Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 104: Awkward night

Bing, who used his stealth skills to converge on his own breath, did not alarm anyone. He chose the roof of a resident and quietly blended into the shadow of the roof chimney on the open space about 20 yards opposite him. The person standing is the only one of the five-month-old class that shows his figure.

The other party’s dressing showed Ye Qi the identity of their dark mercenaries.

Within the range of less than 30 yards on both sides of Ye Qi, three moonlight-level dark mercenaries were hidden in their chosen places, while the remaining one of the Moonlight-class dark mercenaries hid in the figure. Not far from the dark mercenaries, it is obvious that the other party is doing a better arrangement. Once the dark mercenary showing the shape is attacked, the nearest dark mercenary can support it immediately, and the dark maid hidden around him. The soldiers will also embrace and surround each other.

Who are they waiting for?

Looking at the other side so carefully arranged Ye Qi, can not help but secretly guess that the other party suspects the identity of the coming person, and can estimate the power that the coming person may have; the dark mercenary that shows the figure is the bait that makes the other party paralyzed. Even the dark mercenaries hiding in the dark mercenary that reveals the figure are also a bait, for the other party to paralyze and enter the trap, and finally, the three dark mercenaries hiding around him. Appear together, when the next killer. ..

Enemy? Not like!

So, is it a transaction?

According to his own guess, Ye Qi chose a more likely choice. If it is an enemy, the dark mercenary who shows the figure does not need to exist at all, a thorough ambush. Isn't it good to add?

If it is a transaction. This is obviously a black and black!

After this event is fixed ng. Ye Qi’s curiosity has been greatly reduced, and immediately he wants to leave the black and black between the mercenaries. It is too common, basically the same as ordinary people’s one or three meals; such frequent events, natural law caused the leaves Odd attention; perhaps the two sides of the transaction reached the monthly level, the items of this transaction must be quite expensive, but for Ye Qi is still not enough.

However, if it is Yao. Ye Qi will still consider it.

Just as Ye Qi wanted to leave, there were two fluctuations in his range, a familiar familiarity, the postman who sent Raul an invitation after lunch, and the other one was relatively unfamiliar; however, according to the intensity of the fluctuations It is the strength to reach the star-level level, which is much stronger than the postman next to it.

For why two people appear here, Ye Qi naturally does not care, but the direction of the two forwards is obviously toward this side. Ye Qi can't think that these two people are the targets waiting for the Yue Hui class around him, if they only face these two people. Don't say five months of high class, one is enough.

With the close obscurity of the two, not only did Ye Qi, who was relying on it, detect the two, and the five-month-level dark mercenaries who were ambushing around also found their perception in Ye Qi, surrounded by three After the Yuehui class made a comparison to the two people who were used as bait, immediately, a person was rushing toward the two.

In order to be able to not affect the original plan, the remaining two people can do their best in the absence of a person; immediately, they changed their original position, and one of them was able to hide directly from the location of Ye Qi. At the position of the code, Ye Qi, who was ready to leave, had to pause at this distance. Even if the supporter Ye Qi had the confidence to see the method, he did not have the confidence to escape the pursuit of the other side's ears; His technique of stealth hiding is not very outstanding. If you hide alone, you can still make a sound, but if you move...

And the skills that don't appear in the skill bar are enough to illustrate the problem.

Of course, if you really want to leave, you have such a special ability, naturally it is difficult to fall back; but, in order to avoid the existence of a month of high-level, and use the special ability of up to 24 hours of cooling, even if Only a hundred n shadow servants need to be cooled, and there are another hundred n servants as spares. Ye Qi still chooses to wait in the same place after all, to see the other side's posture, the goal they are waiting for should appear; and this Time should not exceed half an hour, half an hour and twenty-four hours of choice, Ye Qi suspected to choose the former.


Time, about half an hour ago

In the other house where Raul’s family was located, Xilun, who had just been stunned and brought in another postman mission, was in the house, in a relocated room, throughout the afternoon. It has been repeatedly tortured; of course, such torture is definitely not something that is worthy of panic memories. At the very least, Weston, who is reawakened from a coma, thinks so.

At this moment, Xi Lun is already swollen with a nose and a green face. Even the teeth in his mouth are hard to be pulled out. This is not the place where he feels the most uncomfortable. He hands over his head and is **** with each other. Such a pair of feet off the ground, Xilun, who had been hanged for one afternoon, had already felt the tingling of his hands, and there was only hesitating, just like what other things were growing from the bones. Stop and drill.

Compared to the initial sting, this itch is the most unbearable; at the same time, it is sending a signal to Silent if his hands are not loosened, then he is on his arms. The muscles will produce necrosis; don't say that you will use the guns in the future, I am afraid that eating and picking up the knife and fork is a problem.

"Asshole, a group of **** guys!"

Xi Lun looked up and looked at the empty room where no one existed. This kind of martyrdom said everything that he knew about himself. For those who have been subjected to such criminal law, Xi Lun feels that he accepts this task. At the beginning, it is a mistake, a big mistake.

For twenty Kimpton. Put your own life on it. I am so stupid!

Stupid is almost like those pigs in the countryside of Donglin District!

Xi Lun evaluated himself like this. For a guy who can only watch his own arms be abolished, and then, someone who is killed by others, even if he is himself, Weston thinks that such evaluation is not taken into the room, and is carried out. After repeated tortures, Silent had no confidence in being able to walk out of the room alive; from the two guys who tortured him. The other party obviously will not leave him a living path.

If you can, I will never be a dark mercenary!

No, no, I want to continue to be a dark mercenary, to be a powerful dark mercenary, strong enough to be able to torture the two guys in the afternoon to kill the dark mercenaries!

Feeling the closeness of death, Xi Lun thought like this; he did not feel ashamed of his thoughts of such a momentary change, but instead thought of the two **** who tortured him for an afternoon, when he was crushed and crushed. The situation of begging for mercy has a different sense of difference; however, very. The smile on the face because of the feeling of the heart touched the wound in the mouth; the pain pulled him back to the West of Lun, who was almost unplugged almost half of his teeth. At the moment, the mouth is definitely called flesh and blood; unless you choose to drink porridge later, you have to find a denture master to help.


With the friction of the door shaft, the door opened, and the whole person of Shilun shook, although he had already accepted his life, but when the real death came, Xi Lun was no better than the average person.

"I have already said it completely, everyone, let me go!"

Closed his eyes, escaping the reality of Westen, straightforwardly seeking forgiveness.

"Small voice, if you don't want to really die!"

A strange voice rang in front of him, and Xi Lun, who was open for mercy, opened his eyes instinctively and looked at strangers who had not seen him before. Xi Lun was overjoyed, just like grabbing the last before drowning. A straw-like, crying again and again: "Big, adults, save me, save me!"

The speed of speech is very high, but the sound is not high. Obviously, the other side said before, Xi Lun is remembered in the bottom of his heart in order to be able to live, any word spoken by the other party, Xi Lun will remember; even let him lick himself, West Lun also does not mind.


The rope tied with the hands of Xi Lun, under the sharp dagger of the other side, immediately broke after a crisp sound; and Xilun, who was hanged for an afternoon, once again, on the ground, although in the first time because of the long suspension When he reached the ground, Silen’s straight legs fell softly to the ground. This fall immediately affected his injuries all over the body. Immediately, the pain of Silen sucked in the air, but there was not much pain in his expression. It is a joy.

Escape from the dead, worthy of anyone's delight!

"Adult, wait for me!"

Sylon, who had just stood firm, saw that he had saved his stranger and turned to prepare to leave the room. He immediately chased up to the death of Siren, but he did not want to go to the edge of death; I hate those who tortured him, but Syrene added that he was not an opponent in any of the armed forces, not to mention the now bruised body.

Therefore, Xi Lun is very clear. If he wants to live, he will only follow the man in front of him. What makes Silen feel relieved is that when the man came up with him, he hesitated for a moment, but in the end everything Didn't say that it was a good person to walk straight out. Xi Lun thought so; although the other side is also dressed as a dark mercenary, there are also some friendly people in the dark mercenary.

Although it is very rare, it suddenly snows with the chun forest area, it is rare to see, but it exists. It is like Xi Lun at this moment thinks that he has encountered such a person.

"Adult, there will be guards below!"

When walking towards the stairs leading to the first floor, Silen was useful and useless, and immediately reminded him that he was very serious when it was about his life and death.

"All the people have gone out, only one guard left, just killed by me!"

After the man answered this question, the pace was getting more and more, and after Xilun, who was behind the man, he immediately followed up and said as the other party said, when he went downstairs and came to the first floor corridor. Xi Lun saw the dead unlucky. The head and body are reversed at a hundred and eighty degrees. The fact that there is no ups and downs has already explained the fact that the other party died.

Very simple technique!

With this kind of thought, Xi Lun, his hands and feet are not slow, Fei searched for the weapon that the guard can find. When he found a revolver in the back of the other side, he always felt that he had no end in his heart. A trace of the soul; he never found a revolver so cute.

Then, in the guard's left calf, he touched a macaque dagger again. The unwelcome Weston pulled the dagger and the mace dagger together, and then. Straight to the other's clothes also smashed down an afternoon of torture, he has long lost his clothes, and the wounds in the wind in the night, not so beautiful, even the night wind in Xia Lin, It is also with a touch of coolness.

After he didn't want to escape from his death, Xi Lun met another man who could obviously avoid it, but he was unlucky and waited for Silence to wait for all gestures. When he walked out of the door, he had already seen the man who was his. Out of the old distance; after standing in the same place, Xi Lun smashed, and chased it straight.

It stands to reason. After leaving the house where he was imprisoned, he regained possession of weapons. He is already safe; but Xi Lun feels that if he leaves this way, it is really a bit of ignorance that it is like blocking something in his chest, so that he does not spit.

"Excuse me..."

After struggling to catch up with his life, Xi Lun asked at the moment to know the other's name at the very least. This is the most real idea at the moment of Xi Lun's heart.

"Who am I, it doesn't matter what I call; I save you because I owe you, so you don't have to worry about it!"

When Silent’s words were not finished, they were interrupted by the other party; the man’s speech rate was very high, and his footsteps were equally slow. Even if he spoke, there was no stop: “And I need to do one now. Things, and this is very dangerous!"

"I owe me? Do we know? Or do you know my parents?"

After Xi Lun bowed, he couldn't help but ask.

"I owe you nothing to your parents and have nothing to do with your other relatives! After you rescued you, now we are not owed each other!" The man said, the pace is getting more and more Get up; let Weston have to trotting to be able to keep up.

"Wait for me, I can't keep up!"

The wound in Siren's body, under such movement, the pain that broke out is obviously not what he can bear at the moment; however, he has not forgotten to shout; "Hey, do you need a helper?"

"Helper? Do you think you can? And we have not owed each other!"

The man paused for a moment, turned his head to reveal a funny expression, and then turned straight toward the target; at the same time, a word was passed when he turned around: "including the two people who tortured you in the afternoon, and their The two accomplices are in the place where I am going; one-on-one, I am sure, I will be suspicious if I am a pair of four! If you just got a birth, would you have to bury it like this?"

Who are there in the afternoon?

The pace of Siren’s advancement was a meal. Then, the instinctive stepped back. They were all there. If I went, I would vote for myself. No, I can’t go!

After instinctively stepping back, Siren, who took this idea, took another step back, then turned and fled in the opposite direction; but, just in the moment of turning, Silen saw that he had saved him. The man of a life is rushing toward the established goal.

One-on-one, sure; one-on-four, must die!

Since you must die, you have not hesitated, full of determination!

Then me, me...


Xi Lun once again bite his teeth toward the figure, even he himself does not know why; and as the other person’s figure is clear again, Silen comforts himself in the bottom of his heart, knowing that he is dead, Which fool will do this? He must be jealous of me!

That's right, just yell at me!

As if to cheer for himself, Xi Lun ran more and more, and even the pain on his body could not be felt.

"How did you stop? Go to the place?"

For a full ten minutes, Siren didn’t know how he persisted in the pain until he stopped watching the man’s figure in front, and when Siren was rushing When I recovered from the wheezing along the eyes of the man who saved his life, he finally understood why the other person stopped.

Eight or four bodies were distributed in front of them. Even if they were cut from it, Silen could see that the two guys were the ones who had been tortured in the afternoon.

"This, is this?"

Xi Lun looked at the dead body in front of him, and he could talk to the dark mercenary with a slight disappointment. Naturally, he did not see the body, but suddenly he saw that the person who had tortured him for one afternoon was smashed in front of him. A little unreal; even in the previous thoughts, he had long wanted to do this.


Before he finished speaking, the man before him slammed him and slammed to the side.

Ding! Ding!

Two arrows with only the length of the chéngrén slap, nailed to the ground; looking at the two arrows, Sylon looked up and sure that if he was still there, then this time must be the result of the cool heart .

"Thank you……"

In the face of the man who saved himself again, Weston, a dark mercenary, said the word hard.

"Can survive, thank you!"

The man stood up and looked at a dark mercenary who appeared in the field and was continuing to fill the arrow.

Ps first ~~~ timing ~~~

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