Reincarnation: I Married My Ex’s Brother

Chapter 369: This man is so stingy (one more)

"Then I will have dinner."

"Okay, I will let the driver pick you up."

Wei Shuyi's car was crashed, and he didn't plan to take it anymore. He wanted to change to one with better safety performance, but thought of going to country A for further study after Christmas, so he didn't plan to buy it.

To travel now, either take a taxi or take a bus.

Hearing Qiao Jiusheng's words, the hospitality was hard to be discouraged, and Wei Shuyi agreed.

In the evening, he went to Fang Yusheng's house for dinner, and played at their house for a while.

At about eight o'clock, he planned to leave. Qiao Jiusheng enthusiastically retained him, "Anyway, you are not going to work lately, so stay with us tonight."

Wei Shuyi hasn't seen Wu Jiaren for several days, and misses her a lot.

He refused Qiao Jiusheng's retention and asked the driver to take him back.

Passing by Villa No. 7, he saw Dongli Shenghua and his son wearing sportswear, who had just returned from a run outside. He glanced at it, then withdrew his gaze. When approaching Wu Jiaren's community, Wei Shuyi called Wu Jiaren.

The call was answered quickly.

"Beauty, I'm almost at your house, are you at home?"

But Jiaren Wu said, "Mr. Dongli is going to see a client tonight, and I have to go with him."

Wei Shuyi was stunned.

He clearly saw Mr. Dongli with his son...

"Beauty, are you with Mr. Dongli now?"


"Where is it?"

Jiaren Wu didn't think what he said was any strange, she said, "At the company, I will set out to meet customers immediately."

Wei Shuyi's eyes were full of gloom.

He screamed and hung up the phone.

The car stopped at the gate of Wu Jiaren's community. Wei Shuyi thanked the driver and walked downstairs to Wu Jiaren's house alone. He looked up and saw two lights on the fifth floor.

She was at home, but she lied that she was not there.

Is she avoiding herself?

Think about it carefully, since he was discharged from the hospital, Wu Jiaren seems to have not actively contacted him.


Is it really busy or...

Wei Shuyi refused to think about the latter possibility. With good health, Wei Shuyi finally returned to the hospital to go to work.

As soon as Yuan Jun saw him, he unbuttoned his clothes.

Wei Shuyi was taken aback and scolded him for being perverted.

Without saying anything, Yuan Jun unbuttoned all the three buttons on his shirt. Without the cover of his clothes, all the pale pink scars under his shirt were exposed. Yuan Jun took a look and said, "Small injuries, you can't die."

I wanted to see his injuries.

Wei Shuyi quickly put on his clothes and glared at him, "No rules!"

Yuan Jun hummed, turned and ran back to his office, closing the door.

Wei Shuyi went to his office and saw Mr. Xu sitting there. Xu Lao deserves to be Yuan Jun's teacher. Seeing Wei Shuyi, he also did the same action as Yuan Jun-unbuttoning!

"I will do it myself!"

Wei Shuyi hurriedly took the initiative to unbutton the button and showed the wound to Old Xu.

Seeing the injuries, Mr. Xu nodded and said, "Your kid is dead. The car crashed, and the person only suffered minor injuries."

"Yes, fate."

The apprentice took his life back and returned to work in the hospital intact. Both Mr. Xu and Mr. Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

"You will have a blessing if you survive this catastrophe. Your wife went to buy food this morning, and you will go to our house for dinner after get off work tonight." Seeing Wei Shuyi opening to say something, Xu Lao immediately pointed out a finger Looking at him, his expression was pretending to be fierce, "Don't let it go."

Wei Shuyi nodded helplessly and agreed, "Okay, I'll go."

After get off work in the afternoon, Wei Shuyi drove Yuan Jun's car and went to Xu's home with him.

Old Xu's daughter Xu Yingying is back.

As soon as she saw Wei Shuyi, Xu Yingying rushed over, trying to hug him. Yuan Jun hurriedly crossed between the two people. He carried Xu Yingying by the skirts of his clothes and pulled her to one side, while educating her, "Your Brother Wei has a girlfriend. You can't just hug him anymore."

Xu Yingying curled her lips, shaking her shoulders, and shook Yuan Jun's hand away. "He has a girlfriend, so you can touch me casually? Let go!"

The hand was thrown away, Yuan Jun's face collapsed, and he put his hand up again, still saying something owed, "Then I just touched it."

"Whose salty pig's hand..."

Two young people, three or four years apart, were on the edge of the sofa, playing a game that you forbid me to touch, but I want to touch it.

Wei Shuyi saw the behavior of the two naive ghosts in his eyes, feeling helpless and heartwarming.

At the dinner table, the four elders humbled and asked him for a while, making Wei Shuyi unable to eat.

Sister Xu stared at Wei Shuyi for a moment, then suddenly asked, "Why don't you bring your beautiful lady here?"

Hearing this, Wei Shuyi shook his head naturally, a little helpless, and a little angry and preached, "Didn't the lady go as a bodyguard? Their boss is very busy, working overtime every night, and can only take two days off a month."

Seeing him who is so polite, he would complain and chatter to someone, but Xu Shiniang was relieved.

When Yuan Jun heard this, he gleefully said, "I heard that if the couple has not seen each other for a long time, or they are too busy, the relationship will be split." After speaking, he looked up and found that the eyes of the other four people on the table were all staring at him. On his body, his eyes were displeased and sullen. In order not to arouse public outrage, Yuan Jun had to shut up.

After dinner, Wei Shuyi and Yuan Jun both stayed at Xu's house for more than half an hour, and Xu Yingying told them interesting facts about her studying abroad.

"Daniel is very handsome, but it's too carefree, I don't like it." Xu Yingying said.

Yuan Jun said hurriedly, "Then you can get a lot of thoughts, people with chaotic private lives, be careful of getting sick."

"Do you treat me stupid?"

While speaking, the two men choked at each other again.

Wei Shuyi said suddenly, "It's getting late, I'll go back first."

Seeing the time, Ms. Xu agreed with it as it was almost eight o'clock.

Yuan Jun also followed him to say goodbye.

Xu Yingying escorted them downstairs. After going downstairs, she said to Yuan Jun, "Go shopping with me. I bought a pink shiny bag yesterday, and now I lack a set of clothes to match it."

Yuan Jun immediately shouted exaggeratedly, "Is there any mistake, buy clothes to match your bag. If you spend money like this, be careful not to get married in the future."

"Without spending your money!"

The two almost quarreled again.

Finally, Xu Yingying noticed Wei Shuyi, and she stopped arguing with Yuan Jun. It doesn’t get hot in the morning, and you can feel a little bit cool when wearing a long-sleeved shirt at night. Xu Yingying ran over, pulled Wei Shuyi's sleeves, looked up at him, and asked, "Brother Wei, are you going with us?"

Wei Shuyi shook his head, "I'm not going anymore. Go ahead and have fun."

Yuan Jun scolded him as a veteran cadre, and he returned home after dark. He didn't have the vitality that young people should have, and he didn't know how to enjoy nightlife.

Wei Shuyi thought of the rich ‘nightlife’ last time, and suddenly the wind was blowing under his feet and he ran faster.

After taking a taxi home, Wei Shuyi's forced smile all night, completely collapsed.

He turned his head to look at the shiny shops on the side of the street, thinking of Wu Jiaren, feeling a little irritable.

The next day, early morning shift, Wei Shuyi went to check the ward and returned to the office.

As soon as he sat down, the phone rang.

After opening it, he saw that it was a strange number. He hesitated for two seconds before answering.

"Hello, this is Wei Shuyi."

"Hello, Dr. Wei, this is Tang Junwei."

Tang Junwei.

It took two or three seconds to search for these three words in his mind. Finally, Wei Shuyi remembered this person. It was the boyfriend of a previous female patient who gave him a red envelope of 100,000 cheques.

When we are on account, when Wei Shuyi speaks again, he feels less indifferent.

"It's Mr. Tang, what's the matter? It's Miss Xiaojing's body..."

"No, no, no!" Tang Junwei hurriedly said, "Xiao Jing is in very good health. That's it. On the 20th of this month, it's my wedding gift for Xiao Jing."

"Xiaojing's life is the result of you dragging her back from Guimenguan. We can make it to this day, Dr. Wei, you are indispensable. I would like to ask, Dr. Wei can come to our wedding and give us a witness Huh?"

People called in person, and it was another big celebration of marriage. Wei Shuyi was naturally inconvenient to shirk, so he agreed.

After hanging up the phone, he looked through his diary and saw that it was not a few days away.

After thinking about it, he still took the phone and called Wu Jiaren.

When receiving his call, Wu Jiaren and Wei Shuyi were on their way to a certain filming scene to visit the actor. She hung up the phone before sending a text message to Wei Shuyi.

Little hooligan: [What's wrong? I am at work and it is not convenient to answer the phone. 】

Staring at this text message, Wei Shuyi's eyes darkened.

Working again...


Mobile phone vibration.

Jiaren Wu turned on the phone again and saw the message.

Brother: [Are you free on the 20th? There is a place I want you to go with me. 】

Little hooligan: [No way at 20, there are important arrangements that day. Can I go on the 24th? 】

Brother: [Forget it, I can go alone, you can go to work. 】

Turning off the phone, the slight look of expectation in Wei Shuyi's eyes disappeared completely.

"Who are you texting with?"

Dongli Shenghua's voice suddenly sounded in the cramped carriage.

Jiaren Wu put her phone in her trouser pocket and said coldly, "Boyfriend."

"Are you having trouble lately?" Dongli Shenghua discovered that these days, Jiaren Wu didn't call him during breaks. In his opinion, this is extremely unusual.

Jiaren Wu coldly snorted, "Should I say something to Mr. Dongli, thanks to you?"

Dongli Shenghua analyzed her words carefully.

What is she angering him?

Looking back on it carefully, Dongli Shenghua said, "I knew I was talking nonsense, did he care?" He chuckled and said to Wu Jiaren, "This man is really stingy."

Jiaren Wu didn't say a word, but there was a sad expression on her face. Looking closely, she was still a little angry.

So, that Wei Shuyi really suspected that she and herself were unclear?

Dongli Shenghua's mood suddenly improved.

He said, "Looking at it this way, he doesn't love you much, and he refuses to give you even the most basic trust."

Jiaren Wu still didn't speak, but her face grew darker.

There is no danger when visiting the squad.

Dongli Shenghua is not Conan, so the danger will follow wherever he goes.

However, there was a little actress who wanted to cheer Dongli Shenghua and kept winking at him. Dongli Shenghua looked upset, and said to Wu Jiaren, "Miss Wu, please find a way to help me stop that. The woman's gaze was disgusting."

So Jiaren Wu stood in front of him, blocking the woman's sight.

The woman was very angry, but Dongli Shenghua was very satisfied.

On the way back, he asked the driver to drive to a haute couture custom house.

When she got there, Jiaren Wu accompanied Dongli Shenghua upstairs.

After measuring the size of Dongli Shenghua, the designer walked to Wu Jiaren to measure her body data. Wu Jiaren was a little surprised, she looked at Dongli Shenghua in confusion. Dongli Shenghua read the puzzlement in her eyes, and then said, "When necessary, you have to accompany me to special occasions. You will not forget this, right?"

Jiaren Wu's eyes flashed, she didn't speak, but she cooperated with the designer's actions.

In a blink of an eye, it was the 20th day.

Jiaren Wu accompanied Dongli Shenghua to the destination, only to realize that they were attending the 30th anniversary celebration of Longxiao Entertainment. The banquet was held on the second floor of the Imperial Hotel.

The largest banquet hall on the second floor was taken down by Fang Fang.

Longxiao Entertainment and Shenghua Entertainment have almost carved up the entire entertainment empire of Country Z. For the 30th anniversary of Longxiao Entertainment, Dongli Shenghua should be there to celebrate. When Wu Jiaren and Dongli Shenghua arrived, many media were shooting them.

The long red carpet is about 20 meters long.

On both sides of the red carpet, the spotlights flickered continuously, and reporters eagerly greeted every big star. Jiaren Wu and the others waited until all the stars had walked the red carpet before joining hands.

This is the red carpet etiquette.

Even if she was knocked down by Dongli Shenghua's host, Wu Jiaren couldn't refuse.

Both of them wore black, Dongli Shenghua wore a black high-end suede suit, and Wu Jiaren wore a black high-slit long dress with a strong design style. The fork was opened very high, and Wu Jiaren's beautiful legs seemed to appear as she walked.

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