Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 70: Set up

"I still know a little about this. Before Mr. Jacob deliberately went to the hotel to find me, it was because of this! And, on his way back, he explained why there was someone's body, hanging there!" Qi did not feel annoyed by the tone of the other party, but smiled and said - Ye Qi said that the words are half-truthful, but apart from him and Jacob, no one knows where it is false, where is true And in the eyes of the thoughtful, everything is as the same as the 'Finger' in front.

After all, it is a fact that Jacob went to the hotel to find ‘Finger’. It is also true to return to the estate of the North’s family. At the very least, it seems to them.

Although somewhat arrogant and self-willed, the essence is still kind!

Looking at the youngest witch in front of the four people, after hearing their own answers, they started high and looked cold, and Ye Qi couldn’t help thinking this way - although the voice was not very good when he spoke from the other side. However, the real reminder, Ye Qi can still understand; only, because there are some contradictions between the two sides yesterday, this makes the other party unable to persuade, can only use this ordinary person seems to be like 'satire' to remind him.

What awkward little girl!

Ye Qi gave a comment very loyal.

"His Lord Finge, I am sorry, Feelsa is not intentional!"

The most mature young wizard among the four, stepping forward, patted the shoulders of his partner with distress, and then showed a sorry smile to Ye Qi - as a partner of Vauban, of course, understand why Felsa To do this; maybe. In other people's opinion, Felsa belongs to the kind of arrogant guy, but only after real contact with Felissa. Only then can we know that there is such a kind heart in the appearance of such a savage and arrogant.

If this is not the case, how can he and two other friends gather around each other?

It’s just too much to understand that Filsa’s 'not good at expressing', even the sorcerer known for his wisdom; so that Filsa became the most unpopular in the past ten years. The first person; and they have been implicated, if not have a strong strength, and talents that ordinary people can not match. I am afraid that I have been expelled from the scope of the Wizarding Fort and exiled to Calco’s outpost camp.

Of course, there is no such situation. Apart from their own efforts, the teacher of Feelsa has an indispensable role; at least according to the master, as long as she is still alive, no one can assign her at will. Disciple and friend of her disciple.

In this regard. Ullil and Beyt, including Vauban, expressed their gratitude to the respectable master. However, Filtha did not change but became more and more awkward, but worried about the three. Therefore, when they learned the opening of the 'Witches' Road, the three did not hesitate to sign up with their friends; and, very smoothly, they got the corresponding qualifications - perhaps the four are not in the Fortress of the Wizards. Very popular. But you can't deny the talents and efforts of the four and the corresponding strength.

After leaving the Fort of the Wizards, the three Vauban apparently found themselves and others to make the correctness of this decision. The growing smile made the three people secretly happy; and those outsiders also showed different from the wizard. Their kindness. At the very least, it seems to Vauban. The man in front of him is a very good person; not only has a broad mind for people, but also understands the kindness of Filsa; unlike the old-fashioned wizards in the wizarding castle, they only know that Growing up, but not moving a little.

"Really goodwill and sarcasm, I can still distinguish clearly!"

Ye Qi answered, and took back the brains of the sorcerer who returned to the side of the sorcerer, and put it back into his guilt in the eyes of the other person's reluctance - the people with the same gaze in the surrounding crowd, I don't know how many; Some people's eyes are even hotter and darker; and these people are undoubtedly the potential targets of Ye Qi.

"Thank you for your understanding!"

The young wizard, sincerely thanked Ye Qi, but the side of Filza was a glimpse, then, once again, after a cold sigh, turned and sneaked into the crowd - Ye Qi keenly saw this The youngest witch, a blush that appeared on her face when she turned around, was certainly not a girl, but a simple embarrassment.

"Come on! If we want to talk, there will be a lot of time in the future! After all, for my own safety, I have promised Lord Jacob, staying in North before the end of the wizarding city. The family of the German family!” Seeing the young wizard and two friends, looking at the back of Philsa’s departure, but because of the etiquette and the inability to leave, Ye Qi patted the other’s shoulder and smiled. Said.

“Thank you again! It’s a great honor to be able to meet you!”

After a wizarding ceremony with Ye Qi, the young wizard took two friends and quickly got into the crowd and chased Philsa. In the original place, only Ye Qi was left, seemingly casual. Shrugging shoulders - in fact, after the previous words were not concealed, Ye Qi swept his eyes with a keen eye, especially before the [blind bucket perception] was the most intense, the eyes were the hottest A few people in the dark.

Not surprisingly, these people were disappointed; although the hotness in the eyes did not disappear, but the darkness was a little less - sure enough, the group of people did not have the guy's 'eyes', with the other's discretion, The choice of 'eyes' is also definitely measured by its own standards, so the 'candid' guys are obviously the first wave to be excluded.

However, the news here will soon be passed to the ear of the 'eyes'. After that, it is the master of the other party, who is taking the risk of being a real beggar; I really expect you to know the news and face the 'challenge'. Excitement, and again, take risks!

With such an idea, Ye Qi continued to turn all the remaining booths that had not been read, and then walked toward the Northside family's partial hall - unlike yesterday, it was not open. After Ye Qi left last night, it became a temporary residence for outsiders who came to participate in the wizard city; however. The people who can enter here have quite the same conditions; they don't have quite amazing wealth, they are valuable objects that are absolutely eye-catching.

"Lord Finger!"

Xiao Daoge and Kesol stood up and waved when Ye Qi had just stepped into the eccentric hall. On the side of the two were half-lying the weak hunters who had been injured last night and the enthusiast who saved the former. - Although only the last two of the four, in line with the previous conditions, but in the small Doug and Kosor's age, the two were also invited to this temporary place; however, for this kindness. The two young people are not so happy.

"It’s finished, it’s finished! This time I have to be laughed at by Uncle Stowe. The first experience has failed! And Lord Spedo, he must have a bad impression on us!” Oddly entering, Xiao Dao immediately leaned over and looked worried. Not only was Xiao Dao, his mature and calm friend who had been performing was the same expression; obviously, he failed for the first experience. The young man in the Qiangqu District is also unable to be calm, even if it is a cause.

"The situation here, Mr. Jacob will explain to the two presidents of Stofei and Spedo, the two club presidents will understand!" Ye Qi patted the shoulders of two young people with a smile Reassuring two people; then. In the sigh of the two men, this turned his gaze to the weak and demon-hunter who stood up: "Is there a wound, or sitting better; Herman, tell me about this friend?"

"Tony, who saved my life last night!" Wen Wei, the demon hunter, introduced each other to each other: "Tony. This is me and you mentioned Finge!"

"Hello there!"

The upper body is wrapped in an enthusiastic person like a mummy, and it is impossible to move. Just lying on the mattress like that, showing a smile to Ye Qi; however, it is clear that this smile once again touched his injury, making the original still a hearty smile become a grin.

"Thank you for your help to Herman last night!"

Ye Qi was very officially thanking the man in front of him - Ye Qi, who had a very good impression of Herman, naturally had a good impression on the man who saved Herman in front of him; therefore, even if the other party is a dark person Mercenaries, but this does not prevent Ye Qi from expressing his goodwill; after all, there are people in the Holy See who admire the demon hunters, let alone the dark mercenaries?

"I also coincided with the meeting, completely coincidental! However, it is clear that my role is not so great, or that Herman discarded the valuables in his hand, only to return a small life; Tentacles, that's a very high level of magical material! How much is it worth!" With a sigh, the enthusiastic person looks like a distressed one - although the other person shows a look of greed, but even next to him The two young people did not despise the man; after all, the performance of the other party is enough to prove the character of the other party, and such a person, even if he is greedy for money, has his own principles and bottom line.

The person with the principle and the bottom line, in the eyes of the demon hunter, is the person who can get along with it.

"There is money to spend, that is the worst thing!"

"Yes! Lord Tony, you have to take good care of your injuries, and then you can earn more Kimpton!"

The small Doug immediately echoed Ye Qi’s words, and the weak Weaver Hunter on the side also nodded.

"My father once told me that life is the foundation of everything! So, Tony, you still have peace of mind to heal, and other things are handed over to Jacob, they are good!" Too much, sorry to Ye Qi: "I am really sorry, Lord Finge, your..."

"When I gave it to you, those things are yours!"

Ye Qi stressed.

"But we promised that the books I exchanged will be relayed to you; but now..."

The weak face of the demon hunter has a slight glimpse.

"Herman, you have to open a strange library. You don't think you can only do this by relying on the tentacles of the demon?" Ye Qi looked at the weak The demon hunter, the latter stunned, and then smiled and shook his head: "Of course not, I just feel... oh, next time, I will find the information and books of the absolutely hidden singular things to tell you. !"

After the weak demon hunter paused, he converges with a smile. Speaking of such words; in the face of such an agreement without an accurate time, Ye Qi was happy to nod; then. A few people said at the same time: "Several people, let's go to the bidding of the inner market, how about?"

"There are requirements there, we..."

The enthusiastic person lying there looked at the brain of the enchanted magic that Ye Qi had found, and immediately closed his mouth; then, the whole body exudes a kind of vitality that even ordinary people can see.

"Great. I can see the inner city of the wizard city, I am really worthwhile... oh..."

Enthusiastic people in excitement seem to have forgotten their injuries, and they want to stand up straight, but just after a move, they sucked a cold breath.

"You should thank the unknown pharmacy, otherwise, if you move like this. The wound has already cracked!" The weak demon hunter, helping himself to save the life, re-sit, and said: "I am looking for A wheelchair; however, are you sure you can sit up?"

"Of course! In order to participate in the inner city of the wizard city, even the cervical spine is broken. I can sit up!"

Enthusiastic people say so.


"how about it?"

Sitting in the main hall of the Northder family, that is, in the bidding hall of the city of the wizarding city, Jacob whispered to talk with Ye Qi next to him - at this time, the bidding of the inner city has not yet begun; Therefore, everyone is casually seated on the surrounding chairs or sofas; plus the identity of the 'Finger' demon hunter and the reality of carrying valuables. Jacob’s conversation with him did not attract attention; in fact, even if there were no such things as valuables. The conversation between Jacob and Ye Qi will not attract people's attention; after all, unlike the supremacy between the highest government and the lower and upper levels of the Holy See, the demon hunters have always been such a group that has no hierarchy and cannot be understood by ordinary people. .

He only respects the truly respectable existence and does not care about the so-called position.

"There is nothing normal in the eccentric office; but it does not rule out people with ulterior motives, mixed in; at the very least, the moment I entered, but several people have become different!"

Ye Qi, who talks with Jacob with a smile, seems to be chatting; in fact, he is telling his own discovery - except for those who are outside the wizarding city, the temporary hall of the banquet hall is naturally the focus of attention. After all, so many people's 'clear price tag' gathered together, for some people, it is a rare opportunity, even the time of the previous investigation is saved.

Therefore, representatives of Jacobs and other parties will naturally not insert 'owners' to ensure safety; and when Ye Qi went to visit Herman and others, Jacob asked him to investigate again. For Ye Qi's keen perception, Jacob is very convinced; perhaps not necessarily able to find the real one, but people who need ulterior motives, but must be able to find a lot.

And obviously, Ye Qi did not disappoint him -

"If these people have the ‘eyes’ of that guy, our harvest can be a good harvest!”

When Ye Qi told the names and positions of the ‘unprepared’ people to Jacob, the sacred relics and treasures in the dark world could not help but sigh.

"This kind of hope is simply embarrassing!" The smirk shook his head, and Ye Qi told the truth: "From the point of view of that guy, he could not make such a mistake at all; although the banquet hall would save it. A lot of work, but it also means danger! Even if you arrange people, you have to arrange some people who don't care about themselves, just like those who are hanging out of the gate!"

"Unless, you can happen to meet these bad guys and the guy or the guy's hands! However, this probability is the same as before!" After thinking about it, Ye Qi continued: " Direct contact, obviously the most unsafe way, that guy will not use it; and, with two people with 'real face', I can hardly imagine that this guy will use other people!"

"The two guys, hey!"

As soon as he mentioned the two guys who disguised or changed their looks, Jacob didn't fight for a fight, and he couldn't help but screamed coldly—although the two guys were the highest government, but the hunter People also sent the corresponding personnel and made certain cooperation; after all, in the eyes of all the demon hunters, the highest government people except for the special service team, there are still some appearances, other people are really not Reliable.

Moreover, it is hard for the demon hunters to believe in the military police who cooperated with them. After encountering those who are looking for them, there will be several survivors; even if these military police indicate that they are fully armed - therefore, the search last night was basically It was the number of local hunting devils who came to Langenburg and Langburg. After using such a man, it was finally discovered that it was a 'small trick'. Jacob was just screaming and had a temper. Ok.

According to rumors, the representative of the highest government, a chief of staff who has reacted, has already lost more than one teacup.

"However, as long as we do it well enough, we are not afraid that the guy will not appear!" Jacob, who vented his dissatisfaction, became confident. He smiled at Ye Qi: "Do you think you are smart and provocative? Will let him understand what it means to be self-defeating!"

"That depends, the other side does not bite!"

Ye Qi shrugged.

PS first ~~~Timed~~~(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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