Reincarnation: I Married My Ex’s Brother

Chapter 370: The best looking person is my nephew (two more)

When the two of them played, they were full of vigor.

Both of them are tall and thin, with good looks and temperament. Standing together eclipsed those stars who were still wandering on the red carpet in front of them.

If it hadn't been for her face to be particularly unfamiliar, the reporters thought it was a certain actress who appeared on the stage.

Although Wu Jiaren is not a celebrity, they recognize that the man next to her is unusual.

The boss of Shenghua Entertainment, here he is!

Hurry up!

The combination of handsome men and beautiful women earns the most shots.

Dongli Shenghua walked to the signature board at the entrance of the hotel with Wu Jiaren in his arms, and with a big stroke, wrote the four characters of Luanxiang and Fengzhu. One look at the handwriting is extraordinary.

Jiaren Wu's handwriting is not delicate and unruly, like an iron-painted silver hook, with a strong and domineering stroke.

Dongli San Joaquin glanced at her name and praised, "Pretty."

Xixiaorou handed the pen to Miss Emcee without a smile, Jiaren Wu raised her head and said to Dongli Shenghua, "Where."

Dongli Shenghua lowered her head in her ear and said softly, "However, yours is more beautiful."

"Not as pretty as Mr. Dongli."

Dongli Shenghua has raised brows.

Is this comparing him to a woman?

With a chill in the eyes, Dongli Shenghua couldn't help but tighten her hand on her waist.

Wu Jiaren's heart shuddered before she said, "I'm kidding, why is Mr. Dongli so boring."

Dongli Shenghua relaxed the strength of his hands.

The two went straight to the second floor.

On the second floor, Jiaren Wu saw a large area of ​​faces that can only be seen on TV and the Internet.

The spectacles on the scene are intertwined, and the wine is full of fragrance.

All the beautiful women present were dressed in Chinese clothes and exquisite makeup. When they walked, they took charming small steps and smiled without teeth. Even if they were to show off, there were few who had more than eight teeth. Men wear suits and watches. They look good or look good, but they are the same and lose their taste.

Jiaren Wu stayed with Shenghua in Dongli during the whole process and met many wealthy people who used the words XX salary boss as the introduction.

She also saw the boss of Long Xiao Entertainment, now Fang Ping, the president of Fang Group.

After the banquet officially began, she also saw a man who looked exquisite and beautiful, no matter his temperament, his face, or his family status, all men present could not lift their heads—

Fang Yusheng.

Fang Yusheng came with his wife.

The two of them abused the dog all the time, even at the feast hosted by their uncle, and they dressed very luxuriously.

Fang Yusheng is handsome and self-willed in his clothes. He is wearing a gray and black couture suit that has just appeared in Paris Haute Couture Week and has not been officially sold. He wears a vintage brooch on his left chest. In the chest pocket, there is also a coquettish bright red rose.

His skin is pale, and when he slightly lowers his head to talk to Qiao Jiusheng, his chin will occasionally pass over the rose petals.

The extreme red and the alluring and beautiful white occasionally touched together, causing a strong visual impact on others.

At this time, Fang Pingping couldn't help but say to people, "The best-looking man on the scene is my nephew." Therefore, all the buns who have not seen Master Fang's true face are fortunate to see his honor.

Really look good!

It's no wonder that the CEO of Long Xiao Entertainment, Fang Jie, always said to his blind and confident artists, "If my nephew is willing to make his debut, you people will not even get a bite of the leftovers."

This is really not bragging.

It stands to reason that Young Master Fang has such a prosperous beauty that ordinary women and men dare not stand beside him.

But Qiao Jiusheng is the hero and leader of the women.

The beautiful woman in an ice-blue luxurious feather and large skirt, holding Fang Yusheng's arm, looked charming and charming when she talked to him with a face and a smile.

Two people present different states of beauty, but they stand together and the picture is extremely harmonious.

Their presence attracted the attention of many people.

Even Dongli Shenghua narrowed his eyes and said, "Mr. Fang and Mrs. Fang look really good."


Fang Yusheng lowered his head and said to Qiao Jiusheng, "I think, Asheng, you look better than those stars."

Qiao Jiusheng turned his eyes around the female artists, not taking it seriously. She is not as confident as Fang Yusheng, she knows she looks good, but here, the most indispensable is the beauty. Beauty, each has its own beauty and cannot be compared.

She chose not to speak.

Fang Yusheng said again, "I saw a beautiful woman."


"Over there, you look to the right, the one in the black dress."

Qiao Jiusheng looked down and saw Wu Jiaren who was standing with Dongli Shenghua at a glance.

He looked at Dongli Shenghua's hands on Wu Jiaren's waist.

Wu Jiaren smiled at her, but did not come over.

Qiao Jiusheng suddenly understood that she probably had to accompany Dongli Shenghua to attend such occasions because of work needs.

After dozens of minutes, Jiaren Wu said to Dongli Shenghua next to her, "I'll go to the bathroom."

"it is good."

She swayed her **** waist and slowly disappeared into Dongli Shenghua's sight.

On the side, an old acquaintance saw the look in Dongli Shenghua's eyes and couldn't help asking him, "This lady, is also an artist of your company?"

"No." Dongli Shenghua shook his head and whispered under the curious gaze of the old acquaintance, "She is my favorite."

Hearing this, all of them were in awe.

Jiaren Wu entered the bathroom, and after a brief comment, she leaned against the sink to wash her hands.

At this time, the bathroom door was closed.

A person, walked to her side.

Jiaren Wu tilted her head and saw a touch of ice blue.

"Asheng." She smiled at Qiao Jiusheng's lips and said, "It's fate, I have seen you a long time ago, but it is inconvenient to leave the employer, so I didn't say hello to you."

Qiao Jiusheng nodded, took the lipstick, looked at the mirror, and applied it carefully.

After she finished painting, she suddenly said to Wu Jiaren, "I think your lipstick is also spent, let me reapply it for you."

"…it is good."

Jiaren Wu leaned over, letting Qiao Jiusheng pinch her chin, and gently smeared her lips with her lipstick.

The two were very close together.

Jiaren Wu suddenly heard Qiao Jiusheng say, "Shenghua in Dongli is very dangerous."

Wu Jiaren looked surprised.

"Why is it dangerous?"

Qiao Jiusheng glanced at her, his eyes gloomy, with deep meaning hidden.

"Sister Jiaren, I won't stop what you are doing. But I hope you don't hurt Big Brother Wei." The last time Wei Shuyi went to Fang's house to play after his injury, Qiao Jiusheng discovered that he was a little different. Before, Wei Shuyi took a while. You have to take out your cell phone to read the message. But that day, for several hours, Wei Shuyi hadn't touched the phone.

This shows that the relationship between him and Wu Jiaren has changed.

Wu Jiaren's eyelids drooped slightly, covering her guilty eyes.

"Brother Wei likes you very much." No one knows Wei Shuyi's feelings for Wu Jiaren better than Qiao Jiusheng.

Sometimes she always thinks that her rebirth may be to bring happiness to the people around her.

In this life, she wants to help them be happy.

Wu Jiaren chuckled lightly.

"I like him too."

Qiao Jiusheng said, "Since I like it, I have something to say, it's better to spread it out."

Wu Jiaren's heart stung.

She thought of the note Kang Hui had written to herself, and thought of Wei Shuyi lying on the bed injured, his shirt was stained with blood...

The last time he survived a catastrophe was a fluke, what about next time?

Qiao Jiusheng sighed silently when Wu Jiaren fell silent and did not speak.

Emotional matters are really not something that others can reach out to interfere.

She swept her eyes on Wu Jiaren's hand, and saw that she was still wearing the heart-warming ring. She looked up and said to Wu Jiaren, "Sister Jiaren, this ring is so beautiful, you must wear it with you." After that, she blinked at Wu Jiaren and said, "There are two little guys waiting for us at home. Yu Sheng and I have to go back first. See you next time."

After speaking, she lifted the long skirt and went out of the toilet.

Withdrawing her gaze watching her leave, Jiaren Wu looked down at the ring on her left middle finger.

How is this ring different?

She has seen such a ring in the hands of Fang Yusheng and Qiao Jiusheng. Ah Sheng specially praised her ring for its beauty, and also hinted that she must wear it with her. Is there anything else special about this ring?

Tang Junwei and the others had planned to hold a wedding banquet at the Imperial Hotel, and they had made an appointment two months earlier, but they learned that there was no banquet hall available that day.

In desperation, they had no choice but to retreat and chose Longxingtianxia Hotel.

Xiao Jing is recovering well. Her parents took good care of her. Compared with the time she was hospitalized, she now has some flesh on her body. Her cheeks became more rounded, and she was wearing a white tube top wedding dress, not fat, just just right.

Every woman in a wedding dress is beautiful.

With the blessing of everyone, they held a wedding ceremony.

Wei Shuyi sat at the VIP table, smiling all the way, watching the couple exchange rings and kisses.

When they threw the bouquets, Wei Shuyi also ran to join in the fun.

It's a pity that the bouquet only dropped on the back of his hand and then jumped onto someone else's head.

He did not grab the bouquet.

He was a little emotional.

Recently, feelings are not going well, even holding flowers bully him.

During the banquet, Xiaojing and Tang Junwei both changed toasting suits, and when they came to their table, Tang Junwei offered to offer Wei Shuyi a glass.

"I still have to go to work in the afternoon, and I can't drink, can I use tea instead of wine?"

Tang Junwei had no opinion, but instead said, "What Dr. Wei said is that your doctors generally don't drink alcohol, but I didn't think about it properly."

"I wish you a happy marriage and your children are in pairs."

After speaking, he drank the warmed tea.

Tang Junwei drank all a glass of wine. Xiaojing, who could not drink, drank a glass of juice.

After the wedding, Wei Shuyi came out of Longxingtianxia Hotel and had to walk three bus stops before he could get a taxi. He just walked a few steps when he heard the noise. Wei Shuyi turned to look at the opposite side and saw reporters and some fans holding signs at the entrance of the Imperial Hotel.

On the LDE welcome screen of the Imperial Hotel, there is a line of words celebrating the 30th anniversary of Long Xiao Entertainment Company.

Wei Shuyi rarely stopped and watched for a few more seconds.

While queuing for the bus, Wei Shuyi took out his mobile phone to see where Wu Jiaren was and what she was doing today. He just opened the positioning software and discovered that the distance between him and Wu Jiaren was only 600 meters! Wei Shuyi was stunned, he did not believe that the location was the coordinates of Jiaren Wu.

On the little red dot that represents her position, the words Imperial Hotel are written.

Wei Shuyi suddenly realized.

Also right, Dongli Shenghua is the president of Shenghua Entertainment. As one of the two largest entertainment companies in the Z country, Dongli Shenghua cannot be absent from the 30th anniversary of Longxiao Entertainment. It's not surprising that the beautiful lady will be here.

At this moment, the reporters behind him began to make a sensation again.

Wei Shuyi looked back and saw a group of familiar stars walking out of the hotel door. He watched quietly for a while, the taxi was his turn, and he was about to get in, but he saw a familiar face in his eyes.

This was the first time Wei Shuyi saw Wu Jiaren in a dress.

She is really beautiful.

Her beauty is even more attractive than those of female stars.

Together with Dongli Shenghua, the two walked out close to each other. Dongli Shenghua's hand was supporting her waist, and they didn't know what he was talking to her. The two heads were very close together.

"Don't get in the car!"

The driver and the people behind Wei Shuyi began to urge.

"You get in the car first."

Wei Shuyi turned around and walked out of the line, standing on this side of the street, silently watching the two people leaving the hotel in an intimate manner and getting in the car.

Their car drove away in front of him, but Wu Jiaren didn't find him.

After the car drove a certain distance, Dongli Shenghua suddenly said, "Miss Wu, I seemed to have seen Mr. Wei just now."

Jiaren Wu's expression changed slightly.

"Where, where..." She was a little nervous.

Dongli Shenghua said, "It's just across from the hotel."

Jiaren Wu gave a cry.

Wei Shuyi didn't want to go to work.

He was sitting on the way home and received a text message from Wu Jiaren.

Little hooligan: [Where are you? 】

Wei Shuyi: [On the way home. 】

Little hooligan: [Have you been to Renmin Street just now? 】

Wei Shuyi: [Hmm. 】

Little hooligan: [Let’s meet in the evening. 】

Wei Shuyi had a foreboding that this meeting, the topics to be discussed, might not be very pleasant. He squeezed the phone tightly, turned his head and looked out the window for a while, then lowered his head and returned a good word.

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