almost said something leaked when I was careless!" In the sound of yawning, the wolf voice is vaguely saying: "Although this guy grows at the current speed, there will be a day and a day. But if you dào in advance, it is not a good thing!"

"Not to mention, in advance dào, to ukěnéng existing transactions, you have to get rid of the soup!" The strange wolf to this, shook his head straight: "No, no, you must be careful in the future; ng, this The little guy ng is out of the mortal world!"

Perhaps, should you find an opportunity to remind him? Let him grow faster?

No, the blood of this little guy is too special; until now I have méu engaged in hu, where is its source...

Before méu engaged in hu, he randomly changed the original trajectory of the little guy; estimated the source of the blood...

Still let him develop on his own!

Anyway, from the current situation, this little guy, the road of choice is also very good!

Such an idea can not help but appear in the heart of the wolf. Before the full recovery of méu, the wolf does not want to be extravagant; and even if the strength is fully restored, it must be based on the existence of the old opponent. Pulling néu all the forces that are wooing, to deal with its old rival.

And the blood of its contractor is obviously a force worthy of wooing!


When the sun ng slanted, the faint screams began to come. The first day of negotiations came to an end after the Holy See was willing to pay an extra 150,000 Kimpton. The demon hunter gave up the pursuit of the original presiding judge; in short. This is the result of both sides, both néu accepted.

When I heard the final result, Ye Qi was very surprised by the wealth of the Holy See. For the director of the referee, I also sincerely admire that so many people in the Holy See are willing to invest in his majesty. The handwriting of the 150,000 Kimpton is enough to make some people in the Holy See willing to die.

Ye Qi is completely imaginable, when today's news is passed back to the interior of the Holy See. There will be a change in me, not only that Chester, who acts as a scapegoat, will be grateful for the hooligans in front of the referee, and even others will be more inclined to the referee; ng Who wouldn't want to have a néu who is willing to do his best to save the lives of his life?

Fifteen thousand Kimpton, from the point of view of the number is not much, but if it is Kipton's unit, it is enough to surprise anyone; ng, in the hunting magical society, the day glory hunting The devil can only get the subsidy of millions of banknotes every year, and the exchange of Kimpton and ordinary banknotes is basically at 1:200. That is to say, the million banknotes that seem like a huge fortune are replaced by gold. Putton is just five thousand Kimpton u; however. These five thousand Kimpton ngnéu make anyone a small rich, even in a city like Xia Lin. You can spend your life with ease.

More, needless to say, it is 150,000 Kimpton!

This money, even in the eyes of ordinary wealthy people, is also a fascinating figure like the father of Xiao Daoge, the Doug family famous for running antique business, I am afraid, the assets of the whole family, if added together, It’s just this number.

And this is a huge amount of money, but before the start of the negotiations, ng decided its use, except for the demon hunters who died in the Thousand Marsh area, and the rest were handed over to the person in charge of the Chima area; The people who died in the battle, the market that is under construction, no doubt, all need this money.

"Ye, how about going for a drink at night?"

At the end of the first day of negotiations, the atmosphere of the two sides was slightly relaxed. After bidding farewell to the Holy See, Ted went out and suggested to Ye Qi.

"Although it is not not good at drinking, but if you drink it, you will be drunk!"

Ye Qi deliberately took the embarrassment and euphemistically refused Ted's invitation.

"Today is midsummer night! It’s the day of the celebration!" Ted stopped his footsteps and turned to the outside with a loud noise. He said: "Listen, the young guys below are ready to go to the city of Shaker before departure." District, and if you don’t hurry, the dolphins bar will be full!”

"It is because of midsummer nights that I don't néu drink with you!"

Looking at the apprentices who gathered together in groups, Ye Qi still shrugged.

"For me?"

"Captain Els!"

Ted’s questioning was interrupted by the cold-faced man’s answer; after hearing such an answer, Ted shot his forehead and nodded abruptly; but the next moment he thought of me, a Ye Qi, who is about to leave, "Hey, I remember Captain Els has a duty task today. Even if you go, according to the temper of Captain Els, you will not go carnival with you! Do you I am planning to stand next to Captain Els and accompany her on duty?"

Ye Qi méu replied, but the silence is undoubtedly the default.

"Okay, okay!" Ted had a helpless look, but pulled Ye Qi’s arm but méu let go: "In this case, we should have a drink more than nàme; you are next to Els Captain. You can definitely not enjoy the apple pie and mead; drink a cup and then go to Captain Els, ng, you will be together all night!"

"Nàme has a cup!"

Faced with such a stalker's request, Ye Qi pretended to helplessly.

"Nuofa, come together for a cup? It’s been a tight face, but today is midsummer night!" Ted slaps the cold-faced man’s shoulder and says loudly: "And, we are busy for a day~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Shouldn’t you relax?”

"Okay, okay, as long as you stop the palm of your shoulders!"

The cold-faced man retired two steps and was also a helpless look.

"Ha ha ha, nàme, let's change it, let's go!"

With a big laugh, Ye Qi and his party once again bowed to the Archbishop of Tekawi and the Lehman next to him, and let Tedto leave.

"A Midsummer night is a rare holiday, you can also go to the carnival!"

Looking at the distant Ye Qi and his party, Tkavic took the unique smile of the elders and looked at the people around him. He slowly said that he included five accompanying personnel.

Ps first more ~~~ timing ~~~

What is the good rain on the weather forecast? A full day of bright sun, the sun is like a fire! It’s steaming in the sauna, it’s wet, dry and wet... it’s all right to scrape the salt! ! ! The tears are full of faces... The fat man can't afford to hurt in the summer... It's not finished.

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