Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 105: I wish you all a happy night at the night of the night~~~

Huh? !

With the blessing of Ye Qi, the whole body is like being integrated into the shadow of yīn. He looks at the direction of the former Yuehui ambush who left in his direction, the unintentional 'postman' and another one. The strength is about the existence of the star-level, and at the moment it also exudes its own fluctuations; on the contrary, the volatility of the previous lunar ambush has a spurt, and it tends to weaken!

A slightly strong ordinary person who has no star-level strength, plus a strength about the star-level existence, can actually make a month-level dark mercenary injured?

Is this dark mercenary of this month's class too careless?

Or is there one of these two people hidden?

Ye Qi could not help but think about it. Although there is a existence, Ye Qi can reach the 19-perceptual state at this moment, and the existence of the body radius within one hundred yards is unobstructed, but it is only for the fluctuation, it is not the actual image. It is natural to have no problem if you use the discovery of a hidden person or identify a person, but it is impossible to use it to 'watch' a battle.レm♠思♥路♣客レ..

If one of these two people is hidden, who would it be?

Ye Qi’s thinking, unconsciously deepening, can detect any fluctuations within a hundred yards radius of Ye Qi, but the 'strength' and 'range' of this exploration are affected by perception itself; The warden who met the Holy See last time, in the normal state, the undead servant of the other party. Ye Qi was almost a big loss; after the blessing. Everything about the other party becomes invisible.

There was also the wizard who followed the young witch in Shack a few years ago. The other party's method also has a similar method of disguising its own 'fluctuation'. Of course, according to Ye Qi's speculation, the other party's hiding is also closely related to his perceived intensity; if he puts his perception now, even if there is no Blessing, he can also 'see' the hidden fluctuations of the other side.

At the time of Ye Qi’s thinking, the fluctuations of the postman belonging to the postman and another apostle about the magnitude of the star-studded level suddenly weakened; it was as if the ripples in the lake gradually became flat. The phenomenon. There is only one in it: severely injured and killed.

It seems that the ambush of this month is too big!

As a result of this fact, Ye Qi, who has been thinking about it, got the corresponding answer very naturally; immediately, Ye Qi took his attention back from there and could help, facing the rescuer, Ye Qi natural. He will not see death or death; only after he perceives that the lunar ambush before the two volatility approaches, he knows that these two people will not have anything in a short time.

However, the behavior of the Yuehui ambush has caused complaints to the remaining ambushes.

"What are you doing?"

The ambush who was less than five yards away from Ye Qi was whispered first, and the tone was extremely harsh.

"Don't you know what we are doing here today?"

After this sound falls. The ambush who was farther away from Ye Qi also spoke, and the voice was also dissatisfied; but such dissatisfaction. In the words of the attacking ambush, it turned into invisible

"One of these two guys is Hickel!"


At the same time, the sound of surprise shouted out from the mouths of the two ambushes who were closer and farther away from Ye Qi. Then, in Ye Qi’s line of sight, the ambush closer to him was straight away from the hiding place and attacked before The ambush leaped away.

"Really Hickel!"

A moment later, Ye Qi’s ear came with a voice that was full of oppression, but full of joy. For such joy, Ye Qi was understandable; in the unknown, or knowing the facts, I would like to believe it. In the eyes of the lie's, Hickel is completely a treasury that will move; unable to grab the map with the powerful organizations such as the Broken Mind, the Abyss and the Terror's Nest, then one has seen and found the map. The 'original' is naturally the best choice.

In Ye Qi’s line of sight, the ambush who had just exclaimed did not stop, and went to a place where the line of sight was clearer, facing the only moonlight-level dark mercenary of the five who showed his figure. The apparently huge surprise of the gesture, and the 'new king's treasure' have already made the ambush excited to expose his position.

With Superman's vision, and then the glimmer under the night sky, Ye Qi can clearly see the surprise on the face of the moonlight-class dark mercenary who revealed the figure, and the joy that followed; However, apparently as the leader of the five, the only moonlight-class dark mercenary who has revealed his physique still has considerable strength and has not forgotten what his main goal tonight is.

However, for the ‘New King’s Treasure’, this leader is also very important.

At the moment, the only moonlight-class dark mercenary who revealed his figure gestured to the ambush who sent him information; the latter, in the only moonlight-class dark mercenary who revealed his figure. When the gesture fell, he retracted again and came to the ambush.

"Hey, let's bundle the two guys! Throw them in a hidden place, wait until they have completed the current task, and then interrogate them!" This moment serves as the ambush for the liaison officer. I can't help but sigh: "Our luck is great! Not only can you get such a rewarding task, but you can also find Hickel that everyone is looking for!"

"After finishing these two votes, we can retire completely!"

The ambush who had attacked before agreed with the road.

The ambush's conversation ended, and after the two prisoners were simply processed, they each returned to their original best position. The line of sight involuntarily scanned the distance in front of the open space and waited quietly for the appearance of the target.

Will it be Hickel?

Ye Qi’s face in the shadow of yīn is also surprised by the fact that this treasure map of the 'New King Treasure' will be advertised to the world. Ye Qi is also a little unbelievable; in the afternoon he and the uncle of the ally's elder, Uncle Raul, eased. The Raul simply mentioned to him the existence of Hickel.

And use a simple word profile. It is to do things with their own bottom line, but it is not slippery autumn, like a muddy.

Therefore, according to Raul's estimate, the Hickel was found to be in a wrong situation. After he was likely to be designed, he was definitely slipping away and hid in a secret lair that no one knew. After the limelight, it will only appear again for Raul. Ye Qi still believes; after all, when there is no interest, he does not believe the other party and will deceive him in this respect.

However, the appearance of Hickel at this moment has undoubtedly proved that Raul’s understanding of the Hickel is not deep enough, or simply being misled by the other side.

In view of the fear that Raul sighed on Hick's face in the afternoon, Ye Qi was more inclined to the latter.

As for the rescue of Hickel?

By virtue of the relationship between the other party and Raul. Ye Qi naturally refuses to do things that can be done smoothly; however. Now is not the time since we have decided to destroy a plan for the ambush in front of us, then it is logical to destroy another plan, isn’t it?

As time went by, the lights disappeared, and the clear, bright moonlight sprinkled, causing the surrounding yīn shadows to shrink slightly afterwards, and became more and more smashed; and the roar of the engine in the distance was More and more clear, according to the trajectory of the front lights in the dark, a total of three cars are approaching, and with the approach of the vehicle, especially when the bright moonlight and the front lights are mixed, the ambiguous body and license plate When it became clearer, Ye Qi’s eyes could not help but glimpse.

Is the highest zhèngfǔ big man!

Looking at only the highest level of zhèngf 一级 或者 或者 or military general level characters can use the special license plate at the beginning of S, and the body and glass that has obviously been bulletproof, Ye Qi finally understand why there are five moonlight dark The mercenaries ambushed together and were divided into two groups.

Unlike the demon hunters and the high-levels of the Holy See, most of the top zhèngfǔ detached from the military, most of them do not have strong strength. Therefore, for the sake of safety, these people are equipped with appropriate personalities. The bodyguards of the bodyguards and the emergency squad will be drawn from the army, and the captains of the emergency squad and the two bodyguards are mostly from the special team; because the two positions are required to reach the monthly level.

Of course, for each person's life, everyone is cherished, except for the most appropriate zhèngfǔ; in private, these big men will also recruit some talents for themselves. This is very common, according to Ye Qi More than half of the eleven members of the zhèngfǔ know that they are doing this; this is a recognized secret in the dark world, but no one has broken it.

After all, no normal person can honestly say that the words "I am not afraid of death" are so heroes, they are dying, but it is also in the corresponding situation, they have dedicated their lives for their ideals or beliefs. If you let them lose their lives in the usual circumstances without any reason, I am afraid these heroes are also unhappy.

As for you saying that you are in a high position, should you have such awareness?

In this regard, Ye Qi and most of the demon hunters will only shrug. Perhaps at the beginning of the zìyóu era, there have been such scenes, but by now; everything has changed slightly, just like the original Holy See It is the core of 'mutual assistance and mutual assistance', but now it has become everything to the so-called 'god'.

At this moment, Ye Qi also understood how the director of the Inquisition made Tekavic, the archbishop of Red, so unscrupulous that he had dealt with the most important person who assassinated the highest zhèngfǔ, and revealed a trace of the Holy See. !

Undoubtedly, this kind of practice is quite rude. It is not rude to Ye Qi’s instinct to associate in this aspect. In Ye Qi’s vision, the action of the head of the Inquisition should be more secretive, such as hiring a murderer. The method is completely the kind of non-invasive businessman in the competition of evil.

However, Ye Qi has to admit that this method is effective. What is more deterrent than death, and more addictive?

Ye Qi is absolutely certain. Once the highest zhèngfǔ senior who came to the appointment was ambushed here. And the hiring person is likely to be some of the existence of the Holy See. At this time, the highest level of zhèngfǔ will definitely have a fierce reaction. After all, this threatens its own security. Even if it is a low-key policy, once it is life-threatening, no one will sit still.

Of course, there is another point that is immediately the highest election of the Speaker. Apart from the speaker who cannot be re-elected, the remaining 11 members are likely to win this position. How to fight for it is naturally to show your ability; if you can do this beautifully, then this is naturally a big plus.

Is this an unexpected surprise?

With such an idea, Ye Qi’s gaze glanced at a house not far from where it was the place where the postman who sent the invitation to Raul and Hickel were temporarily held; the fluctuations in their lives have tended to It was smooth, and it was obvious that the ambush was handled very well, not only considering the hidden problems, but also because of the value of Hickel, the wounds of the two were also dealt with accordingly.

For the two people who bring surprises to themselves, Ye Qi will naturally not leave it, not to mention. Original Ye Qi was trying to save two people; now, to that extent, there is more of a mind for a stranger, and for someone who has helped you. Under the same conditions, everyone will choose to help the latter first; this is not a human root, but a relative sense.

It seems that in a completely unfamiliar environment, if you meet an acquaintance, you will feel involuntarily. Of course, not all people are like this. In the eyes of some special people, all people are the same. They will not give special arrangements because of their close relationship with you, they will only be the life of the people; in Ye Qi’s hometown, such people are called saints.

Obviously, Ye Qi is not a saint, just a demon hunter, at most powerful; therefore, it is not surprising to have such an idea.


Good braking, the car stopped in a short period of friction with the ground; a total of three cars, separated by three yards, two before and after, appeared in a triangle array at that distance The only ambush in front of the body was less than fifteen yards apart.

Did not include the driver, has nine people from the car, each car three people in front of the two cars are basically fully armed, the highest zhèngfǔ unique defense suit, the latest T3 submachine gun in the hand, M61 Four types of grenade are hung outside the defensive suit.

If it is not the terrain is not suitable and there is no corresponding vehicle, Ye Qi can be sure that even the Viper rocket launcher and the 'Vulcan' Green cannon will be brought by these people; however, even the current equipment is not bad, not mentioning T3 This is the highest-level submachine gun, and the special grenade of the M6 ​​series alone is enough to cause headaches.

Unlike the M7 series grenade, which is known as the 'infantry killer', the M6 ​​series grenade is based entirely on concentrated gunpowder and is known for its powerful explosive power. It is the most defensive when faced with strong fortifications. Good material and this is just the first generation M60 grenade in the M6 ​​series. Now the M61 is the second generation of the M6 ​​series, and it has been given another feature that makes the highest zhèngfǔ extremely important: dealing with special people and creatures.

And these special people and creatures, naturally, need to know that people and creatures in the dark world.

In fact, when the M61 grenade was positioned, it was undoubtedly given high hopes by the highest zhèngfǔ; however, with the deepening of the research and the huge investment funds, the plan had to be stranded again and again, even now, the so-called M61 The type of grenade is only a semi-finished product. After all, the positioning of the M61 grenade is doomed to be extraordinary and difficult.

But even the semi-finished products have the firepower that is not inferior to the chariots, especially after adding some special things, and even more, the power of these grenade is doubled.

Different from the six people who were armed in front of the car, the three people who came down from the back of the car were all casual clothes. Two of them were divided into left and right standings in front of a middle-aged person with a graceful face. In the fluctuation of Ye Qi, the two people exude the fluctuations belonging to the moonlight level.

Obviously, the middle-aged man who is in the middle of peace and ordinary people is the real goal of the other party, and the existence of the two-month-level class is just a bodyguard.

"Mrs. Desa, good evening!"

The only one of the five ambushes who was exposed outside was standing on the open ground and talking to the opposite person.

"What about my daughter?"

The middle-aged man, known as Desa, did not care about the dissuasion of the two bodyguards beside him. He stood straight at the forefront of his own crowd. This ordinary man, without any timidity, stared at the head of the ambush. Shouted: "I have come, return my daughter to me!"

"Of course, of course! This is certain!"

The heads of the five ambushes nodded their heads and gestured at the accomplices behind them.

PS second more ~~~

Today is Tanabata, and I wish you all the best in the world.

There are still brothers who have not shot, a decadent reminder ah ~ start to hold on to say ~ face a good girl, we must first start to say strong, late regret it later ah ~~~

Thanks for the reward of the starting point of the sn100~~~ I am sorry to thank all the brothers and sisters who support the decadence~~~(To be continued...)

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