The sky was full of clouds, and the sky was full of clouds.

Lin Shi, who was absorbing the energy in the energy center in big gulps, suddenly saw a blur in front of his eyes.

When he came to his senses, he had already arrived at a busy road, but the traffic was still, and there was only him and another figure on the road.

"Neo? No, not him, the will of the world?"

Looking at the familiar face, Lin Shi asked,

The figure who looked exactly like Neo rushed straight towards him. Lin Shi was about to raise his hand to release the lightning strike, but suddenly found that his ability had lost its effect.

At this time, he was just like an ordinary person. Looking at Neo, who had also become an ordinary person, Lin Shi turned around and ran away.

At the same time, he frantically called out to the nightmare demon in his heart, but the nightmare demon responded that it would take four minutes to completely take over the matrix world.

Four minutes? !

Lin Shi took a moment to glance at the figure chasing him behind him. Four minutes is four minutes.

Seeing that the space in front of him had reached the end, the road disappeared abruptly, and there was darkness and nothingness in front of him.

Lin Shi looked around and ran towards a building.

Even though he was running at full speed, his speed was much slower than Neo.

Seeing that he really couldn't run any faster, Lin Shi simply threw himself forward, propped himself up with his hands on the ground, somersaulted a few times, and kicked Neo,

but the other party dodged it.


Before he could stand firm, Neo kicked him.

With the help of his huge mental power, Lin Shi instantly figured out how to avoid this attack.

But the mechanical god with full computing power was the same. The other fist had already hit Lin Shi when he just made a dodging move.


Lin Shi rolled backwards and fell out. In terms of computing power, he was really not as good as the mechanical god.

He silently calculated the time in his heart. There were still two and a half minutes. Lin Shi gritted his teeth and stood up.

After being pulled into the consciousness space by the mechanical god, the opponent chose a pure, spiritual competition in order to completely kill him.

Just like in the martial arts world, the two sides competed with each other in internal strength.

It’s just that the mechanical god used computing power, while Lin Shi used mental power.

Even though Lin Shi could easily destroy the entire mechanical city, in terms of spirit, there was still a big gap between him and the will of this world.

Bang, bang, bang,

The sound of punches hitting flesh continued to ring out.

Even if Lin Shi changed his newly acquired title of Machine Invader and increased the conversion ratio of mental power and computing power,

he still had to be beaten.

There was still one minute.

One of Lin Shi's eyes had been beaten so hard that he couldn't open it, and one of his arms was hanging limply to one side.

However, one of Neo's legs was also covered in blood, and the Achilles tendon of his heel had been completely bitten off.

This was the result of Lin Shi's desperate efforts.

There was no other way. With completely unequal computing power, Neo's attack was like a special forces soldier beating a gangster.

Even if this gangster had practiced, he still couldn't keep up with Neo's speed of changing moves.

Only by using the method of exchanging injuries for injuries and weakening the opponent's movement speed, there was still hope of winning.

Dragging one leg, Lin Shi relied on various vehicles on the road to constantly deal with Neo.

Only when he really couldn't run away and was caught up, he would turn around and fight again by exchanging injuries.

Ten seconds, nine seconds...

Neo grabbed Lin Shi's hair and hit him hard with his head.

Suddenly, Lin Shi felt dizzy.

After becoming a reincarnation, this was the first time he suffered such pain.

Another kick hit Lin Shi's stomach hard, causing him to slide more than one meter sideways on the ground.

Just as Neo kicked him again, Lin Shi stretched out his hand to hold the opponent's leg, making it impossible for him to withdraw.

His mouth also bit the Achilles tendon of the opponent's leg.

With a blank expression and golden eyes, Neo bent down to grab Lin Shi's arms and legs and pulled them up.

While a lot of flesh and blood on his ankles were torn, he also lifted Lin Shi high above his head.

Just as he was about to hit the bent knee, suddenly, the body in his hand became heavier rapidly.


Unable to bear Lin Shi's weight, Neo was knocked to the ground.

After struggling and squirming for a while, Lin Shi said helplessly in a low voice,

"Stupid, recover first."

Then, as if a frame was pulled, Lin Shi's body flashed, and all the injuries disappeared, even the

Strength has also recovered.

Slowly standing up from Neo's body, Lin Shi straightened his messy clothes,

Stepping on him, Lin Shi slowly lowered his head, patted his face and said,

"I'm sorry, I was almost killed by you, but it's a pity that you didn't use the opportunity I gave you! You are useless!"

Stomping his feet hard, Lin Shi waved his hand, and the surrounding space became foggy under the erosion of the nightmare.

In terms of mental power, he Lin Shi is not an opponent, but no matter how strong the mechanical god is, can it be compared with the mental power of billions of humans?

After successfully taking over the matrix world through Lin Shi's brain, the nightmare is like having billions of stable sources of dream energy.

Eating the most suitable rations for it, and unlimited supply, in just a short while, the growth height of the nightmare at this time has exceeded any other nightmare in history.

After all, not all nightmares have the opportunity to have the power source of the entire world.

Similarly, since these powers were obtained through Lin Shi's brain and spirit, the Nightmare at this time was already in a semi-fused state with Lin Shi to some extent.

Therefore, when Lin Shi and the World Will were fighting with their mental power, the Nightmare was able to join in and use that terrifying mental energy to suppress the World Will with overwhelming advantage.

In the energy center, next to the huge ball of light, Lin Shi's figure appeared out of thin air,

[It is detected that the player has completed all tasks and is about to return to the reincarnation space, ten, nine, eight...]

As soon as he escaped from the consciousness space of the Mechanical God, such a prompt popped up in front of Lin Shi,

He hurriedly swallowed a ball of jelly-like gray in his hand into his stomach, while vigorously absorbing the energy of the energy center next to him, and spreading his perception along all the circuits to the entire mechanical city, and even farther away.

In the last second before leaving, endless electric light enveloped the entire mechanical city and quickly spread outward along the circuit.

All the machines touched by the electric light exploded or collapsed with sparks and black smoke.

Everything related to the machine was completely destroyed by the electromagnetic pulse that spread throughout the entire circuit.

Haha, I played with my body, how could I leave any trace on you?

With a smile of revenge on his lips, Lin Shi was completely surrounded by the light of transmission.

In a flash, he had returned to the settlement space.

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