[Dungeon world]: The Matrix, completed [Difficulty of this instance]: LV.20-? ? (According to the task judgment, the highest difficulty of this dungeon is LV.35, world score +3)

[Number of completed tasks]: 4

[Main task]: Find the savior Neo, help Neo meet the mechanical god [Optional tasks]: Erase Smith's code and obtain the Prophet's core operating data. Final world score: SSS

[Player obtains the maximum world score, achievement task: Perfectionist (primary) completed]

[Task content]: Obtain the maximum world score [Current progress]: 3/3

[Get the mission reward]: World-class treasure chest (primary)*1

Start calculating rewards......

[Get the reward]: 25 attribute points, 30,000 reincarnation coins, player level +6, player backpack space +7 . (The current backpack space is 24 cubic meters)

The reward settlement has been completed and has been placed in the player's backpack. It is being transferred back to the player's personal room...

As soon as he returned to his personal room, Lin Shi was already sitting cross-legged and floating in the air. A huge amount of world power was gushing out from his whole body.

Even his body began to expand like a balloon.

The gray ball that he swallowed into his stomach had begun to explode, and the violent world power continued to Exploding outward.

He was busy using energy to seal the world power, while transferring a small amount of the world power to the nightmare deep in his consciousness.

This guy had pressed the mechanical god into a ball since he asked him to do so. It has been conveying to him the need for the power of the world.

In the depths of his mind, an image of a puppy wagging its tail has formed.

The bean vine in the room also consciously stretched and expanded its three leaves, Lin Shi wrapped him tightly, madly sucking the world power emanating from him.

Compared to the last time when he only devoured part of the world power of the world will clone, this time Lin Shi almost packed up the entire mechanical god.

Therefore, the violent world power did not allow Lin Shi to hesitate at this time, and he was forced to He took out the simple cultivation method that Hongjun had taught him before and practiced it.

Only by taking all four measures together could he barely withstand the impact.

Two full days passed before the leaves that wrapped around Lin Shi finally Slowly spreading out, and then retracting, the bean vine, which originally had only one bud on the third leaf, now has three complete leaves, but has not grown a fourth bud. It is obvious that the growth needs of this thing are The further you go, the higher it will be.

Slowly opening his eyes, a faint golden light shot out from Lin Shi's eyes,

But the golden light in the past was controlled by him, this time, it came from his body, because of his own reasons .

Standing in the room, Lin Shi was still slowly digesting the massive amount of information.

This time, through the nightmare, he cut off the source of the mechanical god's energy, not only taking away the matrix on which it depends for survival, but also draining away its energy, leaving only a mouthful of soup.

After God's world will was unravelled, most of the world's power actually went into Douman's stomach.

Lin Shi himself probably only absorbed 20%, and the nightmare also swallowed 20%.

After removing the world's power, Lin Shi found a crystal between reality and illusion at the core.

According to the cultivation method given by Hongjun, Lin Shi was surprised to find that it was the core of the complete world.

When his spiritual power came into contact with that After he touched the surface of the crystal, a large amount of information instantly flooded into his mind.

When he used the method of creating memory nodes to receive this information, he had to create hundreds of new nodes in a row before he could put the information in.

After a preliminary inspection, it was basically They are all the incomplete memories of the Mechanical God.

Excluding those meaningless sleeps and the process of controlling humans, there are still more than 20 nodes of content that Lin Shi needs to check carefully.

According to the information inside, there are many different ways to cultivate the power of the world.

The Mechanical God chose to use the powerful computing power to sublimate his consciousness into a god-level consciousness, and then condense his own world core. After that,

you can use it as a medium to mobilize the power of the world and control the direction of the entire world.

The cultivation method that Hongjun taught Lin Shi is biased towards the Eastern cultivation method.

The core of the world corresponds to the gold in the cultivation system. Dan and Yuanying.

However, there are differences between the two. The cultivation of the Mechanical God

The method is more like being born in a certain world. If that world has no master, then you can become the master of this world by following this method. The cultivation system emphasizes opening up a small world in the human body, and then expanding that small world until it becomes a complete world. When the cultivator becomes an immortal, the world is complete, and then the cultivator can control the world through his own Nascent Soul. In the memory of the Mechanical God, he also found out what the so-called Chosen Ones are, and understood why his world was treated this way this time. Chosen Ones, also known as Chosen Gods, Every time they reincarnate, some of the reincarnators are lucky enough to merge with the rule fragments of some reincarnation spaces. Those who have merged the core rule fragments are called Chosen Ones, which means that they are chosen to become gods. The rule fragments that Lin Shi merged are his talents, which are enhanced. Or they are the fragments of the branches that create the rules. Every Chosen One, in the current reincarnation, as long as he does not commit suicide, will generally grow into the master of a world and become a god. This is also the reason why the world wills showed goodwill to him before.

At the same time, those memories also described that the world will of each world was actually once a reincarnation.

It’s just that after they merged with their own worlds, although they became the way of heaven in their own worlds,

they would always be interfered by the highest will of the reincarnation space.

They were forced to take out their own worlds for the new batch of reincarnations to experience every time they reincarnated.

And these worlds can also gain benefits from it, such as the power of the world, such as the foundation of the world of promotion.

Since the world wills have their own consciousness, it is inevitable to form gangs and factions.

According to the three ways of becoming a god of flesh and blood, machinery, and energy, there are a total of seven camps.

Among them, those who simply rely on one of the three systems to become gods occupy three major camps, and the gods in these three camps are absolutely opposed to the other two camps.

The second is to rely on two of the systems to become gods, such as the immortal cultivator system, which combines the two methods of flesh and blood and energy.

Or like the combination of flesh and blood and machinery in the cyberpunk world.

Then there is the combination of machinery and energy.

These three occupy three camps respectively, and these three camps are the mediators between the three major camps.

After all, a camp that occupies two ways at the same time must have some dealings with these two major camps.

Since the gods in these three camps occupy two ways of becoming gods, they are generally much stronger than the existence of the three major camps.

Hongjun Laozu is one of the leaders of the flesh and blood and energy factions.

Finally, there is the most unique branch, the three-system practitioners.

This kind of existence can be said to be a person from all camps, or it can be said to be an enemy of all camps.

The three-system practitioners mean that the resources required increase exponentially, and it also means that after becoming a god, it will be stronger than all other camps.

So under a special tacit understanding, the three-system practitioners have basically become a camp that everyone shouts and beats in the entire reincarnation space.

In order to prevent them from dominating the world, all the people in the camp agreed that if they found a practitioner of the three systems, they must kill him directly.

If one person cannot handle it, they can even call on others to help for free.

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