Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 71: Set up


When I walked to the center of the hall, Father Fletcher gently patted the palm of his hand, attracting the attention of all the people in the hall. Although it was similar to the auction of various chambers of commerce, it was compared with the official of the Chamber of Commerce. The bidding in the city is undoubtedly a lot of privatization; not only there is no so-called auction platform, but even the seats are temporarily added; fortunately, the seat of the Bay Area is second to none, the Nosd family’s hall is large enough, and the sofas and chairs are enough. More.

"Yes, good morning!"

Father Fletcher, in the capacity of the current patriarch of the Northed family, welcomed all the people who entered the hall and sent a greeting; today the current patriarch of the Northder family wore a gray-blue dress, different When the Wizard Road was opened yesterday, the North German family was filled with military-style dresses. At this time, the dresses of Father Fletcher became more comfortable, just as afternoon tea was a home dress with friends. However, at the collar and cuffs, a slight change was made to give it a formal feeling, and it would not appear awkward in such an occasion.

"The taste of the Northder family is really great!"

The small Doug next to Ye Qi, who was stunned by the high-class social dresses in Xia Lin District, expressed his heartfelt sigh and said his suggestion: "If the Northder family enters the upper class of Xia Lin District, , will definitely become a leader and a popular presence, they really should go!"

"If you know how much Kimpton the Saskatchewan contributes to the Northder family every year, you will understand why they don't go to Xia Lin District; compared to there. Here is the real treasure!" To the side of the boy, the little sigh of regret. Ye Qi couldn't help but laugh at it, maybe after such a regrettable thing happened. The strength of the Northder family was unstoppable, but Ye Qi did not doubt the economic ability of the Northall family. On such an economic basis, he quickly recovered to the peak period. Some delusions, but the formation of objective combat power, is very easy.

For example: magic props!

Unlike the saints that need to resonate with the apostle's talent, magical props are only a person who knows how to be jealous. It can be easily used; and it is because of this kind of relaxation that it can make the magical path far less than the holy device have its own living space, and it is often pursued by most people. After all, it can truly become the sage or the apostle. The people are only a small part, most of them are ordinary people; and the magical props are an inevitable choice to gain the ability to compete with the former.

Trained ordinary people, using magical props, to defeat the sacred lord and the apostles, did not happen; in fact, such things are still slightly common; It’s all happening at a lower level, and the winning side is also a huge loss after every magic item is created. It has already decided the number of uses; once the number of times is used up, it is just a little better than ordinary items.

And if you want to continue using this magic item, you must find a wizard who is skilled in alchemy to complete the 'charge', and you need to find the corresponding materials to be able to have a foundation of recharge. It is precisely because of this, even if you throw It has opened its own power, and the status of magic props is far less than the holy device.

Of course, the characteristics of its large-scale equipment are also not available in the holy device.

The reason why the current patriarch of the Northstead family did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to buy the magical props that Ye Qi handed over to Master Standen was undoubtedly to use the characteristics of the magic props to make the Northder family get enough in a short time. The strength of 'self-protection'; in this regard, Ye Qi is well-informed, and is also happy to see.

Except that both sides are allies, all outside of Langingborg, more importantly, there is an irreconcilable contradiction between the Northed family and the Holy See. Ye Qi is very sure, if there is an opportunity to cause the Holy See to collapse, Fletcher Father, the current owner of the Northder family will never be soft.

Therefore, for such an ally, Ye Qi is still willing to help.

“The taxation of the Port of Saskatchewan and its own benefits...”

The well-born little Doug will certainly not know what the Saskatchewan represents. Therefore, just a little chanting, I understand the gap. If he is replaced by him, he will not give up such a treasure to Xia Lin. The area where the district is repressed and restricted.

“Sass Harbor is also the Northall family?”

The young man from the Thousand Marsh area obviously didn't know the news. The look on his face was very surprised. Obviously, according to the young man's thought, the Bay Area should be the territory under the rule of the highest government.

"Of course, not only the port of Saskatchewan, but also Langburg and Fate..."

Xiao Dao looked at the questioning friend and immediately explained it to his friends in a low voice. For such an explanation, whether it was Ye Qi or the weaker demon hunter and the enthusiastic person, it was quite clear; therefore, the three The eyes were re-entered back to Father Fletcher, who is still hosting the 'opening ceremony' of the city.

"We had some unpleasantness here yesterday. Although we have been controlled, we still wish those who are innocently implicated to rest in peace!" said, Father Fletcher bowed his head slightly, and the people present thought of it. The bodies that had been lifted back onto the lawn could not help but sigh and silently bow down; and the clerics who were born in the Holy See sent out prayers.

Of course, the specific content and true and false are not what we can guess.

After all, when Father Fletcher raised his head again, the prayers stopped very neatly, like after numerous trainings.

"The dead have gone, the living will continue to live!"

In this sentence, after raising his head and reopening the words, Father Fletcher took a deep breath and continued to say: "So, we started the bidding of the inner market ahead of time. And. In my and Stein. After the Master’s deliberation, one percent of the proceeds from this auction will be used as compensation for those who are unfortunate; after all, they also have family members!”

If the previous discourse is not painful, then in the end it is undoubtedly the real thing; in the face of such a substance, no matter what the heart is thinking, all the people present have also agreed to the drum. One percent of the bids in the palm market seem to be small, but anyone who knows the base amount of the market transaction. I will understand how this is the amount of a number, which is completely huge for ordinary people.

Although the identity and value of people who can enter the market are enough to ignore such figures, this does not hinder some people's dissatisfaction with this method; for example: the Bishop Vallejo is subconsciously frowning for the Holy See. For such people, such 'good money' should be given to them, and then sent to the unfortunate or even more unfortunate talents in the name of 'God'.

"The glory of God is infinite! Such things should be found after we have negotiated and implemented!"

Bishop Vallejo looked at Moretti and Jacob sitting on his left hand side. Whispered as the representative of the highest government, the Holy See and the Demon Hunter, these three are sitting together. Located on the left hand side of Father Fletcher; and because the current ruler of Lord is the highest government, Moriti, who represents the highest government, sits naturally in the middle, representing the Holy See and the Demon Hunter. Vallejo and Jacob, respectively, sit on both sides of Moretti.

Of course, such an arrangement also has the fear of the Holy See and the Demon Hunter, and the reason for the escalation of fighting due to contradictions.

"The sorcerer's secret city has always been the responsibility of the sorcerers themselves. We are only responsible for supervision!"

Jacob is not salty and does not want to let him agree with the views of the people of the Holy See. Apart from those who are truly admirable, others are obviously impossible; let alone such things, in Jacob. It seems that it is a good thing at all; and in such a good thing, Vallejo’s nitpicking search is simply a shameful laugh; therefore, after the end, Jacob has shifted his line of sight to other local.

As the highest government representative, Moretti, sitting between the two, did not speak at all, but with a smile, blocking in front of the two.


Looking at the attitude of the two, Vallejo snorted and stopped talking. According to the provisions of the Final Armistice Agreement, in order to refute one thing the wizard did, the highest government, the Holy See and the hunter must be People agree with it; now, there is only one of them, obviously it can't be done; and the other party's obvious attitude also makes Bishop Vallejo very understand, the other side's heart is in favor.

Stupid sinner!

With such an idea, Bishop Vallejo closed his eyes and began to meditate on "God said."

What happened on the left hand side, of course, could not survive the father of Fletcher. After the sneer of the practice of the Holy See, the old man continued to say a few words, "On the surface, he continued to say comfortably." The souls of these unfortunate people, let us take the first item of the auction now!"

Two people from the Northstead family, carrying a table covered in black velvet, walked to the middle of the hall and looked at the bulge that was significantly higher than the tabletop. All the people present knew that this was the first one. Commodity; immediately, all the people looked at the items obscured by the black velvet

“This was discovered by a team of wizards in the cave of an ogre when taking a deep adventure in the Hailin District...”

With the introduction of the opening remarks, Father Fletcher straightened the black velvet, and the one-armed small round shield of about two feet in diameter appeared in the eyes of everyone, Father Fletcher This little round shield continues to introduce: "Although its size is not large, its sturdiness has been confirmed under the ogre's fists and sticks; if it is not the last owner is too thin, can not If you play its role, I am afraid that the head of the ogre has already become his trophy!"

"Of course, except for its own sturdiness, it has enough exaggeration in terms of resistance to flames and lightning; and..." said, Father Fletcher flipped the little round shield and held it behind his back. The part, after showing it to everyone, pointed to one of the grooves: "There is a unique design here. Hit the refined fire oil. Press here. The whole shield will fire out the flame. You burn the enemy in front of you! And if you are a person who is good at shields, then facing an enemy, with the shield, while having this little round shield, you can undoubtedly give him a surprise!"

"Now 30 low-level standard magic crystals start, bidding! Each auction must be no less than five lower-level magic crystals!" Father Fletcher. The announcement of the smile begins!





After the announcement of Father Fletcher, many people on the scene began a continuous offer, and soon they doubled from the low-priced 30 low-level standard magic crystals. Ye Qi did not feel Accident; Ye Qi, who has participated in several black market auctions, is clear about some of the seller's tactics; in order to have a warm start, the first item, although not the top of all items, is not the same. Exist, but it will undoubtedly be the kind of small value for money.

Although the bidding of the wizard city is not as high as the black market auction, the application of this technique is the same as that of the merchant. There is no distinction between high and low, only there is a difference between effective and ineffective.

"How can you rise so fast!"

Tony who saved the life of the weak demon hunter. Half-reliant in a wheelchair, listening to the quotes of people around, can not help but whispered before the second offer, that is him; obviously, for this shield, the enthusiast is very like; Tony was frustrated when he heard that the price boasted sixty lower-level magic crystals and headed for seventy or more.

"The people sitting here are both identifiable and worthy. Of course, they are going up! And if you don't rely on good, I will consider bringing you back to the eclipse!" His own savior, excitedly almost jumped up again, could not help but remind the other party before reaching the inner market bidding hall, the weak demon hunter found this special wheelchair, there was such an agreement.

"Okay, good!"

Tony repeatedly nodded, but in the next moment, with the gaze of his eyes, he was excited again; once again, the weakly demon-hunter, who was pressed into the wheelchair during the heyday, was undoubtedly beyond the weak hunting. The existence of the devil, but at the moment the body wrapped like a mummy-like Tony, obviously not the one who can not move, the rest of the enemy is not the enemy of the weak demon.

Looking at the small farce between the two, Ye Qi was dumbfounded, and then his eyes were again placed on the auction.

With the transaction price of the 85th lower standard magic crystal, the little round shield was received by a smiling businessman in his arms; after the money and goods were cleared on the spot, the second item of the bid was lifted up; This time, the host became Regus, who was in charge of the Northder family yesterday.

Father Fletcher smiled and smiled around, and sat down next to Jacob's position, and next to him was Steinden and Weston, the masters of the two wizards apparently, It’s impossible for Mr. Fletcher’s status and status to be an 'auction host', but it’s just because of the beginning, and yesterday’s events, it’s a warm start, and it’s a must-have for it. .

However, from the price of the standard magic crystal of the eighty-five, etc., Father Fletcher is undoubtedly a qualified, and excellent 'auction host', after all, according to the actual price, this small round shield is up to 50 low. When the standard magic crystal is on the top of the sky; and when Ye Qi’s gaze sees the businessman laughing at the father of Fletcher, there is more confusion in his heart.

This is to please the Northder family!

Perhaps the Nosd family is nothing compared to the top government, the Holy See, and the Demon Hunter, but for others, it is still a giant!

With this sigh, Ye Qi’s gaze is placed on the next bidding item. Compared with the final transaction price of the first item, the second item’s transaction price is lower, but it also reaches The ideal price; this situation has been maintained until the fifth

The fifth item of the auction is a ring that releases the fireball and the lightning beam. Although it can only be released five times, the low price of the game is 80 low-level standard magic crystals, almost reaching the first place. The transaction price of the item; and with the appearance of this ring, the real start of the competition in the city of the wizard is in the real, especially in the tenth item, the starting price is the standard magic crystal of two hundred low ~www.wuxiaspot .com~ A standard high-level magic crystal as a low price, so that the first time to come to the city of the wizard city, understand what is called rich.

Listening to every high and low standard magic crystal that was reported in the ear, including the small Daoge, a wealthy young man, Ye Qi’s people all changed color, especially Tony, the parcel is like a mummy. The general existence, can not help but whisper: "Alchemy, alchemy, really is to refine gold! Gold, gold ... must learn..."

"You are now welcoming the third last auction item we are bidding for today!"

Regus signaled that the people around him had opened the black velvet, and then smiled and said: "This is a sacrament!"


In an instant, the entire hall was noisy.

Ps second more ~~~

Thanks to the prodigal son of the four seas, the 200 starting point of the reward, the easy _ eve 200 starting point of the coin, the x200 starting point of the reward, the sn100 starting point of the reward ~~~ decadent thanks to all the support of the decadent brothers and sisters ~~ ~

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